Narrative Fail: 15 Days After Lockdown Ease, Georgia Sees Lowest Day Of COVID Hospitalizations

Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

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Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving the shutdown is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

Herd immunity, on the other hand, is a well established concept supported by centuries of empirical data.
You are 100% wrong and the exact opposite of your claims are fact. Empirical data accurately proves shutdowns and lockdowns work and if herd immunity for Corona viruses worked no one would ever get common colds, which are caused by a coronavirus. The reason is known to science. Some viruses, Coronaviruses included, are able to change and adapt.
Really? How does it prove that?

You're understanding is obviously wrong because herd immunity requires that a certain people contract the virus. I don't know how colds work, but we have flu every year or two because a new strain comes out every year or two. I believe the as me thing happens with colds, but they are much less serious so no one panics about it.
We fight yearly flu with vaccines. You are comfortable with giving all this life or death advice and opinions on COVID-19 and pandemics yet freely admit you know nothing abour the common cold. You even think the flu comes "every year or two"(your words).
People like you or anyone else with little medical knowledge should shut up and stop fantasizing about being scholarly and of high ranging intelligence. You are giving dangerous and poor advice and opinions. Think about it, you are advising on Coronavirus and admitting you know nothing about the common cold.

We fight yearly flu not very well, just FYI. Flu vaccines are far from 100% effective, even when the medical experts guess right about which strain of the flu will be dominant that season. In the years where they guess wrong, flu vaccines are as effective as just shooting people with distilled water.

You are comfortable talking about the wonders of lockdowns and how they "work" without telling us what "lockdowns working" actually means, and without telling us what purpose they actually serve if no vaccine is possible. You are sitting back and criticizing and complaining about how everyone else's plans and suggestions are impossible and dangerous, without offering anything solid yourself.
I rely on what medical experts say and promote. For some odd reason, I have more trust in them than politicians and partisan hacks. So, if doctors tell me not to do something and some politician tells me not to listen to the doctors, I will probably ignore the politicians.

All of the doctors that I know just aren't concerned. Theyre more concerned about having a job.
Then doctors you know are dumb to say something like that. I know lots of doctors and they will never say something like that.

I come from a family with a bunch of doctors. I'm the black sheep. I didn't become one or go into the medical field.

I know a ton of doctors and those who work in the medical field In my family and friends.

Not even ONE of them has ever said they aren't concerned with the virus and are more concerned with having a job.

No doctor would ever say such a thing. Ever.

They would say if they're seeing virus patients or not but never say they aren't concerned about it and more concerned about having a job.

Health care and doctors offices have not been closed. They are essential services. They have had to modify their offices for social distancing but that's about it.

Dentists aren't open but are working on an emergency cases basis.

Elective surgeries have been canceled.

The fact that the far right radical lying conservative added hoping they still have a job on the end of their lie, exposes the lie for what it is.

Heath care is essential services and aren't closed.
You mentioned previously that doctors you knew are not concerned of the CV. They are more concerned of having a job.........

Doctors I know will never say something like that. Health and well being of their patients are their concern. Job is worthless if you get sick. You can get a job later or go to welfare if needed but you cannot replace your life. That’s whats stake.

I’m in the medical instruments business. I can assure you that I know by far more doctors than you or anybody here. Hospitals are my customers.

I can assure you that I know dozens and dozens and they aren't real concerned about this virus. Whats at stake is that the governors, state, local officials who have unconstitutionally held states down need to be investigated.
You are lying. Doctors are more concerned of your health than a jobs. Jobs can be regain your health is NOT. If you disagree with the rules by all means no one is holding you. Just imagine if these government officials didn’t have these restrictions. We will never seethe end of these crisis but keeps growing. Don’t you think?
Doctors who don't care about your job are stupid. How are you going to pay doctor bills if you don't have a job?

TDS morons are all suffering from brain damage.

