Narrative Fail: CNN Poll: 42% approve of Trump, highest in 11 months

42% approval for Democrat Fake News. Other credible polls have him closer to 50%. Their 24/7 hate propaganda is a YUGE fail at this point. :)
You must be a wet Egyptian bathing in deNile!

WOW! "Other credible polls have him closer to 50%." 14 months in office and the Orange One has been underwater the whole damn time and never been close to being over 50%. After another 14 months he won't have a bloody chance of getting over 50% because the putz will have been impeached and kicked to the curb or resigned beforehand!

Stock marked going Bear and recession coming in Q3 - Q4. So much for the Great Asswipe-in-Chief economy!
After another 14 months he won't have a bloody chance of getting over 50% because the putz will have been impeached and kicked to the curb
Bwaaaahhhhhaaaahhhhhaaaaa..I got $100 says he will be running again in 2020 as Making America Even Greater will be his campaign.
Keep it up lefties. You got him elected, now you're making him look good.

CNN Poll: 42% approve of Trump, highest in 11 months.

You have pretty low standards if you think 42% approval ratings looks good.
From a left wing liberal news source, 42% is like 80% in real time.

Except that CNN didn't conduct the poll. And the results are higher than the 39% rating reported by conservative news source The Hill.

Poll: Trump's job performance rating drops
"Its the economy, stupid......"

Trump is a very, very lucky guy in inheriting a recovering economy from Obama....

Nonetheless, look at the percentile that disapprove of Trump and even the most avid Trump cult members would (or should) conclude......

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You mean the market that is up 35% since Trump kicked Hillary's ass in the election?

Bullshit, it's 25% up since he was elected, 20% since he stepped into the WH and is NEGATIVE for this year.

Stock market was up 40% by this time in Obama's first term and 150% up by the end of his presidency.

"Businessman" Trump can't touch the kind of stock market growth numbers we've had under "communist community organizer"

Stock market was up 40% by this time in Obama's first term and 150% up by the end of his presidency.
Bullshit....Obama couldn't get shit started until QE forever infused 4.5 trillion dollars into the stock market

Retard, that was the DOW growth - you can't call facts "bullshit".
Keep it up lefties. You got him elected, now you're making him look good.

CNN Poll: 42% approve of Trump, highest in 11 months.

Consider that all these approval polls I have researched OVERSAMPLED Dem's and Hillary voters so they are rigged. Then consider the liberal media has attacked Trump non-stop for over a year and even with all this Trump is pulling down 42% in their rigged poll. Trump also reduced the Dem's 15 point lead in the midterms in Oct down to only 5% now. Trump is a hell of a president good job Trump! :eusa_clap:

Now imagine what Trump's approval rating would be if the liberal media were kissing his ass daily like they did for Obama.
I think one has to agree that Trump's poll numbers are up a bit. I read a week or so ago that he got good marks for actually engaging with NK. We'll have to see what comes out of it, and if Trump agrees to not mess with NK even as it continues to counterfit dollars and sell arms to terrorists .... well let's hope we don't cave.

But basically he's delivering on his protectionist America first message, non PC. And not all Hispanics find him offensive. Imo Americans generally want to see a new potus succeed even if they doubt his policies.
Here's a narrative for the left, we hate your guts. Trump is not going to change that and certainly you are not going to change that. We hate your guts and have made it our mission to destroy you. So post all the negative crap you want about Trump, it only boosts our resolve.
The ALT-Right White Supremacists are still celebrate their wretched racist their is real low:abgg2q.jpg:
Lets discuss why a stupid ass like Nat4900 is laughing. He really is stupid. Usually I joke about this stuff to get chuckles, but I am serious. He really is STUPID.
How will the left spin this...Roseanne Barr a Trump supporter in real life, to play a Trump supporter on the new Roseanne series. One of the most powerful women in America on one of the most socially influential shows of all time...a Trump supporter.
The OP has dozens of posts calling CNN fake news, but suddenly believes them concerning this poll. :lol:
CNN is trying to regain their status as objective, and shake off the well-deserved "Fake News" label. Their ratings are down, and now are getting beat by MSNBC, trounced as usual by Fox.

