Nancy and the Squad Dine in 5 Star Restaurant in Italy While Kids Sleep In Cages at Home

Also in the U.S. delegation: Reps. John Lewis, D-Ga.; Bobby Rush, D-Ill.; Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas; Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; Yvette Clarke, D-N.Y.; Hank Johnson, D-Ga.; Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio; Karen Bass, D-Calif.; Terri Sewell, D-Ala.; Frederica Wilson, D-Fla.; and Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio.
Either Dem's or Rep's doing this pisses me off. We are $20 trillion in debt hello we don't have money to piss away on their damn 5 star workcations.

I agree. Though I do wonder how you feel about golf trips! :21::21::21:
Never mind all of the starving homeless in their districts.

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Pressley is fat. Wow
She dines well while children in her district starve.
pretty sure all of the people in office eat while there are issues within their district.
How many fly to Italy to dine on rooftop 5 star restaurants?
dunno. it would seem many actually.

Senate Sets Record for Travel Costs

that was 2011 and we were setting records at the time.

Some trips make it clear just how much spending goes undisclosed. When Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and a staffer visited Haiti in February 2010 to survey earthquake damage, for example, the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee reported that $25.14 was spent on the trip. The office of Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) reported sending two staffers to Haiti during the same period for a total cost of only $36.75. Other expenses for the group of bipartisan lawmakers were likely paid by the Pentagon and do not show up in the Congressional Record.
to be honest, i have no idea what they're doing in italy anyway for "official US business".

Taxpayers fund a first-class congressional foreign travel boom

that explains part of it but also says none of this travel is really accounted for. so while i agree we need to clamp down on unnecessary expenses and implement a per Diem of allowable expenses, to date we don't have that and i would think all sides abuse it. have you looked up prominent republicans also to see what their travel habits are and the conditions of their own districts or is this just to attack who you hate?

all that said - i think this spending is out of control yes and needs to be reined in. but at current, while "uncool" perhaps, it's certainly not breaking any rules we have in place for this.

What are they doing in Italy? You would think they would go to Mexico.
Also in the U.S. delegation: Reps. John Lewis, D-Ga.; Bobby Rush, D-Ill.; Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas; Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; Yvette Clarke, D-N.Y.; Hank Johnson, D-Ga.; Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio; Karen Bass, D-Calif.; Terri Sewell, D-Ala.; Frederica Wilson, D-Fla.; and Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio.
I sure hope their plane is safe over the Atlantic.
Squalor? It's ten times worse than squalor. Nancy lives less than a mile from shit infested transients living on the streets. I bet she has a bigger exterminator budget than some people's mortgages.
Dimms are afraid that the black vote will push Trump over the edge in 2020, so they are trying anything they can for the black vote.
I haven’t seen such ridiculously obvious race baiting in my lifetime. It’s just awful and very bad for the country.

They know Trump isn’t a racist, but they lie to character assassinate with no remorse.

This was during the shutdown democrats started over border security. That left millions of government workers unemployed. While Pelosi and Schumer tried to grandstand. But I'm sure the Fake News and their bots have short term memory to remember.

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