National Review Just Came Out Swinging Against Trump

Trump has the lowest support amongst Independents than any other Republican candidate.

in a numbers game, independents would determine the outcome of the election.

In real life though, Independent = not voting.
It's a long way to the General Election...and the GOP has to finish fighting among themselves first...
Trump has the lowest support amongst Independents than any other Republican candidate.

in a numbers game, independents would determine the outcome of the election.

In real life though, Independent = not voting.

How do you know this?

Moderates - which are not necessarily Independents admittedly - were by far the largest voting group in 2012.

Trump's supposed appeal is cross-over. There is zero evidence of this. In fact, it's the opposite.

Republicans often complain that they lose because their candidate isn't conservative enough. If Trump is the nominee and inevitably loses, they will be right. He'd be the most liberal Republican candidate of my lifetime.
You Leftists keep right on dreaming. November is the crucible and Shillary won't be there.
How do you know this?

The last 10 presidential elections.

Moderates - which are not necessarily Independents admittedly - were by far the largest voting group in 2012.

Trump's supposed appeal is cross-over. There is zero evidence of this. In fact, it's the opposite.

Republicans often complain that they lose because their candidate isn't conservative enough. If Trump is the nominee and inevitably loses, they will be right. He'd be the most liberal Republican candidate of my lifetime.

Dude, rdean claims to be a "moderate."

I'm not a Trump supporter - probably for many of the reason you have, His economic "plan" is an absurdity, a fairy tale to be sold to the ignorant.

The same people who demanded that the GOP choice would be Jeb, and that Hillary was anointed, and the Trump would implode after the first debate, now say that he can't win the general.

They don't have much of a track record.

Trump will be a disaster as a president, but I have a suspicion that he will be the next POTUS. Between burnout from Barry da Fairy, and disgust at Hillairy, Trump is the pendulum swinging the other way.
You Leftists keep right on dreaming. November is the crucible and Shillary won't be there.

Mao Tse Sanders might be harder to beat than Hilliary - careful what you wish for.

Hilliary continues and intensifies the corruption of the Obama regime, which is part of the repulsion the American people have toward her. Col. Sanders doesn't have the criminal history of the Clinton mob, nor is he tied to the blatant corruption of the Obama regime.
Holy smokes.

The National Review has collected 35 essays from conservative leaders, all explaining why Trump is a RINO.

"When conservatives desperately needed allies in the fight against big government, Donald Trump didn’t stand on the sidelines. He consistently advocated that your money be spent, that your government grow, and that your Constitution be ignored."

"Not since George Wallace has there been a presidential candidate who made racial and religious scapegoating so central to his campaign."

"A real conservative walks with us. Ronald Reagan read National Review and Human Events for intellectual sustenance; spoke annually to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Young Americans for Freedom, and other organizations to rally the troops; supported Barry Goldwater when the GOP mainstream turned its back on him; raised money for countless conservative groups; wrote hundreds of op-eds; and delivered even more speeches, everywhere championing our cause. Until he decided to run for the GOP nomination a few months ago, Trump had done none of these things, perhaps because he was too distracted publicly raising money for liberals such as the Clintons; championing Planned Parenthood, tax increases, and single-payer health coverage; and demonstrating his allegiance to the Democratic party."

On and on like that. Awesome.
So what’s the major point here that the National Review is making? Trump would be a nightmare? I bet he would. And so what? The greatest nightmare and mistake in my lifetime has been Barack Obama. The greatest poison in our nation is the mainstream media. Can we be any more at risk than the status quo? How much more can this nation take “more of the same?”

Jeb Bush? More republican establishment pretty platforms and zero action? Not on your life! They are just as much to blame for this nation’s demise as the odious democrat machine. Government is toxic. They are cowards at heart and really only care with keeping themselves in power and making a nice income with a nice pension. No one wants to rock the boat that is supplying them with a pampered lifestyle.

Trump will rock the boat. Let the chips fall as they may. I am sick to death of being played the fool. There is no pattern of success through the B.S. promises of either party. Everyone is in bed with everyone else, big business, the lawyers, the courts, the politicians, it is all a major colossal disaster where the public pays the price. From where I stand it looks like a global collapse of the economy and all infrastructures is far more likely than unlikely in the next 10 – 20 years. And the National Review, and the politics-as-usual two parties, and the toxic odious mainstream media, and all the pundits think they can save us from that. LOL Only God can save us and save you. You can go to the polls, I will go to the pews.

