National Review Just Came Out Swinging Against Trump

I remember sitting next to a John Bircher at a YAF conference. We were in a seminar watching a film. At one point in the film, the narrator said, "Leading conservative Jesse Helms says...", and the Bircher exclaimed, "HE'S NO CONSERVATIVE!"

This is what some of the dumber tards remind me of these days. :lol:
I dont think trumps appeal is his politics per say as much as the authoritarianism form of government he proposes.

He da man, the strong leader, the real decision maker, tough, mean, real,

thats what people think they see and thats his appeal Imo.

Wilburrrr, I have zero respect for you, which is more than you deserve. But you have some points here.

We have a weak, ineffectual, and effeminate president. Little gay Barry has worn thin the nerves of Americans who want a leader, rather than pajama boi.

Trump is the "anti-Obama," he is everything Obama is not, decisive and brash, not afraid to speak his mind, direct and clear.

Trump is no Republican, his economic plan is populist nonsense not tempered by market reality. His appeal is that he counterbalances Obama.
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What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

It's time to wake up, folks. Trump is not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, he has a totalitarian streak a mile wide.

I understand why the American people are mad. They can sense they are being robbed in some way, but they can't put their finger on what the problem is.

Trump is a demagogue who comes along and points the finger at Mexicans and Muslims and says, "It's THEIR fault!" He exploits fear.

He's a master at providing scapegoats for angry people to focus on.
Reagan would be rino to these idiots. And the NR is now run by idiots who William Buckley would scoff at.

As for Trump, I dunno what he is. I really don't. Would he seriously contemplate registering muslims? Does he really thing illegal immigrants have more rapists than found in general society? Or, would he really press both sides for a balanced budget?
What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

It's time to wake up, folks. Trump is not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, he has a totalitarian streak a mile wide.

I understand why the American people are mad. They can sense they are being robbed in some way, but they can't put their finger on what the problem is.

Trump is a demagogue who comes along and points the finger at Mexicans and Muslims and says, "It's THEIR fault!" He exploits fear.

He's a master at providing scapegoats for angry people to focus on.
Reagan would be rino to these idiots. And the NR is now run by idiots who William Buckley would scoff at.

As for Trump, I dunno what he is. I really don't. Would he seriously contemplate registering muslims? Does he really thing illegal immigrants have more rapists than found in general society? Or, would he really press both sides for a balanced budget?
I often shudder at the thought of Donald Trump with his hands on the wheel of the Department of Homeland Security.
Like I said, the man is really a cipher to me. I voted for W knowing nothing in his life had really prepared him for the job, but I thought he had the humility and common sense to surround him with people who had experience and would speak truth to power. And, as bad as Obama has been, he didn't actually give Iran a legitimate reason to seek nukes.

Gates said last week that being potus was not amateur hour. It's a job you have to train for. Obama's an elitist, and has a messianic complex, but he also had first hand knowledge of other cultures and forms of govt.

I see that the gop establishment really hates Cruz. Maybe they know more about him and the Big Quack than the rest of us know. But, looking at the guys lining up in NR to oppose the Big Quack .... they're the same azzholes who started the ME meltdown, and the cry of no compromise ... even for the sake of your children's economic future.
You're future tripping. Call me when that happens

You've got your head up your ass. Now they are saying it's highly probable the Russians, Chinese and Iranians compromised Clinton's server. She's finished due to her arrogance and utter stupidity
Good. Sanders smashes Trump in the national polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

If you think the Bernie Sanders can get elected, we need to be packing our bags because if he does, the nation will never recover. It is political suicide.
I'm looking at polls, it has nothing to do with what I think. That's probably a foreign concept for you.
You've got your head up your ass. Now they are saying it's highly probable the Russians, Chinese and Iranians compromised Clinton's server. She's finished due to her arrogance and utter stupidity
Good. Sanders smashes Trump in the national polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

If you think the Bernie Sanders can get elected, we need to be packing our bags because if he does, the nation will never recover. It is political suicide.
I'm looking at polls, it has nothing to do with what I think. That's probably a foreign concept for you.

I am intelligent enough to know that polls 10 months out and before we have even decided on the nominees from each party are complete and utter bull shit! Your mileage may vary of course.
I remember sitting next to a John Bircher at a YAF conference. We were in a seminar watching a film. At one point in the film, the narrator said, "Leading conservative Jesse Helms says...", and the Bircher exclaimed, "HE'S NO CONSERVATIVE!"

This is what some of the dumber tards remind me of these days. :lol:

What is it that you would consider a "conservative," comrade Jake? Would it have something to do with "to each according to his need?"

If you think the Bernie Sanders can get elected, we need to be packing our bags because if he does, the nation will never recover. It is political suicide.
I'm looking at polls, it has nothing to do with what I think. That's probably a foreign concept for you.

I am intelligent enough to know that polls 10 months out and before we have even decided on the nominees from each party are complete and utter bull shit! Your mileage may vary of course.
Which would have to mean that there's plenty of time for Donald Trump to sputter and fail as well.
I remember sitting next to a John Bircher at a YAF conference. We were in a seminar watching a film. At one point in the film, the narrator said, "Leading conservative Jesse Helms says...", and the Bircher exclaimed, "HE'S NO CONSERVATIVE!"

This is what some of the dumber tards remind me of these days. :lol:

What is it that you would consider a "conservative," comrade Jake? Would it have something to do with "to each according to his need?"
Nope. Sticking with the preconceived notions like a drowning man, eh? :lol:

Don't let Reality impinge on your delusions, UC. We wouldn't recognize you.
Nope. Sticking with the preconceived notions like a drowning man, eh? :lol:

Don't let Reality impinge on your delusions, UC. We wouldn't recognize you.

