Native American activist Nathan Phillips is a poseur and likely phony veteran

He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He lied about everything else, so it would be no surprise if he lied about being in Vietnam, too. It is ironic that the left wing airheads who attacked the students though Philips was more sympathetic for be a Vietnam vet, when their ilk spit on out soldiers returning from Vietnam and called them baby killers.
Philips has been perfectly honest about what happened at the Lincoln Memorial and having served his country in the Marine Corps
We both know that isn't true.
Watch all the conservative republicans rush to "Bash the Veteran". It's one of their fav sports now that their orange lord and master made it "cool".

I'm not "bashing" him. I salute his service to the nation, but apparently it was reported that he served in Vietnam, which has now been debunked. If he was the one making the claim, then he's a scumbag, if it was misreporting, then someone needs to be apologizing.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Bullshit. It was the Democrats who treated the vets like shit, assholes like John Kerry who went before Congress and characterized the American soldiers who fought there as war criminals.

Lying fuck. Kerry never said all soldiers were criminals. I guess you deny that any atrocities occurred?

Kerry said he had personal knowledge of atrocities. I would say that an honorable man would spill the beans as to who did what- give the accused a chance to defend themselves.

By not naming specific men, he did taint the reputation of all soldiers by putting them all under suspicion.

Beyond that, do you know? If you really cared, you would have done the research. Instead, you floated a theory out of hate.
If you were able to do arithmetic, you wouldn't be arguing with the post.
I did, and my math is fine. I had a co-worker who was the exact same age, and he went to Vietnam.
A dozen Marines only 17 years of age were killed in action in Vietnam. One Marine was only 15 when he was killed in action. 43 of the last names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial are Marines killed in April and May 1975.
Since all US troops left in 1973, that must been tough.
You are wrong and do not know what you are talking about. I am right and know what I am talking about.

Charles McMahon USMC KIA Vietnam 29 April 1975
Darwin Lee Judge, USMC KIA Viernam 29 April 1975

The battle for Mayaquez May 15-18, 1975 38 Marine KIA's 3 MIA's

Names and Mayaguez can be Googled for confirmation and further details.
The names were indeed included on the memorial but the battle took place in Cambodia after all US troops had left Vietnam. So it is possible he served in Cambodia or elsewhere, but not in Vietnam. Why do you suppose he lied about that?
Here's the correction. Note it says he served as a Marine and the Marines left in '71.

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Jordan Schachtel @JordanSchachtel

Round 2 of legacy media, blue checkmark tweet delete spree starts now!


12:50 PM - Jan 22, 2019
Has anyone verified he served in the Marines?

Not yet. But I've been on a lot of sites over the past couple of days to monitor how this was going to play out because the math of the dates and his age absolutely did not add up. AND many are on it.

He's also referred to himself as a Recon Ranger. But if he was never deployed to Vietnam how can that be? Just asking questions now because I don't have any answers to this angle.
Conveniently hidden at the bottom of WaPo today is this: Correction: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam.
Watch all the conservative republicans rush to "Bash the Veteran". It's one of their fav sports now that their orange lord and master made it "cool".

I'm not "bashing" him. I salute his service to the nation, but apparently it was reported that he served in Vietnam, which has now been debunked. If he was the one making the claim, then he's a scumbag, if it was misreporting, then someone needs to be apologizing.

I put up the transcript where he just claimed it to CNN.

"Here’s the exchange:

CNN: Let me ask you about what happened to you. These boys in the middle of this group and you find yourself surrounded. How did that happen and what did that feel like as a person standing there face to face with a young man who seems to be staring at you or glaring at you? How would you describe that moment?

Phillips: When I was there and I was standing there and I seen that group of people in front of me and I seen the angry faces and all of that, I realized I had put myself in a really dangerous situation. Here’s a group of people who were angry at somebody else and I put myself in front of that, and all of a sudden, I’m the one whose all that anger and all that wanting to have the freedom to just rip me apart, that was scary.

********************************And I’m a Vietnam veteran and I know that mentality of “There’s enough of us. We can do this.”***************************************

TRANSCRIPT: Nathan Phillips claimed to be a Vietnam veteran in CNN interview
Here's the correction. Note it says he served as a Marine and the Marines left in '71.

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Jordan Schachtel @JordanSchachtel

Round 2 of legacy media, blue checkmark tweet delete spree starts now!


12:50 PM - Jan 22, 2019
Has anyone verified he served in the Marines?

Not yet. But I've been on a lot of sites over the past couple of days to monitor how this was going to play out because the math of the dates and his age absolutely did not add up. AND many are on it.

He's also referred to himself as a Recon Ranger. But if he was never deployed to Vietnam how can that be? Just asking questions now because I don't have any answers to this angle.
A co-worker of mine is 64 and he went to Vietnam. He is a veteran. Hope that helps.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He lied about everything else, so it would be no surprise if he lied about being in Vietnam, too. It is ironic that the left wing airheads who attacked the students though Philips was more sympathetic for be a Vietnam vet, when their ilk spit on out soldiers returning from Vietnam and called them baby killers.
Philips has been perfectly honest about what happened at the Lincoln Memorial and having served his country in the Marine Corps

No he wasn't. The man who said he is an indian and served in the USMC (unverified) was lying out of his ass about what happened at the Lincoln Memorial.

No one was chanting "build that wall" , they were doing their school chants which have nothing to do with the wall.