And for the record, jobs are not that easy to regain. People often become unemployed and then never work in the same capacity again.
With your foul mouthed. Do you even understand what you are posting?

How are you going to pay for your doctors? If you are going to die and really sick. How are you going to pay for your doctors, feed your family or get a job???? Explain that. So what difference does it make?
How are you going to feed your family or pay for your doctors if you don't have a job, eh you fucking dumbass?
Well stupid fuck. How are you going to feed your family if you get really sick and die? You are dumber than I thought. Why are you arguing with me? Why don’t you blame Trump with your miserable low life? Did I cause the crisis? People like you was part of the problem when you elected a lousy inept incompetent president. Despite of what he did you still support him then blame others with your failures and low miserable life. You are an idiot.
You assumption that I will automatically get sick and die is idiotic. Furthermore, I fail to understand why you believe a doctor can't accommodate my circumstances. That's what good doctors do.

I blame you because you're promoting the lockdown which is destroying this economy and thereby everyone's job. Did you assume that the lockdown was inevitable? It certainly wasn't. It's the result of a scheme by a gang of deepstate douchebags who believe it will help them defeat Trump and take complete control of the government. Naked political power is what it's about. Concern for my welfare definitely isn't the motivation for it.

Trump didn't cause it, no matter how desperately you claim he is.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving the shutdown is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

Herd immunity, on the other hand, is a well established concept supported by centuries of empirical data.
You are 100% wrong and the exact opposite of your claims are fact. Empirical data accurately proves shutdowns and lockdowns work and if herd immunity for Corona viruses worked no one would ever get common colds, which are caused by a coronavirus. The reason is known to science. Some viruses, Coronaviruses included, are able to change and adapt.
Really? How does it prove that?

You're understanding is obviously wrong because herd immunity requires that a certain people contract the virus. I don't know how colds work, but we have flu every year or two because a new strain comes out every year or two. I believe the as me thing happens with colds, but they are much less serious so no one panics about it.
We fight yearly flu with vaccines. You are comfortable with giving all this life or death advice and opinions on COVID-19 and pandemics yet freely admit you know nothing abour the common cold. You even think the flu comes "every year or two"(your words).
People like you or anyone else with little medical knowledge should shut up and stop fantasizing about being scholarly and of high ranging intelligence. You are giving dangerous and poor advice and opinions. Think about it, you are advising on Coronavirus and admitting you know nothing about the common cold.

We fight yearly flu not very well, just FYI. Flu vaccines are far from 100% effective, even when the medical experts guess right about which strain of the flu will be dominant that season. In the years where they guess wrong, flu vaccines are as effective as just shooting people with distilled water.

You are comfortable talking about the wonders of lockdowns and how they "work" without telling us what "lockdowns working" actually means, and without telling us what purpose they actually serve if no vaccine is possible. You are sitting back and criticizing and complaining about how everyone else's plans and suggestions are impossible and dangerous, without offering anything solid yourself.
I rely on what medical experts say and promote. For some odd reason, I have more trust in them than politicians and partisan hacks. So, if doctors tell me not to do something and some politician tells me not to listen to the doctors, I will probably ignore the politicians.

All of the doctors that I know just aren't concerned. Theyre more concerned about having a job.
Then doctors you know are dumb to say something like that. I know lots of doctors and they will never say something like that.

I come from a family with a bunch of doctors. I'm the black sheep. I didn't become one or go into the medical field.

I know a ton of doctors and those who work in the medical field In my family and friends.

Not even ONE of them has ever said they aren't concerned with the virus and are more concerned with having a job.

No doctor would ever say such a thing. Ever.

They would say if they're seeing virus patients or not but never say they aren't concerned about it and more concerned about having a job.

Health care and doctors offices have not been closed. They are essential services. They have had to modify their offices for social distancing but that's about it.

Dentists aren't open but are working on an emergency cases basis.

Elective surgeries have been canceled.

The fact that the far right radical lying conservative added hoping they still have a job on the end of their lie, exposes the lie for what it is.

