Narrative Fail: 15 Days After Lockdown Ease, Georgia Sees Lowest Day Of COVID Hospitalizations

You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
Media? LOL. Have you been to hospitals that has several COVID-19 patients and deaths?
Blaming the media is the last thing for me to believe as an excuse.

The unemployment, loosing jobs, panic buying, miles of cars lining up for foods, lost income...... Is that a media scare tactics? Get real.

We are having a big trouble people not cooperating with social distancing and not wearing mask. Let alone will leave to your hands how we protect myself and others? If we did that we can never see the end of crisis this year.

"The unemployment, loosing jobs, panic buying, miles of cars lining up for foods, lost income...... Is that a media scare tactics? "

No Bri. You are in denial again. You alone are complaining about income and jobs. Denial doesn’t change the reality.
You are lying. Where in my post where I called Trump a racist when he shut down air travel?
Let’s see. Either you are dumb and stupid to post something like that or you are just plain ignorant. Or all of the above. But let me update your silly post.
I said idiots like you called Trump racist for
cutting off air travel to China. That means those with chimpanzee like mental powers. Like you.

Shutting down air travel from China. That was ONLY applied to non immigrants while about 40,000 US citizens flying back to US.

Shutting down air travel to Europe. That was March 11, 2020. See the difference?
Difference in what?

As far as not voting for Trump.You got that right WE are not voting for Trump. And you don’t have the right to tell me what and why we need to trash that piece of shit how he destroyed this country and instigating violence or war against his own people the democrats. Idiots like you made that happened because you support the dumbest, amateur, most inept & incompetent president ever.
Wow! That hurts so much considering sick Hillary and even more sick Joe Biden have been the alternative.

If Trump has been so bad legally remove him from with an election or something.
So far you morons haven't done that (attempted coups do not count) and it looks like that trend will

That is why this election 2020 is very important and it will be a historic numbers.
American lives and future is at stake in this election 2020
That's what people say every election but with an epically corrupt, racist brain damaged
candidate it won't happen this time either.

You people need to be exterminated like bugs. Thanks for helping out.
Shutting down travel to China and Europe was discussed heavily in March and April.
It’s now end of May and you are still talking the same thing. Dude you are so far behind Exposing your stupidity and ignorance. Then you came blasting me like it mean anything. You talk to me that way. You expect brutal response. You got that?
Over the last 3 months one out of every 3300 people has died from this
Does that even make the Top 10 taker of life list?
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
Media? LOL. Have you been to hospitals that has several COVID-19 patients and deaths?
Blaming the media is the last thing for me to believe as an excuse.

The unemployment, loosing jobs, panic buying, miles of cars lining up for foods, lost income...... Is that a media scare tactics? Get real.

We are having a big trouble people not cooperating with social distancing and not wearing mask. Let alone will leave to your hands how we protect myself and others? If we did that we can never see the end of crisis this year.

"The unemployment, loosing jobs, panic buying, miles of cars lining up for foods, lost income...... Is that a media scare tactics? "

No Bri. You are in denial again. You alone are complaining about income and jobs. Denial doesn’t change the reality.
I'm hardly alone, shit for brains.
Shutting down travel to China and Europe was discussed heavily in March and April.
It’s now end of May and you are still talking the same thing. Dude you are so far behind Exposing your stupidity and ignorance. Then you came blasting me like it mean anything. You talk to me that way. You expect brutal response. You got that?
The only thing "brutal" about your response is how stupid it is.
When you said Trump did nothing about the Covid virus I pointed out how he early on cut off air traffic from China. The fact that it happened in March does nothing to invalidate my point.

In fact it reinforces it. He acted early...sort of the whole point.
Just fuck off, moron. I value my time too much to waste it on fools like you.

Georgia state Rep. Jasmine Clark, a Democrat with a doctorate in microbiology, said the graph was a “prime example of malfeasance.”

"Sadly it feels like there’s been an attempt to make the data fit the narrative, and that’s not how data works,” she said.

Republican Gov. Brian Kemp's office denied there was any attempt to deceive the public.


