Nashville court grapples with details on school shooter that were leaked to media


Gold Member
Jan 14, 2024

It's a long article. Basically, the media outlet got ahold of some details that were not permitted to be published.
The Judge is dragging the media outlet thru court, and the media outlet is suing for rights to the information.

The parents of the kids in the school do not want the information published, stating it could do harm to the school and their kids in the long run.

SHOULD ALL information be published in incidents such as this, or should the gory details be kept under lock and key?
No investigation, no withholding of facts.

I'll grant where minors are concerning some additional steps may very well be necessary but if you are going to go after anyone you go after the person who leaked not a news source doing it's job.
All details excluding the names and pics of the deceased and descriptions of their fatal wounds should be available.

The perp is dead so there is not "ongoing investigation" shield to hide behind.

But.........wouldn't that keep the issue being dragged through the media, and possibly doing harm to the schools reputation and keeping those students from going forward with thier lives, being hounded by media slugs all the time trying to drag more info out of them?
But.........wouldn't that keep the issue being dragged through the media, and possibly doing harm to the schools reputation and keeping those students from going forward with thier lives, being hounded by media slugs all the time trying to drag more info out of them?
When the authorities try to hide stuff to suit an agenda it makes it tough on everyone.
If the media is not censoring information they probably feel like they are walking around naked.

It only is natural for them at this point.

It's a long article. Basically, the media outlet got ahold of some details that were not permitted to be published.
The Judge is dragging the media outlet thru court, and the media outlet is suing for rights to the information.

The parents of the kids in the school do not want the information published, stating it could do harm to the school and their kids in the long run.

SHOULD ALL information be published in incidents such as this, or should the gory details be kept under lock and key?

I didn't see where it was mentioned the parents of kids in the school don't want the information published in the linked article. I admit I only skimmed the article and didn't click any included links.
If the media is not censoring information they probably feel like they are walking around naked.
It's much easier to control the narrative if you can stem the flow of facts. The justice system not relies heavily on emotion and the facts sometimes get in the way.
All details excluding the names and pics of the deceased and descriptions of their fatal wounds should be available.

The perp is dead so there is not "ongoing investigation" shield to hide behind.

A lot of times, whether there are other perps and responsible parties involved isn't really known.
A lot of times, whether there are other perps and responsible parties involved isn't really known.
The narrative is guns kill people. The goal of this narrative is people control. If the facts support that the facts will be used. If it can be shown that the shooter is a racist honkey using a scary gun, that is useful, but that there may be a psychotic medically impaired citizen or a drug gang related motive is not helpful, so we adjust the reporting accordingly. Then, when next year we are told "we must never forget", we already have the story to remember to further the emotional knee jerk, when actually we never really had anything to remember at all. That's how it works.
It's much easier to control the narrative if you can stem the flow of facts. The justice system not relies heavily on emotion and the facts sometimes get in the way.
That's the femininization of society (also called "Momism") that embroils every issue in confused sympathetic emotionalism.

For example, I trap rabbits and relocate them to keep them from nibbling the bark on my very long cotoneaster hedge, which often kills the canes and thins out the hedge. My grownup, very liberal daughter, who is a bunnyhugger, asked why I couldn't just put up a fence around the hedge to keep the bunnies away. Think about that for a moment. o_O
This has been settled law for 50+ years: while leaking the information may be illegal, once leaked, the media is free to publish it.

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