Name one federal or state law that you'd do away with.

I addressed the point you made. And if you're too butt lazy to verify factual data then so be it.

You think that legal means it's OK?

You think that it's not legal means people won't do it?

You said STDs would be higher. Empirical data says you're wrong. Way, way wrong. That's what I said, the rest you made up
You are dodging questions that law makers would not be able to dodge.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

I don't think those are questions that lawmakers should be deciding. Lawmakers making morality decisions? Talk about the least qualified people to do that
Weighing the legality of prostitution and even drugs against the foreseeable impact on families and disease is not a moral decision... even if there may be a moral component. It's a legal decision first and it should not be made without at least some serious consideration for what the unintended consequences might be or will likely be.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

Letting the most immoral among us, politicians, make our morality decisions. I'm going to pass on agreeing to that
Pass on it all you want. That's the reality of our political system / government. No amount of tilting against the wind will ever change it either.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You keep making the flagrantly fallacious assumption that passing a law = fixing the problem. The reason laws against things like murder work is that society in general believes those to be just laws. No one protects murderers.

On the other hand, walk down the street smoking a joint and see how much trouble you get in. Your body, your choice. That's why morality laws don't work.

Murder is the police and the people against the criminal

Morality laws are the police against the people
I addressed the point you made. And if you're too butt lazy to verify factual data then so be it.

You think that legal means it's OK?

You think that it's not legal means people won't do it?

You said STDs would be higher. Empirical data says you're wrong. Way, way wrong. That's what I said, the rest you made up
You are dodging questions that law makers would not be able to dodge.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

I don't think those are questions that lawmakers should be deciding. Lawmakers making morality decisions? Talk about the least qualified people to do that
Weighing the legality of prostitution and even drugs against the foreseeable impact on families and disease is not a moral decision... even if there may be a moral component. It's a legal decision first and it should not be made without at least some serious consideration for what the unintended consequences might be or will likely be.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You're begging the question, you haven't established that laws fix those problems. And they don't, they make them worse. They fund organized crime, destabilize countries, cause violence particularly in the inner city, drain money instead of at least taxing it. There is no benefit to the drug and prostitution and other morality laws and endless harm.

We are arguing two different things.

You: You oppose doing drugs, hiring prostitutes, etc.

Me: Should they be legal.

If you want to argue the first one, you need to find someone who disagrees with you. If you won't argue the second one and keep arguing the first one, fine, but it's dull to me because to me the second one is the question. Again we agree on the first one.

I spent 9 months in the Netherlands from June 2015 to March 2016 and didn't fire up one doobie or hire one call girl
It's funny that you think banning them does more harm than good. I argue that legalizing it will do more harm than good too. Only the harm will done in other areas.

Furthermore, legalization even where it is already being tried has not eliminated crime or a criminal underground in those areas. Not all prostitutes will take a legal route. Neither will their pimps and Johnson. Neither are all the druggies going to stay on that legal path either.

So, legalization solves nothing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

How's the war on drugs working out for you? I gave you a pretty good list. We learned what prohibition did for the mafia first hand, and you didn't learn it. Destabilizing Columbia, funding the Taliban (Afghanistan), shootouts in our streets, murders of federal drug agents, money laundering, none of those are phasing you huh?
You are dodging questions that law makers would not be able to dodge.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

I don't think those are questions that lawmakers should be deciding. Lawmakers making morality decisions? Talk about the least qualified people to do that
Weighing the legality of prostitution and even drugs against the foreseeable impact on families and disease is not a moral decision... even if there may be a moral component. It's a legal decision first and it should not be made without at least some serious consideration for what the unintended consequences might be or will likely be.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You're begging the question, you haven't established that laws fix those problems. And they don't, they make them worse. They fund organized crime, destabilize countries, cause violence particularly in the inner city, drain money instead of at least taxing it. There is no benefit to the drug and prostitution and other morality laws and endless harm.

We are arguing two different things.

You: You oppose doing drugs, hiring prostitutes, etc.

Me: Should they be legal.

If you want to argue the first one, you need to find someone who disagrees with you. If you won't argue the second one and keep arguing the first one, fine, but it's dull to me because to me the second one is the question. Again we agree on the first one.

