Nashville Flower Shop Refuses Business with Republicans.

The backlash will predictably be stores in deeply red counties refusing to sell to people with pro-democrat bumper stickers or signs in their front yards. Naturally, the democrats will go bonkers about unfair and downright uncool it all is, but won't have a leg to stand on, as political affiliation is not a protected class, or so we're constantly reminded in this case. Suddenly, democrats will discover that they actually DO want political affiliation to be a protected class.

No, the the flower shop will go out of business because no one from either party will want to reveal their political affiliation to buy flowers.

That’s why this thread was stupid in the first place. The flower shop didn’t refuse to sell flowers to Republican voters. They refused to sell flowers to the Republican Party.
Do YOU want political affiliation to be a protected class?
Generally, I oppose protected classes, but recognize that society has an interest in preventing discrimination for some reasons, such as correcting past racial abuses or giving the handicapped access to goods and services. That's a long way to say, "No", but I think it's foolish for a business to shut out portions of their customer base.
Generally, I oppose protected classes, but recognize that society has an interest in preventing discrimination for some reasons, such as correcting past racial abuses or giving the handicapped access to goods and services. That's a long way to say, "No", but I think it's foolish for a business to shut out portions of their customer base.
I agree, except that, while "society" may have in interest in preventing discrimination, it's not a proper use of government. Government isn't there to tell us how to think.
No, the the flower shop will go out of business because no one from either party will want to reveal their political affiliation to buy flowers.

That’s why this thread was stupid in the first place. The flower shop didn’t refuse to sell flowers to Republican voters. They refused to sell flowers to the Republican Party.
I said what the backlash will be, I didn't say it would be rational or smart, and people in a small area that is overwhelmingly pro-TRUMP!, for example, will know about those few who are pro-Tater, and some stores will likely make a name for themselves by refusing to serve anyone who has a pro-Tater sign in their yard. It's just a prediction.
I agree, except that, while "society" may have in interest in preventing discrimination, it's not a proper use of government. Government isn't there to tell us how to think.

Government isn’t telling you how to think, it’s it’s telling you how to treat others in a non-discriminatory manner.

It is exactly a proper use of government. Enforcing Constitutional rights of equal treatment and protection under the law is EXACTLY what government is supposed to do.
Government isn’t telling you how to think, it’s it’s telling you how to treat others in a non-discriminatory manner.
Mkay. I amend my statement: Government isn't there to tell us how to treat others in a non-discriminatory manner.

It is exactly a proper use of government. Enforcing Constitutional rights of equal treatment and protection under the law is EXACTLY what government is supposed to do.
Constitutional rights do not require other people to "treat" you any particular way. They are limitations on government power.
Republicans don't need flowers to send to families of those slaughtered by gun violence. They've got thoughts and prayers.
The trump Nazis regularly send thought and prayers to victims of mass killings caused by human hatred, greed, and carelessness plus deaths caused by natural disasters. Sadly, their God never seems to give a positive response to the prayers offered up by these tens-of-millions Christian conservative hypocrites. It's obvious their Christian Deity is disgusted by them. Just as disgusted as the rest of us.

Government isn’t telling you how to think, it’s it’s telling you how to treat others in a non-discriminatory manner.

It is exactly a proper use of government. Enforcing Constitutional rights of equal treatment and protection under the law is EXACTLY what government is supposed to do.

When it preaches acceptance or even celebration, it is telling you how to think.

When it enforces tolerance, then it is not.

We have forced acceptance now, not tolerance.
Hmm…so, where does it say that you still have to observe old covenant laws? I thought all that was done away with.

Uh, the part where God said to do those things, and nobody said "Stop doing those things".

I have no problem with gay people, I’m sure Phillips doesn’t either, he just won’t use his labor in service of a sin….a topic we’ve discussed at length.
No, you just don't want them to have all the things you have.
So, apparently Phillips has gotten several requests for cakes with dildos, cakes with pentagrams and other satanic references. He declined them all, and cited the same reason, that those cakes are a message his faith wont allow him to express.

Um, yeah, here's the thing. He didn't get those requests until people decided to start fucking with him when they found out he was a homophobe.

