name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .

Yawn ... Bush jr fucked up did not pay attention to intelligence... Stevens had a risky job !! So how does this affect Obama . Bin laden was taken out by Obama administration. So your just a turd pushing the same ol republican bullshit . Benghazi , solindra , fast in furious, IRS ... Hate to tell you but Issa is batting a big fucking zero .
A risky job? It was simply plain stupidity and arrogance to send a homosexual named Christopher to be the Ambassador in a radical Moslem Country.

It was Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the Bearer of Christ.

In the proper context, the fact that Moslems murdered an United States of America Ambassador with the name, "Christopher", tells the stupidity and ignorance of Obama and the Democrats, (Bush sr. no better, Iraqi Ambassador).

Obama, is he that dumb?

Behind the Name Meaning Origin and History of the Name Christopher


GENDER: Masculine
USAGE: English
PRONOUNCED: KRIS-tə-fər [key]
Meaning & History
From the Late Greek name Χριστοφορος (Christophoros) meaning "bearing Christ", derived from Χριστος (Christos) combined with φερω (phero) "to bear, to carry". Early Christians used it as a metaphorical name, expressing that they carried Christ in their hearts
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Dude stop watching faux ...
Fox, Fox sucks!!!!!! Fox is Liberal news with an "R" attached.

Seriously, there is nothing Obama can be proud of. Nothing Obama can claim he did, other than get an Ambassador murdered on the Anniversary of 9/11.

That is how history will be wrote, Obama got an Ambassador Murdered on 9/11.

Say it loud, be proud, that is blood on Obama's hands.

All Obama had to say, is, "save Christopher Stevens".

Three words to save one man's life, Obama could not do it, Liberalism could not save an American serving us.
"name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America ."

He beat his Republican opponents. :)
Which gave us death by Ebola and another 9/11

Except that there has only been one American death, and you can hardly blame Obama for that. Another 9/11? Clutching at straws, dude. Clutching at straws.
Bullshit, Obama's lack of leadership, months ago has allowed Ebola to spread, the fact that Obama is sending troops to help now is a testament to that fact.

Benghazi was an attack on the USA, on 9/11. Covered up.

Benghazi lmfao another 9/11..seriously??

I know, its funny, did you get to send your condolences?

Like I said your just a turd pushing republican talking points. Issa & Gowdy have nothing except a bunch of sheep following them . Wasting tax payers dollars on ghost chasing !!

see you don't get it. i don't care about what you said.... Unless it's something new that you haven't said or repeated before.

Like I said your just a turd pushing republican talking points. Issa & Gowdy have nothing except a bunch of sheep following them . Wasting tax payers dollars on ghost chasing !!

see you don't get it. i don't care about what you said.... Unless it's something new that you haven't said or repeated before.

Well what part of Issa & Gowdy are jokes wasting taxpayer dollars . Issa should be fired for allthe money he has wasted on Boy who cryed wolf
Dude stop watching faux ...
Fox, Fox sucks!!!!!! Fox is Liberal news with an "R" attached.

Seriously, there is nothing Obama can be proud of. Nothing Obama can claim he did, other than get an Ambassador murdered on the Anniversary of 9/11.

That is how history will be wrote, Obama got an Ambassador Murdered on 9/11.

Say it loud, be proud, that is blood on Obama's hands.

All Obama had to say, is, "save Christopher Stevens".

Three words to save one man's life, Obama could not do it, Liberalism could not save an American serving us.

Wow ... Obama the all powerful !! Stevens cashed his checks , no one forced him to take a job in the freaking Middle East !!
Like I said your just a turd pushing republican talking points. Issa & Gowdy have nothing except a bunch of sheep following them . Wasting tax payers dollars on ghost chasing !!

see you don't get it. i don't care about what you said.... Unless it's something new that you haven't said or repeated before.

Like I said your just a turd pushing republican talking points. Issa & Gowdy have nothing except a bunch of sheep following them . Wasting tax payers dollars on ghost chasing !!

see you don't get it. i don't care about what you said.... Unless it's something new that you haven't said or repeated before.