Heath care is essential services and aren't closed.
You mentioned previously that doctors you knew are not concerned of the CV. They are more concerned of having a job.........

Doctors I know will never say something like that. Health and well being of their patients are their concern. Job is worthless if you get sick. You can get a job later or go to welfare if needed but you cannot replace your life. That’s whats stake.

I’m in the medical instruments business. I can assure you that I know by far more doctors than you or anybody here. Hospitals are my customers.

I can assure you that I know dozens and dozens and they aren't real concerned about this virus. Whats at stake is that the governors, state, local officials who have unconstitutionally held states down need to be investigated.
You are lying. Doctors are more concerned of your health than a jobs. Jobs can be regain your health is NOT. If you disagree with the rules by all means no one is holding you. Just imagine if these government officials didn’t have these restrictions. We will never seethe end of these crisis but keeps growing. Don’t you think?
Doctors who don't care about your job are stupid. How are you going to pay doctor bills if you don't have a job?

TDS morons are all suffering from brain damage.

And for the record, jobs are not that easy to regain. People often become unemployed and then never work in the same capacity again.
With your foul mouthed. Do you even understand what you are posting?

How are you going to pay for your doctors? If you are going to die and really sick. How are you going to pay for your doctors, feed your family or get a job???? Explain that. So what difference does it make?
How are you going to feed your family or pay for your doctors if you don't have a job, eh you fucking dumbass?
Well stupid fuck. How are you going to feed your family if you get really sick and die? You are dumber than I thought. Why are you arguing with me? Why don’t you blame Trump with your miserable low life? Did I cause the crisis? People like you was part of the problem when you elected a lousy inept incompetent president. Despite of what he did you still support him then blame others with your failures and low miserable life. You are an idiot.
You assumption that I will automatically get sick and die is idiotic. Furthermore, I fail to understand why you believe a doctor can't accommodate my circumstances. That's what good doctors do.

I blame you because you're promoting the lockdown which is destroying this economy and thereby everyone's job. Did you assume that the lockdown was inevitable? It certainly wasn't. It's the result of a scheme by a gang of deepstate douchebags who believe it will help them defeat Trump and take complete control of the government. Naked political power is what it's about. Concern for my welfare definitely isn't the motivation for it.

Trump didn't cause it, no matter how desperately you claim he is.
This is the problem when you listen too much of Fox News. About 7 to 3 Americans support or believed Fauci than Trump.

No I don’t assume you will get sick. But if we follow your idiotic rules more people will get sick and die. That is how we got in trouble to begin with. Numbers here in California are still climbing up. What do you want me to say?
Then we have Cult members like you who don’t even believe Covid-19 exist at the beginning.

Doctors are not in the position to give you financial advice because that is not what they are there for. That is your problem not the doctors.

I know lots of business owners and large pools of friends. More than 75% ( I think ) are suffering. Like I already mentioned hospitals are my customers. They also audit me (by surprise) of my process except financially required by FDA, almost a daily process because the number of hospitals, FDA an average of 1 in 3 years. I applied the same process with my suppliers.

The lockdowns is not a scheme to defeat Trump. It’s the results of his ineptness, amateur and incompetence. Especially how he downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. Supported by Fox News . He did that to himself. Did we tell him not to do anything for 2 months? Did we tell him to go to rallies and play golf during crisis? Did we tell him say lots of dumb and stupid things? DOUCHEBAG like you is part of the problem. YOU do not go around and blaming someone else of this moron, dumb, clown president failures. If we did not have this lockdown.... where do you think we are today?
Who do you think they blame? You can defend Trump however and whatever you want. Trump is responsible for this crisis. Period. There are several threads of this topic already.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​
Dr. Fauci is not wrong. Georgia just opened so give it a chance. South Korea had been closed and had very good results. Now they have opened and the virus has spiked.

Do people not understand that Koreans all live in one fucking city?

