name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America .

You remain delusional, Vagisil. There is nothing I need to show you. I made no claim as to what MLK's party affiliation was. YOU did. So either you can prove your claim or you tacitly admit it's bullshit. I already know which it is, I'm just sitting back watching you contort yourself into a pretzel by posting images of billboards and silly cartoons as evidence of something we both know you can't prove.


Perhaps his father being a Republican helped....King, Sr. had been a lifelong registered Republican, and had endorsed Republican Richard Nixon
Perhaps it helped what? That certainly doesn't prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.

Try harder, Vagisil!



Ed Morrissey at HotAir has a nice piece up today on Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. Please take the time to read it in full, because it’s important that more people out there appreciate the fact that Dr. King was a Republican — whose real-life living equivalent today is someone like Congressman Allen West, not shameless, race-baiting huckster Jesse Jackson (as the Left would have you believe).

Now what?? Now is the same as before -- you remain a friggin' imbecile. Nowhere in the article you linked does it say what you posted. The article you posted was his niece saying he'd be a Conservative if he were alive today...

Dr. Alveda King is a tireless activist for the pro-life cause, and she asserts in this interview that had her uncle lived to see today, he’d be considered a pro-life, social conservative

Strike three, you're out, Vagisil. :mm:

What is this?.... Even BETTER than a Republican as YOUR highlighted PROVES....He'd be a C O N S E R V A T I V E!!!!!!!

PAWNED AGAIN, and by his own posting! Oh, how sweet it is!
Keep :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:.... Oh, the entertainment is incredible!
Imbecile, do I really need to remind you that you idiotically said he was a Republican? You failed to prove that he was but you did an excellent job reaffirming you're an abject idiot.
Perhaps his father being a Republican helped....King, Sr. had been a lifelong registered Republican, and had endorsed Republican Richard Nixon
Perhaps it helped what? That certainly doesn't prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.

Try harder, Vagisil!

So what! A CONSERVATIVE is even better than a Republican...



Ed Morrissey at HotAir has a nice piece up today on Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. Please take the time to read it in full, because it’s important that more people out there appreciate the fact that Dr. King was a Republican — whose real-life living equivalent today is someone like Congressman Allen West, not shameless, race-baiting huckster Jesse Jackson (as the Left would have you believe).

Now what?? Now is the same as before -- you remain a friggin' imbecile. Nowhere in the article you linked does it say what you posted. The article you posted was his niece saying he'd be a Conservative if he were alive today...

Dr. Alveda King is a tireless activist for the pro-life cause, and she asserts in this interview that had her uncle lived to see today, he’d be considered a pro-life, social conservative

Strike three, you're out, Vagisil. :mm:

What is this?.... Even BETTER than a Republican as YOUR highlighted PROVES....He'd be a C O N S E R V A T I V E!!!!!!!

PAWNED AGAIN, and by his own posting! Oh, how sweet it is!
Keep :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:.... Oh, the entertainment is incredible!
Imbecile, do I really need to remind you that you idiotically said he was a Republican? You failed to prove that he was but you did an excellent job reaffirming you're an abject idiot.

So what! A CONSERVATIVE is even better than a Republican... MORE RIGHT WING for you fucking pond scum to digest! Your OCD is showing again!
Vigi will tell you when h is attacking MLKJr that he was a socialist who was supported by commies (which was true, at times).

Typical far right reactionary tripe: wants it both ways.
the best thing he has done is destroy any chance that Hillary will ever be president.
Vigi will tell you when h is attacking MLKJr that he was a socialist who was supported by commies (which was true, at times).

Typical far right reactionary tripe: wants it both ways.

What's the matter Snarky, now that it's known beyond a shadow of a doubt and from his NIECE, that he would have been a CONSERVATIVE, you are all upset? How about obola, being a communist and supported by them (which is true, as his grandparents were commies, and so was his mother!) No comment on that FACT?

Nothing like watching subversives fall to the wayside, like Pawn and this idiot, trying to spin it every which way they can! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:
Perhaps it helped what? That certainly doesn't prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.

