Name one good thing Democrats have accomplished

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Anything that annoys you must be a net positive for the nation. You seem bothered so that is something.
Anything? I didn't know my annoyance had so much power. Burning down cities and demonizing folks is ok, if you think it bothers me. Explain that.
They got the Orange Sociopath out of the White House? :cool:
And in doing so, the Democratic Party re-emerges as the party it once was. That part that gave us the "N" word.

Kondor (a vulture that scavenges from that which is the life of another) shows how hate, insulting, is has been revived from it's brief absence in the Democratic Party.

Yes, look at the insults the Democrats sling, is there any doubt, kondor is giving us the evidence, that the democratic party was the party of bigotry, calling people the "N" word. They have replaced the "N" word with every insult and slur directed at Trump, and us, who for a brief moment enjoyed a life we can no longer afford while we are under the boot of the Democratic Party's tyranny.
LBJ and Vietnam, that ended on a sour note, Oh wait, the great society thing that basicaly made poor blacks dependant on the government? How did that work? If you don't vote for Biden, you ain't...
Below is a link that well illustrates the statist left ideology CAN accomplish @ least one good thing, @ least according to their Marxist religion.

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So far, what has all this Soros/China sponsored Democratic party accomplished? They cured cancer? Nope. Put a man on the moon? Nope. What actual accomplishments do they have/ WHAT? The only thing Democrats have accomplished is dividing this country. That is It. Over nothing.
Democrats need to change their name. Autocrats, perhaps. They don't care about blacks, gays or anything else. Nope. At this point, does anyone actually believe anything they say? People are suiciding if you don't agree with them...but then fund the right to suicide, What? Excuse me?
They're mostly ugly as fuck.

liberal ugly fucks.jpg
LBJ and Vietnam, that ended on a sour note, Oh wait, the great society thing that basicaly made poor blacks dependant on the government? How did that work? If you don't vote for Biden, you ain't...

They showed everyone how donkeys were assholes. My wife got ran over by a donkey once, and everyone should know what assholes they are.

That's all I got.
40 hour work week
clean water
Labor Day
compulsory public schooling
the very fabric of our society--liberal ideas.

40 hour work week, for illegal aliens

clean water, democrats gave us poisoned water so that Nixon could start the EPA

overtime, because inflation is so high we cant live without 80hr weeks, and this cancels out that 40 hr work week, cant live on 40 hrs

Labor Day, the first Labor Day (republican president harris) was 1888, that is how far back democrats must go to find something to try to claim they started that was good

compulsory public schooling, yes, dictating everybody must go to school, and then making public schools bad, and good private schools only for the rich

the very fabric of our society--liberal ideas. Transexual Men competing as women, a fabric more like burlap, not fine cotton.
40 hour work week
clean water
Labor Day
compulsory public schooling
the very fabric of our society--liberal ideas.

Preposterous. Most people are having to work more than 40 hours to get by.

Ask those folks in Michigan how they like their "clean water" after the train derailed.

Labor Day is a fake holiday.

Public school turns out more idiots like yourself.

The fabric of your society is worn and tattered. Your ass is showing, cover up, ok?
40 hour work week, for illegal aliens

clean water, democrats gave us poisoned water so that Nixon could start the EPA

overtime, because inflation is so high we cant live without 80hr weeks, and this cancels out that 40 hr work week, cant live on 40 hrs

Labor Day, the first Labor Day (republican president harris) was 1888, that is how far back democrats must go to find something to try to claim they started that was good

compulsory public schooling, yes, dictating everybody must go to school, and then making public schools bad, and good private schools only for the rich

the very fabric of our society--liberal ideas. Transexual Men competing as women, a fabric more like burlap, not fine cotton.
You're a simple fool.

Too much nonsense there to address on a Sunday night...
So far, what has all this Soros/China sponsored Democratic party accomplished? They cured cancer? Nope. Put a man on the moon? Nope. What actual accomplishments do they have/ WHAT? The only thing Democrats have accomplished is dividing this country. That is It. Over nothing.

The Biden Cancer has:
1. Increased the number of illegals flooding in from our southern border by 7,000,000 and counting,
2. Spread hatred and bitterness just as Obama did for his entire blighted years in the Oval Office,
3. Added billions to our national debt,
4. Increased inflation enormously due to his incompetence and hatcheting our oil production,
5. Encouraged our enemies and aided and abetted them, just as Obama did,
6. Spread lunatic homosexuality and transgender throughout our military, and elementary schools,
7. Promoted looting and arson in city after city.
(Partial list)

Democrats destroy everything they touch. Look at education.

clean water
well, the way democrats gave us clean water was

THE Cuyahoga River, which caught fire 14 times because of the heavy industrial pollution​

In 1969, the fires were the worst, this sparked the environmental movements

Yes, with a Democrat as President of the USA, a Democrat as the Governor of Ohio, and a Democrat as the mayor of Cleveland, industry was able to freely poison our world until rivers caught on fire.

clean water, thank you democrat, liars
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