Narrative Fail: 15 Days After Lockdown Ease, Georgia Sees Lowest Day Of COVID Hospitalizations

Fauci broke basic laws of following science. But it wont matter to people like you because you are clueless..
Show us how he "broke basic laws of following science"
Tell me what you do when your models do not reflect the system you are modeling? As always with the left you ignore science that disproves your agenda. Just like Climate Change (AGW) where modeling fails without question you believe... Why? Anyone with a functioning brain cell understands that when you base policies on failed modeling you will likely kill more people that the problem your trying to solve can.

You and Fauci are dealing with a confirmation bias problem. The model confirms your bias so you ignore reality.
In a way I feel sorry but mostly angered at the dummies and politically vengeful who brought this havoc by treating worst case as most likely. A bewildered President and feckless governors rode the overreaction wave to the shore. Now what to do? Well they don’t know and many here and some out there are still running scare tactics up the flag pole but it’s not working
The “I owe it to you to insure your pristine health” was always a limp wristed appeal masking as forceful. Watch out for conjured up new stats to try and shame and guilt trip us back into another round of submission
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Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis.
YOU fuckers were calling it a "Dem Hoax"
Only because the DEMOCRATS were treating it as such... Tell me again how the food was in China Town Or the Chinese New Year was in New York where it was safe to go out and party?
How were the Dems treating the crisis as a hoax? We know that Trump was treating the crisis as a "hoax" because he said so. And how were the Dems dragging their feet? This fuck-up falls directly in Trump's lap.
A month after trump closed travel from China, pelosi was encouraging Chinese New Year celebrations as was deblasio in NYC and the NOLA mayor told everyone to celebrate mardi gras.Those cities put the dollar ahead of life, to paraphrase hypocritical democrats.
That has nothing to do with anything. So they encouraged attendance to the Chinese new year celebrations. They were not putting the dollar ahead of lives. That is stupid.
Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis.
YOU fuckers were calling it a "Dem Hoax"
Only because the DEMOCRATS were treating it as such... Tell me again how the food was in China Town Or the Chinese New Year was in New York where it was safe to go out and party?
How were the Dems treating the crisis as a hoax? We know that Trump was treating the crisis as a "hoax" because he said so. And how were the Dems dragging their feet? This fuck-up falls directly in Trump's lap.
A month after trump closed travel from China, pelosi was encouraging Chinese New Year celebrations as was deblasio in NYC and the NOLA mayor told everyone to celebrate mardi gras.Those cities put the dollar ahead of life, to paraphrase hypocritical democrats.
That has nothing to do with anything. So they encouraged attendance to the Chinese new year celebrations. They were not putting the dollar ahead of lives. That is stupid.
Those towns thrive on those celebrations just as florists depend on Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. They put the dollar ahead of safety. Extremely reckless.
Fauci broke basic laws of following science. But it wont matter to people like you because you are clueless..
Show us how he "broke basic laws of following science"
By preventing herd immunity with his recommendation of lockdown and quarantine.
Herd immunity? Don't you need a vaccine for "herd immunity"?
You need antibodies. Vaccines aid in that process but aren’t exclusively necessary. Consider the common cold.
Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis.
YOU fuckers were calling it a "Dem Hoax"
Only because the DEMOCRATS were treating it as such... Tell me again how the food was in China Town Or the Chinese New Year was in New York where it was safe to go out and party?
How were the Dems treating the crisis as a hoax? We know that Trump was treating the crisis as a "hoax" because he said so. And how were the Dems dragging their feet? This fuck-up falls directly in Trump's lap.
A month after trump closed travel from China, pelosi was encouraging Chinese New Year celebrations as was deblasio in NYC and the NOLA mayor told everyone to celebrate mardi gras.Those cities put the dollar ahead of life, to paraphrase hypocritical democrats.
That has nothing to do with anything. So they encouraged attendance to the Chinese new year celebrations. They were not putting the dollar ahead of lives. That is stupid.
Those towns thrive on those celebrations just as florists depend on Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. They put the dollar ahead of safety. Extremely reckless.
It's the towns and not any politician. Agreed
Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis.
YOU fuckers were calling it a "Dem Hoax"
Only because the DEMOCRATS were treating it as such... Tell me again how the food was in China Town Or the Chinese New Year was in New York where it was safe to go out and party?
How were the Dems treating the crisis as a hoax? We know that Trump was treating the crisis as a "hoax" because he said so. And how were the Dems dragging their feet? This fuck-up falls directly in Trump's lap.
A month after trump closed travel from China, pelosi was encouraging Chinese New Year celebrations as was deblasio in NYC and the NOLA mayor told everyone to celebrate mardi gras.Those cities put the dollar ahead of life, to paraphrase hypocritical democrats.
That has nothing to do with anything. So they encouraged attendance to the Chinese new year celebrations. They were not putting the dollar ahead of lives. That is stupid.
Those towns thrive on those celebrations just as florists depend on Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. They put the dollar ahead of safety. Extremely reckless.
It's the towns and not any politician. Agreed
The politicians depend on the towns’ economies. Didn’t you see Jaws?
If you cowards who want think you can hide from microbes want to live the rest of your miserable lives in your closet, that’s your phobia. The rest of us will go on.

