NAACP "protesters" arrested for occupying Jeff Sessions office

Here is the Challenge....

Why do they say Sessions is a racist?....since he isn't one...Just like to see the lies about Sessions.......
Here is the Challenge....

Why do they say Sessions is a racist?....since he isn't one...Just like to see the lies about Sessions.......
They don't have actual examples of him being racist since they made it up. That is how democrats roll they create a fake party line repeat it and when ask for proof just repeat the line.
Here is the Challenge....

Why do they say Sessions is a racist?....since he isn't one...Just like to see the lies about Sessions.......
They don't have actual examples of him being racist since they made it up. That is how democrats roll they create a fake party line repeat it and when ask for proof just repeat the line.

This is true, it is all about the far leftist narrative. If you repeat something often enough, it becomes accurate in the minds of people who do not pay attention.

I mean honestly, look at all the threads on Russian hacking by these people. Forget if it ends up being proven the Russians did it or not, but not one of these threads has one shred of proof that they did, it is all conjecture. And yet, someone visiting this board would think it is a done deal and a hot topic. It is the narrative......17 Federal agency's, blah, blah, blah, over, and over. It is redundant. Same thing with the EC, over, and over, when nobody was running to win the popular vote.

In other words........all it really is, is far leftist propaganda!
UnAmerican scum like the NAACP,ACLU,La Raza etc need eradicated.

Oh the irony is so delicious.:rolleyes:

"If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." -- George Washington

You and these goofy quotes from a man that set up a nation that was so easily overtaken by scum...not taking advice from a man who did a lousy job of setting up a nation strong enough to withstand the trash it would encounter in the years to come.

LOL, Thanks for the Pol Pot impression, very accurate and really funny.

No come back no surprise....just another cucktard with a fetish for a piece of paper.
Not going to be a fun time for herr drumpf and his neo confederate cabal

The confederates were democrats moron.......
They were more god damn American than that son of a bitch Lincoln who was nothing more than a blood thirsty tyrant who threw his own party members in jail for questioning his invasion of the CSA and censored the media in his wonderful USA.
Not going to be a fun time for herr drumpf and his neo confederate cabal

The confederates were democrats moron.......
They were more god damn American than that son of a bitch Lincoln who was nothing more than a blood thirsty tyrant who threw his own party members in jail for questioning his invasion of the CSA and censored the media in his wonderful USA.
The South ATTACKED the North not the other way around dumb ass, that is Historical fact.
Not going to be a fun time for herr drumpf and his neo confederate cabal

The confederates were democrats moron.......
They were more god damn American than that son of a bitch Lincoln who was nothing more than a blood thirsty tyrant who threw his own party members in jail for questioning his invasion of the CSA and censored the media in his wonderful USA.
The South ATTACKED the North not the other way around dumb ass, that is Historical fact.
Wrong as usual. The north tried to rearm a base that was THEN on CSA land and therefore under CSA control. PERIOD.
Not going to be a fun time for herr drumpf and his neo confederate cabal

The confederates were democrats moron.......
They were more god damn American than that son of a bitch Lincoln who was nothing more than a blood thirsty tyrant who threw his own party members in jail for questioning his invasion of the CSA and censored the media in his wonderful USA.
The South ATTACKED the North not the other way around dumb ass, that is Historical fact.
Wrong as usual. The north tried to rearm a base that was THEN on CSA land and therefore under CSA control. PERIOD.
Wrong the Base was legally part of the US Government as were the armories that the South stole from.
Six NAACP protesters arrested for occupying Jeff Sessions' office

Lock them up throw away the key! Its time to start cracking down on scum like this.

Why "lock them up and throw away the key"? It was a peaceful protest, the only thing it appears that they did wrong was trespassing and that's generally not a "lock them up and throw away the key" offense.

"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." -- Henry David Thoreau

UnAmerican scum like the NAACP,ACLU,La Raza etc need eradicated.
There are few things that are more un-American than calling for people to be killed for exercising their rights.
Six NAACP protesters arrested for occupying Jeff Sessions' office

Lock them up throw away the key! Its time to start cracking down on scum like this.

Why "lock them up and throw away the key"? It was a peaceful protest, the only thing it appears that they did wrong was trespassing and that's generally not a "lock them up and throw away the key" offense.

"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." -- Henry David Thoreau

UnAmerican scum like the NAACP,ACLU,La Raza etc need eradicated.
Yeah....Alt-Right solutions.....kill them all!
Not going to be a fun time for herr drumpf and his neo confederate cabal

The confederates were democrats moron.......
They were more god damn American than that son of a bitch Lincoln who was nothing more than a blood thirsty tyrant who threw his own party members in jail for questioning his invasion of the CSA and censored the media in his wonderful USA.
The South ATTACKED the North not the other way around dumb ass, that is Historical fact.
Wrong as usual. The north tried to rearm a base that was THEN on CSA land and therefore under CSA control. PERIOD.
Wrong the Base was legally part of the US Government as were the armories that the South stole from.
The USA invaded the CSA either way you look at it. You don't let the enemy rearm themselves to attack you AFTER they have invaded your waters and your property. Lincoln is still a tyrant,thug and communist sympathizer and dictator. I suggest you do some reading about your wonderful Abe Lincoln. So yall go ahead and claim that POS....

Lincoln and the socialist roots of the Republican Party

These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert, to fleece the people.
 Abraham Lincoln, from his first speech as an Illinois state legislator, 1837

The workingmen of Europe feel sure that, as the American War of Independence initiated a new era of ascendancy for the middle class, so the American Antislavery War will do for the working classes. They consider it an earnest of the epoch to come that it fell to the lot of Abraham Lincoln, the single-minded son of the working class, to lead his country through the matchless struggle for the rescue of an enchained race and the reconstruction of a social world. 
Karl Marx and the First International Workingmen’s Association to Lincoln, 1864 Red Republicans and Lincoln's Marxists: Marxism in the Civil War (9780595446988): Walter Kennedy, Al Benson: Books
Six NAACP protesters arrested for occupying Jeff Sessions' office

Lock them up throw away the key! Its time to start cracking down on scum like this.

Why "lock them up and throw away the key"? It was a peaceful protest, the only thing it appears that they did wrong was trespassing and that's generally not a "lock them up and throw away the key" offense.

"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." -- Henry David Thoreau

UnAmerican scum like the NAACP,ACLU,La Raza etc need eradicated.
There are few things that are more un-American than calling for people to be killed for exercising their rights.
They are a threat to civil society. Just as men wrote the constitution men should and can make a few changes or adaptations to it. Use the patriot act I don't give a shit. If I had my way ANYONE I deemed disloyal to my rule would be locked up and tried for treason.
Not going to be a fun time for herr drumpf and his neo confederate cabal

The confederates were democrats moron.......
They were more god damn American than that son of a bitch Lincoln who was nothing more than a blood thirsty tyrant who threw his own party members in jail for questioning his invasion of the CSA and censored the media in his wonderful USA.
The South ATTACKED the North not the other way around dumb ass, that is Historical fact.
actually, have you ever heard of Ft Sumter?

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