Native American activist Nathan Phillips is a poseur and likely phony veteran

He is a real asshole and a dishonest one at that. I wonder if he is also prone to drink a little bit too much firewater from time to time?

If he is indicative of most Injuns then the US Cavalry did a great service for us in wiping most of them out, didn't it?

Said in an earlier article he's an alocholic...but hell one look at him and you knew that.

Probably shit faced in the video

I knew it! I damn well knew it!

Injun drink too much firewater, do stupid things, tell stupid lies.

He's so ate up looking and old he could of claimed to have been at Wounded Knee
The numbers never added up that had him in Vietnam for two tours. He would have had to enlist at like 13 years and 10 months.


Wa Po has done a quiet retraction.
This is a bad time for the Moon Bats.

First BuzzFeed caught lying about Trump (and the TDS afflicted Left was really counting on that story) and then their Injun was caught lying.

If they weren't such assholes we could almost feel sorry for them.
BREAKING: Native American Activist Nathan Phillips Is a Poseur and Likely a Phony Vietnam War Veteran!
I have seen two references as to the age of (Native American) Nathan Phillips, the professional protester who has once again stumbled into the limelight of racial politics. He was allegedly harassed by college students in 2015.

Oh this would be great if this liar was lying about ths too, man see you Trump haters are all alike gawd dang!!

never trust a Trump hater they'll fk you over in a heartbeat lol.

Nathan Phillips, the Native American radical activist who confronted the MAGA hat-wearing Catholic teens at the March For Life, starred in a 2012 Skrillex video called “Make It Bun Dem,” in which Phillips does some spiritual warfare connected to a violent attack on a police officer. Phillips was identified as the star of the video in his speaker bio for Tribal Hemp & Cannabis Education and discussed the role in a 2017 interview.
Native Activist Who Harassed Catholic Teens Identified As Actor From 2012 Skrillex Video About Attacking Police - Big League Politics

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Covington Students Speak Out Against Media Smear Campaign, Detail Death Threats And Doxxing |

He is a real asshole and a dishonest one at that. I wonder if he is also prone to drink a little bit too much firewater from time to time?

If he is indicative of most Injuns then the US Cavalry did a great service for us in wiping most of them out, didn't it?

Said in an earlier article he's an alocholic...but hell one look at him and you knew that.

Probably shit faced in the video

I knew it! I damn well knew it!

Injun drink too much firewater, do stupid things, tell stupid lies.

He's so ate up looking and old he could of claimed to have been at Wounded Knee
----------------------------- yep , only 64 eh ??
Lol another one blows up in their faces.

Always! But these people are so shameless they will simply move on to the next outrage. What celebrity following stooges these people are.

Its crazy how this outrage happened so short on the heels of the phony story on Friday about the President allegedly ordering Cohen to lie.

Our liberal friends can't keep a narrative alive for even 24 hours now.
"Back to Europe"? Obviously they have no problem with ethnic nationalism..but whites they despise.
"Back to Europe"? Obviously they have no problem with ethnic nationalism..but whites they despise.

If the Indians would have put up a wall and not allowed illegal immigration they would have never been almost eradicated, would they?
Lol another one blows up in their faces.

Always! But these people are so shameless they will simply move on to the next outrage. What celebrity following stooges these people are.

Its crazy how this outrage happened so short on the heels of the phony story on Friday about the President allegedly ordering Cohen to lie.

Our liberal friends can't keep a narrative alive for even 24 hours now.

If more people realized that the NWO is very real and the plan via SAUL ALINSKI laid it out step by step we might not have as many morons as we do.

Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals' Are Now Full-Bore In Play: These Rules Explain Everything The Democrats Do
- It's Time To Fight Fire With Fire And One Republican Has Turned Democrat's Own Rules Against Them


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

In the first video we've embedded directly below, a full 7 hour, 17 minute and 59 second audio book of Saul D. Alinksy's "Rules For Radicals" is read and while we certainly won't be sitting back and listening to the entire thing, we ask you to pay close attention to the reader at the 1 minute 30 second mark when he reads the book's dedication to the world's '1st radical', Lucifer.

Saul Alinskys Rules For Radicals Are Now Full-Bore In Play In 2019
He is a real asshole and a dishonest one at that. I wonder if he is also prone to drink a little bit too much firewater from time to time?

If he is indicative of most Injuns then the US Cavalry did a great service for us in wiping most of them out, didn't it?

Said in an earlier article he's an alocholic...but hell one look at him and you knew that.

Probably shit faced in the video

I knew it! I damn well knew it!

Injun drink too much firewater, do stupid things, tell stupid lies.

He's so ate up looking and old he could of claimed to have been at Wounded Knee
----------------------------- yep , only 64 eh ??

I was 20 when I went over in late 1967. I am 71 now, almost 72. That makes him seven years younger than me. No way.

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