So, he cll this veteran a liar & instead believe the MAGA wearing brats.
The video makes it clear that Philips joined the black men who hurling racist insults at the children in taunting the students, and since he had claimed they were taunting him, he is clearly a liar. The black men and Philips were clearly suffering from MAGAphobia as are you.
Here's the correction. Note it says he served as a Marine and the Marines left in '71.

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Jordan Schachtel @JordanSchachtel

Round 2 of legacy media, blue checkmark tweet delete spree starts now!


12:50 PM - Jan 22, 2019
Has anyone verified he served in the Marines?

Not yet. But I've been on a lot of sites over the past couple of days to monitor how this was going to play out because the math of the dates and his age absolutely did not add up. AND many are on it.

He's also referred to himself as a Recon Ranger. But if he was never deployed to Vietnam how can that be? Just asking questions now because I don't have any answers to this angle.
A co-worker of mine is 64 and he went to Vietnam. He is a veteran. Hope that helps.

Oh that math can add up because you can be 17 and still serve in Vietnam because the full pull out did not happen until '73. But he has claimed to be a Marine and the Marines were pulled out in '71 and of course now Washington Post has added the correction that he was never deployed to Vietnam.

Problem is Phillips is still claiming he was there.
Here's the correction. Note it says he served as a Marine and the Marines left in '71.

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Jordan Schachtel @JordanSchachtel

Round 2 of legacy media, blue checkmark tweet delete spree starts now!


12:50 PM - Jan 22, 2019
Has anyone verified he served in the Marines?

Not yet. But I've been on a lot of sites over the past couple of days to monitor how this was going to play out because the math of the dates and his age absolutely did not add up. AND many are on it.

He's also referred to himself as a Recon Ranger. But if he was never deployed to Vietnam how can that be? Just asking questions now because I don't have any answers to this angle.
A co-worker of mine is 64 and he went to Vietnam. He is a veteran. Hope that helps.
I’m younger and I’ve been to Vietnam.

Conveniently hidden at the bottom of WaPo today is this: Correction: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam.
Because they know 98% of their readers will never get past the second paragraph.
He had to do boot camp , then Force Recon training, which would have taken at least 5 or 6 months. We stopped sending troops to Vietnam in 72, so the numbers don't add up.

Yes, they do. Someone 64 would have been born in 1954 or so, making them 16 in 1970, with a couple moths either way. They took 16 year olds in those days, with parental approval. I know because I have 3 friends who signed up, two went to Nam. Besides that, we had Marine embassy and consulate guards, as well as intel and advisors still serving there right up til the evacuation.

Just because it was theoretically possible for this injun to have fought in Vietnam, doesn't mean he actually did.

I'm not defending him, and in fact doubt he is. I'm talking about the age issue; some seem to be bad at arithmetic. I think he's a liar.
How long is Marine bootcamp? After bootcamp, how long before he gets into Recon training? How long is recon training?

The marines were pulled out in 71. The numbers arent adding up

Boot was 8 weeks fro Army, then some time off then 3 mo.s mos. Marine boot was only a couple weeks longer, then, mos about the same, then ship out for those heading for Nam. So, yes, the numbers do add up. Tours in Nam were a year for Army, maybe a little longer for jarheads. Many volunteered for more tours. Despite the stupid Oliver Stone movies, most troops were not low life stoners and Lt. Calley types, much as that may make Democrats feel bad.
It would have taken him 6 months to become Recon. They stopped sending marines to vietnam in 71. The numbers dont add up.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
He lied about everything else, so it would be no surprise if he lied about being in Vietnam, too. It is ironic that the left wing airheads who attacked the students though Philips was more sympathetic for be a Vietnam vet, when their ilk spit on out soldiers returning from Vietnam and called them baby killers.
Philips has been perfectly honest about what happened at the Lincoln Memorial and having served his country in the Marine Corps

No he wasn't. The man who said he is an indian and served in the USMC (unverified) was lying out of his ass about what happened at the Lincoln Memorial.

No one was chanting "build that wall" , they were doing their school chants which have nothing to do with the wall.

So, he cll this veteran a liar & instead believe the MAGA wearing brats.
The video makes it clear that Philips joined the black men who hurling racist insults at the children in taunting the students, and since he had claimed they were taunting him, he is clearly a liar. The black men and Philips were clearly suffering from MAGAphobia as are you.

There is just so much fear on the part of libs like this man who claims to be a drunken Indian of America returning to greatness. The idea that these young men want to do exactly that just caused him to freak out on the drum.
Watch all the conservative republicans rush to "Bash the Veteran". It's one of their fav sports now that their orange lord and master made it "cool".
We will file that under 'George W Bush'
Bush hid out in the Guard.

Dubya didn't "hide out" at all. In fact, he volunteered for service in Vietnam. However, by the time George W. Bush volunteered, the brass was only interested in deploying the more experienced pilots.
also, heard a RUMOR that the kids didn't have any 'MAGA' Hats until some guy dropped 30 [about] of them off to the kids . I hope that that RUMOR is correct and is tracked down for TRUTH and GRINS .
Watch all the conservative republicans rush to "Bash the Veteran". It's one of their fav sports now that their orange lord and master made it "cool".

I'm not "bashing" him. I salute his service to the nation, but apparently it was reported that he served in Vietnam, which has now been debunked. If he was the one making the claim, then he's a scumbag, if it was misreporting, then someone needs to be apologizing.
------------------------------- feck'em , he got paid for his 'serbice' 30 - 40 years ago .

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