Well what part of Issa & Gowdy are jokes wasting taxpayer dollars . Issa should be fired for allthe money he has wasted on Boy who cryed wolf
Dude stop watching faux ...
Fox, Fox sucks!!!!!! Fox is Liberal news with an "R" attached.

Seriously, there is nothing Obama can be proud of. Nothing Obama can claim he did, other than get an Ambassador murdered on the Anniversary of 9/11.

That is how history will be wrote, Obama got an Ambassador Murdered on 9/11.

Say it loud, be proud, that is blood on Obama's hands.

All Obama had to say, is, "save Christopher Stevens".

Three words to save one man's life, Obama could not do it, Liberalism could not save an American serving us.

Wow ... Obama the all powerful !! Stevens cashed his checks , no one forced him to take a job in the freaking Middle East !!

Quit the bullshit. read what i wrote above someone would have HAD to take his place. I was prepared for this answer of yours. I'm a political genius, and you're a fool for challenging me, now go hide, under ground on gay street.
Like I said your just a turd pushing republican talking points. Issa & Gowdy have nothing except a bunch of sheep following them . Wasting tax payers dollars on ghost chasing !!

see you don't get it. i don't care about what you said.... Unless it's something new that you haven't said or repeated before.

Like I said your just a turd pushing republican talking points. Issa & Gowdy have nothing except a bunch of sheep following them . Wasting tax payers dollars on ghost chasing !!

see you don't get it. i don't care about what you said.... Unless it's something new that you haven't said or repeated before.

Well what part of Issa & Gowdy are jokes wasting taxpayer dollars . Issa should be fired for allthe money he has wasted on Boy who cryed wolf
Dude stop watching faux ...
Fox, Fox sucks!!!!!! Fox is Liberal news with an "R" attached.

Seriously, there is nothing Obama can be proud of. Nothing Obama can claim he did, other than get an Ambassador murdered on the Anniversary of 9/11.

That is how history will be wrote, Obama got an Ambassador Murdered on 9/11.

Say it loud, be proud, that is blood on Obama's hands.

All Obama had to say, is, "save Christopher Stevens".

Three words to save one man's life, Obama could not do it, Liberalism could not save an American serving us.

Wow ... Obama the all powerful !! Stevens cashed his checks , no one forced him to take a job in the freaking Middle East !!

Quit the bullshit. read what i wrote above someone would have HAD to take his place. I was prepared for this answer of yours. I'm a political genius, and you're a fool for challenging me, now go hide, under ground on gay street.

Dude you are a hack ... Have fun with that . Political genius lmfao thanx for the laugh .
Like I said your just a turd pushing republican talking points. Issa & Gowdy have nothing except a bunch of sheep following them . Wasting tax payers dollars on ghost chasing !!

see you don't get it. i don't care about what you said.... Unless it's something new that you haven't said or repeated before.

Like I said your just a turd pushing republican talking points. Issa & Gowdy have nothing except a bunch of sheep following them . Wasting tax payers dollars on ghost chasing !!

see you don't get it. i don't care about what you said.... Unless it's something new that you haven't said or repeated before.

Well what part of Issa & Gowdy are jokes wasting taxpayer dollars . Issa should be fired for allthe money he has wasted on Boy who cryed wolf
Dude stop watching faux ...
Fox, Fox sucks!!!!!! Fox is Liberal news with an "R" attached.

Seriously, there is nothing Obama can be proud of. Nothing Obama can claim he did, other than get an Ambassador murdered on the Anniversary of 9/11.

That is how history will be wrote, Obama got an Ambassador Murdered on 9/11.

Say it loud, be proud, that is blood on Obama's hands.

All Obama had to say, is, "save Christopher Stevens".

Three words to save one man's life, Obama could not do it, Liberalism could not save an American serving us.

Wow ... Obama the all powerful !! Stevens cashed his checks , no one forced him to take a job in the freaking Middle East !!

