Native American group targets kids; leftists respond with circle jerk "whitey bad" narrative

The majority of the Democratic Party is white. They just aren’t the racist whites that Republicans are.

And yes Virginia, it really is....just......that......simple.
It is not so much they are not racist as the Repubs, it's just the repubs like to play the victim of declining white power.
that does not negate the fact that blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
crime at much higher rates
graduate at lower rates
you CAN'T spin and twist it any other way
that's the truth

Yeah I really don't know what you're blathering on about, you spew stuff with no source and you're way off topic. You go boi.
here it is--another walk off home run
how do your words taste?:
FBI stats

Your "truth" to an argument we never had, that I never made? Oh you're a sharp one.
o--that's right--the FBI is RACIST!!!!

Are they?
whitey bad/EVIL...on and on
when in reality the blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate
this is plain and simple --that's it
maybe you want to believe nazi-like propaganda like a lot of dumbasses do
"Mere centimeters from his nose."

This kid isn't from the US where metric is not the standard..
yeah, I have to agree that it ain't a great look

but we are talking about an immature kid that was approached, he decided to stand his ground and not move

I will agree that the kids could have acted with more wisdom and maturity, but they are HS kids

the fact that they were doxxed is problematic IMO & the fact that a FAR MORE racist event (the black christians) towards the Natives was ignored is disappointing

you have to admit (or at least I hope you will) that this looks like a situation where radicals and media types were over anxious to push a story that affirmed their bias and supported their narrative

grown ups were confronting kids
This kid isn't from the US where metric is not the standard..
oh, and thanks for opening me up for this -


"Mere centimeters from his nose."

This kid isn't from the US where metric is not the standard..
yeah, I have to agree that it ain't a great look

but we are talking about an immature kid that was approached, he decided to stand his ground and not move

I will agree that the kids could have acted with more wisdom and maturity, but they are HS kids

the fact that they were doxxed is problematic IMO & the fact that a FAR MORE racist event (the black christians) towards the Natives was ignored is disappointing

you have to admit (or at least I hope you will) that this looks like a situation where radicals and media types were over anxious to push a story that affirmed their bias and supported their narrative

grown ups were confronting kids
As a white than white male I see zero discrimination against whites. Where is all this?
"Mere centimeters from his nose."

This kid isn't from the US where metric is not the standard..
yeah, I have to agree that it ain't a great look

but we are talking about an immature kid that was approached, he decided to stand his ground and not move

I will agree that the kids could have acted with more wisdom and maturity, but they are HS kids

the fact that they were doxxed is problematic IMO & the fact that a FAR MORE racist event (the black christians) towards the Natives was ignored is disappointing

you have to admit (or at least I hope you will) that this looks like a situation where radicals and media types were over anxious to push a story that affirmed their bias and supported their narrative

grown ups were confronting kids
one of my favorite quotes

but the wisdom of Honest Abe is probably more true -

As a white than white male I see zero discrimination against whites. Where is all this?
I've posted this before:
where have you been --in a hole?
...there is anti-white propaganda just about everyday from the MSM/blacks/left politicians/leftists/
..I've stated/linked many times:
...the MSM/blacks/etc screw over white cops/etc for incidents that are NOT racially motiviated
..but when incidents ARE racially motivated/black hate--it is rarely in the news and/or race not mentioned
here--a black college fires a white because she is ----------------------------white!!!!!!!!!!!!
no where in the MSM at all and/or not that long:
Missouri appeals court agrees white professor at Harris-Stowe was fired over race
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia

etc etc etc
As a white than white male I see zero discrimination against whites. Where is all this?
I've posted this before:
where have you been --in a hole?
...there is anti-white propaganda just about everyday from the MSM/blacks/left politicians/leftists/
..I've stated/linked many times:
...the MSM/blacks/etc screw over white cops/etc for incidents that are NOT racially motiviated
..but when incidents ARE racially motivated/black hate--it is rarely in the news and/or race not mentioned
here--a black college fires a white because she is ----------------------------white!!!!!!!!!!!!
no where in the MSM at all and/or not that long:
Missouri appeals court agrees white professor at Harris-Stowe was fired over race
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia

etc etc etc

Was Gillette right about unfettered white dudes?
The left tries to lecture us about love not hate. But here they are ready to exploit kids and ruin their lives from a whole misunderstanding. All caused by some guy beating his drum in kids ears.