The only place comparable to places like that in East Asia are NY/NJ and chicago

And really chicago is more of a commuter city anyway. Although people do use the metro to get into the city. Once you're in you don't generally use public transport unless you live there. Or maybe you ride one of hte lines to work if it's really convenient.

Comparing Seoul to Atlanta is absurd
We are not talking about city of Seoul and Atlanta.....

Okay. So educate me. We are talking South Korea a country with 52 millions Koreans. California populations is about 40 millions. New York State 20 millions.

Why is S. Korea with more populations than Ca has far less cases and death of CV-19?

Why is S. Korea with more populations than NY has far less cases and death of CV-19?
Does it matter what cities and countries we are discussing? They opened and the virus spiked, and that is my point.
Yes it does matter because 1. You made a nonsense comparison without facts. 2. SK was able to control the CV-19 far better than US.
It was not a nonsense comparison and nobody has all the facts. SK did indeed control the CV-19 far better than did Trump, but when they opened the virus spiked.
Your previous post. You said ....... Do people not understand that Koreans all live in one fucking city?

I’ve been to SK and I can tell you that you are very wrong.

The spike still low.
This is South Korea.


  • C14E7E62-71F8-4F87-A381-9A3E0E35BFC0.png
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Georgia’s confirmed-case count for COVID-19 rose to 36,772 by 7 p.m. on Friday, May 15, while the statewide death total reached 1,588, according to figures posted by the Georgia Department of Public Health.

Thursday’s total statewide confirmed-case count was 35,977 and there were 1,544 deaths caused by COVID-19.
I spent a bit of time there last month and they are all fine and kinda shake their head in a bemused way about the handling of it
I spent a bit of time there last month and they are all fine and kinda shake their head in a bemused way about the handling of it
SO why are they setting up temporary hospitals in parking lots?
He rely on facts and science.

Fauci relies on MODELING! Incomplete and unknowable parameters that he can not possibly know or predict. IF Fauci only relied on facts he would have seen that the modeling had overshot the mark by a factor of 5-10 times. At that point he should have dumped the models for what we have seen in reality. I have been trained in biological warfare and there are simply things that you can never know. The only person ignorant here is you. Even Fauci knows the models are not reliable and only fools then continue to follow. Who is more foolish? The Fool or the one who follows?
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You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.
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Faucis preoccupations do not match that of the thinking public and we do not need him nor his target of 100% healthiness.

IF you want to hide in your basement and cower in fear the idiots can feel free to do so.

What Georgia is proving out right is:

1: Sun kills the virus and the general public is better out side than in.

2. Reasonable precautions for those who are high risk can and will work. There is no reason to keep those who are very low risk from doing their jobs.

3. Employers and employees can work together to find ways to work safely! Look at the meat packing plants. They expanded the work areas, changed air flow patterns, changed procedures for reporting to work and sending those ill home. Once given a seat at the table and ownership of the problem they found solutions that work.

This fly's in the face of people like Fauci who would have us believe that no one is safe until the bug is dead... That is simply wrong! This bug is going to out live every human on earth and all we can do is adapt. Its time to get on with life!
Georgia is suffering through infection rates are are double what they were...they're building temporary hospitals in parking lots...

Hey...go for it...

Georgia has been making their numbers look better by BACKDATING new cases.

They're banking on people no noticing that previous days (like several weeks ago) all of a sudden have higher infection numbers...of course that means that (at least for now) the current numbers don't look so bad and it hides the fact that the numbers were much better before they opened up.

When I heard about Georgia wanting to open up I started looking at theoir daily infection numbers...and they were running in the 350-400 range. Go look...those in the week before they opened up NOW have numbers far higher than that. Even with THAT...they are showing infections rates in the 500-750 range (several almost to 1,000)

I mean the way they have juked the actually looks like they opened up as they numbers of infections were climbing...and that magically...exposing more people to the virus has somehow made the infection rate decrease?
Governments said "lets go and combat and kill the virus, this is war... so go and hide inside your house..."

