Nashville Flower Shop Refuses Business with Republicans.

This is an odd move as these shops are failing across the country. The on-line flower shops are driving the mom and pop shops out of business. It looks like this one will contribute to its own failure.

Besides, how do they know a walk in customer is a Republican?
If you guys put half as much effort into convincing people to vote for you that you put into trying to keep people from voting, you might actually win some elections.
That's not how the two party system works. Neither party tries to convince you to vote FOR their candidate. They merely try to scare you into voting AGAINST the other. Nevermind that you can't actually vote against a candidate. That's what they're selling.
That's not how the two party system works. Neither party tries to convince you to vote FOR their candidate. They merely try to scare you into voting AGAINST the other. Nevermind that you can't actually vote against a candidate. That's what they're selling.
Um, okay... I mean, your party's great goal in life is to get 5% of the vote some day so you can get matching funds from the government you hate so much. So there's that.

Talk about Santayana's definition of a fanatic- Redoubling your efforts while losing sight of your goal.
Um, okay... I mean, your party's great goal in life is to get 5% of the vote some day so you can get matching funds from the government you hate so much. So there's that.

Talk about Santayana's definition of a fanatic- Redoubling your efforts while losing sight of your goal.
Keep voting lesser!
Hebrews and Romans aren't written by Jesus and they may not have been written by Paul.

Reminds me of the joke where Jesus says, "Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone" and stone flies out of the crowd, killing the harlot instantly. And Jesus says, "Dammit, Mom!"

Point is, if you are going to say all of the old law applies, than it all applies, and Philips should be out stoning his neighbors and dick-checking his customers.

Paul never met Jesus. (Actually, I've always suspected Jesus was a literary invention of Paul that other people added on to.)

Your concession is duly noted. You need to see someone about your homophobia, instead of trying to draw new lines in the sand.

Except you guys haven't proven that they collected one vote from someone who wasn't entitled to vote.

Not. One.

Look, I get it, you are upset your boy got voted out off office because people were angry at him. But you need to man up and accept the results.

Hebrews and Romans aren't written by Jesus and they may not have been written by Paul.

Uh…nothing in the Bible was written by Jesus, but, at least the New Testament was written by the apostles, those who were closest to Jesus.

Point is, if you are going to say all of the old law applies, than it all applies, and Philips should be out stoning his neighbors and dick-checking his customers.

Actually, I’m saying the opposite. I’m saying that the old customs do not apply, so Phillips doesn’t need to do any of that.

Your concession is duly noted. You need to see someone about your homophobia, instead of trying to draw new lines in the sand.

Odd, no concession was given, but, I suppose that you, with the idea that anyone who disagrees with you is guilty of whatever the argument is about, would also see it as, someone who doesn’t want to rehash the same arguments for another multiple weeks as “conceding”.

I simply don’t want to go back over the same arguments again and again. It’s pointless and we’ve already covered everything.

And…I’m still waiting for you to provide any evidence, whatsoever, that either myself, or Phillips are homophobic. As of yet, you’ve not provided any evidence, other than the idea that anyone who disagrees with you is a homophobe…

So, let me know when you find anything homophobic on either of us…
Keep voting lesser!

When you grow up, Libertarian Child, you will realize most of life is picking the least bad option.

Actually, I’m saying the opposite. I’m saying that the old customs do not apply, so Phillips doesn’t need to do any of that.

Gee, that must be nice to pick and choose which of God's laws you can obey like it's a Chinese menu.

Odd, no concession was given, but, I suppose that you, with the idea that anyone who disagrees with you is guilty of whatever the argument is about, would also see it as, someone who doesn’t want to rehash the same arguments for another multiple weeks as “conceding”.
Yes, because you keep losing.

So, let me know when you find anything homophobic on either of us…

you want to deny them services that other people take for granted. Homophobic.
When you grow up, Libertarian Child, you will realize most of life is picking the least bad option.