Not that it's relevant. He doesn't offer a Pentagram Cake to anyone. But he does offer wedding cakes. That's why he's in violation of the law.

Oddly, I find it interesting that I wasn’t aware of these other situations…probably because it not the narrative the media wants to express, so it wasn’t really covered.
Becaue it isn't important to the case at hand.

I just listened to an interview with phillips who was in the Glenn Beck show and he said the same thing, he welcomed ALL people to his shop, but he can’t express every message that people request of him.
Glen Beck? That proves he's a homophobe. Probably a racist, too.

Also, it looks like his civil case in Colorado is going up to the Colorado state Supreme Court. Supporters of Phillips that live in Colorado and nearby should gather together and form a protest outside of the justices homes and voice their opposition to ruling against Phillips!

They are going to have a problem when SCOTUS rules that religion doesn't allow you to break the law.

Again, a ruling for Philips means anyone can violate any law any time they want as long as they can claim a religious exemption.

Now where did my Obsidian Sacrificial Dagger get off to. Quetzalcoatl needs hearts!
Uh, the part where God said to do those things, and nobody said "Stop doing those things".

No, you just don't want them to have all the things you have.

So you don’t believe in the concept of the new covenant then? You believe that people are still supposed to pluck out their eyes, chop off their hands…stone people, practice circumcision, perform animal sacrifices…all that?

We’ll, you may believe that, but most Christian’s today do not. Phillips apparently also doesn’t, so, while you may believe that all those things still exist, most everyone else does not, so, it still stands that Phillips is observing his religious practices, and thus, no homophobia.
Um, yeah, here's the thing. He didn't get those requests until people decided to start fucking with him when they found out he was a homophobe.

Not that it's relevant. He doesn't offer a Pentagram Cake to anyone. But he does offer wedding cakes. That's why he's in violation of the law.

Becaue it isn't important to the case at hand.

Glen Beck? That proves he's a homophobe. Probably a racist, too.


They are going to have a problem when SCOTUS rules that religion doesn't allow you to break the law.

Again, a ruling for Philips means anyone can violate any law any time they want as long as they can claim a religious exemption.

Now where did my Obsidian Sacrificial Dagger get off to. Quetzalcoatl needs hearts!

Um, yeah, here's the thing. He didn't get those requests until people decided to start fucking with him when they found out he was a homophobe

Yeah, thanks for showing us the true nature of the left. “He doesn’t do what we want so….LETS GET EM!!

Not that it's relevant.

It’s very relevant, it shows he’s not just picking and choosing, but refusing other types of work that are against his faith.

He doesn't offer a Pentagram Cake to anyone. But he does offer wedding cakes. That's why he's in violation of the law.

He wouldn’t bake a satanic wedding cake, just like he wouldn’t bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding…for the same reason.

Becaue it isn't important to the case at hand.

It absolutely is. The left is trying to paint him as this homophobe, and you yourself accuse him of picking and choosing, this story shows that he is refusing other works that’s against his faith.

It’s just not convenient to the left wing narrative, which is why it was barely covered.

Glen Beck? That proves he's a homophobe. Probably a racist, too.
Yep, you don’t apparently actually listen to beck do you? Just what the left wing media tells you about beck….

We’ll have to see how scotus rules. I expect the colorado scotus will probably rule against Phillips, which means this case will land at the us scotus again. I suspect they will side with Phillips on both freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Just an opinion…obviously nobody knows for sure.
So you don’t believe in the concept of the new covenant then? You believe that people are still supposed to pluck out their eyes, chop off their hands…stone people, practice circumcision, perform animal sacrifices…all that?

No, we stopped doing that stuff because WE changed our minds. God didn't change his mind. We were still chopping off hands and murdering people for minor offenses until fairly recently. We are still doing circumcisions. I guess we aren't doing animal sacrifices anymore... but our relationship with animals has kind of changed. Up until fairly recently, most of the population didn't eat meat. Meat was for rich people.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours. And we've changed it on gay people, you and Philips need to get with the program.

