Narrative Fail: 15 Days After Lockdown Ease, Georgia Sees Lowest Day Of COVID Hospitalizations

Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.
Exactly. Which means we were lied to when the “experts” all said we needed to have a shutdown until we “flattened the curve”. Those other countries and some states flattened the curve, and they still don’t lift the shutdown restrictions. Some even expand more restrictions.

So how long are we supposed to remain shutdown then? Oh, they won’t say. Which means until whenever they say.

The only solution at this point is reaching herd immunity, which means exposing as many non-high risk people as possible without overwhelming our hospitals.

Keep old people isolated, which is easy anyway since most are retired, and let young healthy people get back to work. Why is this so hard for leftwing idiots to understand?
They will not even say what the purpose of the lock down is.

Where are the metrics that we are trying to hit and why? We cannot make good policies without targets.
The purpose of the lockdown is to keep people away from each other until we find out "what the hell is going on".
Intermingling people cannot possibly be beneficial as the virus can spread more quickly. Is it the best idea? Who
Until we find out what the hell is going on is not a goal. At least not one that one would expect from 'experts.'

That is utterly devoid of action plans, metrics or a goal to work toward.
Fauci broke basic laws of following science. But it wont matter to people like you because you are clueless..
Show us how he "broke basic laws of following science"
Tell me what you do when your models do not reflect the system you are modeling? As always with the left you ignore science that disproves your agenda. Just like Climate Change (AGW) where modeling fails without question you believe... Why? Anyone with a functioning brain cell understands that when you base policies on failed modeling you will likely kill more people that the problem your trying to solve can.

You and Fauci are dealing with a confirmation bias problem. The model confirms your bias so you ignore reality.

You must remember that these are the same people who, when the polls said John Kerry would win the Presidency and then he lost the election, insisted that something was wrong with the election, because it didn't match the polls.

Whenever reality contradicts their fantasies, leftists always assume the flaw is in reality.
I have a very hard time understanding this Pelosi bullshit. Pelosi went to China town to celebrate Chinese New Year. Pelosi is visiting her constituents as part of her job.
The death count in San Fran is like 25....even in MARCH thy were social distancing...unlike at Trump rallies AT THAT SAME TIME
I have a very hard time understanding this Pelosi bullshit. Pelosi went to China town to celebrate Chinese New Year. Pelosi is visiting her constituents as part of her job.
The death count in San Fran is like 25....even in MARCH thy were social distancing...unlike at Trump rallies AT THAT SAME TIME
everyone was in March. you're in error as usual. what rally? give some dates big mouth. I believe trump's last rally was March 2. how many days in March.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
You mean the dems who blamed trump for being racist for taking action and the dems who were focusing on impeachment while the admin was dealing with the virus. It’s only been a few months. If your memory is that bad you need meds. You are either intellectually dishonest or inferior. You decide.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.
Exactly. Which means we were lied to when the “experts” all said we needed to have a shutdown until we “flattened the curve”. Those other countries and some states flattened the curve, and they still don’t lift the shutdown restrictions. Some even expand more restrictions.

So how long are we supposed to remain shutdown then? Oh, they won’t say. Which means until whenever they say.

The only solution at this point is reaching herd immunity, which means exposing as many non-high risk people as possible without overwhelming our hospitals.

Keep old people isolated, which is easy anyway since most are retired, and let young healthy people get back to work. Why is this so hard for leftwing idiots to understand?
They will not even say what the purpose of the lock down is.

Where are the metrics that we are trying to hit and why? We cannot make good policies without targets.
The purpose of the lockdown is to keep people away from each other until we find out "what the hell is going on".
Intermingling people cannot possibly be beneficial as the virus can spread more quickly. Is it the best idea? Who
Until we find out what the hell is going on is not a goal. At least not one that one would expect from 'experts.'

That is utterly devoid of action plans, metrics or a goal to work toward.
they, demofks, think the virus can be taken off the face of the earth. has been here since the dark ages, and they, demofks, think we need to be locked down until eternity. and what's even more funny, is their sheep agree that we all need to just fking go away and die.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
not careful, anti american traitors. but thanks for playing. I have rights, they don't get to violate my rights. PERIOD. you stay to you and I'll stay to me. You do what you want, and I will do what I want. you don't get to dictate to me what I can and can't do.
I never violated your rights. You can do whatever you want. You can go and celebrate however and whatever you want. But you don’t have the right either to tell me what I want. Why is that a traitor?

The downplaying of this CV crisis is how we got in trouble. PERIOD.....
The overstating of the virus is the problem.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
You mean the dems who blamed trump for being racist for taking action and the dems who were focusing on impeachment while the admin was dealing with the virus. It’s only been a few months. If your memory is that bad you need meds. You are either intellectually dishonest or inferior. You decide.
all of the above
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.
Exactly. Which means we were lied to when the “experts” all said we needed to have a shutdown until we “flattened the curve”. Those other countries and some states flattened the curve, and they still don’t lift the shutdown restrictions. Some even expand more restrictions.

