Narrative Fail: 15 Days After Lockdown Ease, Georgia Sees Lowest Day Of COVID Hospitalizations

You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Donā€™t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that donā€™t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesnā€™t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really donā€™t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you donā€™t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
But youā€™re suggesting what the science recommends. Dems only like science when it fits their agenda.
I'm suggesting using common sense. This is an especially bad flu virus but it's not some zombie outbreak that will kill everyone it comes in common with! Why we ever had healthy people self quarantining has never made any sense to me. The only reason I could see for it is if our health system was becoming overwhelmed and that never happened.
Sure it is, fk itā€™s gonna come out your eyes and swallow faces that get within six feet. I always thought the boogie man was fictional
SUCH a coincidence that the state leading the charge back to freedom is The First state to be ā€œchargedā€ with fudging numbers.
Sad we have this misinformation, especially an inaccurate false thread title promoting dangerous falsehoods, lies, during a crisis. Here on a site where so many members whine about "FAKE NEWS", we see a regular routine promotion of fake news.
More pubs and bars open in TN


You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Donā€™t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that donā€™t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesnā€™t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really donā€™t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you donā€™t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
But youā€™re suggesting what the science recommends. Dems only like science when it fits their agenda.
I'm suggesting using common sense. This is an especially bad flu virus but it's not some zombie outbreak that will kill everyone it comes in common with! Why we ever had healthy people self quarantining has never made any sense to me. The only reason I could see for it is if our health system was becoming overwhelmed and that never happened.
Sure it is, fk itā€™s gonna come out your eyes and swallow faces that get within six feet. I always thought the boogie man was fictional
Do you know anyone who has passed away due to C-19?
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Donā€™t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that donā€™t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesnā€™t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really donā€™t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you donā€™t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
But youā€™re suggesting what the science recommends. Dems only like science when it fits their agenda.
I'm suggesting using common sense. This is an especially bad flu virus but it's not some zombie outbreak that will kill everyone it comes in common with! Why we ever had healthy people self quarantining has never made any sense to me. The only reason I could see for it is if our health system was becoming overwhelmed and that never happened.
Sure it is, fk itā€™s gonna come out your eyes and swallow faces that get within six feet. I always thought the boogie man was fictional
Do you know anyone who has passed away due to C-19?
nope. I don't know anyone who's had it.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Donā€™t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that donā€™t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesnā€™t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really donā€™t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you donā€™t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
But youā€™re suggesting what the science recommends. Dems only like science when it fits their agenda.
I'm suggesting using common sense. This is an especially bad flu virus but it's not some zombie outbreak that will kill everyone it comes in common with! Why we ever had healthy people self quarantining has never made any sense to me. The only reason I could see for it is if our health system was becoming overwhelmed and that never happened.
Sure it is, fk itā€™s gonna come out your eyes and swallow faces that get within six feet. I always thought the boogie man was fictional
Do you know anyone who has passed away due to C-19?
nope. I don't know anyone who's had it.
I think not knowing anyone and the number of cases in a person's area probably influences one's opinion.
If you cowards who want think you can hide from microbes want to live the rest of your miserable lives in your closet, thatā€™s your phobia. The rest of us will go on.

Maybe the libs can reassign Mr. Arbery's celebrated death in the city of Brunswick to the virus? Particularly if his shooters get off, someone will have to take the fall, might as well be the pathogen blamed on President Trump?
the irony is swweeeeeeet
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. ā€œIf I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be ā€¦ I would advise him not to do that.ā€​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

We have never quarantined a healthy population over some weak virus such as this one.
We can no longer afford to listen to morons who call COVID-19 a "weak virus" even after it has killed 80,000 Americans in a matter of months. Your mind is what is weak.
Lol.... how maby died of the flu?
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Donā€™t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that donā€™t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesnā€™t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really donā€™t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you donā€™t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
But youā€™re suggesting what the science recommends. Dems only like science when it fits their agenda.
I'm suggesting using common sense. This is an especially bad flu virus but it's not some zombie outbreak that will kill everyone it comes in common with! Why we ever had healthy people self quarantining has never made any sense to me. The only reason I could see for it is if our health system was becoming overwhelmed and that never happened.
Sure it is, fk itā€™s gonna come out your eyes and swallow faces that get within six feet. I always thought the boogie man was fictional
Do you know anyone who has passed away due to C-19?
nope. I don't know anyone who's had it.
I think not knowing anyone and the number of cases in a person's area probably influences one's opinion.
It's why Trump kneecapped testing
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. ā€œIf I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be ā€¦ I would advise him not to do that.ā€​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Number of new cases on May 6th: 898.

