Nazi-obsessed dad wants his baby girl (Eva Braun) back

Neo-Nazi demands child welfare workers return his baby girl named Eva Braun - NY Daily News

An Adolf Hitler-obsessed New Jersey man is up in arms because child welfare workers took away his baby girl — named after the evil dictator’s mistress, Eva Braun — two days after she was born.

“I’m not allowed to have children because I’m a Nazi,” Heath Campbell, 40, told the Daily News. “That’s what they’re saying. Well, I’ll stop making them when they stop taking them.”


“They kidnapped her,” said Campbell, who wore a full Third Reich uniform to a June court hearing while he was fighting to see a toddler son named Heinrich Hons.

“Because I’m not going to mix with the opposite races and I’m not going to let my children mix, that gives them the right to steal my child?”

First off, what kind of deranged lunatic gets impregnated by such a loser? Also, it sounds more like this most recent child (youngest of nine, none of whom he has custody of) was taken because her older half-sibling was already in the system.

What a mess.

Post #2? :eek:
According to the white pages there are over 100 people in the USA named Eva Braun. Yet this guy gets singled out
Maybe his full regalia nazi uniform while fighting to get his other kid back?
According to the white pages there are over 100 people in the USA named Eva Braun. Yet this guy gets singled out

as people already pointed out, it is most probably, not the main reason.
According to the white pages there are over 100 people in the USA named Eva Braun. Yet this guy gets singled out

Apparently both "parents" are collecting SS disability welfare payments and the courts ordered the removal of the children based upon evidence of abuse. However there is a gag order in place so we only have the word of the Hitler worshipers themselves to go on. They are also being threatened with eviction by their landlord for failing to pay the rent.

Heath Campbell | Bad Breeders

Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can’t landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can’t waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments.

His disability didn't prevent him from turning up in court in a his nazi uniform though.
I can imagine what the reaction was when he turned up in court in that costume. Bet there were a shitload of eye rolls and maybe a few sarcastic Hiel's as well. Or not. Depends on how many fruitloopy friends he has that maybe went with him for support.
I can imagine what the reaction was when he turned up in court in that costume. Bet there were a shitload of eye rolls and maybe a few sarcastic Hiel's as well. Or not. Depends on how many fruitloopy friends he has that maybe went with him for support.

I suspect that his emphysema didn't stop him goosestepping and giving a Hitler straight arm salute either.
I am on SSI and I am also a NS. I sure in the HELL would not waste money on a silly costume to make a political point trying to get my kids back. Try buying diapers or food or wipes or clothes for the children you waste of space prick! That clown makes true National Socialists look like morons because that's exactly what the media wants to paint them as. Man what a fucking idiot.I bet he is cheating the system as well. I am on SSI just had a review full on doctor exam etc. Doc says need to stay on SSI,However I feel like I am able to work and am looking for work and HOPE to find it soon. SSI SUCKS! Its only 720$ a month and its not enough...this guy truly pisses me off...he can buy stupid costumes and boots and ciggs yet can't provide for his kids EVEN THOUGH they are in state custody.It goes a long way to acting like a human being able to care for a child before the state will give your kid back,he is a walking side show...
According to the white pages there are over 100 people in the USA named Eva Braun. Yet this guy gets singled out

Apparently both "parents" are collecting SS disability welfare payments and the courts ordered the removal of the children based upon evidence of abuse. However there is a gag order in place so we only have the word of the Hitler worshipers themselves to go on. They are also being threatened with eviction by their landlord for failing to pay the rent.

Heath Campbell | Bad Breeders

Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can’t landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can’t waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments.

His disability didn't prevent him from turning up in court in a his nazi uniform though.
I wonder how many other families who are on welfare and disability we are yanking kids from?
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A state appeals court ruled in 2010 that the children were put at risk of abuse and neglect based on a history of domestic violence in the home, ABC News reported. Deborah Campbell once slipped a note under a neighbor's door saying she was terrified of her husband because he had threatened to kill her, according to court documents. Adolf Hitler Campbell also frequently threatened to kill people, ABC News added.

From other news reports. Adolf Hitler Campbell Custody Battle: Parents Will Not Get Kids Back After Nazi Naming
According to the white pages there are over 100 people in the USA named Eva Braun. Yet this guy gets singled out

Apparently both "parents" are collecting SS disability welfare payments and the courts ordered the removal of the children based upon evidence of abuse. However there is a gag order in place so we only have the word of the Hitler worshipers themselves to go on. They are also being threatened with eviction by their landlord for failing to pay the rent.

Heath Campbell | Bad Breeders

Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can’t landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can’t waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments.

His disability didn't prevent him from turning up in court in a his nazi uniform though.
I wonder how many other families who are on welfare and disability we are yanking kids from?

Hopefully all of them where there is evidence of abuse. Children deserve better than to be raised by abusive parents irrespective of their beliefs. And yes, that does for children who parent's are not on welfare and disability too.
Apparently both "parents" are collecting SS disability welfare payments and the courts ordered the removal of the children based upon evidence of abuse. However there is a gag order in place so we only have the word of the Hitler worshipers themselves to go on. They are also being threatened with eviction by their landlord for failing to pay the rent.

Heath Campbell | Bad Breeders

His disability didn't prevent him from turning up in court in a his nazi uniform though.
I wonder how many other families who are on welfare and disability we are yanking kids from?