So, you refuse to answer?

Let me take a guess, a conservative to you is defined as "the enemy."

Here is another question you will duck, who are you supporting for POTUS at this moment?

Mao Tse Sanders?
I remember sitting next to a John Bircher at a YAF conference. We were in a seminar watching a film. At one point in the film, the narrator said, "Leading conservative Jesse Helms says...", and the Bircher exclaimed, "HE'S NO CONSERVATIVE!"

This is what some of the dumber tards remind me of these days. :lol:

What is it that you would consider a "conservative," comrade Jake? Would it have something to do with "to each according to his need?"
Nope. Sticking with the preconceived notions like a drowning man, eh? :lol:

Don't let Reality impinge on your delusions, UC. We wouldn't recognize you.

Dude Trump has been through far worse than this and came out higher in the polls. Many have left the republicans because of the extremes. and feel Trump is better than voting Democrat..

If you think the Bernie Sanders can get elected, we need to be packing our bags because if he does, the nation will never recover. It is political suicide.
I'm looking at polls, it has nothing to do with what I think. That's probably a foreign concept for you.

I am intelligent enough to know that polls 10 months out and before we have even decided on the nominees from each party are complete and utter bull shit! Your mileage may vary of course.
Which would have to mean that there's plenty of time for Donald Trump to sputter and fail as well.

Absolutely! So why waste time talking about something that is never going to happen?:argue:
You've got your head up your ass. Now they are saying it's highly probable the Russians, Chinese and Iranians compromised Clinton's server. She's finished due to her arrogance and utter stupidity
Good. Sanders smashes Trump in the national polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

If you think the Bernie Sanders can get elected, we need to be packing our bags because if he does, the nation will never recover. It is political suicide.
I'm looking at polls, it has nothing to do with what I think. That's probably a foreign concept for you.
Right...the polls are skewed.....Romney by a landslide!

If you think the Bernie Sanders can get elected, we need to be packing our bags because if he does, the nation will never recover. It is political suicide.
I'm looking at polls, it has nothing to do with what I think. That's probably a foreign concept for you.

I am intelligent enough to know that polls 10 months out and before we have even decided on the nominees from each party are complete and utter bull shit! Your mileage may vary of course.
Which would have to mean that there's plenty of time for Donald Trump to sputter and fail as well.

Absolutely! So why waste time talking about something that is never going to happen?:argue:
The Democrat establishment has already decided on Hilary. Trump has an at least even chance of beating her.

If you think the Bernie Sanders can get elected, we need to be packing our bags because if he does, the nation will never recover. It is political suicide.
I'm looking at polls, it has nothing to do with what I think. That's probably a foreign concept for you.
Right...the polls are skewed.....Romney by a landslide!
Polls seldom reflect a completely accurate picture of how people really think, but they can become self fulfilling prophesies.
One of the dumbest stunts the Conservative pundits have done. They are NOT going to change any conservatives minds who are SICK of politics the way it is, and SAW how HOUSE and SENATE members that campaigned as CONSERVATIVES LIED TO US when it came to Obamacare, Cromnibus, and AMNESTY FUNDING just to name a few!!!! It will only drive those Independent, ON THE FENCE people, into the Trump camp, as they look at those HATEFUL & LYING CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS!!!...and this from me, the guy RIGHT of Rush!
If you think the Bernie Sanders can get elected, we need to be packing our bags because if he does, the nation will never recover. It is political suicide.
I'm looking at polls, it has nothing to do with what I think. That's probably a foreign concept for you.

I am intelligent enough to know that polls 10 months out and before we have even decided on the nominees from each party are complete and utter bull shit! Your mileage may vary of course.
Which would have to mean that there's plenty of time for Donald Trump to sputter and fail as well.

Absolutely! So why waste time talking about something that is never going to happen?:argue:
The Democrat establishment has already decided on Hilary. Trump has an at least even chance of beating her.

Other candidates can beat her just as easily. I am not a Trump fan, but if the idiot masses want to nominate him, he has my vote over any Democrat.
I'm looking at polls, it has nothing to do with what I think. That's probably a foreign concept for you.

I am intelligent enough to know that polls 10 months out and before we have even decided on the nominees from each party are complete and utter bull shit! Your mileage may vary of course.
Which would have to mean that there's plenty of time for Donald Trump to sputter and fail as well.

Absolutely! So why waste time talking about something that is never going to happen?:argue:
The Democrat establishment has already decided on Hilary. Trump has an at least even chance of beating her.

Other candidates can beat her just as easily. I am not a Trump fan, but if the idiot masses want to nominate him, he has my vote over any Democrat.
Rubio might beat Clinton as well, but the loudest and stupidest voices will likely prevail.
The National Review founder said, "I like conservatives...who can win" hello earth to National Review do you really think Cruz can win? Does Cruz have any cross over appeal among independents and hard working blue collar Democrats? Not really so what the hell are you idiots thinking.

Trump is the only candidate who dared openly challenge the establishments status quo positions on key issues like trade, illegals, jobs, jobs killing government taxes and out of control regulations. He was blasted by both sides for daring to do this, they attempted to beat him into submission, force him to apologize, to silence him, but he stuck to his guns. Now half the other candidates are adopting his positions, sure after they discovered the people are with Trump on this.

I'm not concerned with Trump's prior positions on the issues, or what he was forced to do as a businessman to get along in a world full of corrupt government hacks. Trump is a conservative in training and like many of us who began life as a Democrat, then turned Republican, and finally Conservative, its a process.
You were never a Democrat or a Liberal

Ahahaha is that what the voices in your head told you? :laugh: Registered Dem and voted Dem in my early 20's, then I got wise to those liars.

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