I spent 9 months in the Netherlands from June 2015 to March 2016 and didn't fire up one doobie or hire one call girl
It's funny that you think banning them does more harm than good. I argue that legalizing it will do more harm than good too. Only the harm will done in other areas.

Furthermore, legalization even where it is already being tried has not eliminated crime or a criminal underground in those areas. Not all prostitutes will take a legal route. Neither will their pimps and Johnson. Neither are all the druggies going to stay on that legal path either.

So, legalization solves nothing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

How's the war on drugs working out for you? I gave you a pretty good list. We learned what prohibition did for the mafia first hand, and you didn't learn it. Destabilizing Columbia, funding the Taliban (Afghanistan), shootouts in our streets, murders of federal drug agents, money laundering, none of those are phasing you huh?

This is a neutral question....just thinking about the issue......if we were to actually legalize drugs...even the hard ones like cocaine and heroin...meth...and so on, what will the drug gangs in this country do? They will still need to generate income......I think it would deescalate the violence in our cities and make it more individual in nature......since organized crime groups would no longer be fighting over drug territory......
  • Thanks
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I don't think those are questions that lawmakers should be deciding. Lawmakers making morality decisions? Talk about the least qualified people to do that
Weighing the legality of prostitution and even drugs against the foreseeable impact on families and disease is not a moral decision... even if there may be a moral component. It's a legal decision first and it should not be made without at least some serious consideration for what the unintended consequences might be or will likely be.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You're begging the question, you haven't established that laws fix those problems. And they don't, they make them worse. They fund organized crime, destabilize countries, cause violence particularly in the inner city, drain money instead of at least taxing it. There is no benefit to the drug and prostitution and other morality laws and endless harm.

We are arguing two different things.

You: You oppose doing drugs, hiring prostitutes, etc.

Me: Should they be legal.

If you want to argue the first one, you need to find someone who disagrees with you. If you won't argue the second one and keep arguing the first one, fine, but it's dull to me because to me the second one is the question. Again we agree on the first one.

I spent 9 months in the Netherlands from June 2015 to March 2016 and didn't fire up one doobie or hire one call girl
It's funny that you think banning them does more harm than good. I argue that legalizing it will do more harm than good too. Only the harm will done in other areas.

Furthermore, legalization even where it is already being tried has not eliminated crime or a criminal underground in those areas. Not all prostitutes will take a legal route. Neither will their pimps and Johnson. Neither are all the druggies going to stay on that legal path either.

So, legalization solves nothing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

How's the war on drugs working out for you? I gave you a pretty good list. We learned what prohibition did for the mafia first hand, and you didn't learn it. Destabilizing Columbia, funding the Taliban (Afghanistan), shootouts in our streets, murders of federal drug agents, money laundering, none of those are phasing you huh?

This is a neutral question....just thinking about the issue......if we were to actually legalize drugs...even the hard ones like cocaine and heroin...meth...and so on, what will the drug gangs in this country do? They will still need to generate income......I think it would deescalate the violence in our cities and make it more individual in nature......since organized crime groups would no longer be fighting over drug territory......

Exactly, and no one is going to do hard drugs who doesn't now if they are legal. Everyone knows who Al Capone was and the mobs of prohibition. Elliot Ness didn't bring them down, the end of prohibition did.

When I lived in California, there was a vote whether to allow Indian Reservations to open casinos. The opposition was funded by Christian groups ... and ... Nevada Casinos.

The last thing the mob wants is legal drugs. That's their primary source of funding
You are dodging questions that law makers would not be able to dodge.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

I don't think those are questions that lawmakers should be deciding. Lawmakers making morality decisions? Talk about the least qualified people to do that
Weighing the legality of prostitution and even drugs against the foreseeable impact on families and disease is not a moral decision... even if there may be a moral component. It's a legal decision first and it should not be made without at least some serious consideration for what the unintended consequences might be or will likely be.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You're begging the question, you haven't established that laws fix those problems. And they don't, they make them worse. They fund organized crime, destabilize countries, cause violence particularly in the inner city, drain money instead of at least taxing it. There is no benefit to the drug and prostitution and other morality laws and endless harm.

We are arguing two different things.

You: You oppose doing drugs, hiring prostitutes, etc.

Me: Should they be legal.

If you want to argue the first one, you need to find someone who disagrees with you. If you won't argue the second one and keep arguing the first one, fine, but it's dull to me because to me the second one is the question. Again we agree on the first one.

