National Review just handed Donald Trump the Election...

I noticed that Trump, as usual, offered nothing in rebuttal to the National Review other than an irrelevant ad hominem sort of attack on its supposed declining popularity.

That is really all Trump ever does. He responds to criticism from the other candidates by attacking the person, not the message. He is the master of the fallacious ad hominem.

Meanwhile, Hillary's PAC will put this on the air in the swing states about 50,000 times...


Most will be repulsed....those without any soul or sensibility will be amused. Thankfully these people are not dependable voters
Meanwhile... hitlery will end up in prison.

Wishful thinking

Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Or considering past history, some low level flunkys will take the fall and Mrs. Clinton will walk free. She will use the very believable story that she is completely unable to make such decisions herself.

I heard on the radio that the FBI is now looking at her flunkies. People have a way of talking when it's their ass on the line and there is no advantage in covering up. That's what they used to do to infiltrate the mob and bring the king pins down.
I noticed that Trump, as usual, offered nothing in rebuttal to the National Review other than an irrelevant ad hominem sort of attack on its supposed declining popularity.

That is really all Trump ever does. He responds to criticism from the other candidates by attacking the person, not the message. He is the master of the fallacious ad hominem.
Why do you think most low brows like him?
Mrs. Clinton's campaign slogan: "It's Your Time."

Whoops! Hillary Clinton Campaign Slogan Similar To Name Of Dating Site For Elderly Americans

"Everyday Americans need a champion. I want to be that champion." Not exactly an official slogan it is off her web site and used extensively.

"Fighting for Us."

What the hell? Is she agreeing with the Republicans that the last 7 to 9 years of democrat rule has been a disaster, sure sounds like it.

Fighting for US? Who is the "us" she is talking about? Those too broke to buy more then two mansions? The 1 percent to which she is one? Lying jackals? Who exactly is she appealing too? Those disenfranchised from the Obama years?

Her wanting to be our "champion" is far from being worthy to be our "champion." Her Bosnia lie was made to give her street creds as a warrior. Anyone supporting her with her obvious lies tells me that I don't want such a "champion."

Whose time is it? Why now and why did Obama not help those people? After all Mrs. Clinton wants to continue the work Obama started. I assume this means the fundamental change of the greatest country in the world.


"National Review just handed Donald Trump the Election..."


No, Trump won't even be the nominee - 60 percent of republicans don't even support him.

Meanwhile, Hillary's PAC will put this on the air in the swing states about 50,000 times...


Most will be repulsed....those without any soul or sensibility will be amused. Thankfully these people are not dependable voters
Meanwhile... hitlery will end up in prison.

Wishful thinking

Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Or considering past history, some low level flunkys will take the fall and Mrs. Clinton will walk free. She will use the very believable story that she is completely unable to make such decisions herself.
Being that she has a high level of influence in the govt..She will never see a jail cell, much less a finger printing/mug shot experience..

Yep, the 1 percent are special, above the law. Too big to fail.
I noticed that Trump, as usual, offered nothing in rebuttal to the National Review other than an irrelevant ad hominem sort of attack on its supposed declining popularity.

That is really all Trump ever does. He responds to criticism from the other candidates by attacking the person, not the message. He is the master of the fallacious ad hominem.
To be fair, that's the GOP for the most part, not just Trump – personal attacks, nothing of substance or value.

Meanwhile, Hillary's PAC will put this on the air in the swing states about 50,000 times...


Most will be repulsed....those without any soul or sensibility will be amused. Thankfully these people are not dependable voters
Meanwhile... hitlery will end up in prison.

Wishful thinking

Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Or considering past history, some low level flunkys will take the fall and Mrs. Clinton will walk free. She will use the very believable story that she is completely unable to make such decisions herself.

I heard on the radio that the FBI is now looking at her flunkies. People have a way of talking when it's their ass on the line and there is no advantage in covering up. That's what they used to do to infiltrate the mob and bring the king pins down.

People have a way of taking the fall when the person they are protecting controls the process. A few million of hush money is nothing to the Clinton regime it is almost as natural for them as paying the light bill. I just saying, don't get your hopes too high, Mrs. Clinton will skate and it will be testimony to how far our system has fallen.


Meanwhile... hitlery will end up in prison.

Wishful thinking

Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Or considering past history, some low level flunkys will take the fall and Mrs. Clinton will walk free. She will use the very believable story that she is completely unable to make such decisions herself.
Being that she has a high level of influence in the govt..She will never see a jail cell, much less a finger printing/mug shot experience..

Yep, the 1 percent are special, above the law. Too big to fail.
Well it certainly let's us know our place in the social tier...
Wishful thinking

Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Or considering past history, some low level flunkys will take the fall and Mrs. Clinton will walk free. She will use the very believable story that she is completely unable to make such decisions herself.
Being that she has a high level of influence in the govt..She will never see a jail cell, much less a finger printing/mug shot experience..

Yep, the 1 percent are special, above the law. Too big to fail.
Well it certainly let's us know our place in the social tier...

Now Mrs. Clinton has to realize her place. She certainly is not part of "us."
I noticed that Trump, as usual, offered nothing in rebuttal to the National Review other than an irrelevant ad hominem sort of attack on its supposed declining popularity.

That is really all Trump ever does. He responds to criticism from the other candidates by attacking the person, not the message. He is the master of the fallacious ad hominem.

Yeah, and people love when Trump strikes back. His poll numbers rise.