We’ll, you may believe that, but most Christian’s today do not. Phillips apparently also doesn’t, so, while you may believe that all those things still exist, most everyone else does not, so, it still stands that Phillips is observing his religious practices, and thus, no homophobia.
Again, then he shouldn't run a business that is open to gays, then. He's perfectly free to be a hateful bigot in the privacy of his own home.

Yeah, thanks for showing us the true nature of the left. “He doesn’t do what we want so….LETS GET EM!!

Um, you guys are the ones trying to destroy Bud Light because some idiot in marketing put a tranny's face on a beer can that was never sold to the public.

He wouldn’t bake a satanic wedding cake, just like he wouldn’t bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding…for the same reason.

Actually, he would be in violation of the law if the Satanists just wanted a wedding cake. Public Accommodation laws also protect religion.

Yep, you don’t apparently actually listen to beck do you? Just what the left wing media tells you about beck….

What I know about Beck is that he was so fucking batshit crazy (and a Mormon) that Fox News fired him. How fucking Crazy do you need to be to get fired by Fox News?

We’ll have to see how scotus rules. I expect the colorado scotus will probably rule against Phillips, which means this case will land at the us scotus again. I suspect they will side with Phillips on both freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Just an opinion…obviously nobody knows for sure.

If we had a normal supreme court, they'd side with Colorado.

That was before Trump stacked it with crazy people like Rapey Kavanaugh and Serena Joy Barrett.

I do suspect, though that Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Roberts will realize the can of worms they'll open if they allow disobedience to the law on religious grounds.
No, we stopped doing that stuff because WE changed our minds. God didn't change his mind. We were still chopping off hands and murdering people for minor offenses until fairly recently. We are still doing circumcisions. I guess we aren't doing animal sacrifices anymore... but our relationship with animals has kind of changed. Up until fairly recently, most of the population didn't eat meat. Meat was for rich people.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours. And we've changed it on gay people, you and Philips need to get with the program.

Again, then he shouldn't run a business that is open to gays, then. He's perfectly free to be a hateful bigot in the privacy of his own home.

Um, you guys are the ones trying to destroy Bud Light because some idiot in marketing put a tranny's face on a beer can that was never sold to the public.

Actually, he would be in violation of the law if the Satanists just wanted a wedding cake. Public Accommodation laws also protect religion.

What I know about Beck is that he was so fucking batshit crazy (and a Mormon) that Fox News fired him. How fucking Crazy do you need to be to get fired by Fox News?

If we had a normal supreme court, they'd side with Colorado.

That was before Trump stacked it with crazy people like Rapey Kavanaugh and Serena Joy Barrett.

I do suspect, though that Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Roberts will realize the can of worms they'll open if they allow disobedience to the law on religious grounds.

No, we stopped doing that stuff because WE changed our minds. God didn't change his mind.

That is your opinion based on your, admittedly, hateful view of religion. Other people don’t see
It that way. Other people believe that the old laws were done away with.

Again, then he shouldn't run a business that is open to gays, then. He's perfectly free to be a hateful bigot in the privacy of his own home.

Again (here we go again), he says he will serve anyone, he just won’t perform any expression of his labor that goes against his faith.

Um, you guys are the ones trying to destroy Bud Light because some idiot in marketing put a tranny's face on a beer can that was never sold to the public.

Oh please, you lefty’s are the pioneers of cancel culture. Also, what does bud light have to do with the Phillips case?

Actually, he would be in violation of the law if the Satanists just wanted a wedding cake. Public Accommodation laws also protect religion.

If they asked him to bake a cake for a satanic themed wedding, he would be well within his right to refuse, based on his religious freedom. The difference is, if he refused a satanic themed wedding, it wouldn’t have even made the news (as the actual story wasn’t really covered).

What I know about Beck is that he was so fucking batshit crazy (and a Mormon) that Fox News fired him. How fucking Crazy do you need to be to get fired by Fox News?

Ahh, but not a racist or a homophobe…..

I do suspect, though that Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Roberts will realize the can of worms they'll open if they allow disobedience to the law on religious grounds.

I personally suspect they will side with Phillips, because if they don’t, then they would be thumbing their nose at a cotus protected right.