Don't be silly, there is no love in america. And we all stand by and watch kids mowed down by gunfire in schools. America cannot even bear to look at itself in reality.
America helps out the world more than any other country
not only helping overseas but also taking in hundreds of thousands of immigrants every YEAR
America is SO bad, hundreds of thousands are DYING to come here

America militarily occupies more of the world than anybody, has more endless generational wars than anybody, and supports 3/4's of the world's military dictatorships. Are you really this clueless?
1. bullshit
2. that does not prove we don't help the world more than any other country

"We" help ourselves to their resources and markets.
As a white than white male I see zero discrimination against whites. Where is all this?
I've posted this before:
where have you been --in a hole?
...there is anti-white propaganda just about everyday from the MSM/blacks/left politicians/leftists/
..I've stated/linked many times:
...the MSM/blacks/etc screw over white cops/etc for incidents that are NOT racially motiviated
..but when incidents ARE racially motivated/black hate--it is rarely in the news and/or race not mentioned
here--a black college fires a white because she is ----------------------------white!!!!!!!!!!!!
no where in the MSM at all and/or not that long:
Missouri appeals court agrees white professor at Harris-Stowe was fired over race
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia

etc etc etc

White male fragility is epidemic in america isn't it. Yes, your economic system has abandoned you, as it long has others. How do you like it when it's you?

Your "MSM" is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corporate state. There were once 50 some odd companies on the american media landscape and journalism still yet existed. Once Clinton deregulated the FCC, it set the stage for the monopolization of those once 50 some odd companies down to a half dozen multinational corporations. It has become quite the tool for pitting the masses against each other to benefit the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class. You sir are a case in point, all ginned up, frothy-mouthed and rabidly, emotionally and reactionarily barking and chasing after passing cars.

Happy MLK Day tomorrow pard.
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The left tries to lecture us about love not hate. But here they are ready to exploit kids and ruin their lives from a whole misunderstanding. All caused by some guy beating his drum in kids ears.

Don't be silly, there is no love in america. And we all stand by and watch kids mowed down by gunfire in schools. America cannot even bear to look at itself in reality.
America helps out the world more than any other country
not only helping overseas but also taking in hundreds of thousands of immigrants every YEAR
America is SO bad, hundreds of thousands are DYING to come here

America militarily occupies more of the world than anybody, has more endless generational wars than anybody, and supports 3/4's of the world's military dictatorships. Are you really this clueless?
1. bullshit
2. that does not prove we don't help the world more than any other country

"We" help ourselves to their resources and markets.
we get it free??!!??
if anything--we are getting screwed by these other countries
As a white than white male I see zero discrimination against whites. Where is all this?
I've posted this before:
where have you been --in a hole?
...there is anti-white propaganda just about everyday from the MSM/blacks/left politicians/leftists/
..I've stated/linked many times:
...the MSM/blacks/etc screw over white cops/etc for incidents that are NOT racially motiviated
..but when incidents ARE racially motivated/black hate--it is rarely in the news and/or race not mentioned
here--a black college fires a white because she is ----------------------------white!!!!!!!!!!!!
no where in the MSM at all and/or not that long:
Missouri appeals court agrees white professor at Harris-Stowe was fired over race
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia

etc etc etc

White male fragility is epidemic in america. Happy MLK Day tomorrow pard.
that's why we elected rich, white male Trump who gets lots of sex
and here we go, left winger advocating for sexual violence against a child

I agree that violence isn't a good thing....just make sure that any potential college or employer knows about this thug.