So how long are we supposed to remain shutdown then? Oh, they won’t say. Which means until whenever they say.

The only solution at this point is reaching herd immunity, which means exposing as many non-high risk people as possible without overwhelming our hospitals.

Keep old people isolated, which is easy anyway since most are retired, and let young healthy people get back to work. Why is this so hard for leftwing idiots to understand?
They will not even say what the purpose of the lock down is.

Where are the metrics that we are trying to hit and why? We cannot make good policies without targets.
The purpose of the lockdown is to keep people away from each other until we find out "what the hell is going on".
Intermingling people cannot possibly be beneficial as the virus can spread more quickly. Is it the best idea? Who
Until we find out what the hell is going on is not a goal. At least not one that one would expect from 'experts.'

That is utterly devoid of action plans, metrics or a goal to work toward.
The goal as of this minute is to find out "what the hell is going on" and not to simply go on with our lives as per usual.
The goal, in other words, is to get a grip on this virus so that we can get it under control. Right now the virus is in control.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
not careful, anti american traitors. but thanks for playing. I have rights, they don't get to violate my rights. PERIOD. you stay to you and I'll stay to me. You do what you want, and I will do what I want. you don't get to dictate to me what I can and can't do.
No, hotshot, you cannot do what you want in crisis situations, especially if it may have a negative effect on others.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
not careful, anti american traitors. but thanks for playing. I have rights, they don't get to violate my rights. PERIOD. you stay to you and I'll stay to me. You do what you want, and I will do what I want. you don't get to dictate to me what I can and can't do.
No, hotshot, you cannot do what you want in crisis situations, especially if it may have a negative effect on others.
Funny the first amendment says I can , as does title 18 section 242.

you have no right to health
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
not careful, anti american traitors. but thanks for playing. I have rights, they don't get to violate my rights. PERIOD. you stay to you and I'll stay to me. You do what you want, and I will do what I want. you don't get to dictate to me what I can and can't do.
No, hotshot, you cannot do what you want in crisis situations, especially if it may have a negative effect on others.
Funny the first amendment says I can , as does title 18 section 242.

you have no right to health
He has the right to tell you to not cough near him. He does not have the right to tell you to cough under your bed to insure his continued good health. Libs are mostly insisting upon the later.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
not careful, anti american traitors. but thanks for playing. I have rights, they don't get to violate my rights. PERIOD. you stay to you and I'll stay to me. You do what you want, and I will do what I want. you don't get to dictate to me what I can and can't do.
No, hotshot, you cannot do what you want in crisis situations, especially if it may have a negative effect on others.
Funny the first amendment says I can , as does title 18 section 242.

you have no right to health
He has the right to tell you to not cough near him. He does not have the right to tell you to cough under your bed to insure his continued good health. Libs are mostly insisting upon the later.
I never coughed on anyone in my life. I respect others and was taught manners
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
not careful, anti american traitors. but thanks for playing. I have rights, they don't get to violate my rights. PERIOD. you stay to you and I'll stay to me. You do what you want, and I will do what I want. you don't get to dictate to me what I can and can't do.
No, hotshot, you cannot do what you want in crisis situations, especially if it may have a negative effect on others.
Funny the first amendment says I can , as does title 18 section 242.

you have no right to health
He has the right to tell you to not cough near him. He does not have the right to tell you to cough under your bed to insure his continued good health. Libs are mostly insisting upon the later.
I never coughed on anyone in my life. I respect others and was taught manners
I know that already
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
not careful, anti american traitors. but thanks for playing. I have rights, they don't get to violate my rights. PERIOD. you stay to you and I'll stay to me. You do what you want, and I will do what I want. you don't get to dictate to me what I can and can't do.
No, hotshot, you cannot do what you want in crisis situations, especially if it may have a negative effect on others.
Funny the first amendment says I can , as does title 18 section 242.

you have no right to health
He has the right to tell you to not cough near him. He does not have the right to tell you to cough under your bed to insure his continued good health. Libs are mostly insisting upon the later.
Which is completely not liberal. Which is why I refuse to call them liberal.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
But you’re suggesting what the science recommends. Dems only like science when it fits their agenda.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
But you’re suggesting what the science recommends. Dems only like science when it fits their agenda.
I'm suggesting using common sense. This is an especially bad flu virus but it's not some zombie outbreak that will kill everyone it comes in common with! Why we ever had healthy people self quarantining has never made any sense to me. The only reason I could see for it is if our health system was becoming overwhelmed and that never happened.

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