Gee, that must be nice to pick and choose which of God's laws you can obey like it's a Chinese menu.

Yes, because you keep losing.

you want to deny them services that other people take for granted. Homophobic.

Gee, that must be nice to pick and choose which of God's laws you can obey like it's a Chinese menu.

Well, once again, if he is a New Testament follower, and the new covenant replaced the old, you can’t blame him for not following the old customs.

you want to deny them services that other people take for granted. Homophobic.

what he did was because of religious beliefs….not homophobic.
Well, once again, if he is a New Testament follower, and the new covenant replaced the old, you can’t blame him for not following the old customs.

Except the New Testament didn't abolish those laws, most of which Christians followed up until fairly recently.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours about burning witches and having slaves.

And we've changed our minds about gays. You and Philips need to get with the program.
Except the New Testament didn't abolish those laws, most of which Christians followed up until fairly recently.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours about burning witches and having slaves.

And we've changed our minds about gays. You and Philips need to get with the program.

Except the New Testament didn't abolish those laws, most of which Christians followed up until fairly recently.

Hmm…so, where does it say that you still have to observe old covenant laws? I thought all that was done away with.

And we've changed our minds about gays. You and Philips need to get with the program.

I have no problem with gay people, I’m sure Phillips doesn’t either, he just won’t use his labor in service of a sin….a topic we’ve discussed at length.

So, still, you haven’t show homophobia…all you’ve done is pointed to someone exercising their religious freedom, but haven’t shown how that’s homophobia. Did he not say he would sell them any cake already made? If he was homophobic, he would have just said “I won’t sell to gay people”, but that’s not what happened.

So….still waiting…
If you guys put half as much effort into convincing people to vote for you that you put into trying to keep people from voting, you might actually win some elections.

Trying to keep illegal voters from voting, non-existent voters from voting, and blatant harvesters from voting.
Except the New Testament didn't abolish those laws, most of which Christians followed up until fairly recently.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours about burning witches and having slaves.

And we've changed our minds about gays. You and Philips need to get with the program.

Here ya go joe:

So, apparently Phillips has gotten several requests for cakes with dildos, cakes with pentagrams and other satanic references. He declined them all, and cited the same reason, that those cakes are a message his faith wont allow him to express.

Oddly, I find it interesting that I wasn’t aware of these other situations…probably because it not the narrative the media wants to express, so it wasn’t really covered.

I just listened to an interview with phillips who was in the Glenn Beck show and he said the same thing, he welcomed ALL people to his shop, but he can’t express every message that people request of him.

Also, it looks like his civil case in Colorado is going up to the Colorado state Supreme Court. Supporters of Phillips that live in Colorado and nearby should gather together and form a protest outside of the justices homes and voice their opposition to ruling against Phillips!
I don’t know, I like the way it played out in my head better, it was funnier:


It wasn't hard to know, because it was a Republican organization that ordered the flowers for their event.
Are you really this stupid?

The flower shop refused to provide flowers for the Republican convention, not an individual Republican.

Interesting that the first line of Republican defence is to lie about who they are. Very Republican of you.
The backlash will predictably be stores in deeply red counties refusing to sell to people with pro-democrat bumper stickers or signs in their front yards. Naturally, the democrats will go bonkers about unfair and downright uncool it all is, but won't have a leg to stand on, as political affiliation is not a protected class, or so we're constantly reminded in this case. Suddenly, democrats will discover that they actually DO want political affiliation to be a protected class.
The backlash will predictably be stores in deeply red counties refusing to sell to people with pro-democrat bumper stickers or signs in their front yards. Naturally, the democrats will go bonkers about unfair and downright uncool it all is, but won't have a leg to stand on, as political affiliation is not a protected class, or so we're constantly reminded in this case. Suddenly, democrats will discover that they actually DO want political affiliation to be a protected class.
Do YOU want political affiliation to be a protected class?

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