Sure... right...
Numbers from unreliable partisan Gateway Pundit are distorted. Fake conservative pro tea bagger trumpoholic news. Do yourselves a favor and type in Georgia Coronavirus on your search engine and see for yourself. Cases and deaths in Georgia are up and rising.

From the Georgia Department of Health's website:

Yes, numbers of diagnosed cases and deaths have gone up . . . because that's a one-way ratchet, so thanks for sharing that utterly useless red herring. Their rates, however, are continuing to trend down.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving the shutdown is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

Herd immunity, on the other hand, is a well established concept supported by centuries of empirical data.
You are 100% wrong and the exact opposite of your claims are fact. Empirical data accurately proves shutdowns and lockdowns work and if herd immunity for Corona viruses worked no one would ever get common colds, which are caused by a coronavirus. The reason is known to science. Some viruses, Coronaviruses included, are able to change and adapt.
Really? How does it prove that?

You're understanding is obviously wrong because herd immunity requires that a certain people contract the virus. I don't know how colds work, but we have flu every year or two because a new strain comes out every year or two. I believe the as me thing happens with colds, but they are much less serious so no one panics about it.
We fight yearly flu with vaccines. You are comfortable with giving all this life or death advice and opinions on COVID-19 and pandemics yet freely admit you know nothing abour the common cold. You even think the flu comes "every year or two"(your words).
People like you or anyone else with little medical knowledge should shut up and stop fantasizing about being scholarly and of high ranging intelligence. You are giving dangerous and poor advice and opinions. Think about it, you are advising on Coronavirus and admitting you know nothing about the common cold.

We fight yearly flu not very well, just FYI. Flu vaccines are far from 100% effective, even when the medical experts guess right about which strain of the flu will be dominant that season. In the years where they guess wrong, flu vaccines are as effective as just shooting people with distilled water.

You are comfortable talking about the wonders of lockdowns and how they "work" without telling us what "lockdowns working" actually means, and without telling us what purpose they actually serve if no vaccine is possible. You are sitting back and criticizing and complaining about how everyone else's plans and suggestions are impossible and dangerous, without offering anything solid yourself.
I rely on what medical experts say and promote. For some odd reason, I have more trust in them than politicians and partisan hacks. So, if doctors tell me not to do something and some politician tells me not to listen to the doctors, I will probably ignore the politicians.

All of the doctors that I know just aren't concerned. Theyre more concerned about having a job.
Then doctors you know are dumb to say something like that. I know lots of doctors and they will never say something like that.

I come from a family with a bunch of doctors. I'm the black sheep. I didn't become one or go into the medical field.

I know a ton of doctors and those who work in the medical field In my family and friends.

Not even ONE of them has ever said they aren't concerned with the virus and are more concerned with having a job.

No doctor would ever say such a thing. Ever.

They would say if they're seeing virus patients or not but never say they aren't concerned about it and more concerned about having a job.

Health care and doctors offices have not been closed. They are essential services. They have had to modify their offices for social distancing but that's about it.

Dentists aren't open but are working on an emergency cases basis.

Elective surgeries have been canceled.

The fact that the far right radical lying conservative added hoping they still have a job on the end of their lie, exposes the lie for what it is.

Heath care is essential services and aren't closed.
You mentioned previously that doctors you knew are not concerned of the CV. They are more concerned of having a job.........

Doctors I know will never say something like that. Health and well being of their patients are their concern. Job is worthless if you get sick. You can get a job later or go to welfare if needed but you cannot replace your life. That’s whats stake.

I’m in the medical instruments business. I can assure you that I know by far more doctors than you or anybody here. Hospitals are my customers.

