Nazi-obsessed dad wants his baby girl (Eva Braun) back

Neo-Nazi demands child welfare workers return his baby girl named Eva Braun - NY Daily News

An Adolf Hitler-obsessed New Jersey man is up in arms because child welfare workers took away his baby girl — named after the evil dictator’s mistress, Eva Braun — two days after she was born.

“I’m not allowed to have children because I’m a Nazi,” Heath Campbell, 40, told the Daily News. “That’s what they’re saying. Well, I’ll stop making them when they stop taking them.”


“They kidnapped her,” said Campbell, who wore a full Third Reich uniform to a June court hearing while he was fighting to see a toddler son named Heinrich Hons.

“Because I’m not going to mix with the opposite races and I’m not going to let my children mix, that gives them the right to steal my child?”

First off, what kind of deranged lunatic gets impregnated by such a loser? Also, it sounds more like this most recent child (youngest of nine, none of whom he has custody of) was taken because her older half-sibling was already in the system.

What a mess.

Post #2? :eek:

Oh, that's 'vagina with vocal chords' man. If you hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have gone to find out that it's the same idiot it ever was.
According to the white pages there are over 100 people in the USA named Eva Braun. Yet this guy gets singled out

Apparently both "parents" are collecting SS disability welfare payments and the courts ordered the removal of the children based upon evidence of abuse. However there is a gag order in place so we only have the word of the Hitler worshipers themselves to go on. They are also being threatened with eviction by their landlord for failing to pay the rent.

Heath Campbell | Bad Breeders

Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can’t landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can’t waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments.

His disability didn't prevent him from turning up in court in a his nazi uniform though.

Maybe lack of oxygen has caused his troubles. He is obviously not the brightest bulb on the tree.

And idiots like him are a dime a dozen.
According to the white pages there are over 100 people in the USA named Eva Braun. Yet this guy gets singled out

Apparently both "parents" are collecting SS disability welfare payments and the courts ordered the removal of the children based upon evidence of abuse. However there is a gag order in place so we only have the word of the Hitler worshipers themselves to go on. They are also being threatened with eviction by their landlord for failing to pay the rent.

Heath Campbell | Bad Breeders

Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can’t landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can’t waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments.

His disability didn't prevent him from turning up in court in a his nazi uniform though.


Personally, I think naming your kids after the darkest and most hated part of world history is abuse enough, but I digress.

Yes. I added commas.

I am a punctuation Nazi.

/hangs head
he should sue BIG.

idiots from the "child protective services" should better protect another trayvons or jahis from their abusive parents.

Oh come on. His kids are going to be teased, who is going to hire someone with that name? Think of his kids, not of him!
Look, I think this guy seems like a grade-A douchebag, but I'm sorry, I just don't believe his story that his kids keep getting taken away just because of how he names them or because he's a self proclaimed nazi. Fred Phelps gets to keep his kids and grandkids and I'll be damned if that jackass isn't a worse human being than this moron. Makes me think that the allegations of abuse had some weight to them.
I wonder how many other families who are on welfare and disability we are yanking kids from?

Hopefully all of them where there is evidence of abuse. Children deserve better than to be raised by abusive parents irrespective of their beliefs. And yes, that does for children who parent's are not on welfare and disability too.

unfortunately it doesn't work that way though. because the problem is bigger than they can handle. and there are communities where they just don't go.

True, but that is because of a lack of funding and a failure to prioritize by We the People. Children deserve better and we make far too many assumptions about parenting skills. Some people just aren't fit to be parents and as a result their children suffer and it is passed down the generations.
Neo-Nazi demands child welfare workers return his baby girl named Eva Braun - NY Daily News

An Adolf Hitler-obsessed New Jersey man is up in arms because child welfare workers took away his baby girl — named after the evil dictator’s mistress, Eva Braun — two days after she was born.

“I’m not allowed to have children because I’m a Nazi,” Heath Campbell, 40, told the Daily News. “That’s what they’re saying. Well, I’ll stop making them when they stop taking them.”


“They kidnapped her,” said Campbell, who wore a full Third Reich uniform to a June court hearing while he was fighting to see a toddler son named Heinrich Hons.

“Because I’m not going to mix with the opposite races and I’m not going to let my children mix, that gives them the right to steal my child?”

