Narcotics in the Grand Canyon


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
There's an 'underground rumor' that there are incredible amounts of opium hidden in the Grand Canyon by a narcotics crime syndicate operating in Berkeley, California (USA).

The name of this 'opium ring' may be 'The Red Triangle Club,' and its purpose is to facilitate the large-scale storage of opium in the continental USA for the widespread distribution and sale of the drug over the course of the next 10 years (perhaps the next two administrations of Donald Trump!).

This 'street rumor' comes at a time when deregulation discussions are being wed to new free market changes/developments in Amsterdam, California, Hong Kong, and other places (affecting pharmaceuticals and organic farming).


TRUMP: Let's put the DEA on this opium mission.
CARTER: We have to be careful, or immigration 'issues' will roll in.
TRUMP: Geez, the Grand Canyon is a cultural monument.
CARTER: That's why it's so convenient, Mr. President.
TRUMP: Maybe the CIA should go camping there...
CARTER: Better the CIA than hundreds of illegal immigrants!
TRUMP: California should be competing with Amsterdam.
CARTER: Medical marijuana seems to be the incendiary 'factor.'
TRUMP: We must cut the politics out of pharmacology.
CARTER: That will depend on key 'Church-vs-State' legislation.



Looks like I need to load ol Bessy down and head to the Grand Canyon to do some Opium prospecting........

Looks like I need to load ol Bessy down and head to the Grand Canyon to do some Opium prospecting........

Take Lassie with you to sniff 'em out.
You know with this rumor going about, there are going to be a lot of stoners falling off the cliffs of the Grand Canyon now. I'm sure the Parks Service is absolutely delighted with this fake news story.
Looks like I need to load ol Bessy down and head to the Grand Canyon to do some Opium prospecting........

Take Lassie with you to sniff 'em out.
You know with this rumor going about, there are going to be a lot of stoners falling off the cliffs of the Grand Canyon now. I'm sure the Parks Service is absolutely delighted with this fake news story.
I'm getting the Darwin awards ready even as we speak........ :thup:

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