On something like this, Republicans can only hide information for so long. And then it comes out. But it’ll come out way before November. Because these are some really terrible things they’re trying to hide. It’s just not gonna work
So you're counting on some OTHER cretin doing what you want done?
Not counting on any of that and I never said otherwise. What's wrong with you people"
We can all see now how your depraved minds work.

To be specific, as I see I must be, I was thinking the democrat party would go the way of the Whigs,
Bull Moose Party or Radical Democracy Party, that simply makes itself irrelevant and extinct through it's consistently bad and dishonest decisions.

But thanks for giving me the chance to clear this all up. If you want to dispose of someone that's all on you.
On something like this, Republicans can only hide information for so long. And then it comes out. But it’ll come out way before November. Because these are some really terrible things they’re trying to hide. It’s just not gonna work
Odd. It works in Sweden.
You are lying. Where in my post where I called Trump a racist when he shut down air travel?
Let’s see. Either you are dumb and stupid to post something like that or you are just plain ignorant. Or all of the above. But let me update your silly post.
I said idiots like you called Trump racist for
cutting off air travel to China. That means those with chimpanzee like mental powers. Like you.

Shutting down air travel from China. That was ONLY applied to non immigrants while about 40,000 US citizens flying back to US.

Shutting down air travel to Europe. That was March 11, 2020. See the difference?
Difference in what?

As far as not voting for Trump.You got that right WE are not voting for Trump. And you don’t have the right to tell me what and why we need to trash that piece of shit how he destroyed this country and instigating violence or war against his own people the democrats. Idiots like you made that happened because you support the dumbest, amateur, most inept & incompetent president ever.
Wow! That hurts so much considering sick Hillary and even more sick Joe Biden have been the alternative.

If Trump has been so bad legally remove him from with an election or something.
So far you morons haven't done that (attempted coups do not count) and it looks like that trend will

That is why this election 2020 is very important and it will be a historic numbers.
American lives and future is at stake in this election 2020
That's what people say every election but with an epically corrupt, racist brain damaged
candidate it won't happen this time either.

You people need to be exterminated like bugs. Thanks for helping out.
Dude no question Trump is racist piece of shit and Corrupted president. Get that straight.

Shutting down travel to Europe March 11, 2020. See the difference?
You are STUPID. Trump shut down the front January 28. Then shut down the rear March 11, 2020. MEANING.....1. Too late. 2. CV deaths and infections in NY traced from Europe like Italy. 3. Virus doesn’t stay in one locations infections travels fast. 4. Why would only shut down part of the country and not as a whole? Why? Because that was part from downplaying the seriousness of the Covid-19.

Hillary or any of the 2016 presidential candidates could have been by far better than this lousy POTUS.
Biden is far better than this lousy POTUS.

From you.... We need to be exterminated like bugs...... What did I say? This election 2020 is very important the future and lives of DECENT Americans is at stakes. Biden is the future.

Blah....blah...blah....blah....every election is always the most important one...what a dolt.

Biden doesn't even have a future how can be be the future you moron? You have no facts to indicate that Trump is a racist other than your own twisted definition of the word....but that's what lefty does....makes up his own vocabulary.

Trump had to deal with the democrats early on telling everyone to go out and party.....What the fuck are you talking about idiot?

You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
Media? LOL. Have you been to hospitals that has several COVID-19 patients and deaths?
Blaming the media is the last thing for me to believe as an excuse.

The unemployment, loosing jobs, panic buying, miles of cars lining up for foods, lost income...... Is that a media scare tactics? Get real.

We are having a big trouble people not cooperating with social distancing and not wearing mask. Let alone will leave to your hands how we protect myself and others? If we did that we can never see the end of crisis this year.

Several patients with Covid 19 is reason to panic? Why exactly? What is the reasoning behind closing down our economy and having healthy American's hide in their homes? It makes zero sense! This is a nasty flu but a flu non the less! When all is said and done the number of people who will have died from it is going to be slightly higher than a normal bad flu year! If you deducted all of the nursing home patients who died because idiots like Cuomo bought into the hype that our hospitals were going to be overwhelmed that number would be far lower! We brought a 1000 bed hospital ship to New York harbor because the "experts" said it was desperately needed! We built the largest mobile hospital ever at the Javits Center in New York! Guess what? Neither was utilized! This whole thing was blown completely out of proportion because a bunch of idiots started screaming that the sky was falling!

