name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .

name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America

broken the back of the weirdie far right reactionary movement
there is a democrat running for office that refuses to admit that she voted for him ! I don't know of any potus that is as poisonous to his own party as this one is ! basically all the dems can tout is sexism and racism to turn out the vote ! they are not running on his policies !

Wow that never happened before. Obama is the first POTUS ever to lose support in his 2nd term. I mean, he's not but I'm learning how to ignore facts and stuff


Who are these fine upstanding people....purple penguins?


I see you've tried that and are attesting to it! Good for you, 2 digit IQ, good for you!....But NOTHING about those GREAT BLACK REPUBLICAN'S I posted.... good for you!
Prove MLK was a Republican .........

Wow that never happened before. Obama is the first POTUS ever to lose support in his 2nd term. I mean, he's not but I'm learning how to ignore facts and stuff


Who are these fine upstanding people....purple penguins?


I see you've tried that and are attesting to it! Good for you, 2 digit IQ, good for you!....But NOTHING about those GREAT BLACK REPUBLICAN'S I posted.... good for you!
Prove MLK was a Republican .........


Sorry Snarky, want to argue with a bunch of African American Republicans? There website is plainly shown on their billboard....Tonto!

Wow that never happened before. Obama is the first POTUS ever to lose support in his 2nd term. I mean, he's not but I'm learning how to ignore facts and stuff


Who are these fine upstanding people....purple penguins?


I see you've tried that and are attesting to it! Good for you, 2 digit IQ, good for you!....But NOTHING about those GREAT BLACK REPUBLICAN'S I posted.... good for you!
Prove MLK was a Republican .........


Now Pawn, there Is a website on that billboard, so if you go there, you can start your shit with some GREAT African Americans, or you can STFU! Your call! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Why would I go there when I can laugh my ass off at idiots like you here; who posts a bill board as evidence of something he's unable to prove??


Btw, for the record, you failed miserably to prove MLK was a Republican.

Who are these fine upstanding people....purple penguins?


I see you've tried that and are attesting to it! Good for you, 2 digit IQ, good for you!....But NOTHING about those GREAT BLACK REPUBLICAN'S I posted.... good for you!
Prove MLK was a Republican .........


Now Pawn, there Is a website on that billboard, so if you go there, you can start your shit with some GREAT African Americans, or you can STFU! Your call! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Why would I go there when I can laugh my ass off at idiots like you here; who posts a bill board as evidence of something he's unable to prove??


Btw, for the record, you failed miserably to prove MLK was a Republican.

Then why don't you PROVE me and those black Republicans wrong...or can't you?....Waiting!

Who are these fine upstanding people....purple penguins?


I see you've tried that and are attesting to it! Good for you, 2 digit IQ, good for you!....But NOTHING about those GREAT BLACK REPUBLICAN'S I posted.... good for you!
Prove MLK was a Republican .........
It's not my job to prove you wrong when you are completely incapable of proving yourself right. Obviously, if you could have proven your claim, you would have. That you tried to put I on me is proof that you have absolutely no friggin' clue to what you're talking about.

But then, I already knew that -- which is why I challenged you to prove yourself. As expected, you failed miserably.


Now Pawn, there Is a website on that billboard, so if you go there, you can start your shit with some GREAT African Americans, or you can STFU! Your call! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Why would I go there when I can laugh my ass off at idiots like you here; who posts a bill board as evidence of something he's unable to prove??


Btw, for the record, you failed miserably to prove MLK was a Republican.

I see you've tried that and are attesting to it! Good for you, 2 digit IQ, good for you!....But NOTHING about those GREAT BLACK REPUBLICAN'S I posted.... good for you!
Prove MLK was a Republican .........


Now Pawn, there Is a website on that billboard, so if you go there, you can start your shit with some GREAT African Americans, or you can STFU! Your call! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Why would I go there when I can laugh my ass off at idiots like you here; who posts a bill board as evidence of something he's unable to prove??


Btw, for the record, you failed miserably to prove MLK was a Republican.

Then why don't you PROVE me and those black Republicans wrong...or can't you?....Waiting!

Silly cartoons declaring MLK was a Republican don't prove it either. You're too funny, Vagisil.

Still haven't shown me anything....
You remain delusional, Vagisil. There is nothing I need to show you. I made no claim as to what MLK's party affiliation was. YOU did. So either you can prove your claim or you tacitly admit it's bullshit. I already know which it is, I'm just sitting back watching you contort yourself into a pretzel by posting images of billboards and silly cartoons as evidence of something we both know you can't prove.


Silly cartoons declaring MLK was a Republican don't prove it either. You're too funny, Vagisil.