Quit the bullshit. read what i wrote above someone would have HAD to take his place. I was prepared for this answer of yours. I'm a political genius, and you're a fool for challenging me, now go hide, under ground on gay street.

Dude you are a hack ... Have fun with that . Political genius lmfao thanx for the laugh .

Predictable. Game set match.
Issa & Gowdy are clowns leading you around by your nose .

Your dumbass said Obama will be impeached for bengazie !!

Clown !!
Issa & Gowdy are clowns leading you around by your nose .

Your dumbass said Obama will be impeached for bengazie !!

Clown !!

and 63 other reasons.

Yep I was correct !!! Fucking hack ..... 63 other reasons lol have a great day nimrod !

I'll have a great day. Thank you. My average paycheck on a sunday is what you make in 2 months. About $5,000. Ahhh the benefits of being a self-employed and sole owner of a corporation. Also known as a non-minority.
Democrats are marxist, the ties are many and open.

What do you call government designed and ruled and dictated homosexual marriage.

What do you call the government deciding which jobs the usa can have and which ones go overseas.

What do you call government education you have to be rich to afford or a select individual the government pics for tuition.

Democrats are in the party of liberal marxist.

Our capitalistic social democracy is not a Marxist system or culture or government.

Learn terms.

Marx·ism (märk
The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engelsin which the concept of class struggle plays a central role inunderstanding society's allegedly inevitable development from bourgeoisoppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Marxism (ˈmɑːksɪzəm)
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the economic and political theoryand practice originated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that holds thatactions and human institutions are economically determined, that the classstruggle is the basic agency of historical change, and that capitalism willultimately be superseded by communism
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

the doctrines developed from the political, economie, and socialtheories of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and their followers: dialecticalmaterialism, a labor-based theory of wealth, an economie class struggleleading to revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the eventualdevelopment of a classless society.
2. the contributions to these doctrines in the interpretations of Lenin;Leninism. — Marxist, n., adj. — Marxian, adj.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The G
Issa & Gowdy are clowns leading you around by your nose .

Your dumbass said Obama will be impeached for bengazie !!

Clown !!

and 63 other reasons.

Yep I was correct !!! Fucking hack ..... 63 other reasons lol have a great day nimrod !

I'll have a great day. Thank you. My average paycheck on a sunday is what you make in 2 months. About $5,000. Ahhh the benefits of being a self-employed and sole owner of a corporation. Also known as a non-minority.

Empty can rattles the most ...
Our capitalistic social democracy is not a Marxist system or culture or government.

Learn terms.

Marx·ism (märk
The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engelsin which the concept of class struggle plays a central role inunderstanding society's allegedly inevitable development from bourgeoisoppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Marxism (ˈmɑːksɪzəm)
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the economic and political theoryand practice originated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that holds thatactions and human institutions are economically determined, that the classstruggle is the basic agency of historical change, and that capitalism willultimately be superseded by communism
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

the doctrines developed from the political, economie, and socialtheories of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and their followers: dialecticalmaterialism, a labor-based theory of wealth, an economie class struggleleading to revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the eventualdevelopment of a classless society.
2. the contributions to these doctrines in the interpretations of Lenin;Leninism. — Marxist, n., adj. — Marxian, adj.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The G
You said what?

Socialism Marxism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Socialism (Marxism)

In Marxist theory, socialism (also called lower-stage communism or the socialist mode of production) refers to a specific historical phase of economic development and its corresponding set of social relations that supersede capitalism in the schema of historical materialism. Socialism is defined as a mode of production where the sole criterion for production is use-value and therefore the law of value no longer directs economic activity.
Thank you for admitting you failed.

Your confirmation bias is not evidence, Listening.

Your point, your burden, and you have not met it.
Vigi will tell you when h is attacking MLKJr that he was a socialist who was supported by commies (which was true, at times).

Typical far right reactionary tripe: wants it both ways.

What's the matter Snarky, now that it's known beyond a shadow of a doubt and from his NIECE, that he would have been a CONSERVATIVE, you are all upset? How about obola, being a communist and supported by them (which is true, as his grandparents were commies, and so was his mother!) No comment on that FACT?