Even With NCAA Basketball, Fox News and MSNBC Remain Most-Watched Cable Networks

Television ratings don’t mean a damn thing to me.

Hell, if it all comes down to popularity then the greatest book written this century was Fifty Shades of Gray. :lol:
42% approval for Democrat Fake News. Other credible polls have him closer to 50%. Their 24/7 hate propaganda is a YUGE fail at this point. :)

Other polls have him around 40. There are no credible polls that have him at 50.
CNN (fake news) has Donald at 42% approval and 53% disapproval!

Woohoo! This is somehow good news!
It's better than 36%. People are behind the tariffs, or at least the protectionist attitudes behind it. Can't think of anything else that would move the needle that much.

CNN polls are very dodgy. In the last 5 polls, Trump has seen rises and drops of 5% and 1 rise of 7%.
Keep it up lefties. You got him elected, now you're making him look good.

CNN Poll: 42% approve of Trump, highest in 11 months.

Consider that all these approval polls I have researched OVERSAMPLED Dem's and Hillary voters so they are rigged. Then consider the liberal media has attacked Trump non-stop for over a year and even with all this Trump is pulling down 42% in their rigged poll. Trump also reduced the Dem's 15 point lead in the midterms in Oct down to only 5% now. Trump is a hell of a president good job Trump! :eusa_clap:

Now imagine what Trump's approval rating would be if the liberal media were kissing his ass daily like they did for Obama.

Typical whining. The polls are not rigged. The fact is that Trump has put himself where he is. The polls also show that Democrats are more enthusiastic about voting than any other group. Also we see a lot of Republicans retiring so they are seeing things out there that are not good.
Keep it up lefties. You got him elected, now you're making him look good.

CNN Poll: 42% approve of Trump, highest in 11 months.

Consider that all these approval polls I have researched OVERSAMPLED Dem's and Hillary voters so they are rigged. Then consider the liberal media has attacked Trump non-stop for over a year and even with all this Trump is pulling down 42% in their rigged poll. Trump also reduced the Dem's 15 point lead in the midterms in Oct down to only 5% now. Trump is a hell of a president good job Trump! :eusa_clap:

Now imagine what Trump's approval rating would be if the liberal media were kissing his ass daily like they did for Obama.

Typical whining. The polls are not rigged. The fact is that Trump has put himself where he is. The polls also show that Democrats are more enthusiastic about voting than any other group. Also we see a lot of Republicans retiring so they are seeing things out there that are not good.

Lib please the last poll you morons posted oversampled Dem's by 10%, your new screen name is FakeNewsPollster.
Other polls have him around 40. There are no credible polls that have him at 50.
ALL the polls have him at 50 and over that, on the important issue of the ECONOMY. On personal & sex affairs (which are of importance really just to his family) he scores lower
ALL the polls have him at 50 and over that, on the important issue of the ECONOMY. On personal & sex affairs (which are of importance really just to his family) he scores lower

Check out how the moron in chief fares on foreign affairs......Maybe you can find a positive poll on that subject if you come across a poll taken within the Kremlin
Check out how the moron in chief fares on foreign affairs......Maybe you can find a positive poll on that subject if you come across a poll taken within the Kremlin
Trump has been GREAT on foreign affairs. His recent success with North Korea is too recent to be reflected in current polls, as are the success he's having in cutting China down to size, with the new tariffs.

ISIS continues to diminish, and is a memory now, compared to the huge problem they were during the Obama admin. Pulling out of TPP has been a good thing. Same with Paris agreement and his new advisors, Pompeo and Bolton will cut Iran down to size just like China and North Korea.

Polls later this year will be off the charts for Trump on foreign affairs. right now, just bit early.

Mexico - they'll be sawdust before long. :biggrin:

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