Still haven't shown me anything....
You remain delusional, Vagisil. There is nothing I need to show you. I made no claim as to what MLK's party affiliation was. YOU did. So either you can prove your claim or you tacitly admit it's bullshit. I already know which it is, I'm just sitting back watching you contort yourself into a pretzel by posting images of billboards and silly cartoons as evidence of something we both know you can't prove.


Perhaps his father being a Republican helped....King, Sr. had been a lifelong registered Republican, and had endorsed Republican Richard Nixon

Silly cartoons declaring MLK was a Republican don't prove it either. You're too funny, Vagisil.

Still haven't shown me anything....
You remain delusional, Vagisil. There is nothing I need to show you. I made no claim as to what MLK's party affiliation was. YOU did. So either you can prove your claim or you tacitly admit it's bullshit. I already know which it is, I'm just sitting back watching you contort yourself into a pretzel by posting images of billboards and silly cartoons as evidence of something we both know you can't prove.


Perhaps his father being a Republican helped....King, Sr. had been a lifelong registered Republican, and had endorsed Republican Richard Nixon
Perhaps it helped what? That certainly doesn't prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.

Try harder, Vagisil!


Now Pawn, there Is a website on that billboard, so if you go there, you can start your shit with some GREAT African Americans, or you can STFU! Your call! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

As the leader of the SCLC, King maintained a policy of not publicly endorsing a U.S. political party or candidate: "I feel someone must remain in the position of non-alignment, so that he can look objectively at both parties and be the conscience of both—not the servant or master of either."[45] In a 1958 interview, he expressed his view that neither party was perfect, saying, "I don't think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses ... And I'm not inextricably bound to either party."[46]

King critiqued both parties' performance on promoting racial equality:

Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic party. The Democrats have betrayed him by capitulating to the whims and caprices of the Southern Dixiecrats. The Republicans have betrayed him by capitulating to the blatant hypocrisy of reactionary right wing northern Republicans. And this coalition of southern Dixiecrats and right wing reactionary northern Republicans defeats every bill and every move towards liberal legislation in the area of civil rights.[47]

Although King never publicly supported a political party or candidate for president, in a letter to a civil rights supporter in October 1956 he said that he was undecided as to whether he would vote for Adlai Stevenson or Dwight Eisenhower, but that "In the past I always voted the Democratic ticket."[48] In his autobiography, King says that in 1960 he privately voted for Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy: "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one." King adds that he likely would have made an exception to his non-endorsement policy for a second Kennedy term, saying "Had President Kennedy lived, I would probably have endorsed him in 1964."[49] King supported the ideals of democratic socialism, although he was reluctant to speak directly of this support due to the anti-communist sentiment being projected throughout America at the time, and the association of socialism with communism. King believed that capitalism could not adequately provide the basic necessities of many American people, particularly the African American community

That doesn't look like he was a republican.

Silly cartoons declaring MLK was a Republican don't prove it either. You're too funny, Vagisil.

Still haven't shown me anything....
You remain delusional, Vagisil. There is nothing I need to show you. I made no claim as to what MLK's party affiliation was. YOU did. So either you can prove your claim or you tacitly admit it's bullshit. I already know which it is, I'm just sitting back watching you contort yourself into a pretzel by posting images of billboards and silly cartoons as evidence of something we both know you can't prove.


Perhaps his father being a Republican helped....King, Sr. had been a lifelong registered Republican, and had endorsed Republican Richard Nixon
Perhaps it helped what? That certainly doesn't prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.

Try harder, Vagisil!



Ed Morrissey at HotAir has a nice piece up today on Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. Please take the time to read it in full, because it’s important that more people out there appreciate the fact that Dr. King was a Republican — whose real-life living equivalent today is someone like Congressman Allen West, not shameless, race-baiting huckster Jesse Jackson (as the Left would have you believe).

Last edited:
The 2009 first-time home buyers' tax credit.
I pocketed 8 grand on that deal. :thup:

I would say low interest rates, but I'll save that cluster-fuck for another thread.

And , as far as I know, people can still refinance or buy at really low interest.

Whether you like Obama or not, use your head. Buy or refi before the general election because if a R gets in, they'll screw over the little guy and you could still lose your home.
That's a debatable stretch. Fiscal responsibility vs the money printer. This administration is using a credit card with no expiration date and no collateral to back it up, other than the future revenues squeezed from a listless economy.

And the "responsible party" happens to be the Democrat Party. Who, by the way (six years in), still insists that that responsible party is the previous administration.

If Obama were an Illinois Governor, he would have been in jail a long time ago.