I spent 9 months in the Netherlands from June 2015 to March 2016 and didn't fire up one doobie or hire one call girl
It's funny that you think banning them does more harm than good. I argue that legalizing it will do more harm than good too. Only the harm will done in other areas.

Furthermore, legalization even where it is already being tried has not eliminated crime or a criminal underground in those areas. Not all prostitutes will take a legal route. Neither will their pimps and Johnson. Neither are all the druggies going to stay on that legal path either.

So, legalization solves nothing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

How's the war on drugs working out for you? I gave you a pretty good list. We learned what prohibition did for the mafia first hand, and you didn't learn it. Destabilizing Columbia, funding the Taliban (Afghanistan), shootouts in our streets, murders of federal drug agents, money laundering, none of those are phasing you huh?
The war on drugs gives the people (through their representative governent) the power and the authority to fight back against a largely organized criminal element in our society.

I support the war on drugs.

Furthermore, I reject the idea that the criminal element in our society can be eliminated or neutralized by legalization.

You can post all the anecdotal evidence you want to about prohibition and the like but I can post just as many stories where the abuse of legal alcohol still takes place and destroys countless lives.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
I don't think those are questions that lawmakers should be deciding. Lawmakers making morality decisions? Talk about the least qualified people to do that
Weighing the legality of prostitution and even drugs against the foreseeable impact on families and disease is not a moral decision... even if there may be a moral component. It's a legal decision first and it should not be made without at least some serious consideration for what the unintended consequences might be or will likely be.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You're begging the question, you haven't established that laws fix those problems. And they don't, they make them worse. They fund organized crime, destabilize countries, cause violence particularly in the inner city, drain money instead of at least taxing it. There is no benefit to the drug and prostitution and other morality laws and endless harm.

We are arguing two different things.

You: You oppose doing drugs, hiring prostitutes, etc.

Me: Should they be legal.

If you want to argue the first one, you need to find someone who disagrees with you. If you won't argue the second one and keep arguing the first one, fine, but it's dull to me because to me the second one is the question. Again we agree on the first one.

I spent 9 months in the Netherlands from June 2015 to March 2016 and didn't fire up one doobie or hire one call girl
It's funny that you think banning them does more harm than good. I argue that legalizing it will do more harm than good too. Only the harm will done in other areas.

Furthermore, legalization even where it is already being tried has not eliminated crime or a criminal underground in those areas. Not all prostitutes will take a legal route. Neither will their pimps and Johnson. Neither are all the druggies going to stay on that legal path either.

So, legalization solves nothing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

How's the war on drugs working out for you? I gave you a pretty good list. We learned what prohibition did for the mafia first hand, and you didn't learn it. Destabilizing Columbia, funding the Taliban (Afghanistan), shootouts in our streets, murders of federal drug agents, money laundering, none of those are phasing you huh?
The war on drugs gives the people (through their representative governent) the power and the authority to fight back against a largely organized criminal element in our society

You're fighting back against them by giving them what they want, drug laws so drugs need to be bought illegally from them. Good job, wow, that has to hurt. Giving them what they want, wow, what a creative solution. How's it working out for you, they must be gone by now given all the years you gave them what they want to combat them. Anything?

I support the war on drugs.

Furthermore, I reject the idea that the criminal element in our society can be eliminated or neutralized by legalization.

You reject an idea that no one posited. What a debater you are. Well done I say, well done

You can post all the anecdotal evidence you want to about prohibition and the like but I can post just as many stories where the abuse of legal alcohol still takes place and destroys countless lives.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You think the mob losing it's primary source of funding when prohibition ended is "anecdotal?" Pick up a history book sometime. Our government schools have failed you
Weighing the legality of prostitution and even drugs against the foreseeable impact on families and disease is not a moral decision... even if there may be a moral component. It's a legal decision first and it should not be made without at least some serious consideration for what the unintended consequences might be or will likely be.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You're begging the question, you haven't established that laws fix those problems. And they don't, they make them worse. They fund organized crime, destabilize countries, cause violence particularly in the inner city, drain money instead of at least taxing it. There is no benefit to the drug and prostitution and other morality laws and endless harm.

We are arguing two different things.

You: You oppose doing drugs, hiring prostitutes, etc.

Me: Should they be legal.