Try harder, Vagisil!

So what! A CONSERVATIVE is even better than a Republican...



Ed Morrissey at HotAir has a nice piece up today on Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. Please take the time to read it in full, because it’s important that more people out there appreciate the fact that Dr. King was a Republican — whose real-life living equivalent today is someone like Congressman Allen West, not shameless, race-baiting huckster Jesse Jackson (as the Left would have you believe).

Now what?? Now is the same as before -- you remain a friggin' imbecile. Nowhere in the article you linked does it say what you posted. The article you posted was his niece saying he'd be a Conservative if he were alive today...

Dr. Alveda King is a tireless activist for the pro-life cause, and she asserts in this interview that had her uncle lived to see today, he’d be considered a pro-life, social conservative

Strike three, you're out, Vagisil. :mm:

What is this?.... Even BETTER than a Republican as YOUR highlighted PROVES....He'd be a C O N S E R V A T I V E!!!!!!!

PAWNED AGAIN, and by his own posting! Oh, how sweet it is!
Keep :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:.... Oh, the entertainment is incredible!
Imbecile, do I really need to remind you that you idiotically said he was a Republican? You failed to prove that he was but you did an excellent job reaffirming you're an abject idiot.

So what! A CONSERVATIVE is even better than a Republican... MORE RIGHT WING for you fucking pond scum to digest! Your OCD is showing again!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: In your desperation to be correct, even though you failed miserably to prove your fallacious claim, you now invent a new ridiculous position.

Moron .....

In that article you posted, she never said he was a Conservative. :eusa_doh:As a Republican and Conservative, she opined that her uncle would be a pro-life Conservative like herself. But even she was a Democrat back in the day. And despite her staunch pro-life stance now, that hypocrite had an abortion herself. Now that she's beyond her childbirth years, she's conveniently against it. And while she's certainly entitled to her opinion, her opinion does not make MLK Jr. a Conservative. Not today, as she claims, and certainly not while he was alive. And even if MLK would have been pro-life today, so what? I'm pro-life. Does that make me either a Conservative or a Republican?

You're such a loser, you actually doubled down on failing. :lmao: Good job, Vagisil!


Ed Morrissey at HotAir has a nice piece up today on Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. Please take the time to read it in full, because it’s important that more people out there appreciate the fact that Dr. King was a Republican — whose real-life living equivalent today is someone like Congressman Allen West, not shameless, race-baiting huckster Jesse Jackson (as the Left would have you believe).

Now what?? Now is the same as before -- you remain a friggin' imbecile. Nowhere in the article you linked does it say what you posted. The article you posted was his niece saying he'd be a Conservative if he were alive today...

Dr. Alveda King is a tireless activist for the pro-life cause, and she asserts in this interview that had her uncle lived to see today, he’d be considered a pro-life, social conservative

Strike three, you're out, Vagisil. :mm:

What is this?.... Even BETTER than a Republican as YOUR highlighted PROVES....He'd be a C O N S E R V A T I V E!!!!!!!

PAWNED AGAIN, and by his own posting! Oh, how sweet it is!
Keep :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:.... Oh, the entertainment is incredible!
Imbecile, do I really need to remind you that you idiotically said he was a Republican? You failed to prove that he was but you did an excellent job reaffirming you're an abject idiot.

So what! A CONSERVATIVE is even better than a Republican... MORE RIGHT WING for you fucking pond scum to digest! Your OCD is showing again!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: In your desperation to be correct, even though you failed miserably to prove your fallacious claim, you now invent a new ridiculous position.

Moron .....

In that article you posted, she never said he was a Conservative. :eusa_doh:As a Republican and Conservative, she opined that her uncle would be a pro-life Conservative like herself. But even she was a Democrat back in the day. And despite her staunch pro-life stance now, that hypocrite had an abortion herself. Now that she's beyond her childbirth years, she's conveniently against it. And while she's certainly entitled to her opinion, her opinion does not make MLK Jr. a Conservative. Not today, as she claims, and certainly not while he was alive. And even if MLK would have been pro-life today, so what? I'm pro-life. Does that make me either a Conservative or a Republican?