Me and my lady were just in a Marshall's no one social one cares.thier two restaurants in my town that have been sayin fuck everything for the last two weeks were open come on in ones said boo to them
If you cowards who want think you can hide from microbes want to live the rest of your miserable lives in your closet, that’s your phobia. The rest of us will go on.

Me and my lady were just in a Marshall's no one social one cares.thier two restaurants in my town that have been sayin fuck everything for the last two weeks were open come on in ones said boo to them
There’s two factions now. The Mysophobia sufferers and the to hell with it life is filled with dangers and I’m not hiding folks.
If you cowards who want think you can hide from microbes want to live the rest of your miserable lives in your closet, that’s your phobia. The rest of us will go on.

Me and my lady were just in a Marshall's no one social one cares.thier two restaurants in my town that have been sayin fuck everything for the last two weeks were open come on in ones said boo to them
What state are you in?
And Suddenly Georgia is admitting to fake stats.
I wondered what the next step would be to prevent freedom from returning.
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And Suddenly Georgia is admitting to fake stats.
I wondered what the next step would be to prevent freedom returning.
Yes...they have been caught juking the numbers

I don;t know what the last part of that insanity meant
Under 1000 today but Sunday and Monday are always low because this full time worldwide lockdown killer pandemic receives part time attention.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.
Exactly. Which means we were lied to when the “experts” all said we needed to have a shutdown until we “flattened the curve”. Those other countries and some states flattened the curve, and they still don’t lift the shutdown restrictions. Some even expand more restrictions.

So how long are we supposed to remain shutdown then? Oh, they won’t say. Which means until whenever they say.

The only solution at this point is reaching herd immunity, which means exposing as many non-high risk people as possible without overwhelming our hospitals.

Keep old people isolated, which is easy anyway since most are retired, and let young healthy people get back to work. Why is this so hard for leftwing idiots to understand?
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.
Exactly. Which means we were lied to when the “experts” all said we needed to have a shutdown until we “flattened the curve”. Those other countries and some states flattened the curve, and they still don’t lift the shutdown restrictions. Some even expand more restrictions.

So how long are we supposed to remain shutdown then? Oh, they won’t say. Which means until whenever they say.

The only solution at this point is reaching herd immunity, which means exposing as many non-high risk people as possible without overwhelming our hospitals.

Keep old people isolated, which is easy anyway since most are retired, and let young healthy people get back to work. Why is this so hard for leftwing idiots to understand?
They will not even say what the purpose of the lock down is.

Where are the metrics that we are trying to hit and why? We cannot make good policies without targets.

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