name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .

the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

He lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research.

Just recently scientists have been able to grow human brain tissue in a petrie dish. Which will lead to discoveries for cures to brain diseases.

They've already started with alzheimers.

Breakthrough Replicates Human Brain Cells for Use in Alzheimer’s Research

What really gets me ticked off is that this and other discoveries could have and should have been discovered decades ago but the conservatives prevented it by at first not allowing the science then by severely restricting the science.

Everyone will benefit from this research and it was only possible because Obama removed the restrictions that the bush boy put on it.

Why couldn't they do the same research with donated brains?

Why must it be with an aborted fetus?
Here is a list of 262 of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss these as lies.

Okay, now your turn.

Name even one thing the Repubs have done FOR the US.

Let me save you some time and typing.

The Repub have done NOT ONE FUCKING THING for the US.
I don't think you are going to get an itelligent deate from these Obama haters because it would actually mean reading this list and going through any points they don't sgree with and presenting clear and articulate responses about that subject. Never going to happen.

It depends on how one defines good.

Which is If Obama does it, its not good

It's becoming pretty clear that he has to lie to get what he wants .

Nothing good comes from actions based on needing lies to succeed.

Also it helps when you change the definition of words too. So anything becomes a lie, just dont ask anyone how because theres no answer for that
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

He lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research.

Just recently scientists have been able to grow human brain tissue in a petrie dish. Which will lead to discoveries for cures to brain diseases.

They've already started with alzheimers.

Breakthrough Replicates Human Brain Cells for Use in Alzheimer’s Research

What really gets me ticked off is that this and other discoveries could have and should have been discovered decades ago but the conservatives prevented it by at first not allowing the science then by severely restricting the science.

Everyone will benefit from this research and it was only possible because Obama removed the restrictions that the bush boy put on it.

Why couldn't they do the same research with donated brains?

Why must it be with an aborted fetus?

See? Depends on your definition of bad.

Lifting bans on science isnt a good thing because Mud found another Monday morning QB route. If anyone can find a question to ask that goes another way than Obama did, that to RW'ers are fails.

"He got Osama" - Why not sooner? Why on the weekend? He shoulda did it another way etc etc
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

He lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research.

Just recently scientists have been able to grow human brain tissue in a petrie dish. Which will lead to discoveries for cures to brain diseases.

They've already started with alzheimers.

Breakthrough Replicates Human Brain Cells for Use in Alzheimer’s Research

What really gets me ticked off is that this and other discoveries could have and should have been discovered decades ago but the conservatives prevented it by at first not allowing the science then by severely restricting the science.

Everyone will benefit from this research and it was only possible because Obama removed the restrictions that the bush boy put on it.

Why couldn't they do the same research with donated brains?

Why must it be with an aborted fetus?

Donated brains are dead.

Scientists can't do the proper research on dead tissue.

But then anyone who has a working brain knows this.

Oh and there's no aborted fetuses involved. It's against the law to use aborted fetus for embryonic stem cell research.

They're zygotes or embryos from IVF. Zygotes or embryos that would be thrown out in the trash if Obama had not lifted the restrictions.

That's what you pro lifers believe. That zygotes and embryos are garbage. That's what you people forced to happen for years because of your bans and restrictions.

So stop trying to peddle that very old lie about abortions providing embryonic stem cells.
Here is a list of 262 of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss these as lies.

Okay, now your turn.

Name even one thing the Repubs have done FOR the US.

Let me save you some time and typing.

The Repub have done NOT ONE FUCKING THING for the US.
I don't think you are going to get an itelligent deate from these Obama haters because it would actually mean reading this list and going through any points they don't sgree with and presenting clear and articulate responses about that subject. Never going to happen.

It depends on how one defines good.

Which is If Obama does it, its not good

It's becoming pretty clear that he has to lie to get what he wants .

Nothing good comes from actions based on needing lies to succeed.

Also it helps when you change the definition of words too. So anything becomes a lie, just dont ask anyone how because theres no answer for that

Easy, you refuse to face the truth.

They said Bush lied, but a lie is an untruth that is known to be an untruth when it was issued, like saying we could keep our doctor.
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

He lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research.

Just recently scientists have been able to grow human brain tissue in a petrie dish. Which will lead to discoveries for cures to brain diseases.

They've already started with alzheimers.

Breakthrough Replicates Human Brain Cells for Use in Alzheimer’s Research

What really gets me ticked off is that this and other discoveries could have and should have been discovered decades ago but the conservatives prevented it by at first not allowing the science then by severely restricting the science.

Everyone will benefit from this research and it was only possible because Obama removed the restrictions that the bush boy put on it.

Why couldn't they do the same research with donated brains?

Why must it be with an aborted fetus?

Donated brains are dead.

Scientists can't do the proper research on dead tissue.