If you want to argue the first one, you need to find someone who disagrees with you. If you won't argue the second one and keep arguing the first one, fine, but it's dull to me because to me the second one is the question. Again we agree on the first one.

I spent 9 months in the Netherlands from June 2015 to March 2016 and didn't fire up one doobie or hire one call girl
It's funny that you think banning them does more harm than good. I argue that legalizing it will do more harm than good too. Only the harm will done in other areas.

Furthermore, legalization even where it is already being tried has not eliminated crime or a criminal underground in those areas. Not all prostitutes will take a legal route. Neither will their pimps and Johnson. Neither are all the druggies going to stay on that legal path either.

So, legalization solves nothing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

How's the war on drugs working out for you? I gave you a pretty good list. We learned what prohibition did for the mafia first hand, and you didn't learn it. Destabilizing Columbia, funding the Taliban (Afghanistan), shootouts in our streets, murders of federal drug agents, money laundering, none of those are phasing you huh?
The war on drugs gives the people (through their representative governent) the power and the authority to fight back against a largely organized criminal element in our society

You're fighting back against them by giving them what they want, drug laws so drugs need to be bought illegally from them. Good job, wow, that has to hurt. Giving them what they want, wow, what a creative solution. How's it working out for you, they must be gone by now given all the years you gave them what they want to combat them. Anything?

I support the war on drugs.

Furthermore, I reject the idea that the criminal element in our society can be eliminated or neutralized by legalization.

You reject an idea that no one posited. What a debater you are. Well done I say, well done

You can post all the anecdotal evidence you want to about prohibition and the like but I can post just as many stories where the abuse of legal alcohol still takes place and destroys countless lives.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You think the mob losing it's primary source of funding when prohibition ended is "anecdotal?" Pick up a history book sometime. Our government schools have failed you
Do we agree or do we disagree that legalizing will not negate or eliminate the criminal elements and their motivations in our society?
You're begging the question, you haven't established that laws fix those problems. And they don't, they make them worse. They fund organized crime, destabilize countries, cause violence particularly in the inner city, drain money instead of at least taxing it. There is no benefit to the drug and prostitution and other morality laws and endless harm.

We are arguing two different things.

You: You oppose doing drugs, hiring prostitutes, etc.

Me: Should they be legal.

If you want to argue the first one, you need to find someone who disagrees with you. If you won't argue the second one and keep arguing the first one, fine, but it's dull to me because to me the second one is the question. Again we agree on the first one.

I spent 9 months in the Netherlands from June 2015 to March 2016 and didn't fire up one doobie or hire one call girl
It's funny that you think banning them does more harm than good. I argue that legalizing it will do more harm than good too. Only the harm will done in other areas.

Furthermore, legalization even where it is already being tried has not eliminated crime or a criminal underground in those areas. Not all prostitutes will take a legal route. Neither will their pimps and Johnson. Neither are all the druggies going to stay on that legal path either.

So, legalization solves nothing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

How's the war on drugs working out for you? I gave you a pretty good list. We learned what prohibition did for the mafia first hand, and you didn't learn it. Destabilizing Columbia, funding the Taliban (Afghanistan), shootouts in our streets, murders of federal drug agents, money laundering, none of those are phasing you huh?
The war on drugs gives the people (through their representative governent) the power and the authority to fight back against a largely organized criminal element in our society

You're fighting back against them by giving them what they want, drug laws so drugs need to be bought illegally from them. Good job, wow, that has to hurt. Giving them what they want, wow, what a creative solution. How's it working out for you, they must be gone by now given all the years you gave them what they want to combat them. Anything?

I support the war on drugs.

Furthermore, I reject the idea that the criminal element in our society can be eliminated or neutralized by legalization.

You reject an idea that no one posited. What a debater you are. Well done I say, well done

You can post all the anecdotal evidence you want to about prohibition and the like but I can post just as many stories where the abuse of legal alcohol still takes place and destroys countless lives.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You think the mob losing it's primary source of funding when prohibition ended is "anecdotal?" Pick up a history book sometime. Our government schools have failed you
Do we agree or do we disagree that legalizing will not negate or eliminate the criminal elements and their motivations in our society?