Regarding the re-fi.... as my ACA-compliant health insurance premiums approach $1,000/month for a family of three, I called my banker and asked about bumping my 15 year note out to a 30-year in order to get those payments down.

Rates and changed rather dramatically and I'd be a fool to make that leap.

So now I'm considering dropping myself, paying a penalty, and keeping spouse and dependent insured.

The ACA... affordable to some, un-attainable to most.

Fuck Obama and this cluster-fuck train wreck from hell.
I did the exact same thing the other day. I'd be a foo' to re-fi to 30 years. I'm afraid my only option is to cancel my health policy and pay the much cheaper penalty.

Silly cartoons declaring MLK was a Republican don't prove it either. You're too funny, Vagisil.

Still haven't shown me anything....
You remain delusional, Vagisil. There is nothing I need to show you. I made no claim as to what MLK's party affiliation was. YOU did. So either you can prove your claim or you tacitly admit it's bullshit. I already know which it is, I'm just sitting back watching you contort yourself into a pretzel by posting images of billboards and silly cartoons as evidence of something we both know you can't prove.


Perhaps his father being a Republican helped....King, Sr. had been a lifelong registered Republican, and had endorsed Republican Richard Nixon
Perhaps it helped what? That certainly doesn't prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.

Try harder, Vagisil!



Ed Morrissey at HotAir has a nice piece up today on Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. Please take the time to read it in full, because it’s important that more people out there appreciate the fact that Dr. King was a Republican — whose real-life living equivalent today is someone like Congressman Allen West, not shameless, race-baiting huckster Jesse Jackson (as the Left would have you believe).


Pawn, you're not call Ms. King a liar? I'm disappointed! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Silly cartoons declaring MLK was a Republican don't prove it either. You're too funny, Vagisil.

Still haven't shown me anything....
You remain delusional, Vagisil. There is nothing I need to show you. I made no claim as to what MLK's party affiliation was. YOU did. So either you can prove your claim or you tacitly admit it's bullshit. I already know which it is, I'm just sitting back watching you contort yourself into a pretzel by posting images of billboards and silly cartoons as evidence of something we both know you can't prove.


Perhaps his father being a Republican helped....King, Sr. had been a lifelong registered Republican, and had endorsed Republican Richard Nixon
Perhaps it helped what? That certainly doesn't prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.

Try harder, Vagisil!



Ed Morrissey at HotAir has a nice piece up today on Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. Please take the time to read it in full, because it’s important that more people out there appreciate the fact that Dr. King was a Republican — whose real-life living equivalent today is someone like Congressman Allen West, not shameless, race-baiting huckster Jesse Jackson (as the Left would have you believe).

Now what?? Now is the same as before -- you remain a friggin' imbecile. Nowhere in the article you linked does it say what you posted. The article you posted was his niece saying he'd be a Conservative if he were alive today...

Dr. Alveda King is a tireless activist for the pro-life cause, and she asserts in this interview that had her uncle lived to see today, he’d be considered a pro-life, social conservative​

Strike three, you're out, Vagisil. :mm:
Still haven't shown me anything....
You remain delusional, Vagisil. There is nothing I need to show you. I made no claim as to what MLK's party affiliation was. YOU did. So either you can prove your claim or you tacitly admit it's bullshit. I already know which it is, I'm just sitting back watching you contort yourself into a pretzel by posting images of billboards and silly cartoons as evidence of something we both know you can't prove.


Perhaps his father being a Republican helped....King, Sr. had been a lifelong registered Republican, and had endorsed Republican Richard Nixon
Perhaps it helped what? That certainly doesn't prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.

Try harder, Vagisil!



Ed Morrissey at HotAir has a nice piece up today on Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. Please take the time to read it in full, because it’s important that more people out there appreciate the fact that Dr. King was a Republican — whose real-life living equivalent today is someone like Congressman Allen West, not shameless, race-baiting huckster Jesse Jackson (as the Left would have you believe).

Now what?? Now is the same as before -- you remain a friggin' imbecile. Nowhere in the article you linked does it say what you posted. The article you posted was his niece saying he'd be a Conservative if he were alive today...

Dr. Alveda King is a tireless activist for the pro-life cause, and she asserts in this interview that had her uncle lived to see today, he’d be considered a pro-life, social conservative

Strike three, you're out, Vagisil. :mm:

What is this?.... Even BETTER than a Republican as YOUR highlighted PROVES....He'd be a C O N S E R V A T I V E!!!!!!!

PAWNED AGAIN, and by his own posting! Oh, how sweet it is!
Keep :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:.... Oh, the entertainment is incredible!

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