name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .

I don't think you are going to get an itelligent deate from these Obama haters because it would actually mean reading this list and going through any points they don't sgree with and presenting clear and articulate responses about that subject. Never going to happen.

Even for a mindless hack, you have to be embarrassed by such a partisan list. He hired a CIO, and that's some great accomplishment?
Thats all? The keep your doctor line. Good...I thought you were talking about something significant

It significant to cancer patients.

But it's only one of his lies. They are endless and growing by the day.

Well when you lead with a lie that insignificant I cant wait to hear the rest lol


Cancer patients can go pound sand or something?

What country are you from?

Its like this: If you tell someone you can do something you usually lead with your best. If the doctors thing is your best then the rest has to be amazing lol
Joe Biden said it was a big fucking deal.

It will cost as many as 50 - 140 million their health insurance and losing their doctors.

That's pretty fucking big.

Yeah I know :doubt:
He pissed racists like yourself off.

That's a good thing.

I'm not fan of Obama's, but I must admit that watching racists flip their shit for the last 6 years has been pretty entertaining. He should get a third term, just so we can watch this for 6 more years.

That you even think he can have a third term invalidates anything you said.
Ok, so you don't know the difference between "should" and "can." Noted.
He got two Liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Replacing two other leftist justices.

Also, Sotomayor is not nearly as far left as the democrats believed. Kagan is a fucking Marxist, but Sotomayor has to be a huge disappointment to you.
I'm happy with both of them, especially considering what that court would look like had McCain gotten to pick them. :eek:
He pissed racists like yourself off.

That's a good thing.

I'm not fan of Obama's, but I must admit that watching racists flip their shit for the last 6 years has been pretty entertaining. He should get a third term, just so we can watch this for 6 more years.

That you even think he can have a third term invalidates anything you said.
Ok, so you don't know the difference between "should" and "can." Noted.

What I do know is that if something can't happen I don't say it should simply because it can't. That's the difference between living in reality and pucking up to Obama's ass like you do.
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

By winning the presidency in 2008, he kept John McCain from sending American troops into God only knows how many countries. He also kept that clueless fundamentalist religious zealot ignoramus from becoming VP. And between 2008 and Obama's win in 2012, he kept conservatives from doing even more damage to the economy.
He got two Liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Replacing two other leftist justices.

Also, Sotomayor is not nearly as far left as the democrats believed. Kagan is a fucking Marxist, but Sotomayor has to be a huge disappointment to you.
I'm happy with both of them, especially considering what that court would look like had McCain gotten to pick them. :eek:
I'm satisfied with the current make-up of the court. I'm scared shirtless what will happen if we get two more liberals on there that decide to write new laws from the bench.
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

By winning the presidency in 2008, he kept John McCain from sending American troops into God only knows how many countries. He also kept that clueless fundamentalist religious zealot ignoramus from becoming VP. And between 2008 and Obama's win in 2012, he kept conservatives from doing even more damage to the economy.
Yeah, God only knows, like Pakistan, Libya, Syria, or back into Iraq like Obama has.
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

By winning the presidency in 2008, he kept John McCain from sending American troops into God only knows how many countries. He also kept that clueless fundamentalist religious zealot ignoramus from becoming VP. And between 2008 and Obama's win in 2012, he kept conservatives from doing even more damage to the economy.

I guess a record number on food stamps and other welfare programs is a sign of a good economy?
Just for fun

sherelle.smithJun 9, 2014

Why Rebumicans hate President Obama:
Could it be that they hate him because he has been able to do what they failed to do:
1. Affordable Care Act
2. $789B economic stimulus package
3. U.S. auto industry bail out (GM and Chrysler)
4. Cash for clunkers
5. Incentives for buyers of hybrid automobiles
6. Housing rescue plan and incentives for first time home buyers
7. Credits for purchasers of energy efficient appliances
8. Equal pay for women
9. $716B MEDICARE savings over next 10 years to keep program solvent
10. Lower drug costs for seniors and elimination of donut hole
11. Ended policy forbidding Medicare from negotiating for cheaper drugs.
12. Limited lobbyist’s access to the White House
13. Ended the war in Iraq
14. Closed secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and ended renditions
15. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell and biomedical research
16. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect
17. Funded high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
18. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children
19. Expanded Pell grant program and implemented easier loan repayment policy
20. Phased out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems
21. The Guantanamo prison camp is being phased out
22. Torture banned. U.S. now in compliance with the Geneva Convention
23. Better body armor provided to our troops
24. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear inspection talks
25. Increased pay and benefits for military personnel
26. Improved housing for military personnel and veterans benefits
27. Proposed a Veterans Jobs Act (filibustered by the GOP 3 weeks ago)
28. Ended no-bid defense contract policy
29. Closed offshore tax havens (sorry Mitt)
30. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to allow US government access to records of tax evaders and criminals
31. Ended tax benefits to corporations that outsource American jobs
32. Championed credit card consumer protection legislation
33. Expanded loans and tax credits to small businesses
34. Appointed the first Latina to the Supreme Court
35. Limited salaries of senior White House aides to $100,000
36. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel
Ordered the raid that killed Osama bin Laden and authorized drone strikes against Al Qaeda targets in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries
37. Kept this country from wasting trillions more on unnecessary wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
38. And many more that don't fit in this space!!!

Vote people because we need the House and Senate RepubliCONS to retire because they're not doing anything for the 99%, but wasting time and tax payer's money and that's the WHOLE TRUTH. They don't care if the 99% die. They want to focus on NOTHING and DO NOTHING! ALL they're good at is distracting the lame and dumb who fall for their LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama Has Now Fulfilled His 4 Big Promises -- NYMag

So you think someone should do something FOR you. That's the root of the problem. Do it your damn self.
For me (as an outsider) one achievement I have noticed has been restoring America's pride and standing abroad.