You're just debating yourself right now. No one said ending the drug war would "eliminate" criminals. Socons are so like liberals. You take every argument to such a ridiculous extreme. If you want to get back to anything I said let me know, but watching you debate yourself through me is boring as shit
It's funny that you think banning them does more harm than good. I argue that legalizing it will do more harm than good too. Only the harm will done in other areas.

Furthermore, legalization even where it is already being tried has not eliminated crime or a criminal underground in those areas. Not all prostitutes will take a legal route. Neither will their pimps and Johnson. Neither are all the druggies going to stay on that legal path either.

So, legalization solves nothing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

How's the war on drugs working out for you? I gave you a pretty good list. We learned what prohibition did for the mafia first hand, and you didn't learn it. Destabilizing Columbia, funding the Taliban (Afghanistan), shootouts in our streets, murders of federal drug agents, money laundering, none of those are phasing you huh?
The war on drugs gives the people (through their representative governent) the power and the authority to fight back against a largely organized criminal element in our society

You're fighting back against them by giving them what they want, drug laws so drugs need to be bought illegally from them. Good job, wow, that has to hurt. Giving them what they want, wow, what a creative solution. How's it working out for you, they must be gone by now given all the years you gave them what they want to combat them. Anything?

I support the war on drugs.

Furthermore, I reject the idea that the criminal element in our society can be eliminated or neutralized by legalization.

You reject an idea that no one posited. What a debater you are. Well done I say, well done

You can post all the anecdotal evidence you want to about prohibition and the like but I can post just as many stories where the abuse of legal alcohol still takes place and destroys countless lives.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You think the mob losing it's primary source of funding when prohibition ended is "anecdotal?" Pick up a history book sometime. Our government schools have failed you
Do we agree or do we disagree that legalizing will not negate or eliminate the criminal elements and their motivations in our society?

You're just debating yourself right now. No one said ending the drug war would "eliminate" criminals. Socons are so like liberals. You take every argument to such a ridiculous extreme. If you want to get back to anything I said let me know, but watching you debate yourself through me is boring as shit
Your most solid arguments for legalizing drugs and or prostitution to me is in how much crime (if any) might be eliminated by doing so.

Then too, one needs to address the unintended consequences of what you are proposing as well.

Anything short of that and you are wasting your time.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
Last edited:
How's the war on drugs working out for you? I gave you a pretty good list. We learned what prohibition did for the mafia first hand, and you didn't learn it. Destabilizing Columbia, funding the Taliban (Afghanistan), shootouts in our streets, murders of federal drug agents, money laundering, none of those are phasing you huh?
The war on drugs gives the people (through their representative governent) the power and the authority to fight back against a largely organized criminal element in our society

You're fighting back against them by giving them what they want, drug laws so drugs need to be bought illegally from them. Good job, wow, that has to hurt. Giving them what they want, wow, what a creative solution. How's it working out for you, they must be gone by now given all the years you gave them what they want to combat them. Anything?

I support the war on drugs.

Furthermore, I reject the idea that the criminal element in our society can be eliminated or neutralized by legalization.

You reject an idea that no one posited. What a debater you are. Well done I say, well done

You can post all the anecdotal evidence you want to about prohibition and the like but I can post just as many stories where the abuse of legal alcohol still takes place and destroys countless lives.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You think the mob losing it's primary source of funding when prohibition ended is "anecdotal?" Pick up a history book sometime. Our government schools have failed you
Do we agree or do we disagree that legalizing will not negate or eliminate the criminal elements and their motivations in our society?

You're just debating yourself right now. No one said ending the drug war would "eliminate" criminals. Socons are so like liberals. You take every argument to such a ridiculous extreme. If you want to get back to anything I said let me know, but watching you debate yourself through me is boring as shit
Your most solid arguments for legalizing drugs and or prostitution to me is in how much crime (if any) might be eliminated by doing so.

Anything short of that and you are wasting your time.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

OK, so this is what I argued, "HOW MUCH crime will be eliminated. That isn't what you said in the last several posts on the subject, you said I claimed crime will be eliminated, which is a crock of shit, never said that. That "crime" will be eliminated is the absurd hyperbole that no one said.

Since you're back to what I did say, for now, I'll rejoin the conversation. Are you not aware on the impact of prohibition on crime? Prohibition funded the mob who flourished in prohibition. They came crashing down when the primary source of their funding went away. They were no longer able to easily bribe politicians and the police as well as the source of their funding shrank.

