name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .

He pissed racists like yourself off.

That's a good thing.
Yeah, he fucks with people.

Excellent trait of leadership.

Everyone but the sycophantic Obama zombies hates his guts.
Here is a list of 262 of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss these as lies.

Okay, now your turn.

Name even one thing the Repubs have done FOR the US.

Let me save you some time and typing.

The Repub have done NOT ONE FUCKING THING for the US.
See, that list is typical. Obama created a commission on spending. Great. What the fuck has that actually done? I mean, aside from creating patronage jobs.
The list is bullshit. Obama is the most failed president since Baby Doc.

The above Rabbi comment will be used to object to any accomplishment.

"What has it REALLY done besides *insert paranoid bullshit here"?"
Here is a list of 262 of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss these as lies.

Okay, now your turn.

Name even one thing the Repubs have done FOR the US.

Let me save you some time and typing.

The Repub have done NOT ONE FUCKING THING for the US.
I don't think you are going to get an itelligent deate from these Obama haters because it would actually mean reading this list and going through any points they don't sgree with and presenting clear and articulate responses about that subject. Never going to happen.

It depends on how one defines good. If signing legislation that promised to control rising medical costs and give us more choices but instead restricts our options and forces us to pay for coverage we don't need is good then yes.

If promising to improve American standing in the world but instead backstabbing our allies while helping our enemies is good then yes.

If downgrading or financial rating is good then yes.

If refusing to secure our borders and allowing if not facilitating the spread of infectious diseases is good then yes.
Here is a list of 262 of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss these as lies.

Okay, now your turn.

Name even one thing the Repubs have done FOR the US.

Let me save you some time and typing.

The Repub have done NOT ONE FUCKING THING for the US.
I don't think you are going to get an itelligent deate from these Obama haters because it would actually mean reading this list and going through any points they don't sgree with and presenting clear and articulate responses about that subject. Never going to happen.

It depends on how one defines good.

Which is If Obama does it, its not good

And medical inflation has fallen to its lowest rate in half a century:


More insurers are planning to enter the markets, and the widespread price hikes conservatives confidently predicted appear unlikely. Republicans have slowly begun reconciling themselves to the law’s irreversibility. Republican pollsters are advising their candidates to soften their anti-Obamacare rhetoric; even as implacable a critic as Mitch McConnell hasobscured his position on repealing the law.

All of Obama’s domestic reforms involved compromises and imperfections, a quality they have in common with every major accomplishment in history. Also like the major accomplishments of the past, Obama’s will undergo future revision. All will continue to generate some level of conservative recrimination — one can still find conservatives here and there determined to phase out Social Security or outlaw the U.S. income tax. Most of them will recede into the backdrop of the policy landscape and eventually serve as the baseline against which to portray future liberals as the true radicals, just as Republicans now embrace Medicare. It is also possible that the remaining two and a half years will envelop Obama in some kind of disaster, like Iran-Contra, Vietnam, or Watergate. What’s no longer possible is to imagine that historians will look back at Obama’s presidency and conclude not much got done.

Obama Has Now Fulfilled His 4 Big Promises -- NYMag

Just to start
Just for fun

sherelle.smithJun 9, 2014

Why Rebumicans hate President Obama:
Could it be that they hate him because he has been able to do what they failed to do:
1. Affordable Care Act
2. $789B economic stimulus package
3. U.S. auto industry bail out (GM and Chrysler)
4. Cash for clunkers
5. Incentives for buyers of hybrid automobiles
6. Housing rescue plan and incentives for first time home buyers
7. Credits for purchasers of energy efficient appliances
8. Equal pay for women
9. $716B MEDICARE savings over next 10 years to keep program solvent
10. Lower drug costs for seniors and elimination of donut hole
11. Ended policy forbidding Medicare from negotiating for cheaper drugs.
12. Limited lobbyist’s access to the White House
13. Ended the war in Iraq
14. Closed secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and ended renditions
15. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell and biomedical research
16. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect
17. Funded high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
18. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children
19. Expanded Pell grant program and implemented easier loan repayment policy
20. Phased out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems
21. The Guantanamo prison camp is being phased out
22. Torture banned. U.S. now in compliance with the Geneva Convention
23. Better body armor provided to our troops
24. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear inspection talks
25. Increased pay and benefits for military personnel
26. Improved housing for military personnel and veterans benefits
27. Proposed a Veterans Jobs Act (filibustered by the GOP 3 weeks ago)
28. Ended no-bid defense contract policy
29. Closed offshore tax havens (sorry Mitt)
30. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to allow US government access to records of tax evaders and criminals
31. Ended tax benefits to corporations that outsource American jobs
32. Championed credit card consumer protection legislation
33. Expanded loans and tax credits to small businesses
34. Appointed the first Latina to the Supreme Court
35. Limited salaries of senior White House aides to $100,000
36. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel
Ordered the raid that killed Osama bin Laden and authorized drone strikes against Al Qaeda targets in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries
37. Kept this country from wasting trillions more on unnecessary wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
38. And many more that don't fit in this space!!!

Vote people because we need the House and Senate RepubliCONS to retire because they're not doing anything for the 99%, but wasting time and tax payer's money and that's the WHOLE TRUTH. They don't care if the 99% die. They want to focus on NOTHING and DO NOTHING! ALL they're good at is distracting the lame and dumb who fall for their LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama Has Now Fulfilled His 4 Big Promises -- NYMag
Obama did so many good things that he lost the youth and his base has eroded...

By golly, I'LL never vote for him again!!

Hahahahaha, funny joke, Obama is allowed to be a horrible President because you can't elect him for a third term. Good one! Obama can piss off the youth, female and minority vote now that he scamed them to vote for him when it matter. Lol, really funny stuff there man!
LOL. Make your claims, doesn't make them accurate. And, come 2016, we will see how pissed off the various demographic blocs are, and at whom they are pissed. And, right up to election day, you can hold suicide watchs for liberals. That really worked out well last time, correct?
Here is a list of 262 of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss these as lies.

Okay, now your turn.

Name even one thing the Repubs have done FOR the US.

Let me save you some time and typing.

The Repub have done NOT ONE FUCKING THING for the US.
I don't think you are going to get an itelligent deate from these Obama haters because it would actually mean reading this list and going through any points they don't sgree with and presenting clear and articulate responses about that subject. Never going to happen.

It depends on how one defines good.

Which is If Obama does it, its not good

It's becoming pretty clear that he has to lie to get what he wants .

Nothing good comes from actions based on needing lies to succeed.
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

He lifted the restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.

Just recently scientists have been able to grow human brain tissue in a petrie dish. Which will lead to discoveries for cures to brain diseases.

They've already started with alzheimers.

Breakthrough Replicates Human Brain Cells for Use in Alzheimer’s Research

What really gets me ticked off is that this and other discoveries could have and should have been discovered decades ago but the conservatives prevented it by at first not allowing the science then by severely restricting the science.

Everyone will benefit from this research and it was only possible because Obama removed the restrictions that the bush boy put on it.
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