But then anyone who has a working brain knows this.

Oh and there's no aborted fetuses involved. It's against the law to use aborted fetus for embryonic stem cell research.

They're zygotes or embryos from IVF. Zygotes or embryos that would be thrown out in the trash if Obama had not lifted the restrictions.

That's what you pro lifers believe. That zygotes and embryos are garbage. That's what you people forced to happen for years because of your bans and restrictions.

So stop trying to peddle that very old lie about abortions providing embryonic stem cells.

Yet you baby-killers won't give a fetus any right to life.

How hypocritical.
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

He lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research.

Just recently scientists have been able to grow human brain tissue in a petrie dish. Which will lead to discoveries for cures to brain diseases.

They've already started with alzheimers.

Breakthrough Replicates Human Brain Cells for Use in Alzheimer’s Research

What really gets me ticked off is that this and other discoveries could have and should have been discovered decades ago but the conservatives prevented it by at first not allowing the science then by severely restricting the science.

Everyone will benefit from this research and it was only possible because Obama removed the restrictions that the bush boy put on it.

Why couldn't they do the same research with donated brains?

Why must it be with an aborted fetus?

See? Depends on your definition of bad.

Lifting bans on science isnt a good thing because Mud found another Monday morning QB route. If anyone can find a question to ask that goes another way than Obama did, that to RW'ers are fails.

"He got Osama" - Why not sooner? Why on the weekend? He shoulda did it another way etc etc

Did getting Osama solve a problem?

Nope. The problem of Islamic terror still remains.

Obama acts like he wants the problem to go away, but it doesn't. Burying his head in the sand so to speak.
I don't think you are going to get an itelligent deate from these Obama haters because it would actually mean reading this list and going through any points they don't sgree with and presenting clear and articulate responses about that subject. Never going to happen.

It depends on how one defines good.

Which is If Obama does it, its not good

It's becoming pretty clear that he has to lie to get what he wants .

Nothing good comes from actions based on needing lies to succeed.

Also it helps when you change the definition of words too. So anything becomes a lie, just dont ask anyone how because theres no answer for that

Easy, you refuse to face the truth.

They said Bush lied, but a lie is an untruth that is known to be an untruth when it was issued, like saying we could keep our doctor.

Thats all? The keep your doctor line. Good...I thought you were talking about something significant
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

He lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research.

Just recently scientists have been able to grow human brain tissue in a petrie dish. Which will lead to discoveries for cures to brain diseases.

They've already started with alzheimers.

Breakthrough Replicates Human Brain Cells for Use in Alzheimer’s Research

What really gets me ticked off is that this and other discoveries could have and should have been discovered decades ago but the conservatives prevented it by at first not allowing the science then by severely restricting the science.

Everyone will benefit from this research and it was only possible because Obama removed the restrictions that the bush boy put on it.

Why couldn't they do the same research with donated brains?

Why must it be with an aborted fetus?

See? Depends on your definition of bad.

Lifting bans on science isnt a good thing because Mud found another Monday morning QB route. If anyone can find a question to ask that goes another way than Obama did, that to RW'ers are fails.

"He got Osama" - Why not sooner? Why on the weekend? He shoulda did it another way etc etc

Did getting Osama solve a problem?

Nope. The problem of Islamic terror still remains.

Obama acts like he wants the problem to go away, but it doesn't. Burying his head in the sand so to speak.

Nope, nothing Obama does solves anything. Go with that
He murdered the democratic party. That has to be worth something.

No! He along with Reid and Pelosi finished off converting the DNC to the far left. This hijacking started back in the late 70's, when we watched the far left take down one of their own in Jimmy Carter.
For me (as an outsider) one achievement I have noticed has been restoring America's pride and standing abroad.

Bush enjoyed something like 15% approval here in Finland; Obama something like 60%.

You might not think that matters, but that directly feeds into buying decisions at the store. I know people who boycotted US products under Bush, but now buy US products quite happily.

Obama is genuinely respected here while Bush was deried and ridiculed as an idiot; and I happen to think Americans should feel good about that transition into postive approval.
Here is a list of 262 of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss these as lies.

Okay, now your turn.

Name even one thing the Repubs have done FOR the US.

Let me save you some time and typing.

The Repub have done NOT ONE FUCKING THING for the US.
I don't think you are going to get an itelligent deate from these Obama haters because it would actually mean reading this list and going through any points they don't sgree with and presenting clear and articulate responses about that subject. Never going to happen.

It depends on how one defines good.

Which is If Obama does it, its not good

It's becoming pretty clear that he has to lie to get what he wants .

Nothing good comes from actions based on needing lies to succeed.

