Naming The Spokesperson For The Politically Deranged


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. This was not easy!
We have all seen the government school grads still trying to defend the indefensible....the Democrats.....and trying their hardest to claim it is still Trump's fault.

2. But....making the job much easier, this fool cannot find a crisis, a corruption, a cover-up, that he will not claim as due celebration!
While this is one glaring example of the above, sadly, we have all seen numerous posts on the board with other such Democrat automatons.

3. This obtuse oaf wrote:
“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:
“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”

The response:
Post #58
(One would expect to find 'duhhhhh...' following 'Nope,' but he probably can't spell 'duh.')

And this is the stereotypical government school grad, Biden voter.

4. Even his masters at CNN are wringing their hands, admitting what this dolt won't:

"Sense of urgency grips the White House with Biden facing crises on many fronts

Nine months into Joe Biden's presidency, a White House suddenly beset on all sides feels a growing sense of urgency.

The coronavirus pandemic Biden thought he had tamed this spring continues to deny Americans a return to normal life and is disrupting the economic recovery by crimping job growth, even as it fuels higher-than-expected inflation. The harrowing withdrawal from Afghanistan has also raised doubts about his international leadership at a time of rising tensions with China.

All of it has eroded the President's public standing, slowed momentum for his domestic agenda in Congress and made the 78-year-old president appear ineffective."

5. Trump produced a miraculous economy, historic improvements for every minority group, peace in the Middle East, backing down of Iran, tranquility on the Southern Border, and even tax relief.

But in the petrified cerebral wonderland of the Nope Brigade......they'd choose the Wizard of Warped Thinking over a real President.

"Mounting problems test Biden's presidency and Democrats' hold on power

Presidents get into trouble when they are seen as controlled by events rather than the other way around. This is the situation now facing Joe Biden.
The President is confronted by a slew of intractable domestic and global crises he has no power to quickly fix, a bunch of political crunches caused and exacerbated by his own choices and a deepening sense of a White House under siege.

Rising gasoline prices and inflation, a global supply chain backup that could empty Santa's sled, and a pandemic Biden was elected to end but that won't go away dominate a testing political environment. The economy seems to have forgotten how to get people back to work. That's largely due to a summer Covid-19 surge powered mostly by conservatives who refuse to get vaccines and who view masking and mandates as an act of government oppression.

a nagging national sense that a lot is going wrong. Democrats already fear midterm elections next year will be a Republican rout. And ex-President Donald Trump is prowling, gleefully painting a horror show about Biden's struggles to fuel the sense of chaos in which his demagoguery thrives ahead of a potential 2024 campaign.

Even the White House admits things aren't going great."

And what is the response by the 'Spokesperson For The Politically Deranged,' when asked about his choice for President?

"Pleased as punch!!!!"

Yeah.....he said that.


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