You're such a loser, you actually doubled down on failing. :lmao: Good job, Vagisil!


AW, poor PAWN was PWNED again, and he now will go into his OCD BOY rant and raves.... face it child, you were wrong, I was right and that's all there is to it!

Now what?? Now is the same as before -- you remain a friggin' imbecile. Nowhere in the article you linked does it say what you posted. The article you posted was his niece saying he'd be a Conservative if he were alive today...

Dr. Alveda King is a tireless activist for the pro-life cause, and she asserts in this interview that had her uncle lived to see today, he’d be considered a pro-life, social conservative

Strike three, you're out, Vagisil. :mm:

What is this?.... Even BETTER than a Republican as YOUR highlighted PROVES....He'd be a C O N S E R V A T I V E!!!!!!!

PAWNED AGAIN, and by his own posting! Oh, how sweet it is!
Keep :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:.... Oh, the entertainment is incredible!
Imbecile, do I really need to remind you that you idiotically said he was a Republican? You failed to prove that he was but you did an excellent job reaffirming you're an abject idiot.

So what! A CONSERVATIVE is even better than a Republican... MORE RIGHT WING for you fucking pond scum to digest! Your OCD is showing again!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh: In your desperation to be correct, even though you failed miserably to prove your fallacious claim, you now invent a new ridiculous position.

Moron .....

In that article you posted, she never said he was a Conservative. :eusa_doh:As a Republican and Conservative, she opined that her uncle would be a pro-life Conservative like herself. But even she was a Democrat back in the day. And despite her staunch pro-life stance now, that hypocrite had an abortion herself. Now that she's beyond her childbirth years, she's conveniently against it. And while she's certainly entitled to her opinion, her opinion does not make MLK Jr. a Conservative. Not today, as she claims, and certainly not while he was alive. And even if MLK would have been pro-life today, so what? I'm pro-life. Does that make me either a Conservative or a Republican?

You're such a loser, you actually doubled down on failing. :lmao: Good job, Vagisil!


AW, poor PAWN was PWNED again, and he now will go into his OCD BOY rant and raves.... face it child, you were wrong, I was right and that's all there is to it!

This goes to show just how sick you are, Vagisil .... you claim you were right ... ??? You said MLK Jr. was a Republican. Not only did you fail to prove that, you now seem to have abandoned that position completely. Despite that, you idiotically declare yourself right. :eusa_doh:
name one thing Obama has done that has been good for America

broken the back of the weirdie far right reactionary movement

You mean the people who respect the Constitution? Actually, he strengthened it, dramatically. That's why the Dims are going down in a few weeks.
But back to the idiocy (spelled, v-i-g-i-l-a-n-t-e) that MLK Jr. was a Republican ... MLK's own words on the Republican party ... on the 1964 RNC from his autobiography ...

The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right.

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. - Clayborne Carson - Google Books

G'head, Vagisil .... tell me again how MLK Jr. was a Republican.

He got two Liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In other words, he got to shit on America twice.
Those are your "other" words. Meaningless, really.

No, it's an accurate characterization of liberalism: a great big shit on America.
Nope, still nothing but your worthless opinion. Not saying you aren't entitled to an opinion ... just pointing out it's meaningless.
He got two Liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In other words, he got to shit on America twice.
Those are your "other" words. Meaningless, really.

No, it's an accurate characterization of liberalism: a great big shit on America.
Nope, still nothing but your worthless opinion. Not saying you aren't entitled to an opinion ... just pointing out it's meaningless.

Hmmmmm . . . . and how do your posts qualify as anything more than "worthless opinion?"
He got two Liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In other words, he got to shit on America twice.
Those are your "other" words. Meaningless, really.

No, it's an accurate characterization of liberalism: a great big shit on America.
Nope, still nothing but your worthless opinion. Not saying you aren't entitled to an opinion ... just pointing out it's meaningless.

Hmmmmm . . . . and how do your posts qualify as anything more than "worthless opinion?"
Fighting a strawman is the best you can do??

How sad.

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