Also it helps when you change the definition of words too. So anything becomes a lie, just dont ask anyone how because theres no answer for that

Yes like from WAR to Kinetic Military Action.

or just ignoring Congress and starting illegal wars, but hey what do you expect from the rabid far left supports who post lists and articles from known far left sources. Then again those that are on the far left think that they are "liberal", which is very entertaining by it self.
Last edited:
It depends on how one defines good.

Which is If Obama does it, its not good

It's becoming pretty clear that he has to lie to get what he wants .

Nothing good comes from actions based on needing lies to succeed.

Also it helps when you change the definition of words too. So anything becomes a lie, just dont ask anyone how because theres no answer for that

Easy, you refuse to face the truth.

They said Bush lied, but a lie is an untruth that is known to be an untruth when it was issued, like saying we could keep our doctor.

Thats all? The keep your doctor line. Good...I thought you were talking about something significant

It significant to cancer patients.

But it's only one of his lies. They are endless and growing by the day.
For me (as an outsider) one achievement I have noticed has been restoring America's pride and standing abroad.

Bush enjoyed something like 15% approval here in Finland; Obama something like 60%.

You might not think that matters, but that directly feeds into buying decisions at the store. I know people who boycotted US products under Bush, but now buy US products quite happily.

Obama is genuinely respected here while Bush was deried and ridiculed as an idiot; and I happen to think Americans should feel good about that transition into postive approval.

Nailed IT, a far left poster from a broad who tried to claim they were on the right. Many such people exist on this board who claim to be moderate right, yet support the far left with their words and actions.

And Obama might be a fine president in Finland, so import him their when he leaves office here. He definitely is no leader here and definitely no world leader.

Then again it goes to show how the far left controls much of the European media and thus proving why the far left is more dangerous than ISIS.
Which is If Obama does it, its not good

It's becoming pretty clear that he has to lie to get what he wants .

Nothing good comes from actions based on needing lies to succeed.

Also it helps when you change the definition of words too. So anything becomes a lie, just dont ask anyone how because theres no answer for that

Easy, you refuse to face the truth.

They said Bush lied, but a lie is an untruth that is known to be an untruth when it was issued, like saying we could keep our doctor.

Thats all? The keep your doctor line. Good...I thought you were talking about something significant

It significant to cancer patients.

But it's only one of his lies. They are endless and growing by the day.

Well when you lead with a lie that insignificant I cant wait to hear the rest lol
For me (as an outsider) one achievement I have noticed has been restoring America's pride and standing abroad.

Bush enjoyed something like 15% approval here in Finland; Obama something like 60%.

You might not think that matters, but that directly feeds into buying decisions at the store. I know people who boycotted US products under Bush, but now buy US products quite happily.

Obama is genuinely respected here while Bush was deried and ridiculed as an idiot; and I happen to think Americans should feel good about that transition into postive approval.



No world leader feels he's trustworthy.
It's becoming pretty clear that he has to lie to get what he wants .

Nothing good comes from actions based on needing lies to succeed.

Also it helps when you change the definition of words too. So anything becomes a lie, just dont ask anyone how because theres no answer for that

Easy, you refuse to face the truth.

They said Bush lied, but a lie is an untruth that is known to be an untruth when it was issued, like saying we could keep our doctor.

Thats all? The keep your doctor line. Good...I thought you were talking about something significant

It significant to cancer patients.

But it's only one of his lies. They are endless and growing by the day.

Well when you lead with a lie that insignificant I cant wait to hear the rest lol


Cancer patients can go pound sand or something?

What country are you from?
Also it helps when you change the definition of words too. So anything becomes a lie, just dont ask anyone how because theres no answer for that

Easy, you refuse to face the truth.

They said Bush lied, but a lie is an untruth that is known to be an untruth when it was issued, like saying we could keep our doctor.

Thats all? The keep your doctor line. Good...I thought you were talking about something significant

It significant to cancer patients.

But it's only one of his lies. They are endless and growing by the day.

Well when you lead with a lie that insignificant I cant wait to hear the rest lol


Cancer patients can go pound sand or something?

What country are you from?

Its like this: If you tell someone you can do something you usually lead with your best. If the doctors thing is your best then the rest has to be amazing lol
Easy, you refuse to face the truth.

They said Bush lied, but a lie is an untruth that is known to be an untruth when it was issued, like saying we could keep our doctor.

Thats all? The keep your doctor line. Good...I thought you were talking about something significant

It significant to cancer patients.

But it's only one of his lies. They are endless and growing by the day.

Well when you lead with a lie that insignificant I cant wait to hear the rest lol


Cancer patients can go pound sand or something?

What country are you from?

Its like this: If you tell someone you can do something you usually lead with your best. If the doctors thing is your best then the rest has to be amazing lol
Joe Biden said it was a big fucking deal.

It will cost as many as 50 - 140 million their health insurance and losing their doctors.

That's pretty fucking big.

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