Now we have the same thing with drugs. No one is going to follow laws that tell us what we are going to do with our own bodies. It's just low hanging fruit for organized crime. And that crime is causing endless shootings in our inner cities as they fight for turf and funding even worse crime in countries like Afghanistan and Columbia.

If we brought it above ground, corporations wouldn't be fighting with guns like cartels do. They'd be taxed instead of our putting endless money into police to fight a losing battle. There is no win in drugs being illegal, it's a calamity
The war on drugs gives the people (through their representative governent) the power and the authority to fight back against a largely organized criminal element in our society

You're fighting back against them by giving them what they want, drug laws so drugs need to be bought illegally from them. Good job, wow, that has to hurt. Giving them what they want, wow, what a creative solution. How's it working out for you, they must be gone by now given all the years you gave them what they want to combat them. Anything?

I support the war on drugs.

Furthermore, I reject the idea that the criminal element in our society can be eliminated or neutralized by legalization.

You reject an idea that no one posited. What a debater you are. Well done I say, well done

You can post all the anecdotal evidence you want to about prohibition and the like but I can post just as many stories where the abuse of legal alcohol still takes place and destroys countless lives.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

You think the mob losing it's primary source of funding when prohibition ended is "anecdotal?" Pick up a history book sometime. Our government schools have failed you
Do we agree or do we disagree that legalizing will not negate or eliminate the criminal elements and their motivations in our society?

You're just debating yourself right now. No one said ending the drug war would "eliminate" criminals. Socons are so like liberals. You take every argument to such a ridiculous extreme. If you want to get back to anything I said let me know, but watching you debate yourself through me is boring as shit
Your most solid arguments for legalizing drugs and or prostitution to me is in how much crime (if any) might be eliminated by doing so.

Anything short of that and you are wasting your time.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

OK, so this is what I argued, "HOW MUCH crime will be eliminated. That isn't what you said in the last several posts on the subject, you said I claimed crime will be eliminated, which is a crock of shit, never said that. That "crime" will be eliminated is the absurd hyperbole that no one said.

Since you're back to what I did say, for now, I'll rejoin the conversation. Are you not aware on the impact of prohibition on crime? Prohibition funded the mob who flourished in prohibition. They came crashing down when the primary source of their funding went away. They were no longer able to easily bribe politicians and the police as well as the source of their funding shrank.

Now we have the same thing with drugs. No one is going to follow laws that tell us what we are going to do with our own bodies. It's just low hanging fruit for organized crime. And that crime is causing endless shootings in our inner cities as they fight for turf and funding even worse crime in countries like Afghanistan and Columbia.

If we brought it above ground, corporations wouldn't be fighting with guns like cartels do. They'd be taxed instead of our putting endless money into police to fight a losing battle. There is no win in drugs being illegal, it's a calamity
Again, for all the crime you claim was eliminated by ending prohibition, I can post stories and evidence of how countless lives have been ruined by it being legal.

The down side is still there. It simply has a new address.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
You're fighting back against them by giving them what they want, drug laws so drugs need to be bought illegally from them. Good job, wow, that has to hurt. Giving them what they want, wow, what a creative solution. How's it working out for you, they must be gone by now given all the years you gave them what they want to combat them. Anything?

You reject an idea that no one posited. What a debater you are. Well done I say, well done

You think the mob losing it's primary source of funding when prohibition ended is "anecdotal?" Pick up a history book sometime. Our government schools have failed you
Do we agree or do we disagree that legalizing will not negate or eliminate the criminal elements and their motivations in our society?

You're just debating yourself right now. No one said ending the drug war would "eliminate" criminals. Socons are so like liberals. You take every argument to such a ridiculous extreme. If you want to get back to anything I said let me know, but watching you debate yourself through me is boring as shit
Your most solid arguments for legalizing drugs and or prostitution to me is in how much crime (if any) might be eliminated by doing so.

Anything short of that and you are wasting your time.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

OK, so this is what I argued, "HOW MUCH crime will be eliminated. That isn't what you said in the last several posts on the subject, you said I claimed crime will be eliminated, which is a crock of shit, never said that. That "crime" will be eliminated is the absurd hyperbole that no one said.

Since you're back to what I did say, for now, I'll rejoin the conversation. Are you not aware on the impact of prohibition on crime? Prohibition funded the mob who flourished in prohibition. They came crashing down when the primary source of their funding went away. They were no longer able to easily bribe politicians and the police as well as the source of their funding shrank.