Bush enjoyed something like 15% approval here in Finland; Obama something like 60%.

You might not think that matters, but that directly feeds into buying decisions at the store. I know people who boycotted US products under Bush, but now buy US products quite happily.

Obama is genuinely respected here while Bush was deried and ridiculed as an idiot; and I happen to think Americans should feel good about that transition into postive approval.

Your problem is you think the U.S. should give a shit about what Finland thinks. Since you like Obama, the smart ones among us ridicule you as idiots.
For me (as an outsider) one achievement I have noticed has been restoring America's pride and standing abroad.

Bush enjoyed something like 15% approval here in Finland; Obama something like 60%.

You might not think that matters, but that directly feeds into buying decisions at the store. I know people who boycotted US products under Bush, but now buy US products quite happily.

Obama is genuinely respected here while Bush was deried and ridiculed as an idiot; and I happen to think Americans should feel good about that transition into postive approval.

Conservatives LOVE idiots. In fact, Bush wasn't quite dumb enough for them. Hence the love for Palin.
He wont call a terrorist a terrorist!!! OH GAWD NO!

Please could some Republicans please restate liberals vote with their emotions because that would really hit the irony spot for me right now
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

By winning the presidency in 2008, he kept John McCain from sending American troops into God only knows how many countries. He also kept that clueless fundamentalist religious zealot ignoramus from becoming VP. And between 2008 and Obama's win in 2012, he kept conservatives from doing even more damage to the economy.

More far left propaganda, based on faulty programming as this far left drone ignores the illegal wars of Obama..
He wont call a terrorist a terrorist!!! OH GAWD NO!

Please could some Republicans please restate liberals vote with their emotions because that would really hit the irony spot for me right now

Oh the irony of this post!
For me (as an outsider) one achievement I have noticed has been restoring America's pride and standing abroad.

Bush enjoyed something like 15% approval here in Finland; Obama something like 60%.

You might not think that matters, but that directly feeds into buying decisions at the store. I know people who boycotted US products under Bush, but now buy US products quite happily.

Obama is genuinely respected here while Bush was deried and ridiculed as an idiot; and I happen to think Americans should feel good about that transition into postive approval.

Conservatives LOVE idiots. In fact, Bush wasn't quite dumb enough for them. Hence the love for Palin.

What office is Palin running for now? or this another perfect example of the far left hating women that do not conform to the far left religion?
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

By winning the presidency in 2008, he kept John McCain from sending American troops into God only knows how many countries. He also kept that clueless fundamentalist religious zealot ignoramus from becoming VP. And between 2008 and Obama's win in 2012, he kept conservatives from doing even more damage to the economy.

More far left propaganda, based on faulty programming as this far left drone ignores the illegal wars of Obama..

I don't think McCain has ever seen a conflict that he wasn't just chomping on the bit to get involved. No doubt the defense contractors would have loved him because the orders for munitions (like smart bombs) would come rolling in on a conveyor belt.

Mitt Romney would have been the best friend in the world to anyone who had a scheme to make a pile of cash on some kind of insider deal even if it meant sacrificing American jobs in the process. No doubt, he would be rewarded handsomely for greasing those wheels which was essentially his sales job when he was working for Bain Capital. Mitt was the good-looking smooth talker who could close the deal.

As for Palin, her stature as a genuine ignoramus on the issues of governance, geography, economics, and diplomacy was only established AFTER her selection to be number 2 on the ticket, and it was members of her own party who blew the whistle on her afterwards because they were so damn shocked by the sheer depth and degree of her ignorance. But she certainly was clever enough to abandon her elective office once she realized that the media in general and conservatives in particular were willing to pay through the nose to listen to her incoherent ramblings because reality TV and Kim Kardashian have both proven time and time again that stupidity is no impediment to marketing a product as long as a pretty face is passing it out the product.
the man can't even call a terrorist a terrorist ! nothing this man has done has been a success .

By winning the presidency in 2008, he kept John McCain from sending American troops into God only knows how many countries. He also kept that clueless fundamentalist religious zealot ignoramus from becoming VP. And between 2008 and Obama's win in 2012, he kept conservatives from doing even more damage to the economy.

More far left propaganda, based on faulty programming as this far left drone ignores the illegal wars of Obama..

I don't think McCain has ever seen a conflict that he wasn't just chomping on the bit to get involved. No doubt the defense contractors would have loved him because the orders for munitions (like smart bombs) would come rolling in on a conveyor belt.

Mitt Romney would have been the best friend in the world to anyone who had a scheme to make a pile of cash on some kind of insider deal even if it meant sacrificing American jobs in the process. No doubt, he would be rewarded handsomely for greasing those wheels which was essentially his sales job when he was working for Bain Capital. Mitt was the good-looking smooth talker who could close the deal.

As for Palin, her stature as a genuine ignoramus on the issues of governance, geography, economics, and diplomacy was only established AFTER her selection to be number 2 on the ticket, and it was members of her own party who blew the whistle on her afterwards because they were so damn shocked by the sheer depth and degree of her ignorance. But she certainly was clever enough to abandon her elective office once she realized that the media in general and conservatives in particular were willing to pay through the nose to listen to her incoherent ramblings because reality TV and Kim Kardashian have both proven time and time again that stupidity is no impediment to marketing a product as long as a pretty face is passing it out the product.

Yes you show that you read nothing but far left blog sites as to conform to your micronized view point of the world.

All your other points are based on propaganda based on a religion that is more dangerous that ISIS.

Many on the far left made millions on the failed green energies projects, all those people out of work and the likes of AL Gore getting up to 50 million dollars richer off of them.

Amazing how small, one sided and close minded your world really is.

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