Name one federal or state law that you'd do away with.

Name one federal or state law that you'd do away with.

I'll start with making pot legal.
Remove any law that protects labor and holds corporations back from making as much money as possible.

For example a coal mine owner shouldn't have to make his mines safer.

Why is there a minimum wage? I know a bum who would be my in home slave for $3 hr or $72 a day plus room and board. Wouldn't he be better off? I would be an opportunity for him.

Prostitution. If I can kill my baby why can't I sell my pussy?
how much is it?
Name one federal or state law that you'd do away with.
I'll start with making pot legal.
Remove any law that protects labor and holds corporations back from making as much money as possible.
You ended your sentence short there. You should have added: and remove any laws that prevent corporations from being required to report income from accounts stashed in foreign countries that they use as offshore tax havens to avoid paying US taxes on their billions of dollars in profit.

For example a coal mine owner shouldn't have to make his mines safer.
There's really no incentive for them to make mines safer as it is. Why pay all that money to make mines safer when it is more profitable to have a few miners die every now and then and just pay off their families. It just makes good business sense.
Name one federal or state law that you'd do away with.

I'll start with making pot legal.


The Fed
Popular election of Senators and make them State legislative appointees
Social Security/Medicaid, food stamps and all other Federal welfare programs
Roe v. Wade and make abortion State not Federal control
Taxing repatriation of money
Property taxes
All drug laws
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Commerce
All foreign US bases
Two war policy and replace it with defending the United States
NASA and fold defense space programs into the DOD
Patriot Act
Department of the Interior
Department of agriculture
Health and Human Services
Department of Labor
Department of Transportation

Just a start ...
Name one federal or state law that you'd do away with.
I'll start with making pot legal.
Remove any law that protects labor and holds corporations back from making as much money as possible.
You ended your sentence short there. You should have added: and remove any laws that prevent corporations from being required to report income from accounts stashed in foreign countries that they use as offshore tax havens to avoid paying US taxes on their billions of dollars in profit.

For example a coal mine owner shouldn't have to make his mines safer.
There's really no incentive for them to make mines safer as it is. Why pay all that money to make mines safer when it is more profitable to have a few miners die every now and then and just pay off their families. It just makes good business sense.

You two need to get a room
Repeal Roe v Wade and ban all VOLUNTARY abortions.

It is in arguable that the intent of our Constitution is to protect the rights of all persons equally. It is also in arguable that a person's rights should begin when their own life and personhood begins- and not just when we as a society can't justify our denials anymore.

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Last edited:
I wouldn't target individual laws, I would target the bureaucracies that have been given the power by Congress to make their own laws. These are the Agencies, Bureaus, Commissions, and other programs that are constitutionally illegitimate and harmful to Americans:
  1. Commerce Department
  2. Education Department
  3. Interior Department
  4. HUD
  5. Transportation Department
  6. Labor Department
  7. Homeland Security
  8. Council of Economic Advisors
  9. SBA
  10. IRS
  11. Federal Reserve
  12. NSA
  13. FDA
  14. Amtrack
  15. FEMA
  16. DEA
  17. FCC

That's be my choice for elimination on day one. Then we'd REALLY start cutting.
Wouldn’t get rid of any laws before I’d standardize them all. Someone who murders someone today and someone who murders someone tomorrow next door can get different sentences if both are found guilty. And that goes for a lot of different crimes. The punishments should be the same in the same jurisdictions. Now, if you can help the police with other persecutions…that should be the only deciding factor in getting less time. Not if you were a model citizen before you capped that dude or if you were a gang banger with priors. The crimes are the same.

As for getting rid of laws; nearly all of the new abortion laws need to go.

Sorry law is a bit different...

So a guy who kidnaps and rapes 6 year old girl and leaves her for dead.

should get less than than the child father who shoots him.

That is not what candy is taking about and you know it unless you really don't live in the U. S. And don't understand our laws..

Candy was using a general example on how fucked up our judicial system is.


One is Kidnapping and Rape and the other is attempted Murder....

I understand some parts of the judicial system has to be improved but mandatory minimums have generally been a disaster.

Going to prison used to be about rehabilitation, the US has huge prison population and high recidivism rate.

I am not saying as much Candy is wrong but he might be looking in the wrong place....

Another statistic which European find horrifying is cop Shootings:
You are
98 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK
72 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK, if white
242 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK, if black
20 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK, if unarmed(any weapon) compared to all killing in UK

What does that say about respect for the US citizen?

Well, I’d do other things too about the law. The OP limited me to “one” law. One of the first things I would get rid of is the possession of marijuana and bust it down to a citation offense. No need to have cops arresting you because you have a joint, aren’t operating a vehicle, sitting on your porch or are at a concert.

Honestly, take all criminality away from it IMHO. Regulate it...