Now we have the same thing with drugs. No one is going to follow laws that tell us what we are going to do with our own bodies. It's just low hanging fruit for organized crime. And that crime is causing endless shootings in our inner cities as they fight for turf and funding even worse crime in countries like Afghanistan and Columbia.

If we brought it above ground, corporations wouldn't be fighting with guns like cartels do. They'd be taxed instead of our putting endless money into police to fight a losing battle. There is no win in drugs being illegal, it's a calamity
Again, for all the crime you claim was eliminated by ending prohibition, I can post stories and evidence of how countless lives have been ruined by it being legal.

The down side is still there. It simply has a new address.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

Note you're back to the fallacious assumption that if alcohol is illegal then they couldn't get it and their life is saved! Yeah, feel behind your ears, it really is wet, isn't it? Teenagers can get all the pot they want in this country. So can you if you know any teenagers, just ask them
Do we agree or do we disagree that legalizing will not negate or eliminate the criminal elements and their motivations in our society?

You're just debating yourself right now. No one said ending the drug war would "eliminate" criminals. Socons are so like liberals. You take every argument to such a ridiculous extreme. If you want to get back to anything I said let me know, but watching you debate yourself through me is boring as shit
Your most solid arguments for legalizing drugs and or prostitution to me is in how much crime (if any) might be eliminated by doing so.

Anything short of that and you are wasting your time.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

OK, so this is what I argued, "HOW MUCH crime will be eliminated. That isn't what you said in the last several posts on the subject, you said I claimed crime will be eliminated, which is a crock of shit, never said that. That "crime" will be eliminated is the absurd hyperbole that no one said.

Since you're back to what I did say, for now, I'll rejoin the conversation. Are you not aware on the impact of prohibition on crime? Prohibition funded the mob who flourished in prohibition. They came crashing down when the primary source of their funding went away. They were no longer able to easily bribe politicians and the police as well as the source of their funding shrank.

Now we have the same thing with drugs. No one is going to follow laws that tell us what we are going to do with our own bodies. It's just low hanging fruit for organized crime. And that crime is causing endless shootings in our inner cities as they fight for turf and funding even worse crime in countries like Afghanistan and Columbia.

If we brought it above ground, corporations wouldn't be fighting with guns like cartels do. They'd be taxed instead of our putting endless money into police to fight a losing battle. There is no win in drugs being illegal, it's a calamity
Again, for all the crime you claim was eliminated by ending prohibition, I can post stories and evidence of how countless lives have been ruined by it being legal.

The down side is still there. It simply has a new address.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

Note you're back to the fallacious assumption that if alcohol is illegal then they couldn't get it and their life is saved! Yeah, feel behind your ears, it really is wet, isn't it? Teenagers can get all the pot they want in this country. So can you if you know any teenagers, just ask them
Show me where I ever said anything about how hard or easy it is to get.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
You're just debating yourself right now. No one said ending the drug war would "eliminate" criminals. Socons are so like liberals. You take every argument to such a ridiculous extreme. If you want to get back to anything I said let me know, but watching you debate yourself through me is boring as shit
Your most solid arguments for legalizing drugs and or prostitution to me is in how much crime (if any) might be eliminated by doing so.

Anything short of that and you are wasting your time.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

OK, so this is what I argued, "HOW MUCH crime will be eliminated. That isn't what you said in the last several posts on the subject, you said I claimed crime will be eliminated, which is a crock of shit, never said that. That "crime" will be eliminated is the absurd hyperbole that no one said.

Since you're back to what I did say, for now, I'll rejoin the conversation. Are you not aware on the impact of prohibition on crime? Prohibition funded the mob who flourished in prohibition. They came crashing down when the primary source of their funding went away. They were no longer able to easily bribe politicians and the police as well as the source of their funding shrank.

Now we have the same thing with drugs. No one is going to follow laws that tell us what we are going to do with our own bodies. It's just low hanging fruit for organized crime. And that crime is causing endless shootings in our inner cities as they fight for turf and funding even worse crime in countries like Afghanistan and Columbia.

