Native American tribes want Liz Warren to apologize for lying about her indigenous heritage

This will never go away for Pocahontas....her disgusting lies about being Native American and using that lie for personal and political gain is absolutely unconscionable....she is supposed to be a liberal who fights for the underclass, not exploit their victimhood for her own selfish reasons.

She should resign,

Elizabeth Warren’s Native American problem goes beyond politics - The Boston Globe

“The problem with Elizabeth Warren is she is not the average wannabe,” said David Cornsilk, a Cherokee historian and genealogist. “She is an academic. She has a higher level of aptitude to examine these issues. And a higher responsibility to examine them, and accept the research that is done, or to counter it with alternative research.”

Cornsilk described himself as a liberal who supports Warren’s agenda of attacking income inequality. “Warren could be an ally,” Cornsilk said. “But she will not be an ally that we will accept if she continues to claim Cherokee and Delaware heritage without proof.”

Cornsilk wants Warren to offer a full apology that acknowledges that she made claims without proof, that those claims have been damaging, and that she will work to repair that damage.

“It is a fundamental issue of who we are and who gets to decide that,” Cornsilk said.

Here is a problem with that. I have a Cherokee Heritage along with European. The Cherokee keep painstaking records of who is a Cherokee. The problem is, they excluded quite a few from those logs. If you aren't on the logs then your claim is not considered valid even if you are part Cherokee. If you can prove that you are Cherokee or a decendent of a Cherokee of a certain percentage, you get a cut in the millions that Cherokee generate each year in income for the Tribe. My sister tried to find out about this. What the Cherokee in Oklahoma said was, you may be part Native American but not Cherokee. He suggested she continue her search with the Choctaw. By omitting names from the Cherokee list, they save millions each year and don't have to pay out a dime to the ones omitted.

You can't go with what the Cherokee Nation says. It is based on lies and omissions.

Besides which --- Warren never applied for Cherokee membership anyway. She never made such a claim, yet the OP and his fellow travellers want to erect that as a strawman as well.

I happen to be Irish but I've never applied for Irish citizenship. They'd be two different things.

Then there are the census forms they'll inevitably bring up, noting ancestors self-reporting as "white" while ignoring the fact that in the genocidal era anyone who could "pass" for white did so as a matter of pure self-preservation.

She benefitted from her claim. That makes it important.

Nope. That makes it a strawman unless you can prove it.
Her grandmother claims there is Native American blood in the family

As much proof as most have......they were not that good at keeping records back then

her grandmother admitting that she fucked an Indian once =/= equal true heritage
Elizabeth Warren 0% Indian. 100% Bullshitter.
Not what her family says

Most people learn about their heritage from being passed down the gpfamily

Zackly. Mine involves Strom Thurmond, Black Irish and William the Conqueror. Anybody on this board can believe any parts of that or not as they wish, but Zero of them can prove I'm "lying" about any of them.

Partisan hacknoids don't seem to grasp that distinction.
Family histories are mostly oral

A problem with proving Native American heritage, especially when it is a small portion of your heritage is records in Oklahoma as they applied to Indians in the late 1800s are very sparse

Liz Warrens family had claimed someone was Native, even if that proves to be incorrect, it does not mean she lied

And the fact that she has relatives and friends that corroborate that she held that belief from decades ago back to college, affirms it.
Nobody has ever demonstrated that Warren lied about anything
Elizabeth Warren 0% Indian. 100% Bullshitter.
Not what her family says

Most people learn about their heritage from being passed down the gpfamily

Zackly. Mine involves Strom Thurmond, Black Irish and William the Conqueror. Anybody on this board can believe any parts of that or not as they wish, but Zero of them can prove I'm "lying" about any of them.

Partisan hacknoids don't seem to grasp that distinction.
Family histories are mostly oral

A problem with proving Native American heritage, especially when it is a small portion of your heritage is records in Oklahoma as they applied to Indians in the late 1800s are very sparse

Liz Warrens family had claimed someone was Native, even if that proves to be incorrect, it does not mean she lied

And the fact that she has relatives and friends that corroborate that she held that belief from decades ago back to college, affirms it.
Nobody has ever demonstrated that Warren lied about anything

Rump on the other hand lied about his grandfather coming here from Sweden.

Unless of course he wrote that because that's what his father told him, in which case Fred Christ lied.
Liz Warren is Native American
Only in her mind... lol
Elizabeth Warren 0% Indian. 100% Bullshitter.
Not what her family says

Most people learn about their heritage from being passed down the gpfamily

Zackly. Mine involves Strom Thurmond, Black Irish and William the Conqueror. Anybody on this board can believe any parts of that or not as they wish, but Zero of them can prove I'm "lying" about any of them.

Partisan hacknoids don't seem to grasp that distinction.
Family histories are mostly oral

A problem with proving Native American heritage, especially when it is a small portion of your heritage is records in Oklahoma as they applied to Indians in the late 1800s are very sparse

Liz Warrens family had claimed someone was Native, even if that proves to be incorrect, it does not mean she lied

And the fact that she has relatives and friends that corroborate that she held that belief from decades ago back to college, affirms it.
Nobody has ever demonstrated that Warren lied about anything
The loopy kunt is a career politician, It’s 100% fact that’s all she does. Dumbasses like yourself need to quit being so gullible
Trump supporters obsessing over Warren's 'lie' could not be funnier.

You elected the most dishonest president in history.
Career politicians are the most dishonest people on the planet. Get your facts straight Jack weed
This will never go away for Pocahontas....her disgusting lies about being Native American and using that lie for personal and political gain is absolutely unconscionable....she is supposed to be a liberal who fights for the underclass, not exploit their victimhood for her own selfish reasons.

