Nashville Flower Shop Refuses Business with Republicans.

Yet your side keeps losing elections... Your backwards, racist, homophobic America is dying, and no one will miss it.

Because he's selectively picking which parts of his religion he'll follow to hate on gay people.

He's not stoning his neighbors for working on Sunday.
He's not refusing to serve couples who live together before Marriage (which would be 75% of them)

He's just using religion as an excuse to not serve gays... ."Look, can I please keep this last little bit of hate?"

I’m not going to hash this out with you again, we’ve discussed this at length over several weeks.

You haven’t proven homophobia, you don’t know what things he observes and what he doesn’t. You don’t know who else he has refused to serve, or what situations were for people who request his services.

The whole stoning thing, that’s OT stuff. Most Christian’s don’t observe OT customs.

So, prove the homophobia, or show other situations where he has provided services to other people asking him to help them commit a sin, or something. I’ve said it before, if you can show where someone else has walked in and asked him to help them commit a sin, and he did it, then I’d agree with you that he is picking and choosing.
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Lets see... I own a business in a red city with about a 75% conservative populous and I'm only going to sell to liberals.... Buuuuaaahahahaha
Not even Jon Taffer could save this clown.....

Nashville is blue, rambtard...

Screenshot_20230421_065317_Samsung Internet.jpg

We discussed that. That’s OT text. Most Christian’s practice the NT version of Christianity.
I think we can both agree that if he walks out of his house, and starts throwing rocks at people for working on Sunday, that would probably not work out well for him.

Yes, the old "That was the New Testament" schtick.

Where in the New Testament did Jesus say the Ten Commandments no longer applied?

Matthew 5:17 - “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." - Jesus

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
Yes, the old "That was the New Testament" schtick.

Where in the New Testament did Jesus say the Ten Commandments no longer applied?

Matthew 5:17 - “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." - Jesus

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

Hmm, so you’re saying the OT law still applies? If that’s the case, what was the point of Jesus? I mean, if the OT laws are still in effect, then the sabbath is still on Saturday, food laws are still in effect, and the idea of believing in Jesus to be saved is not valid. We will need to be observing mosaic law, performing sacrifices, and all the rituals that came along with OT customs.

The Ten Commandments weren’t done away with but there was a new covenant, and all the old customs were done away with.

Hmm, so you’re saying the OT law still applies? If that’s the case, what was the point of Jesus?

There was no point to Jesus. Jesus never existed. The point of the Jesus MYTH was to come up with a composite religion blending Judaism, Zoroasterism, Platonic philosophy an Mithraism into a religion that the Roman Empire could use to unify their people.

I mean, if the OT laws are still in effect, then the sabbath is still on Saturday, food laws are still in effect, and the idea of believing in Jesus to be saved is not valid. We will need to be observing mosaic law, performing sacrifices, and all the rituals that came along with OT customs.

Except the only part of the Mosiac law overruled in the NT are the food laws... and that's because the pagans didn't want to give up their pork and shrimp. And some Christians still follow the OT Dietary laws, such as the Seventh Day Adventists.

This is why we need a wall between Church and State... because you guys will start killing each other left to your own devices.
There was no point to Jesus. Jesus never existed. The point of the Jesus MYTH was to come up with a composite religion blending Judaism, Zoroasterism, Platonic philosophy an Mithraism into a religion that the Roman Empire could use to unify their people.

Except the only part of the Mosiac law overruled in the NT are the food laws... and that's because the pagans didn't want to give up their pork and shrimp. And some Christians still follow the OT Dietary laws, such as the Seventh Day Adventists.

This is why we need a wall between Church and State... because you guys will start killing each other left to your own devices.

Jesus never existed.

Ahhh…so another piece of the story falls into place.

So, now we have

1) if you disagree, you are guilty of whatever it was you were arguing about.

2) you argue against things based on your belief that Jesus doesn’t exist.

Except the only part of the Mosiac law overruled in the NT are the food laws

Well, the food laws, observance of some of the holy days, sacrifices, the need to follow any of the mosaic laws, laws regarding punishment..again, the new covenant was set up, according to the passages I listed, because they were a better way.

Also, how did we go from arguing about flower shops to religion? Lol
Ahhh…so another piece of the story falls into place.

So, now we have

1) if you disagree, you are guilty of whatever it was you were arguing about.

2) you argue against things based on your belief that Jesus doesn’t exist.
Naw, man, if you are arguing that Philips is just following God's law, then he has to follow all God's laws, even ones Jesus supposedly repealed even though he didn't repeal the Fourth Commandment or change his mind about burning witches, owning slaves, stoning adultresses to death.