If we brought it above ground, corporations wouldn't be fighting with guns like cartels do. They'd be taxed instead of our putting endless money into police to fight a losing battle. There is no win in drugs being illegal, it's a calamity
Again, for all the crime you claim was eliminated by ending prohibition, I can post stories and evidence of how countless lives have been ruined by it being legal.

The down side is still there. It simply has a new address.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

Note you're back to the fallacious assumption that if alcohol is illegal then they couldn't get it and their life is saved! Yeah, feel behind your ears, it really is wet, isn't it? Teenagers can get all the pot they want in this country. So can you if you know any teenagers, just ask them
Show me where I ever said anything about how hard or easy it is to get.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

When you say you can link to people who's lives were destroyed by alcohol, so we should keep it illegal, that has the implication that if alcohol was illegal they wouldn't have gotten it and their lives would have been saved. I mean duh
Name one federal or state law that you'd do away with.

I'll start with making pot legal.

i wouldn't touch state laws. I'm a big believer in state soverignty. The Federal Government's national laws are where I would look to end stupid laws. The war on drugs is the first place to start.
I'd pass a law making it a felony for anyone in congress or the White House to lie, 10 years in Federal prison. That would clean up the whole ugly mess in DC.
Name one federal or state law that you'd do away with.

I'll start with making pot legal.

I would abolish the law that exempts Congress from Insider Trading laws.
Your most solid arguments for legalizing drugs and or prostitution to me is in how much crime (if any) might be eliminated by doing so.

Anything short of that and you are wasting your time.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

OK, so this is what I argued, "HOW MUCH crime will be eliminated. That isn't what you said in the last several posts on the subject, you said I claimed crime will be eliminated, which is a crock of shit, never said that. That "crime" will be eliminated is the absurd hyperbole that no one said.

Since you're back to what I did say, for now, I'll rejoin the conversation. Are you not aware on the impact of prohibition on crime? Prohibition funded the mob who flourished in prohibition. They came crashing down when the primary source of their funding went away. They were no longer able to easily bribe politicians and the police as well as the source of their funding shrank.

Now we have the same thing with drugs. No one is going to follow laws that tell us what we are going to do with our own bodies. It's just low hanging fruit for organized crime. And that crime is causing endless shootings in our inner cities as they fight for turf and funding even worse crime in countries like Afghanistan and Columbia.

If we brought it above ground, corporations wouldn't be fighting with guns like cartels do. They'd be taxed instead of our putting endless money into police to fight a losing battle. There is no win in drugs being illegal, it's a calamity
Again, for all the crime you claim was eliminated by ending prohibition, I can post stories and evidence of how countless lives have been ruined by it being legal.

The down side is still there. It simply has a new address.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

Note you're back to the fallacious assumption that if alcohol is illegal then they couldn't get it and their life is saved! Yeah, feel behind your ears, it really is wet, isn't it? Teenagers can get all the pot they want in this country. So can you if you know any teenagers, just ask them
Show me where I ever said anything about how hard or easy it is to get.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

When you say you can link to people who's lives were destroyed by alcohol, so we should keep it illegal, that has the implication that if alcohol was illegal they wouldn't have gotten it and their lives would have been saved. I mean duh
Then you completely missed the point that was actually being made. Harm is done regardless, whether it is legal or not. So, it comes down to everything else that needs to be considered.

You seem to be willing to add legitimacy to druggies and prostitutes by making their activities "legal" and those of us who don't want to legitimize that shit don't see any benefit or reason to do so. Especially when it only trades one set of problems for another.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
I wouldn't target individual laws, I would target the bureaucracies that have been given the power by Congress to make their own laws. These are the Agencies, Bureaus, Commissions, and other programs that are constitutionally illegitimate and harmful to Americans:
  1. Commerce Department
  2. Education Department
  3. Interior Department
  4. HUD
  5. Transportation Department
  6. Labor Department
  7. Homeland Security
  8. Council of Economic Advisors
  9. SBA
  10. IRS
  11. Federal Reserve
  12. NSA
  13. FDA
  14. Amtrack
  15. FEMA
  16. DEA
  17. FCC

That's be my choice for elimination on day one. Then we'd REALLY start cutting.

Well you seem happy to bankrupt the whole of the US... No IRS is that smart?

Well you seem happy to bankrupt the whole of the US...

Only if we keep spending more than we collect.

No IRS is that smart?

When the 16th is repealed, there would hardly be a need.

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