You're cherry picking the data.
Here's another nail in the shutdown coffin. I predict this shutdown will last only a few more weeks.

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. ā€œIf I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be ā€¦ I would advise him not to do that.ā€​
But Dr. Fauci was wrong again. In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything? It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!​
Fauci and the critics were all wrong. Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.​
Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.​
Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).​

Wrong. Fauci is right.

Number of new cases on May 9th: 419
Number of new cases on May 10th: 886

View attachment 334712
Over all numbers will go hgher as more and more testing is done. The real metric of this disease are the numbers of new hosptializations and those have not climbed. So the majority of those being affected are those that have little or no symptoms when they get this disease.
Health professions in Ga are already building temporary hospitals to handle the surge they are expecting

They began expanding their capacity months ago. They understand that it will spike the cases to a certain level but as the population becomes immune to it the rate of infections will drop and the needs will also drop. Absent a vaccine there is only one way to beat a pathogen, its called herd immunity. Staying at home prolongs this process but you will still become infected. Its time to stop hiding from this virus and beat it. With 98% of the populace not having a problem with getting this virus and becoming immune we can protect those who are most at risk and still get on with life.
Not one shred of evidence exists proving herd immunity is a viable concept for this kind of virus.

We have never quarantined a healthy population over some weak virus such as this one.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Donā€™t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that donā€™t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesnā€™t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really donā€™t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you donā€™t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
But youā€™re suggesting what the science recommends. Dems only like science when it fits their agenda.
I'm suggesting using common sense. This is an especially bad flu virus but it's not some zombie outbreak that will kill everyone it comes in common with! Why we ever had healthy people self quarantining has never made any sense to me. The only reason I could see for it is if our health system was becoming overwhelmed and that never happened.
Sure it is, fk itā€™s gonna come out your eyes and swallow faces that get within six feet. I always thought the boogie man was fictional
Do you know anyone who has passed away due to C-19?
nope. I don't know anyone who's had it.
I think not knowing anyone and the number of cases in a person's area probably influences one's opinion.
It's why Trump kneecapped testing
testing is gey.
I think not knowing anyone and the number of cases in a person's area probably influences one's opinion.
yep. it shows it isn't dangerous. so the opposite of the hoax.
100,000 dead Americans influence one to believe COVID 19 isn't a hoax.
you have no idea any one of them died due to wuhan. no autopsies were done. no testing was done. so technically you don't.

leads me to determine this to be a hoax.
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Donā€™t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that donā€™t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesnā€™t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really donā€™t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you donā€™t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
But youā€™re suggesting what the science recommends. Dems only like science when it fits their agenda.
I'm suggesting using common sense. This is an especially bad flu virus but it's not some zombie outbreak that will kill everyone it comes in common with! Why we ever had healthy people self quarantining has never made any sense to me. The only reason I could see for it is if our health system was becoming overwhelmed and that never happened.
Sure it is, fk itā€™s gonna come out your eyes and swallow faces that get within six feet. I always thought the boogie man was fictional
Do you know anyone who has passed away due to C-19?
nope. I don't know anyone who's had it.
I think not knowing anyone and the number of cases in a person's area probably influences one's opinion.
That is rather likely. I also do not know anyone that has fallen seriously ill let alone died. The majority of people in this nation most likely are in the same situation particularly with most of the sick have been centralized in specific places. 1/3 of the cases exist in NY alone.
I think not knowing anyone and the number of cases in a person's area probably influences one's opinion.
yep. it shows it isn't dangerous. so the opposite of the hoax.
100,000 dead Americans influence one to believe COVID 19 isn't a hoax.
you have no idea any one of them died due to wuhan. no autopsies were done. no testing was done. so technically you don't.

leads me to determine this to be a hoax.
I give very little credit to conspiracy theories and less to your claims of no testing or autopsies of people in hospitals.

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