Well, the food laws, observance of some of the holy days, sacrifices, the need to follow any of the mosaic laws, laws regarding punishment..again, the new covenant was set up, according to the passages I listed, because they were a better way.
Except Jesus never specifically said that in the Gospels. You could make the argument Paul did, when he also got rid of Weiner cutting.... but Paul isn't Jesus.

Hey, is Philips making all his male customers drop trou to make sure they got their wieners cut like the bible says to? Got to follow every last one of those fucking laws to the letter, man, otherwise you are just a homophobe looking for an excuse.

While we are on the subject, where are WEDDING CAKES even mentioned in the Bible? Oh, that's right, they aren't. It's a pagan Roman tradition that got transferred to Christianity. (The romans made the cakes in the shape of sex organs to encourage the Pagan fertility rights.

If you are engaging in a theological debate on what Jesus or Yahweh or some other magic sky fairy actually wanted, that's fine, but follow all the rules.

Otherwise.. you just a homophobe looking for an excuse.
ballot harvesting isn't fraud. It's helping people vote. Republicans don't like when people vote, obviously.

The problem Fox had was that they had them on tape admitting they knew they were lying.

Bullshit. Helping people vote is getting them to the polls, not standing in front of them while they fill out thier ballot, or taking empty ballots from them and voting in their stead.

The problem is the Judge is a lefty hack and set the rules so against them in the trial they were bound to lose and didn't want to be the SC experiment to see if Sullivan still applies.

And as someone who rails regularly against the plutocracy your sudden trust in private corporations running our elections is so fucking hypocritical it's hard to tell if it's more comical or pathetic.
Bullshit. Helping people vote is getting them to the polls, not standing in front of them while they fill out thier ballot,.

Um, why not as long as they get to vote, I'm just not seeing a problem.

or taking empty ballots from them and voting in their stead.
No proof anyone did that.

The problem is the Judge is a lefty hack and set the rules so against them in the trial they were bound to lose and didn't want to be the SC experiment to see if Sullivan still applies.

No, the problem was that Fox knowingly lied every night and allowed the craziest conspiracy theories to be presented as fact, as was born out by their private emails where they called people like you "Cousin-fuckers"

That's what they really think of you.

And as someone who rails regularly against the plutocracy your sudden trust in private corporations running our elections is so fucking hypocritical it's hard to tell if it's more comical or pathetic.
Except Dominion and Smartmatic don't "run our elections". They just provide the machines to.

The ironic thing is that the unholy alliance between the Plutocrats and the Religious crazies is starting to unravel because the Plutocrats are starting to realize, you people are nuts.
I'd have no problem not giving the democrat filth my money. They want to shoot themselves in the foot - I thinks it's great!.:eusa_dance:
Seems to me these older dudes pretending to be women haven't committed to the surgery. you notice that Dylan Mulvaney hasn't either. not even the top.
Naw, man, if you are arguing that Philips is just following God's law, then he has to follow all God's laws, even ones Jesus supposedly repealed even though he didn't repeal the Fourth Commandment or change his mind about burning witches, owning slaves, stoning adultresses to death.

Except Jesus never specifically said that in the Gospels. You could make the argument Paul did, when he also got rid of Weiner cutting.... but Paul isn't Jesus.

Hey, is Philips making all his male customers drop trou to make sure they got their wieners cut like the bible says to? Got to follow every last one of those fucking laws to the letter, man, otherwise you are just a homophobe looking for an excuse.

While we are on the subject, where are WEDDING CAKES even mentioned in the Bible? Oh, that's right, they aren't. It's a pagan Roman tradition that got transferred to Christianity. (The romans made the cakes in the shape of sex organs to encourage the Pagan fertility rights.

If you are engaging in a theological debate on what Jesus or Yahweh or some other magic sky fairy actually wanted, that's fine, but follow all the rules.

Otherwise.. you just a homophobe looking for an excuse.

Naw, man, if you are arguing that Philips is just following God's law, then he has to follow all God's laws, even ones Jesus supposedly repealed even though he didn't repeal the Fourth Commandment or change his mind about burning witches, owning slaves, stoning adultresses to death.

Did He not bring a new covenant? He said he came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it, there are those out there who would say that meant to fulfill it to its conclusion. The Bible even says he instituted a new convenant because the old one had flaws.

Now, I won’t sit here and tell you I’m a Bible scholar, far from it, I’m just going off what I have read and from searches on the web. I do know that, it’s either Roman’s or hebrews talks a lot about the old vs new covenant and customs. I do know that Jesus said “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”, and there is a verse that says “
16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.”