There is massive advantages. Think the of the criminal economy, where are the major sources of revenue. Marijuana and Gambling are major sources (can't find a breakdown)... These are not considered crimes by most people. Thus like probation are just massive sources of revenue.

Gambling is legal in states and in many countries worldwide and can be done very responsibly and in UK & Ireland is one of the freeist marketplaces with betting exchanges accessible to the public to be able to bet or lay a horse. You choose to be a puter or a bookie.

Marijuana could be just treated like alcohol, licence to produce and licence to sell... Quality checked and regulated... % of Revenue from it can be targeted at drug rehab. This give nothing to criminal organisations...

I would do the same for prostitution...

Cut their money off.. Less money, criminals are let go... I know this is funny but they are businesses too. Less money, less attractive... Cops can concentrate on harder drugs, prisons can have less prisoners and concentrate on rehab rather than incarceration.
New York's Sullivan law, the one that basically tells the 2nd amendment to go fuck itself.
Wouldn’t get rid of any laws before I’d standardize them all. Someone who murders someone today and someone who murders someone tomorrow next door can get different sentences if both are found guilty. And that goes for a lot of different crimes. The punishments should be the same in the same jurisdictions. Now, if you can help the police with other persecutions…that should be the only deciding factor in getting less time. Not if you were a model citizen before you capped that dude or if you were a gang banger with priors. The crimes are the same.

As for getting rid of laws; nearly all of the new abortion laws need to go.

Sorry law is a bit different...

So a guy who kidnaps and rapes 6 year old girl and leaves her for dead.

should get less than than the child father who shoots him.

That is not what candy is taking about and you know it unless you really don't live in the U. S. And don't understand our laws..

Candy was using a general example on how fucked up our judicial system is.


One is Kidnapping and Rape and the other is attempted Murder....

I understand some parts of the judicial system has to be improved but mandatory minimums have generally been a disaster.

Going to prison used to be about rehabilitation, the US has huge prison population and high recidivism rate.

I am not saying as much Candy is wrong but he might be looking in the wrong place....

Another statistic which European find horrifying is cop Shootings:
You are
98 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK
72 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK, if white
242 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK, if black
20 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK, if unarmed(any weapon) compared to all killing in UK

What does that say about respect for the US citizen?

Well, I’d do other things too about the law. The OP limited me to “one” law. One of the first things I would get rid of is the possession of marijuana and bust it down to a citation offense. No need to have cops arresting you because you have a joint, aren’t operating a vehicle, sitting on your porch or are at a concert.

Honestly, take all criminality away from it IMHO. Regulate it...

There is massive advantages. Think the of the criminal economy, where are the major sources of revenue. Marijuana and Gambling are major sources (can't find a breakdown)... These are not considered crimes by most people. Thus like probation are just massive sources of revenue.

Gambling is legal in states and in many countries worldwide and can be done very responsibly and in UK & Ireland is one of the freeist marketplaces with betting exchanges accessible to the public to be able to bet or lay a horse. You choose to be a puter or a bookie.

Marijuana could be just treated like alcohol, licence to produce and licence to sell... Quality checked and regulated... % of Revenue from it can be targeted at drug rehab. This give nothing to criminal organisations...

I would do the same for prostitution...

Cut their money off.. Less money, criminals are let go... I know this is funny but they are businesses too. Less money, less attractive... Cops can concentrate on harder drugs, prisons can have less prisoners and concentrate on rehab rather than incarceration.
And when the prostitutes get pregnant? Then what?

Also, please expound on the affect on society of legalizing prostitution and unknowing spouses are infected with STDS and or families are broken up over it.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
I wouldn't target individual laws, I would target the bureaucracies that have been given the power by Congress to make their own laws. These are the Agencies, Bureaus, Commissions, and other programs that are constitutionally illegitimate and harmful to Americans:
  1. Commerce Department
  2. Education Department
  3. Interior Department
  4. HUD
  5. Transportation Department
  6. Labor Department
  7. Homeland Security
  8. Council of Economic Advisors
  9. SBA
  10. IRS
  11. Federal Reserve
  12. NSA
  13. FDA
  14. Amtrack
  15. FEMA
  16. DEA
  17. FCC

That's be my choice for elimination on day one. Then we'd REALLY start cutting.

How'd I miss the IRS! Nice catch.

Not sure I understand your reasoning on Homeland Security or NSA. You thinking the Constitution was a death pact?
Sorry law is a bit different...

So a guy who kidnaps and rapes 6 year old girl and leaves her for dead.

should get less than than the child father who shoots him.

That is not what candy is taking about and you know it unless you really don't live in the U. S. And don't understand our laws..

Candy was using a general example on how fucked up our judicial system is.


One is Kidnapping and Rape and the other is attempted Murder....

I understand some parts of the judicial system has to be improved but mandatory minimums have generally been a disaster.

Going to prison used to be about rehabilitation, the US has huge prison population and high recidivism rate.

I am not saying as much Candy is wrong but he might be looking in the wrong place....

