name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .

In other words, he got to shit on America twice.
Those are your "other" words. Meaningless, really.

No, it's an accurate characterization of liberalism: a great big shit on America.
Nope, still nothing but your worthless opinion. Not saying you aren't entitled to an opinion ... just pointing out it's meaningless.

Hmmmmm . . . . and how do your posts qualify as anything more than "worthless opinion?"
Fighting a strawman is the best you can do??

How sad.

You're just another leftwing idiot who doesn't know what a "straw man" is.
Give him about two more years, then he will do something that will help America.
Obama sucks, but I can name a few things....

1. Invested in r&d, infrastructure and science. Certainly, he has cut the later two throughout his term, but I feel lucky that he fought the losertrians on this. How dumb can you be to cut the life blood of our nation?

2. Killing terrorist. He could of walked totally away from this and let the terrorist have it all. Not saying he didn't fuck it up.

There is so much bad about this president but here is a few good areas.
Vigi will tell you when h is attacking MLKJr that he was a socialist who was supported by commies (which was true, at times).

Typical far right reactionary tripe: wants it both ways.

What's the matter Snarky, now that it's known beyond a shadow of a doubt and from his NIECE, that he would have been a CONSERVATIVE, you are all upset? How about obola, being a communist and supported by them (which is true, as his grandparents were commies, and so was his mother!) No comment on that FACT?

Nothing like watching subversives fall to the wayside, like Pawn and this idiot, trying to spin it every which way they can! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

What is known beyond a shaoow of a doubt is that (1) MLK Jr was never a Republican, and (2) that you are subversive reactionary trying to take this country back to the era of cultural mccarthyism.
Neither bripat (an avowed anarcho commie) and Vigilante (an avowed cultural mccartyite reactionary) respect the Constitution.
Those are your "other" words. Meaningless, really.

No, it's an accurate characterization of liberalism: a great big shit on America.
Nope, still nothing but your worthless opinion. Not saying you aren't entitled to an opinion ... just pointing out it's meaningless.

Hmmmmm . . . . and how do your posts qualify as anything more than "worthless opinion?"
Fighting a strawman is the best you can do??

How sad.

You're just another leftwing idiot who doesn't know what a "straw man" is.

I saw one in the Wizard of Oz once.
Obama has shown our youngest generation that Liberalism always fails and the Democrat party hates America.
What absolute nonsense. Wishful thinking on your part. Wait until 2016 and see who the 'younger generation' vote for. It won't be for the Republican party. LOL
Keeping Republicans out of power saved the world

:clap::clap2:ATTENTION FOLKS, WE HAVE A WINNER IN THE STUPID POST OF THE DAY CONTEST-----------THE ABOVE POST MERITS THE AWARD. rightwinger and his sock Jake snarkey win today's contest.

His post meets the criteria of inaccuracy, stupidity, partisan bullshit, and outright lying.
Redfish, once again you lie. I am not RW, nor he I.

And the criteria of inaccuracy, stupidity, partisan bullshit, and outright lying marks that of the far right hysteria in which you revel.
He pissed racists like yourself off.

That's a good thing.

He created an environment where anything that doesn't kiss his ass like you do is considered racist.

The OP is a racist. He has a long history here of racist posts.

Do you ignorantly and reflexively defend anyone, no matter how vile their views, as long as they pathologically hate Obama like you do?
He pissed racists like yourself off.

That's a good thing.

He created an environment where anything that doesn't kiss his ass like you do is considered racist.

The OP is a racist. He has a long history here of racist posts.

Do you ignorantly and reflexively defend anyone, no matter how vile their views, as long as they pathologically hate Obama like you do?

Do you bend over, grab your ankles, and take one for him? You don't have to answer. I already know.
Every latent homosexual in the far right eventually writes like Conservative65 when he gets his ass handed to him in argumentation.
Obama has shown our youngest generation that Liberalism always fails and the Democrat party hates America.
What absolute nonsense. Wishful thinking on your part. Wait until 2016 and see who the 'younger generation' vote for. It won't be for the Republican party. LOL
Hate is not a strong word, applied to democrats, we all see it here.

What have the idiots done?

Killed jobs and saddled us with debt.

Wait into 2016? Ha, ha.
elektra, if we don't reach out honestly to women and other minorities, the GOP is going to get smashed in 2016.
Vigi will tell you when h is attacking MLKJr that he was a socialist who was supported by commies (which was true, at times).

Typical far right reactionary tripe: wants it both ways.

What's the matter Snarky, now that it's known beyond a shadow of a doubt and from his NIECE, that he would have been a CONSERVATIVE, you are all upset? How about obola, being a communist and supported by them (which is true, as his grandparents were commies, and so was his mother!) No comment on that FACT?

Nothing like watching subversives fall to the wayside, like Pawn and this idiot, trying to spin it every which way they can! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

What is known beyond a shaoow of a doubt is that (1) MLK Jr was never a Republican, and (2) that you are subversive reactionary trying to take this country back to the era of cultural mccarthyism.

Yes, it makes perfect sense that MLK Jr. would be a Demovrat at the same time Robert "KKK" Byrd served in the Congress and had expressed these views about the blacks...


You and PAWN are certainly fucking up royally today... But keep going, this could be fun!
elektra, if we don't reach out honestly to women and other minorities, the GOP is going to get smashed in 2016.
That is political propaganda, minorities need jobs, which the marxist liberal/democrats are against. Minorities are also a majority opposed to homosexuality.

Woman, liberal democrats hate woman, you think you support woman cause you will give them free birth control. Look hoe democrats got two woman infected with Ebola and then blamed the woman.

Anyone who uses a term such as "marxist liberal/democrats" is deserving of scorn.

And those who insist the GOP mainstream is anything like the elektras of the party deserve scorn as well.
Anyone who uses a term such as "marxist liberal/democrats" is deserving of scorn.

And those who insist the GOP mainstream is anything like the elektras of the party deserve scorn as well.
Democrats are marxist, the ties are many and open.

What do you call government designed and ruled and dictated homosexual marriage.

What do you call the government deciding which jobs the usa can have and which ones go overseas.

What do you call government education you have to be rich to afford or a select individual the government pics for tuition.

Democrats are in the party of liberal marxist.

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