I can assure you that I know dozens and dozens and they aren't real concerned about this virus. Whats at stake is that the governors, state, local officials who have unconstitutionally held states down need to be investigated.
You are lying. Doctors are more concerned of your health than a jobs. Jobs can be regain your health is NOT. If you disagree with the rules by all means no one is holding you. Just imagine if these government officials didn’t have these restrictions. We will never seethe end of these crisis but keeps growing. Don’t you think?
Doctors who don't care about your job are stupid. How are you going to pay doctor bills if you don't have a job?

TDS morons are all suffering from brain damage.

And for the record, jobs are not that easy to regain. People often become unemployed and then never work in the same capacity again.
With your foul mouthed. Do you even understand what you are posting?

How are you going to pay for your doctors? If you are going to die and really sick. How are you going to pay for your doctors, feed your family or get a job???? Explain that. So what difference does it make?
How are you going to feed your family or pay for your doctors if you don't have a job, eh you fucking dumbass?
Well stupid fuck. How are you going to feed your family if you get really sick and die? You are dumber than I thought. Why are you arguing with me? Why don’t you blame Trump with your miserable low life? Did I cause the crisis? People like you was part of the problem when you elected a lousy inept incompetent president. Despite of what he did you still support him then blame others with your failures and low miserable life. You are an idiot.
You assumption that I will automatically get sick and die is idiotic. Furthermore, I fail to understand why you believe a doctor can't accommodate my circumstances. That's what good doctors do.

I blame you because you're promoting the lockdown which is destroying this economy and thereby everyone's job. Did you assume that the lockdown was inevitable? It certainly wasn't. It's the result of a scheme by a gang of deepstate douchebags who believe it will help them defeat Trump and take complete control of the government. Naked political power is what it's about. Concern for my welfare definitely isn't the motivation for it.

Trump didn't cause it, no matter how desperately you claim he is.
This is the problem when you listen too much of Fox News. About 7 to 3 Americans support or believed Fauci than Trump.

No I don’t assume you will get sick. But if we follow your idiotic rules more people will get sick and die. That is how we got in trouble to begin with. Numbers here in California are still climbing up. What do you want me to say?
Then we have Cult members like you who don’t even believe Covid-19 exist at the beginning.

Doctors are not in the position to give you financial advice because that is not what they are there for. That is your problem not the doctors.

I know lots of business owners and large pools of friends. More than 75% ( I think ) are suffering. Like I already mentioned hospitals are my customers. They also audit me (by surprise) of my process except financially required by FDA, almost a daily process because the number of hospitals, FDA an average of 1 in 3 years. I applied the same process with my suppliers.

The lockdowns is not a scheme to defeat Trump. It’s the results of his ineptness, amateur and incompetence. Especially how he downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. Supported by Fox News . He did that to himself. Did we tell him not to do anything for 2 months? Did we tell him to go to rallies and play golf during crisis? Did we tell him say lots of dumb and stupid things? DOUCHEBAG like you is part of the problem. YOU do not go around and blaming someone else of this moron, dumb, clown president failures. If we did not have this lockdown.... where do you think we are today?
Who do you think they blame? You can defend Trump however and whatever you want. Trump is responsible for this crisis. Period. There are several threads of this topic already.
You just parroted a bunch of democrat tripe. And you don’t watch Fox News, you just echo what your lefty handlers tell you.

Georgia has been making their numbers look better by BACKDATING new cases.

They're banking on people no noticing that previous days (like several weeks ago) all of a sudden have higher infection numbers...of course that means that (at least for now) the current numbers don't look so bad and it hides the fact that the numbers were much better before they opened up.

When I heard about Georgia wanting to open up I started looking at theoir daily infection numbers...and they were running in the 350-400 range. Go look...those in the week before they opened up NOW have numbers far higher than that. Even with THAT...they are showing infections rates in the 500-750 range (several almost to 1,000)

I mean the way they have juked the actually looks like they opened up as they numbers of infections were climbing...and that magically...exposing more people to the virus has somehow made the infection rate decrease?
I suppose you have some evidence to support this allegation? . . . . . . .

I thought not.

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