Another statistic which European find horrifying is cop Shootings:
You are
98 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK
72 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK, if white
242 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK, if black
20 times more likely to be shot and killed by a cop in US than in the UK, if unarmed(any weapon) compared to all killing in UK

What does that say about respect for the US citizen?

Well, I’d do other things too about the law. The OP limited me to “one” law. One of the first things I would get rid of is the possession of marijuana and bust it down to a citation offense. No need to have cops arresting you because you have a joint, aren’t operating a vehicle, sitting on your porch or are at a concert.

Honestly, take all criminality away from it IMHO. Regulate it...

There is massive advantages. Think the of the criminal economy, where are the major sources of revenue. Marijuana and Gambling are major sources (can't find a breakdown)... These are not considered crimes by most people. Thus like probation are just massive sources of revenue.

Gambling is legal in states and in many countries worldwide and can be done very responsibly and in UK & Ireland is one of the freeist marketplaces with betting exchanges accessible to the public to be able to bet or lay a horse. You choose to be a puter or a bookie.

Marijuana could be just treated like alcohol, licence to produce and licence to sell... Quality checked and regulated... % of Revenue from it can be targeted at drug rehab. This give nothing to criminal organisations...

I would do the same for prostitution...

Cut their money off.. Less money, criminals are let go... I know this is funny but they are businesses too. Less money, less attractive... Cops can concentrate on harder drugs, prisons can have less prisoners and concentrate on rehab rather than incarceration.
And when the prostitutes get pregnant? Then what?

Also, please expound on the affect on society of legalizing prostitution and unknowing spouses are infected with STDS and or families are broken up over it.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

STDs are incredibly low in places like Nevada and the Netherlands where it's legal now. Way lower than banging a chick in the office. Sorry man, the facts don't support you
Wouldn’t get rid of any laws before I’d standardize them all. Someone who murders someone today and someone who murders someone tomorrow next door can get different sentences if both are found guilty. And that goes for a lot of different crimes. The punishments should be the same in the same jurisdictions. Now, if you can help the police with other persecutions…that should be the only deciding factor in getting less time. Not if you were a model citizen before you capped that dude or if you were a gang banger with priors. The crimes are the same.

As for getting rid of laws; nearly all of the new abortion laws need to go.

Sorry law is a bit different...

So a guy who kidnaps and rapes 6 year old girl and leaves her for dead.

should get less than than the child father who shoots him.

I’m assuming you mean the father “kills” the kidnapper/rapist?

If so and he is convicted of murder…yes*. I put an asterisk there because I think that rape/murder should both be life sentences. But yeah, murder will carry a heavier sentence than rape and murder.

But would which of the two could be rehabilitated? Which is a menace to society?

Do you think prison is for punishment or for rehabilitation?
Wouldn’t get rid of any laws before I’d standardize them all. Someone who murders someone today and someone who murders someone tomorrow next door can get different sentences if both are found guilty. And that goes for a lot of different crimes. The punishments should be the same in the same jurisdictions. Now, if you can help the police with other persecutions…that should be the only deciding factor in getting less time. Not if you were a model citizen before you capped that dude or if you were a gang banger with priors. The crimes are the same.

As for getting rid of laws; nearly all of the new abortion laws need to go.

Sorry law is a bit different...

So a guy who kidnaps and rapes 6 year old girl and leaves her for dead.

should get less than than the child father who shoots him.

I’m assuming you mean the father “kills” the kidnapper/rapist?

If so and he is convicted of murder…yes*. I put an asterisk there because I think that rape/murder should both be life sentences. But yeah, murder will carry a heavier sentence than rape and murder.

But would which of the two could be rehabilitated? Which is a menace to society?

Do you think prison is for punishment or for rehabilitation?


edit…or at least should be the first purpose. If rehabilitation comes out of someone being punished into submission and realizing that they are on the wrong track…so be it.
Wouldn’t get rid of any laws before I’d standardize them all. Someone who murders someone today and someone who murders someone tomorrow next door can get different sentences if both are found guilty. And that goes for a lot of different crimes. The punishments should be the same in the same jurisdictions. Now, if you can help the police with other persecutions…that should be the only deciding factor in getting less time. Not if you were a model citizen before you capped that dude or if you were a gang banger with priors. The crimes are the same.

As for getting rid of laws; nearly all of the new abortion laws need to go.

Sorry law is a bit different...

So a guy who kidnaps and rapes 6 year old girl and leaves her for dead.

should get less than than the child father who shoots him.

I’m assuming you mean the father “kills” the kidnapper/rapist?

If so and he is convicted of murder…yes*. I put an asterisk there because I think that rape/murder should both be life sentences. But yeah, murder will carry a heavier sentence than rape and murder.

But would which of the two could be rehabilitated? Which is a menace to society?

Do you think prison is for punishment or for rehabilitation?

It's to protect citizens

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