You would have to be a complete idiot to go after a guy like Trump because he's not afraid to say anything and he doesn't care who's toes he steps on. He's the furthest thing from politically correct that we've seen in our lifetime.

When you say or write something about Trump, his research team is already on you. They are digging up where you came from, what your record is, what you said, who you said it to, when you said it.

Politics is a dirty game, and messing with the dirtiest guy in the game is just not smart.
Meanwhile... hitlery will end up in prison.

Wishful thinking

Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Door #3
She wins the Presidency.
You bitch and moan for 8 more years.

Do yourself a favor; avoid the Thanksgiving rush and start working on your creative excuses for why your guy lost now.
I sure hope you have some way figured out how to deal with president Trump.

As a President, having a pseudo conservative in the White House who sold idiots like you a bill of goods will be a nice development from a purely partisan viewpoint. There will be no mass deportation, no wall will be built, he has supported most of Obama's policies, spoke glowingly of Ms. Clinton.... Only when he needed schmucks like you did he tell yo what you wanted to hear.

He's simply not going to do what he told you guys he's going to do.

So what presidential candidate has?

All a candidate can tell you is what they would like to do. But most people realize the complexity of our government may not allow that to happen.

DumBama told us if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He told us that if you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company. He told us that everybody in the US would have health insurance. He told us our family premiums would go down by as much as $2,500 a year.
I noticed that Trump, as usual, offered nothing in rebuttal to the National Review other than an irrelevant ad hominem sort of attack on its supposed declining popularity.

That is really all Trump ever does. He responds to criticism from the other candidates by attacking the person, not the message. He is the master of the fallacious ad hominem.

Yeah, and people love when Trump strikes back. His poll numbers rise.

You would have to be a complete idiot to go after a guy like Trump because he's not afraid to say anything and he doesn't care who's toes he steps on. He's the furthest thing from politically correct that we've seen in our lifetime.

When you say or write something about Trump, his research team is already on you. They are digging up where you came from, what your record is, what you said, who you said it to, when you said it.

Politics is a dirty game, and messing with the dirtiest guy in the game is just not smart.


Meanwhile, Hillary's PAC will put this on the air in the swing states about 50,000 times...


Most will be repulsed....those without any soul or sensibility will be amused. Thankfully these people are not dependable voters
Meanwhile... hitlery will end up in prison.

Wishful thinking

Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Door #3
She wins the Presidency.
You bitch and moan for 8 more years.

Do yourself a favor; avoid the Thanksgiving rush and start working on your creative excuses for why your guy lost now.

You mean the way you guys did in the last two midterms?
Wishful thinking

Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Door #3
She wins the Presidency.
You bitch and moan for 8 more years.

Do yourself a favor; avoid the Thanksgiving rush and start working on your creative excuses for why your guy lost now.
I sure hope you have some way figured out how to deal with president Trump.

As a President, having a pseudo conservative in the White House who sold idiots like you a bill of goods will be a nice development from a purely partisan viewpoint. There will be no mass deportation, no wall will be built, he has supported most of Obama's policies, spoke glowingly of Ms. Clinton.... Only when he needed schmucks like you did he tell yo what you wanted to hear.

He's simply not going to do what he told you guys he's going to do.

So what presidential candidate has?

All a candidate can tell you is what they would like to do. But most people realize the complexity of our government may not allow that to happen.

DumBama told us if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He told us that if you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company. He told us that everybody in the US would have health insurance. He told us our family premiums would go down by as much as $2,500 a year.

Did you lose your doctor?

Meanwhile, Hillary's PAC will put this on the air in the swing states about 50,000 times...


Most will be repulsed....those without any soul or sensibility will be amused. Thankfully these people are not dependable voters
Meanwhile... hitlery will end up in prison.

Wishful thinking

Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Door #3
She wins the Presidency.
You bitch and moan for 8 more years.

Do yourself a favor; avoid the Thanksgiving rush and start working on your creative excuses for why your guy lost now.

You mean the way you guys did in the last two midterms?

Obama is still president.
Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Door #3
She wins the Presidency.
You bitch and moan for 8 more years.

Do yourself a favor; avoid the Thanksgiving rush and start working on your creative excuses for why your guy lost now.
I sure hope you have some way figured out how to deal with president Trump.

As a President, having a pseudo conservative in the White House who sold idiots like you a bill of goods will be a nice development from a purely partisan viewpoint. There will be no mass deportation, no wall will be built, he has supported most of Obama's policies, spoke glowingly of Ms. Clinton.... Only when he needed schmucks like you did he tell yo what you wanted to hear.

He's simply not going to do what he told you guys he's going to do.

So what presidential candidate has?

All a candidate can tell you is what they would like to do. But most people realize the complexity of our government may not allow that to happen.

DumBama told us if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He told us that if you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company. He told us that everybody in the US would have health insurance. He told us our family premiums would go down by as much as $2,500 a year.

Did you lose your doctor?

Nope, but I lost my insurance which is even worse.
Meanwhile... hitlery will end up in prison.

Wishful thinking

Pfft... one of two things will happen... bubble head... one, she WILL be indicted, or two, there will be a MASS walk out at the FBI. Which do you think it will be?

Door #3
She wins the Presidency.
You bitch and moan for 8 more years.

Do yourself a favor; avoid the Thanksgiving rush and start working on your creative excuses for why your guy lost now.

You mean the way you guys did in the last two midterms?

Obama is still president.

Yep, and the only way he won reelection is by lying. I do hope Americans understand how Democrat politics works now so they can make better decisions in the future.

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