Another very good post. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Well, that's the question. Would the Donald be reformer demanding both parties capitulate to a deal that benefits the majority, like TR, or would he be a corrupt power hungry demigod, like Huey Long, willing to throw any catholic, jew or black under the bus to achieve personal fame?

"One Republican-aligned business figure says GOP elites prefer Trump to Cruz because Trump “has no obvious core values.” One Republican donor says: “in the middle of the campaign a lot of people say things that they think are going to help them get elected.” Another donor says that while he finds Trump’s demagoguery to be wretched, that’s overshadowed by the fact that Trump is the only contender with the “entrepreneurial spirit” to solve our country’s “big problems.” Bob Dole says that Trump is preferable to Cruz because in reality, Trump is “kind of a deal-maker.” Translation: Trump won’t actually go through with all that crazy stuff he’s talking about"

The GOP establishment capitulates to Donald Trump
The National Review founder said, "I like conservatives...who can win" hello earth to National Review do you really think Cruz can win? Does Cruz have any cross over appeal among independents and hard working blue collar Democrats? Not really so what the hell are you idiots thinking.

Trump is the only candidate who dared openly challenge the establishments status quo positions on key issues like trade, illegals, jobs, jobs killing government taxes and out of control regulations. He was blasted by both sides for daring to do this, they attempted to beat him into submission, force him to apologize, to silence him, but he stuck to his guns. Now half the other candidates are adopting his positions, sure after they discovered the people are with Trump on this.

I'm not concerned with Trump's prior positions on the issues, or what he was forced to do as a businessman to get along in a world full of corrupt government hacks. Trump is a conservative in training and like many of us who began life as a Democrat, then turned Republican, and finally Conservative, its a process.

Name me a single election Trump has won?

You do know he's run for President before, right? And did he win?

FTR Trump does worse in polling v the Dems than Cruz or Rubio.

He's the Republican's worst option.

Don't worry the GOP establishment after publicly mocking the conservative base, vowed to put an establishment candidate in the White House and bragged that they didn't need the conservative base to do it so I guess Rubio is a shoe in. lol
You Leftists keep right on dreaming. November is the crucible and Shillary won't be there.

Bernie leads Trump by 15% in the most recent poll.
Bernie and Hillary both lead Trump more than they lead Rubio or Cruz.

Hillary's long time friend Donald is a guaranteed loser in the general election.
Seriously, look at Trump's record. He always supports left wing causes. Planned Parenthood, gambling, single payer healthcare, higher taxes, the Clintons, the stimulus, big government.

Trump supporters should register as Democrats. It's what they really are.
It's a tossup as to whether Trump or Nutty Old Uncle Bernie would provide the most laughs.

Either way, sure to be more entertaining than anything else on offer!

How about just a coin toss and save all the expense of an election?
It's a tossup as to whether Trump or Nutty Old Uncle Bernie would provide the most laughs.

Either way, sure to be more entertaining than anything else on offer!

How about just a coin toss and save all the expense of an election?
Both are totalitarians. I won't be laughing if either wins.
Damn right. You guys are all behind the hero and combat veteran Hillary Clinton, the star of 13 Days.
What was it that Trump did during the Vietnam War? I can't seem to remember.

What do they have on those hats, looks like Groundhogs or something :confused-84: :smoke:
Trump can't pull off 98% of his campaign promises simply because there's enough establishment politicians in the rank and file to stop him.

all the Trump fans seem to forget how legislation in the country works.
It's a tossup as to whether Trump or Nutty Old Uncle Bernie would provide the most laughs.

Either way, sure to be more entertaining than anything else on offer!

How about just a coin toss and save all the expense of an election?
Both are totalitarians. I won't be laughing if either wins.

What is wrong with Totalitarianism? As long as it's Right-Wing Totalitarianism of course :whip::itsok:
Anyone who defends Trump, the way you just did, is the biggest fool in the boat.
Perhaps, but I stand by my reasoning. It’s not really about Trump, it is about everyone else and party politics and “govt. as usual.”

Also, anyone who voted for Obama a second time is the biggest fool in the boat. IMO

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