Native American activist Nathan Phillips is a poseur and likely phony veteran

He is a real asshole and a dishonest one at that. I wonder if he is also prone to drink a little bit too much firewater from time to time?

If he is indicative of most Injuns then the US Cavalry did a great service for us in wiping most of them out, didn't it?

Said in an earlier article he's an alocholic...but hell one look at him and you knew that.

Probably shit faced in the video

I knew it! I damn well knew it!

Injun drink too much firewater, do stupid things, tell stupid lies.

He's so ate up looking and old he could of claimed to have been at Wounded Knee
----------------------------- yep , only 64 eh ??

I was 20 when I went over in late 1967. I am 71 now, almost 72. That makes him seven years younger than me. No way.

So the Indian is a fake army guy? Lmao.....but the lefty rags went with it! Oy.....we know where this is heading!!:2up::113::113:
I'm still trying to figure out Phillips claim of being a Recon Ranger. Any vets on here that can help me out?
Lol another one blows up in their faces.

Always! But these people are so shameless they will simply move on to the next outrage. What celebrity following stooges these people are.

Its crazy how this outrage happened so short on the heels of the phony story on Friday about the President allegedly ordering Cohen to lie.

Our liberal friends can't keep a narrative alive for even 24 hours now.

If more people realized that the NWO is very real and the plan via SAUL ALINSKI laid it out step by step we might not have as many morons as we do.

Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals' Are Now Full-Bore In Play: These Rules Explain Everything The Democrats Do
- It's Time To Fight Fire With Fire And One Republican Has Turned Democrat's Own Rules Against Them


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

In the first video we've embedded directly below, a full 7 hour, 17 minute and 59 second audio book of Saul D. Alinksy's "Rules For Radicals" is read and while we certainly won't be sitting back and listening to the entire thing, we ask you to pay close attention to the reader at the 1 minute 30 second mark when he reads the book's dedication to the world's '1st radical', Lucifer.

Saul Alinskys Rules For Radicals Are Now Full-Bore In Play In 2019
Hey Everybody!

Tin Foil is on me
ad good news or RUMOR but the President MAY invite the young Catholics to the Whitehouse or maybe just the kid that did his Duty by not being intimidated by an 'elder' that should have acted as an ADULT !! Just a RUMOR about the Whitehouse visit but a quick little Prayer may help to make the visit Reality eh ??

Hope it's true; they deserve to be rewarded for not allowing themselves to be intimidated by Democrat vermin.
Unless he was in College; he would have been 18 in 1968 or '69. A 64 year old could conceivably dropped out of school at 16 and gone overseas.
He had to do boot camp , then Force Recon training, which would have taken at least 5 or 6 months. We stopped sending troops to Vietnam in 72, so the numbers don't add up.

Yes, they do. Someone 64 would have been born in 1954 or so, making them 16 in 1970, with a couple moths either way. They took 16 year olds in those days, with parental approval. I know because I have 3 friends who signed up, two went to Nam. Besides that, we had Marine embassy and consulate guards, as well as intel and advisors still serving there right up til the evacuation.

Just because it was theoretically possible for this injun to have fought in Vietnam, doesn't mean he actually did.

I'm not defending him, and in fact doubt he is. I'm talking about the age issue; some seem to be bad at arithmetic. I think he's a liar.
How long is Marine bootcamp? After bootcamp, how long before he gets into Recon training? How long is recon training?

The marines were pulled out in 71. The numbers arent adding up

Boot was 8 weeks fro Army, then some time off then 3 mo.s mos. Marine boot was only a couple weeks longer, then, mos about the same, then ship out for those heading for Nam. So, yes, the numbers do add up. Tours in Nam were a year for Army, maybe a little longer for jarheads. Many volunteered for more tours. Despite the stupid Oliver Stone movies, most troops were not low life stoners and Lt. Calley types, much as that may make Democrats feel bad.