She should resign,

Elizabeth Warren’s Native American problem goes beyond politics - The Boston Globe

“The problem with Elizabeth Warren is she is not the average wannabe,” said David Cornsilk, a Cherokee historian and genealogist. “She is an academic. She has a higher level of aptitude to examine these issues. And a higher responsibility to examine them, and accept the research that is done, or to counter it with alternative research.”

Cornsilk described himself as a liberal who supports Warren’s agenda of attacking income inequality. “Warren could be an ally,” Cornsilk said. “But she will not be an ally that we will accept if she continues to claim Cherokee and Delaware heritage without proof.”

Cornsilk wants Warren to offer a full apology that acknowledges that she made claims without proof, that those claims have been damaging, and that she will work to repair that damage.

“It is a fundamental issue of who we are and who gets to decide that,” Cornsilk said.

Oh fucking bullshit. Your cockamamie idea "she lied" --- on an ancestry you personally know jack friggety shit about (and as such recalling "the black guy was born in Kenya") is naught but the hissyfit fantasy of your own immature psyche that can't handle the world of fucking reality. Grow UP already.
You truly do not know your ass from a hole in the ground, she’s a corrupt career politician that lies for a living. Stupid ass motherfucker
Liz Warren is Native American
Only in her mind... lol

What profound ignorance. Here in a thread purporting to lambast somebody's ancestry claim with the lie "she lied", here's a wag purporting to claim she's related to Jeffrey Amherst.

Actually the Lenape (Delaware) were among the tribes on the receiving end of that biological warfare.

Then the dipshit wants to pretend SOMEBODY ELSE needs to address the irony.

Nice corner you just painted yourself into, ignorant partisan hack.
This will never go away for Pocahontas....her disgusting lies about being Native American and using that lie for personal and political gain is absolutely unconscionable
It's true. That hoax you swallowed will never go away so long as you tards keep falling for it.
Karma has kicked the fake Pocahontas’s ass, rightly so. Very entertaining
It is kind of a self explanatory thread exchange. What parts are you having difficulty with?

The quotes part. Got some?

Don't be silly. You want quotes about changing the name of the Washington Redskins?
Have you been in a coma or something for the past ten years?

I want quotes from the poster you directly addressed. Got any?

You are NYCarbineer's babysitter or something?

Pogo is having a bad day, she is trying to retain some dignity.
No doubt, cowards have a Lot of bad days...
Liz Warren is Native American

Why won't she take a DNA test?

On what basis does she owe you one?

I won't take a DNA test for your wangly ass either. What you gonna do about it?

And you actually believe a Googly Image photoshop constitutes "evidence" of --- what? Your own moronitude?
Karma has kicked her ass and she is paying for for all eternity… It is very entertaining
This will never go away for Pocahontas....her disgusting lies about being Native American and using that lie for personal and political gain is absolutely unconscionable....she is supposed to be a liberal who fights for the underclass, not exploit their victimhood for her own selfish reasons.

She should resign,

Elizabeth Warren’s Native American problem goes beyond politics - The Boston Globe

“The problem with Elizabeth Warren is she is not the average wannabe,” said David Cornsilk, a Cherokee historian and genealogist. “She is an academic. She has a higher level of aptitude to examine these issues. And a higher responsibility to examine them, and accept the research that is done, or to counter it with alternative research.”

Cornsilk described himself as a liberal who supports Warren’s agenda of attacking income inequality. “Warren could be an ally,” Cornsilk said. “But she will not be an ally that we will accept if she continues to claim Cherokee and Delaware heritage without proof.”

Cornsilk wants Warren to offer a full apology that acknowledges that she made claims without proof, that those claims have been damaging, and that she will work to repair that damage.

“It is a fundamental issue of who we are and who gets to decide that,” Cornsilk said.
Good for them. It's an insult.

No pun intended but ---- How?

I'm related to Strom Thurmond. Should I be "insulted" at that?
Hypocrisy runs in the family... huh?
Trump's grandpappy ran away from Germany to evade the draft. Fact!

He came to Merka for awhile, then he tried to go back to Germany. He asked them to make him a German citizen again. They told the coward to fuck off.

So he came back to Merka, eventually spawing the racist son who would spawn the draft-evading Donald who would claim, in writing, he was of Swedish descent.

Poor little Meatball!

The New York Democrat also claims to be Republican, which I personally find even more offensive.
Are you butthurt?
This will never go away for Pocahontas....her disgusting lies about being Native American and using that lie for personal and political gain is absolutely unconscionable....she is supposed to be a liberal who fights for the underclass, not exploit their victimhood for her own selfish reasons.

She should resign,

Elizabeth Warren’s Native American problem goes beyond politics - The Boston Globe

“The problem with Elizabeth Warren is she is not the average wannabe,” said David Cornsilk, a Cherokee historian and genealogist. “She is an academic. She has a higher level of aptitude to examine these issues. And a higher responsibility to examine them, and accept the research that is done, or to counter it with alternative research.”

Cornsilk described himself as a liberal who supports Warren’s agenda of attacking income inequality. “Warren could be an ally,” Cornsilk said. “But she will not be an ally that we will accept if she continues to claim Cherokee and Delaware heritage without proof.”

Cornsilk wants Warren to offer a full apology that acknowledges that she made claims without proof, that those claims have been damaging, and that she will work to repair that damage.

“It is a fundamental issue of who we are and who gets to decide that,” Cornsilk said.
Good for them. It's an insult.

No pun intended but ---- How?

I'm related to Strom Thurmond. Should I be "insulted" at that?
Hypocrisy runs in the family... huh?


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