National Association of Police Organizations endorses Trump

You said they were a bunch of racists, yet they endorsed Obama twice.
Actually they didn't.
The order endorsed Republican candidates George W. Bush and John McCain in 2000, 2004 and 2008, and Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1996. It declined to endorse Barack Obama or Mitt Romney in 2012, declaring neither candidate had made police or criminal justice a priority.

Well, I have no idea where your quote came from, since you "mysteriously" forgot to credit the source, which I'm sure had nothing to do with not wanting your assertions to be vetted. However, I have THESE sources which disagree with you.

Please do note the date on the Hufflepuff Post article. 2012, they're announcing that NAPO is endorsing Obama. Hmmm.
People put to much stock in endorsements I won’t say they are meaningless but I don’t think they carry the weight many think they do. Hillary had tons of endorsements in 2016 they didn’t put her over the top.

True, but it's fairly startling when a major organization like that flips parties. And I think at this point in history, NAPO's endorsement is going to matter to people who are already concerned about attacks, both political and physical, on law enforcement.
Cops voting for law-and-order President Trump is a no-brainer.

Besides defunding the cops, the Dems also are pushing a plan suggested during the last administration to force all suburban communities to include a certain number of low-cost housing units.

Just imagine a cop living next door to the violent young gentleman whom he had just arrested that day (but already out of jail thanks to the Dem policy of no bail even for violent offenders)!
That's good for maybe 100,000 more votes.

Keep in mind many were already going to vote for Trump and those who weren't still will not.

They just have the "endorsement"
Endorsements do not translate directly into votes. Just a potential for votes.
Police unions are seen as being devoted to covering up police misconduct, so their endorsement cuts both ways, and means next to nothing.
That's good for maybe 100,000 more votes.

Keep in mind many were already going to vote for Trump and those who weren't still will not.

They just have the "endorsement"
Endorsements do not translate directly into votes. Just a potential for votes.

Law and Order is a lot more popular that you apparently think.

Most Americans like a orderly country, not one where people are graffiti tagging monuments, turning over police cars, looting, etc. The Liberal Riots in 1968 were very damaging to the libs in the election that year. The Chicago convention riots, the MLK Memorial riots as well during that year. RFK getting whacked by a Palestinian Extremist didn't help the D cause either.

I agree that endorsements aren't equal to votes, but they do send a signal to the voters that if you don't want to be robbed, maimed or murdered, you don't want your house burned down, your old lady raped or your kids molested, this is the candidate endorsed by the police who will prevent that from happening.
Law and Order is a lot more popular that you apparently think.

Most Americans like a orderly country, not one where people are graffiti tagging monuments, turning over police cars, looting, etc. The Liberal Riots in 1968 were very damaging to the libs in the election that year. The Chicago convention riots, the MLK Memorial riots as well during that year. RFK getting whacked by a Palestinian Extremist didn't help the D cause either.

I agree that endorsements aren't equal to votes, but they do send a signal to the voters that if you don't want to be robbed, maimed or murdered, you don't want your house burned down, your old lady raped or your kids molested, this is the candidate endorsed by the police who will prevent that from happening.
Crime sure has taken a turn for the bad under trump.
Law and Order is a lot more popular that you apparently think.

Most Americans like a orderly country, not one where people are graffiti tagging monuments, turning over police cars, looting, etc. The Liberal Riots in 1968 were very damaging to the libs in the election that year. The Chicago convention riots, the MLK Memorial riots as well during that year. RFK getting whacked by a Palestinian Extremist didn't help the D cause either.

I agree that endorsements aren't equal to votes, but they do send a signal to the voters that if you don't want to be robbed, maimed or murdered, you don't want your house burned down, your old lady raped or your kids molested, this is the candidate endorsed by the police who will prevent that from happening.

We have a MUCH larger contingent of Communists and socialists on this country than most realize.

Bruce Springsteen has been singing the praises of Communism for over 40 years and most people had no clue.

That same contingent couldn't care less about law and order or the Constitution.
They, and all their brainwashed minion lemming followers have been convinced America must fall, and that is what is taking place.

America is being attacked on multiple fronts. From both foreign and domestic terrorists.
Once they've hijacked our Congress and supreme court, the nation can be wholly transformed into a Socialist state.

We have a MUCH bigger problem than the defunding of the Police and the failure to follow the law.
We have a slow Coup taking place. AOC just won another seat in Congress.

Tell me,....If AOC advocates for the taking of private property by the government, does our Constitution even allow such people to sit in our Congress and make our laws?
Crime sure has taken a turn for the bad under trump.

Yep. all those white Christians out looting and burning.

I guess you folks are so angry that you're willing to burn the country down out of anger.

Pathetic. We have to stop playing foosball and start getting serious about dealing with domestic terrorist
the life of the nation depends on it.
Law and Order is a lot more popular that you apparently think.

Most Americans like a orderly country, not one where people are graffiti tagging monuments, turning over police cars, looting, etc. The Liberal Riots in 1968 were very damaging to the libs in the election that year. The Chicago convention riots, the MLK Memorial riots as well during that year. RFK getting whacked by a Palestinian Extremist didn't help the D cause either.

I agree that endorsements aren't equal to votes, but they do send a signal to the voters that if you don't want to be robbed, maimed or murdered, you don't want your house burned down, your old lady raped or your kids molested, this is the candidate endorsed by the police who will prevent that from happening.

The ongoing 2020 Riots and Democrats’ refusal to address them and call for peace is going to hurt them. Further, Democrats encourage and laud the lawlessness of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA is giving a glimpse of what America will be like with the Democrats back in power. Black Lives Matter has much broader agenda than reducing the already rare occurrence of unarmed Black men dying in the hands of police. Voters see that.
The ongoing 2020 Riots and Democrats’ refusal to address them and call for peace is going to hurt them. Further, Democrats encourage and laud the lawlessness of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA is giving a glimpse of what America will be like with the Democrats back in power. Black Lives Matter has much broader agenda than reducing the already rare occurrence of unarmed Black men dying in the hands of police. Voters see that.

If I was advising Vice President Biden, I'd tell him to order BLM to quit with the rioting.

Its not doing him any good, and if he can put some time between the end of rioting and the election, that will be good for him.

Suburban voters , particularly the broads that Bite Me is counting on, are fearful of race riots and looting.
Democrats are running away from law enforcement endorsements...that should worry every law abiding person in America.....

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