How is he a "thug", the boy is just standing there mute as the injun is in his face?

How should the kid have behaved instead?
----------------------------------- kid shoulda run away rather than to stand his ground . Kid is an inspiration to other young males PPRince .
As a white than white male I see zero discrimination against whites. Where is all this?
I've posted this before:
where have you been --in a hole?
...there is anti-white propaganda just about everyday from the MSM/blacks/left politicians/leftists/
..I've stated/linked many times:
...the MSM/blacks/etc screw over white cops/etc for incidents that are NOT racially motiviated
..but when incidents ARE racially motivated/black hate--it is rarely in the news and/or race not mentioned
here--a black college fires a white because she is ----------------------------white!!!!!!!!!!!!
no where in the MSM at all and/or not that long:
Missouri appeals court agrees white professor at Harris-Stowe was fired over race
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia

etc etc etc

White male fragility is epidemic in america. Happy MLK Day tomorrow pard.
that's why we elected rich, white male Trump who gets lots of sex
As a white than white male I see zero discrimination against whites. Where is all this?
I've posted this before:
where have you been --in a hole?
...there is anti-white propaganda just about everyday from the MSM/blacks/left politicians/leftists/
..I've stated/linked many times:
...the MSM/blacks/etc screw over white cops/etc for incidents that are NOT racially motiviated
..but when incidents ARE racially motivated/black hate--it is rarely in the news and/or race not mentioned
here--a black college fires a white because she is ----------------------------white!!!!!!!!!!!!
no where in the MSM at all and/or not that long:
Missouri appeals court agrees white professor at Harris-Stowe was fired over race
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia

etc etc etc

White male fragility is epidemic in america. Happy MLK Day tomorrow pard.
that's why we elected rich, white male Trump who gets lots of sex
please settle down on providing all those sources
I' can't check them out there are so many
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and here we go, left winger advocating for sexual violence against a child

I agree that violence isn't a good thing....just make sure that any potential college or employer knows about this thug.

How is he a "thug", the boy is just standing there mute as the injun is in his face?

How should the kid have behaved instead?
----------------------------------- kid shoulda run away rather than to stand his ground . Kid is an inspiration to other young males PPRince .

I think the problem the libs have was that these teens were wearing patriotic gear and were in town to support Life.

If these were occupiers defecating on a police cruiser, they'd have no problem with them.

The reality of the whole situation was that no one was hurt during the event, no one was arrested or cited, and everyone went home in one piece. The boys got to see the crazies of DC like black islamists and pretend indians, things they wouldn't see at home in the Commonwealth.

And no one got hurt.

Even if they would have ran, they would have still be attacked.
and here we go, left winger advocating for sexual violence against a child

I agree that violence isn't a good thing....just make sure that any potential college or employer knows about this thug.

How is he a "thug", the boy is just standing there mute as the injun is in his face?

How should the kid have behaved instead?
----------------------------------- kid shoulda run away rather than to stand his ground . Kid is an inspiration to other young males PPRince .
----------------------------------- we gotta bring out the American Male in these young men except for the featured kid that seems to already be aware of his place in society Bode .
You know your links in your so-called student's letter don't work, right?
I never said they did, I said they could be audited - you will have to type out the address, as my letter is a jpeg image
So...provide a link to videos I can actually look at.

It's been debunked already. The banging drum guy mobs at them first with his loud instrument on purpose. He clearly started the whole interaction with some young kids. Which is pretty sad to try on his part.

Where is the "rushing" that the Elder is being accused of? The video shows him STANDING THERE and surrounded by those thugs.

Pipe down with your fear monger. He mobbed in front of them first with his beating drum.

Mike Cernovich on Twitter

New conservative republican story.....Young brave christian Americans MOBBED by mean old injun!
as a proud Native American myself, we are taught to respect our elders. this was a veteran who was prepared to give his life for his country. he ought to be treated with R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

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