The fact that we are debating how a judge will rule based on their political ideology should be a sign that the justice system is broke. They should be making decisions only based on the law and the cotus, personal bias should never enter into it.
Ahhh, it's always fun to watch a bigot called on his bigotry.

That is your opinion based on your, admittedly, hateful view of religion. Other people don’t see
It that way. Other people believe that the old laws were done away with.

Okay.. except they still follow SOME of those old laws, and reject others. The word of God is not a Chinese menu.

Again (here we go again), he says he will serve anyone, he just won’t perform any expression of his labor that goes against his faith.
Then he should spare himself the trouble and find something else to do for a living.

Oh please, you lefty’s are the pioneers of cancel culture. Also, what does bud light have to do with the Phillips case?
You are the one who whined that the left "cancelled" Philips... And, yes, they did organize boycotts of his store and complained about him to the Human Right Commission.

If they asked him to bake a cake for a satanic themed wedding, he would be well within his right to refuse, based on his religious freedom. The difference is, if he refused a satanic themed wedding, it wouldn’t have even made the news (as the actual story wasn’t really covered).

Well, um, no. The law says you can't discriminate based on religion. Now, you could argue if they wanted pentagrams on their cake, or a cake that said, "Hail Satan" he might have a leg to stand on. But if they wanted a typical cake... probably not.

Ahh, but not a racist or a homophobe…..

I personally suspect they will side with Phillips, because if they don’t, then they would be thumbing their nose at a cotus protected right.

Bullshit. The court has already ruled that religion can't be used to disobey laws.

The fact that we are debating how a judge will rule based on their political ideology should be a sign that the justice system is broke. They should be making decisions only based on the law and the cotus, personal bias should never enter into it.

Actually, there's no debate at all. The current bunch of right wing goons are ignoring decades of established precedents to remake America in their theocratic image.

Separation of Church and State. The only wall we need to build in this country.
I still get a kick out of the rank hypocrisy. The people arguing vehemently for the rights of business owners to refuse service to Trumpsters, because the business owner thinks Trumpsters are repugnant, are the very same people standing against the rights of business owners to refuse rights to gays, because the business owner thinks gays are repugnant.

I know, I know. "It's different when we do it!"
I still get a kick out of the rank hypocrisy. The people arguing vehemently for the rights of business owners to refuse service to Trumpsters, because the business owner thinks Trumpsters are repugnant, are the very same people standing against the rights of business owners to refuse rights to gays, because the business owner thinks gays are repugnant.

I know, I know. "It's different when we do it!"

Um, no. Discriminating against someone for political beliefs isn't against the law. If you think it should be, contact your representative.
Discriminating against someone for their sexual orientation IS against the law, at least in some states.

It is different, because the laws are different.
Um, no. Discriminating against someone for political beliefs isn't against the law. If you think it should be, contact your representative.
Discriminating against someone for their sexual orientation IS against the law, at least in some states.

It is different, because the laws are different.
It's different.

When you do it.
It's different.

When you do it.

It's different when the laws are different.

I've never turned away a customer for any reason.

I've had a few cases where I told them I might not be the best fit for their needs, but would give it my best shot, anyway.

I had one case where a guy wanted me to prepare a resume for him because Trump had just gotten elected and he wanted to apply for a government job. I did tell him that I had voted for Hillary and that I see Trump as a major failure, but that said, I would still give his resume the same level of professionalism I'd give anyone else. (Besides, there was always the hope he'd be the next Charles Giteau. History majors will get the joke.)

He went somewhere else, I guess.
It's different when the laws are different.

I've never turned away a customer for any reason.

I've had a few cases where I told them I might not be the best fit for their needs, but would give it my best shot, anyway.

I had one case where a guy wanted me to prepare a resume for him because Trump had just gotten elected and he wanted to apply for a government job. I did tell him that I had voted for Hillary and that I see Trump as a major failure, but that said, I would still give his resume the same level of professionalism I'd give anyone else. (Besides, there was always the hope he'd be the next Charles Giteau. History majors will get the joke.)

He went somewhere else, I guess.
Well, then let's be more clear - it's different when Democrats do it.

The modern liberal approach to "civil rights" is the opposite of equal rights. It's influence peddling and social engineering. Or, as you call it "equity".

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