Nancy and the Squad Dine in 5 Star Restaurant in Italy While Kids Sleep In Cages at Home

“For Ocasio-Cortez, food is political, and the most tangible indicator of our social inequities...,“The food industry is the nexus of almost all of the major forces in our politics today,” she says.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Learned Her Most Important Lessons from Restaurants


“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

Children are tortured in cages at home and they go to Italy and eat at 5 Star restaurants.

Typical socialism.

If they quit eating at 5-Star restaurants, will you quit torturing children in cages?
if they agree to stop torturing children in cases, will you admit obama put them there?
Why are they gallivanting around Europe and Africa while children are being held and tortured in cages back in their country? In some cases their very own districts.
show me the torture camps in pelosi's district she's ignoring.
Pelosi I can show you a poop map and beaches littered with hypodermic needles.
Pelosi I can show you a poop map and beaches littered with hypodermic needles.

We all have our part to play. The world needs fecal locators too.
Yet it is okay for the whore in the Oval Office to dine every night as he likes and waste our money flying back and forth to political rallies on Air Force One. He is the one responsible for kids sleeping in cages and he refuses to take responsibility for it.

Who built those cages for kids? I'll help you with a hint:
Trump didn't build any of those "cages". Not one. He inherited the mess.

What President thought it was a good idea to separate children from their family and cage them?
Here is another hint:
He was born in Kenya...
Never mind all of the starving homeless in their districts.

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This is a nonestory getting mad because they went out to eat this is a none story makes you look stupid so move along.

They should have taken a sack full of peanut butter sandwiches on their trip.

I wish Trump would pass an EO declaring all politicians on foreign trips must eat bag lunches. And exactly WHY were all these assholes in Venice Italy anyway?

Well someone posted a link earlier why they were there and I see someone in the picture had taken their mickey mouse lunch box with them but did partake in the wine.
Kids are in cages in concentration camps being tortured. Don’t you keep up with current events?
while i understand your sarcasm to make a point, i just disagree on it being a good move vs. throwing shit in a sewer and wondering why its never clean.
No sarcasm. I was informed by my Intellectual and Moral Superiors that children are being held in cages inside concentration camps and are being tortured.
and you've yet to show me a single link to prove this is true so given that and your sarcastic tone, i'll stick with my initial findings and conclusion.
Why are you so clueless about what’s going on in America?

AOC concentration camps: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says "The U.S. is running concentration camps on our southern border" after undocumented immigrants moved to former WWII internment camp - CBS News

AOC Accuses America of Mistreating Immigrant Children: 'Left to Cough in Cages, Spread Lice'
well aware of what a bunch of liars say, hence my saying you're just being a sarcastic dick.

carry on.

You're too nice to him I think of him as a swamp ass.
Is this part of the 6 week Vacation? Why would Taxpayers be forced to pay vacation costs for them?
They aren’t

Yes they are. This is an official visit.

Pelosi, Omar, other members of Congress to visit Ghana, US Army Africa headquarters in Italy

Riiiiight an 'official visit' not a taxpayer funded 5 star vacation riiiiight.

Calling it an official visit is how they get the taxpayers to fund their vacations. I am surprised you did not know this.
Is this part of the 6 week Vacation? Why would Taxpayers be forced to pay vacation costs for them?
They aren’t

Yes they are. This is an official visit.

Pelosi, Omar, other members of Congress to visit Ghana, US Army Africa headquarters in Italy

Nancy has been called out on trips to Italy before, she adds another country calls it an "official visit", anyone with a brain knows this is a taxpayer funded vacation.
“For Ocasio-Cortez, food is political, and the most tangible indicator of our social inequities...,“The food industry is the nexus of almost all of the major forces in our politics today,” she says.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Learned Her Most Important Lessons from Restaurants

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What the hell is wrong with you, Ocasio-Cortez gives others the rules on how they should live. She can do whatever she damn well pleases, she is a elected official, serving her districts and their bests interests, she is exempt from her rules! Didn't you realize that servants for the public get special rules?
12 pages of character assassinations, how typical. I didn't read them all, but I wonder how many posts brought out the cost to the taxpayer by trump's weekend on the links, political rally's and hours spent in the AM tweeting?
12 pages of character assassinations, how typical. I didn't read them all, but I wonder how many posts brought out the cost to the taxpayer by trump's weekend on the links, political rally's and hours spent in the AM tweeting?
Orange man bad.
Is this part of the 6 week Vacation? Why would Taxpayers be forced to pay vacation costs for them?
They aren’t

Yes they are. This is an official visit.

Pelosi, Omar, other members of Congress to visit Ghana, US Army Africa headquarters in Italy

Riiiiight an 'official visit' not a taxpayer funded 5 star vacation riiiiight.

Calling it an official visit is how they get the taxpayers to fund their vacations. I am surprised you did not know this.

Either Dem's or Rep's doing this pisses me off. We are $20 trillion in debt hello we don't have money to piss away on their damn 5 star workcations.

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