Cobb county and around Atlanta.....biggest area........

SO............the strategy was always to ensure the hospitals don't get overrun...............not to STOP THE VIRUS......THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE...........

When you knee jerk FEAR MONGERS can tell me how to stop the common cold get back to me......other than that.........go hide under your beds and STFU

You are burning down the house because of a spider.

Cobb county and around Atlanta.....biggest area........

SO............the strategy was always to ensure the hospitals don't get overrun...............not to STOP THE VIRUS......THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE...........

When you knee jerk FEAR MONGERS can tell me how to stop the common cold get back to me......other than that.........go hide under your beds and STFU

You are burning down the house because of a spider.
The new main stream media tactic is to claim that cases are spreading "UNCONTROLLED"!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!

But wait a minute...if this is just healthy people contracting the virus and recovering from it...then why is that a bad thing? Isn't that the way that we've always gotten through pandemics before? I mean, how are the elderly and the infirm EVER going to be able to come out of self isolation if the virus doesn't run it's course through the rest of the population? It's what NEVER made sense to me with the shut down orders!
You were talking to few doctors in the Biological weapons field of study???? Really? I mean REALLY? and they told you that???
Any reference to prove your lies?

Other books on this subject are Top Secret to this day for a reason... Moron!

I trust these men with my very life and did so when I was in the military. These men know how to survive and how to keep us alive to win the battles. You want to cower in fear and beleive Fauci you go right ahead but this virus will out live every man, woman , and child on earth today and will keep on living way past then.

Cower in fear? If we followed your criteria we will never get done with this crisis and more sickness and death. Don’t you think? Downplaying the seriousness of this crisis is how we got in trouble to begin with. What part of that don’t you understand?
If you are so tough go for it.

Who should we follow? Trump who lies like hell, doesn’t even know what he is talking about most of the time, so focus on his ratings and busy blaming others or Fauci?

I Understand that the lockdown is as cruelty as it can gets against Americans ....... I really don’t know what to say. Lots of people I know are sufferings, no income, just living with their savings and credit cards.
The lockdown is the problem on multiple levels. Democrats were the only ones dragging their feet and mismanaging the crisis. That’s why it’s so much worse where democrats live.
Well my dear it was those people that dragged their feet and downplayed the severity of the CV that is how we got into this mess to begin with. Lots of you don’t even believe or knows the differences of flu vs CV. Now this country is in big trouble. Why are you blaming the democrats for being careful?
If this devil CV comes back. We will be needing lots of plywood.
The reason this country is in "big trouble" is that the main stream media's scare tactics shut down our economy when what we really needed to do was have those most vulnerable self quarantine while everyone else practiced social distancing while continuing to work!
Media? LOL. Have you been to hospitals that has several COVID-19 patients and deaths?
Blaming the media is the last thing for me to believe as an excuse.

The unemployment, loosing jobs, panic buying, miles of cars lining up for foods, lost income...... Is that a media scare tactics? Get real.

We are having a big trouble people not cooperating with social distancing and not wearing mask. Let alone will leave to your hands how we protect myself and others? If we did that we can never see the end of crisis this year.

Several patients with Covid 19 is reason to panic? Why exactly? What is the reasoning behind closing down our economy and having healthy American's hide in their homes? It makes zero sense! This is a nasty flu but a flu non the less! When all is said and done the number of people who will have died from it is going to be slightly higher than a normal bad flu year! If you deducted all of the nursing home patients who died because idiots like Cuomo bought into the hype that our hospitals were going to be overwhelmed that number would be far lower! We brought a 1000 bed hospital ship to New York harbor because the "experts" said it was desperately needed! We built the largest mobile hospital ever at the Javits Center in New York! Guess what? Neither was utilized! This whole thing was blown completely out of proportion because a bunch of idiots started screaming that the sky was falling!
Considering we are cresting 100,000 dead and the epidemic is far from done I do not see how it is comparable to a bad flu year. It is clearly going to have a far larger impact than flu has had for a very long time.

It may have been blown out of proportion but that was mostly because we had no idea what we were doing. Hindsight is always 20/20.

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