Nothing like watching subversives fall to the wayside, like Pawn and this idiot, trying to spin it every which way they can! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

What is known beyond a shaoow of a doubt is that (1) MLK Jr was never a Republican, and (2) that you are subversive reactionary trying to take this country back to the era of cultural mccarthyism.

Yes, it makes perfect sense that MLK Jr. would be a Demovrat at the same time Robert "KKK" Byrd served in the Congress and had expressed these views about the blacks...


You and PAWN are certainly fucking up royally today... But keep going, this could be fun!
Great. :eusa_doh: Yet even more concessions from Vagisil that he can't prove his fallacious claim that MLK Jr. was a Republican.

How many more times are you going to demonstrate you can't prove yourself right, Vagisil??? :mm:
elektra, if we don't reach out honestly to women and other minorities, the GOP is going to get smashed in 2016.
That is political propaganda, minorities need jobs, which the marxist liberal/democrats are against. Minorities are also a majority opposed to homosexuality.

Woman, liberal democrats hate woman, you think you support woman cause you will give them free birth control. Look hoe democrats got two woman infected with Ebola and then blamed the woman.

"Democrats" infected two women with ebola???

You nutters keep getting nuttier. :cuckoo:
Dude stop watching faux ...
Fox, Fox sucks!!!!!! Fox is Liberal news with an "R" attached.

Seriously, there is nothing Obama can be proud of. Nothing Obama can claim he did, other than get an Ambassador murdered on the Anniversary of 9/11.

That is how history will be wrote, Obama got an Ambassador Murdered on 9/11.

Say it loud, be proud, that is blood on Obama's hands.

All Obama had to say, is, "save Christopher Stevens".

Three words to save one man's life, Obama could not do it, Liberalism could not save an American serving us.
Huh? You think history is going to be recorded differently than the outcomes of any one of the eight investigations into Benghazi? Based on what, rightwingnut lunacy?
Vigi will tell you when h is attacking MLKJr that he was a socialist who was supported by commies (which was true, at times).

Typical far right reactionary tripe: wants it both ways.

What's the matter Snarky, now that it's known beyond a shadow of a doubt and from his NIECE, that he would have been a CONSERVATIVE, you are all upset? How about obola, being a communist and supported by them (which is true, as his grandparents were commies, and so was his mother!) No comment on that FACT?

Nothing like watching subversives fall to the wayside, like Pawn and this idiot, trying to spin it every which way they can! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

What is known beyond a shaoow of a doubt is that (1) MLK Jr was never a Republican, and (2) that you are subversive reactionary trying to take this country back to the era of cultural mccarthyism.

Yes, it makes perfect sense that MLK Jr. would be a Demovrat at the same time Robert "KKK" Byrd served in the Congress and had expressed these views about the blacks...


You and PAWN are certainly fucking up royally today... But keep going, this could be fun!
Great. :eusa_doh: Yet even more concessions from Vagisil that he can't prove his fallacious claim that MLK Jr. was a Republican.

How many more times are you going to demonstrate you can't prove yourself right, Vagisil??? :mm:

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::asshole: here thinks that Ms. King declaring that MLK jr. today would be a CONSERVATIVE makes me wrong as I stated he was a Republican, and we know he voted for Nixon! But putting that aside, being a CONSERVATIVE today for the above subversive is USUALLY considered MUCH WORSE than being a Republican. But since Pawned has a severe case of OCD, he's unable to admit to that FACT, and will simply TRY to be the last one to post his remarks on this thread... to his diseased mind, more than anything, that will prove to him that's he won.... Not gonna happen Pawned,

But tell me, name a few Democrat Conservatives today that would believe in PRO GOD, PRO LIFE, ANTI- AMNESTY, LOWER TAXES, LESS GOVERNMENT, and if you'd like, I could give you a few more choices, but, give me names of current Congressional Democrats that would act like a Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, or Louie Gohmert!

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