Hopefully all of them where there is evidence of abuse. Children deserve better than to be raised by abusive parents irrespective of their beliefs. And yes, that does for children who parent's are not on welfare and disability too.

unfortunately it doesn't work that way though. because the problem is bigger than they can handle. and there are communities where they just don't go.
I'd sooner name my child Eva Braun than Shaquitha Du Jour.

There are no laws against being stupid parents, as is evident in this shit hole every day and every time it's voting season.

How many kids were named barak in the past few years? I'd be worried about that.

My nephew was nearly named Malcom Guevara by his moonbat parents. Thankfully, his mother wouldn't agree to Malcom & his father wouldn't agree to Guevara.

On the scale of weird names, "Eva Braun" barely registers...heck, I wonder how many girls were named "Eva" after Mom or Dad saw "Evita".
Neo-Nazi demands child welfare workers return his baby girl named Eva Braun - NY Daily News

An Adolf Hitler-obsessed New Jersey man is up in arms because child welfare workers took away his baby girl — named after the evil dictator’s mistress, Eva Braun — two days after she was born.

“I’m not allowed to have children because I’m a Nazi,” Heath Campbell, 40, told the Daily News. “That’s what they’re saying. Well, I’ll stop making them when they stop taking them.”


“They kidnapped her,” said Campbell, who wore a full Third Reich uniform to a June court hearing while he was fighting to see a toddler son named Heinrich Hons.

“Because I’m not going to mix with the opposite races and I’m not going to let my children mix, that gives them the right to steal my child?”

First off, what kind of deranged lunatic gets impregnated by such a loser? Also, it sounds more like this most recent child (youngest of nine, none of whom he has custody of) was taken because her older half-sibling was already in the system.

What a mess.

This is wrong. That man should be allowed to have and keep his children regardless of what he believes. This is outrageous and patently un-American.

And BD? Are we now in the business of telling people who to have children with? Or who can have a child period? I thought you pro gay types didn't like that? Why is this different? He has the same right to marry and procreate as the rest of America does.

You know what? This highlights a colossal double standard with liberals. Gay people should be allowed to adopt children, marry, and have whoopie with one another, but a father who happens to be a Nazi? Oh no, he can't, somehow his views automatically disqualify from exercising a reproductive right or even being a parent because he's a Nazi.

Listen to you. How freaking hypocritical. I don't care how evil the Nazi's were 70 years ago, but that doesn't mean they can't mother/father their own children because of their political views.
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Neo-Nazi demands child welfare workers return his baby girl named Eva Braun - NY Daily News

An Adolf Hitler-obsessed New Jersey man is up in arms because child welfare workers took away his baby girl — named after the evil dictator’s mistress, Eva Braun — two days after she was born.

“I’m not allowed to have children because I’m a Nazi,” Heath Campbell, 40, told the Daily News. “That’s what they’re saying. Well, I’ll stop making them when they stop taking them.”


“They kidnapped her,” said Campbell, who wore a full Third Reich uniform to a June court hearing while he was fighting to see a toddler son named Heinrich Hons.

“Because I’m not going to mix with the opposite races and I’m not going to let my children mix, that gives them the right to steal my child?”

First off, what kind of deranged lunatic gets impregnated by such a loser? Also, it sounds more like this most recent child (youngest of nine, none of whom he has custody of) was taken because her older half-sibling was already in the system.

What a mess.

This is wrong. That man should be allowed to have and keep his children regardless of what he believes. This is outrageous and patently un-American.

And BD? Are we now in the business of telling people who to have children with? Or who can have a child period? I thought you pro gay types didn't like that? Why is this different? He has the same right to marry and procreate as the rest of America does.

You know what? This highlights a colossal double standard with liberals. Gay people should be allowed to adopt children, marry, and have whoopie with one another, but a father who happens to be a Nazi? Oh no, he can't, somehow his views automatically disqualify from exercising a reproductive right or even being a parent because he's a Nazi.

Listen to you. How freaking hypocritical. I don't care how evil the Nazi's were 70 years ago, but that doesn't mean they can't mother/father their own children because of their political views.

TK, I think you might have jumped the gun a little. I don't believe that Boop has really expressed any personal opinion as to whether or not this man should get custody of any of his many children, she's just reporting the story.

There's also clearly much more to the story than the guy is letting on.
I'd sooner name my child Eva Braun than Shaquitha Du Jour.

There are no laws against being stupid parents, as is evident in this shit hole every day and every time it's voting season.

How many kids were named barak in the past few years? I'd be worried about that.

My nephew was nearly named Malcom Guevara by his moonbat parents. Thankfully, his mother wouldn't agree to Malcom & his father wouldn't agree to Guevara.

On the scale of weird names, "Eva Braun" barely registers...heck, I wonder how many girls were named "Eva" after Mom or Dad saw "Evita".

I know a few Eva's. one I know was named after Eva gardner and 3 that were named after eva longoria. speaking of strange names, look what half of Hollywood does to their poor kids today. remember when frank zappa was crucified for naming his kids moon and dweezil? that's tame to what goes on today
he should sue BIG.

idiots from the "child protective services" should better protect another trayvons or jahis from their abusive parents.

What is your experience with Children's Protective Services?
I think it's safe to say there's a lot more to this story. From what I can see, it looks like the removal of the child was based more on the mother's history, not the crazy Nazi father's.

Except he apparently doesn't have any of his nine offspring. This time, this case, you're right. The rest of 'em? I do wonder.

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