Why is no one talking about how the 'elderly guy' lied to the media about the whole situation? The same media and the left are about to destroy the lives of some kids based on a false story with the help of social media mobs. Of all the groups present there the kids were the 'most decent' of them all. Nathan Phillips is the real harasser. Those kids were doxxed because of his lies, the school was bad named because of his lies, his people chanted the actual racial slurs. Imagine if it was your kid in this situation.

Whatever those kids did, could be corrected with a lesson or two, but their lives cannot be restored to normal if this harassment continues. You lefties called them MAGA hat wearing racist, homophobic assholes, but they were the only group who actually booed the Israelite blacks who were spewing all the hateful shit. Everyone who jumped on to hate the kids should be ashamed of themselves.

And all the people who are still giving shit to the children, you all are fucking cowards, afraid to take back you wrongful words. Have you ever been to a rally or a gathering? You enter a gathering where people are doing their own thing and try to oppose them and expect to not get mocked? What? There are countless examples of this, it's very normal, even at adult rallies. You expect kids to be different? Especially when they were the ones who were getting the racist slurs from the Indians.

And then some people are still complaining about the 'smug face'. How the hell is he supposed to look when he was just standing there and someone decides to walk close to his face, beat to his drum and and sing in a loud voice? He is being harassed right and left because of the liar elder vet/indian/saviour/wise man. Nathan Phillips is the real harasser.

The video footage taken by the black Israelite shows no evidence the white teenagers had any intention of attacking. Nevertheless, Phillips characterized the kids as "beasts" and the hate-group members as "their prey": "There was that moment when I realized I've put myself between beast and prey," Phillips said. "These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that." Fucking liar. And you leftists fucks too, you're even worse.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Well, well. My hunch was right. Leftard poser. He looks Indian, but now I wonder about that too.
So it looks like his age doesn't add up. Vietnam ended in 1973, and this guy would have been only 18 years old.

And the Marines were removed in 1971.

Lol....fucking face Indian the end, he pwns himself.:777:

Guy is no indian.....a weathered Hispanic hippie who just got out of a tanning booth and bought a drum at a pawn shop. Ghey
So it looks like his age doesn't add up. Vietnam ended in 1973, and this guy would have been only 18 years old.

And the Marines were removed in 1971.

Lol....fucking face Indian the end, he pwns himself.:777:

Guy is no indian.....a weathered Hispanic hippie who just got out of a tanning booth and bought a drum at a pawn shop. Ghey

I have to admit that the thought of "Is this another Ward Churchill saga?" happening?
Watch all the conservative republicans rush to "Bash the Veteran". It's one of their fav sports now that their orange lord and master made it "cool".

No one is bashing the veteran, we are just questioning this man's alleged veteran status. And so far it looks like his claim is bullshit.
He says he is 64.
Assuming he was drafted at his earliest possible age, it would be 1972.
Basic training, then training to go to Vietnam puts him in 1973.
Possible, but America was in withdrawal in 72 and had only 50 troops there in 73 as we completely withdrew.
Well, well. My hunch was right. Leftard poser. He looks Indian, but now I wonder about that too.

They've now walked-back the report that he is a Vietnam veteran, recently editing the story (without a time stamp) to state that he "was never deployed to Vietnam." The attempt to make a ninja update did not go unnoticed, of course. The forum won't let me post links yet, but this search query will get you there: "washington-post-correction-nathan-phillips-was-never-deployed-to-vietnam"
Mr. Phillips should show his DD214. Has the media even demanded he produce it yet? Or is his word considered "good enough" because of his leftist bonafides?
The Right-wing hate machine brought it up. Why don't they?
Actually, this was all dreamed up by the left wing hate machine. You guys lose your ability to reason every time you see a red MAGA hat.
If I'm not mistaken, the OP is a Republican.
Don't try to blame Republicans for your red cap madness.
If the shoe fits who typed this OP is a Republican, the madness lies with those who can't admit it.
You are clearly having a phobic response to red hats.

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