NAACP "protesters" arrested for occupying Jeff Sessions office

Not going to be a fun time for herr drumpf and his neo confederate cabal

The confederates were democrats moron.......
They were more god damn American than that son of a bitch Lincoln who was nothing more than a blood thirsty tyrant who threw his own party members in jail for questioning his invasion of the CSA and censored the media in his wonderful USA.
The South ATTACKED the North not the other way around dumb ass, that is Historical fact.
actually, have you ever heard of Ft Sumter?
Yes I have Federal Property as I stated. As were the Armories the South Looted.
Six NAACP protesters arrested for occupying Jeff Sessions' office

Lock them up throw away the key! Its time to start cracking down on scum like this.

Why "lock them up and throw away the key"? It was a peaceful protest, the only thing it appears that they did wrong was trespassing and that's generally not a "lock them up and throw away the key" offense.

"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." -- Henry David Thoreau

UnAmerican scum like the NAACP,ACLU,La Raza etc need eradicated.
There are few things that are more un-American than calling for people to be killed for exercising their rights.
They are a threat to civil society. Just as men wrote the constitution men should and can make a few changes or adaptations to it. Use the patriot act I don't give a shit. If I had my way ANYONE I deemed disloyal to my rule would be locked up and tried for treason.
Yes, if you had your way we would be a dictatorship.
That, by the way, is not America. What you want is for America to be something that it is not. Hence, un-American.
Six NAACP protesters arrested for occupying Jeff Sessions' office

Lock them up throw away the key! Its time to start cracking down on scum like this.

Why "lock them up and throw away the key"? It was a peaceful protest, the only thing it appears that they did wrong was trespassing and that's generally not a "lock them up and throw away the key" offense.

"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." -- Henry David Thoreau

UnAmerican scum like the NAACP,ACLU,La Raza etc need eradicated.
There are few things that are more un-American than calling for people to be killed for exercising their rights.
They are a threat to civil society. Just as men wrote the constitution men should and can make a few changes or adaptations to it. Use the patriot act I don't give a shit. If I had my way ANYONE I deemed disloyal to my rule would be locked up and tried for treason.
Yes, if you had your way we would be a dictatorship.
That, by the way, is not America. What you want is for America to be something that it is not. Hence, un-American.
Oh we live in a style of dictatorship we just have the ILLUSION of control and choice. 1 man control where he loves his people and would die for them is the best kind of government. Hitler was that kind of man everything for the volk.

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