I mean, that to me is pretty much saying that the old way were done away with, and a new way was now in effect.

but Paul isn't Jesus.

No, but he was an apostle, so I’m pretty sure he knew what Jesus wanted.

As to the rest of your post, again, I’m not starting this up with you again, we’ve discussed it at length for weeks, there’s no point in continuing it here.
Um, why not as long as they get to vote, I'm just not seeing a problem.

No proof anyone did that.

No, the problem was that Fox knowingly lied every night and allowed the craziest conspiracy theories to be presented as fact, as was born out by their private emails where they called people like you "Cousin-fuckers"

That's what they really think of you.

Except Dominion and Smartmatic don't "run our elections". They just provide the machines to.

The ironic thing is that the unholy alliance between the Plutocrats and the Religious crazies is starting to unravel becausIt'e the Plutocrats are starting to realize, you people are nuts.

Of course there is no proof, anyone who tries to get is dismissed at best or persecuted at worst.

Secret ballots aren't secret when the person "collecting your vote" is standing over you while you fill it out. It's no different from when the Machines used to pull the people out of the opium dens and whore houses to vote 2-3 times back in the day.

Considering they don't let anyone see their hard programming your naivete is quaint.
Did He not bring a new covenant? He said he came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it, there are those out there who would say that meant to fulfill it to its conclusion. The Bible even says he instituted a new convenant because the old one had flaws.

Now, I won’t sit here and tell you I’m a Bible scholar, far from it, I’m just going off what I have read and from searches on the web. I do know that, it’s either Roman’s or hebrews talks a lot about the old vs new covenant and customs. I do know that Jesus said “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”, and there is a verse that says “

Hebrews and Romans aren't written by Jesus and they may not have been written by Paul.

Reminds me of the joke where Jesus says, "Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone" and stone flies out of the crowd, killing the harlot instantly. And Jesus says, "Dammit, Mom!"

Point is, if you are going to say all of the old law applies, than it all applies, and Philips should be out stoning his neighbors and dick-checking his customers.

No, but he was an apostle, so I’m pretty sure he knew what Jesus wanted.
Paul never met Jesus. (Actually, I've always suspected Jesus was a literary invention of Paul that other people added on to.)

As to the rest of your post, again, I’m not starting this up with you again, we’ve discussed it at length for weeks, there’s no point in continuing it here.
Your concession is duly noted. You need to see someone about your homophobia, instead of trying to draw new lines in the sand.

Secret ballots aren't secret when the person "collecting your vote" is standing over you while you fill it out. It's no different from when the Machines used to pull the people out of the opium dens and whore houses to vote 2-3 times back in the day.
Except you guys haven't proven that they collected one vote from someone who wasn't entitled to vote.

Not. One.

Look, I get it, you are upset your boy got voted out off office because people were angry at him. But you need to man up and accept the results.
Um, why not as long as they get to vote, I'm just not seeing a problem.

No proof anyone did that.

No, the problem was that Fox knowingly lied every night and allowed the craziest conspiracy theories to be presented as fact, as was born out by their private emails where they called people like you "Cousin-fuckers"

That's what they really think of you.

Except Dominion and Smartmatic don't "run our elections". They just provide the machines to.

The ironic thing is that the unholy alliance between the Plutocrats and the Religious crazies is starting to unravel becausIt'e the Plutocrats are starting to realize, you people are nuts.

Of course there is no proof, anyone who tries to get is dismissed at best or persecuted at worst.

Secret ballots aren't secret when the person "collecting your vote" is standing over you while you fill it out. It's no different from when the Machines used to pull the people out of the opium dens and whore houses to vote 2-3 times back in the day.

Considering they don't let anyone see their hard programming your naivete is quaint.
Hebrews and Romans aren't written by Jesus and they may not have been written by Paul.

Reminds me of the joke where Jesus says, "Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone" and stone flies out of the crowd, killing the harlot instantly. And Jesus says, "Dammit, Mom!"

Point is, if you are going to say all of the old law applies, than it all applies, and Philips should be out stoning his neighbors and dick-checking his customers.

Paul never met Jesus. (Actually, I've always suspected Jesus was a literary invention of Paul that other people added on to.)

Your concession is duly noted. You need to see someone about your homophobia, instead of trying to draw new lines in the sand.

Except you guys haven't proven that they collected one vote from someone who wasn't entitled to vote.

Not. One.

Look, I get it, you are upset your boy got voted out off office because people were angry at him. But you need to man up and accept the results.

Well control over access by the cheaters and anonymous ballots make it difficult to prove, but keep ignoring that issue.

DeSantis is my current vote now.

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