First off, what kind of deranged lunatic gets impregnated by such a loser? Also, it sounds more like this most recent child (youngest of nine, none of whom he has custody of) was taken because her older half-sibling was already in the system.

What a mess.

This is wrong. That man should be allowed to have and keep his children regardless of what he believes. This is outrageous and patently un-American.

And BD? Are we now in the business of telling people who to have children with? Or who can have a child period? I thought you pro gay types didn't like that? Why is this different? He has the same right to marry and procreate as the rest of America does.

You know what? This highlights a colossal double standard with liberals. Gay people should be allowed to adopt children, marry, and have whoopie with one another, but a father who happens to be a Nazi? Oh no, he can't, somehow his views automatically disqualify from exercising a reproductive right or even being a parent because he's a Nazi.

Listen to you. How freaking hypocritical. I don't care how evil the Nazi's were 70 years ago, but that doesn't mean they can't mother/father their own children because of their political views.

His children are not being removed because of what he believes, TK. They are being safe guarded because of evidence of him abusing them. No one who abuses a child should be allowed to have custody of them.
Neo-Nazi demands child welfare workers return his baby girl named Eva Braun - NY Daily News


First off, what kind of deranged lunatic gets impregnated by such a loser? Also, it sounds more like this most recent child (youngest of nine, none of whom he has custody of) was taken because her older half-sibling was already in the system.

What a mess.

This is wrong. That man should be allowed to have and keep his children regardless of what he believes. This is outrageous and patently un-American.

And BD? Are we now in the business of telling people who to have children with? Or who can have a child period? I thought you pro gay types didn't like that? Why is this different? He has the same right to marry and procreate as the rest of America does.

You know what? This highlights a colossal double standard with liberals. Gay people should be allowed to adopt children, marry, and have whoopie with one another, but a father who happens to be a Nazi? Oh no, he can't, somehow his views automatically disqualify from exercising a reproductive right or even being a parent because he's a Nazi.

Listen to you. How freaking hypocritical. I don't care how evil the Nazi's were 70 years ago, but that doesn't mean they can't mother/father their own children because of their political views.

His children are not being removed because of what he believes, TK. They are being safe guarded because of evidence of him abusing them. No one who abuses a child should be allowed to have custody of them.

I see TK remains unmedicated.

Nine children, five different mothers. No job, no support.

But I'm the problem for saying there's a problem. :lol:
This is wrong. That man should be allowed to have and keep his children regardless of what he believes. This is outrageous and patently un-American.

And BD? Are we now in the business of telling people who to have children with? Or who can have a child period? I thought you pro gay types didn't like that? Why is this different? He has the same right to marry and procreate as the rest of America does.

You know what? This highlights a colossal double standard with liberals. Gay people should be allowed to adopt children, marry, and have whoopie with one another, but a father who happens to be a Nazi? Oh no, he can't, somehow his views automatically disqualify from exercising a reproductive right or even being a parent because he's a Nazi.

Listen to you. How freaking hypocritical. I don't care how evil the Nazi's were 70 years ago, but that doesn't mean they can't mother/father their own children because of their political views.

His children are not being removed because of what he believes, TK. They are being safe guarded because of evidence of him abusing them. No one who abuses a child should be allowed to have custody of them.

I see TK remains unmedicated.

Nine children, five different mothers. No job, no support.

But I'm the problem for saying there's a problem. :lol:

To be fair I don't think that TK did his homework first. Once I looked into the background of this scumback it was easy enough to figure out who was credible and who wasn't. Given that TK also had issues with how he was treated as a child I suspect that he will see the light once he finds out a little more.
His children are not being removed because of what he believes, TK. They are being safe guarded because of evidence of him abusing them. No one who abuses a child should be allowed to have custody of them.

I see TK remains unmedicated.

Nine children, five different mothers. No job, no support.

But I'm the problem for saying there's a problem. :lol:

To be fair I don't think that TK did his homework first. Once I looked into the background of this scumback it was easy enough to figure out who was credible and who wasn't. Given that TK also had issues with how he was treated as a child I suspect that he will see the light once he finds out a little more.

Really? Read my OP again. I just now repeated what I said in the first post.

He doesn't have a corner on the "hello, my parents literally made my life a living hell" front. He DOES, however, have a corner on using it to explain the issues he doesn't feel like addressing just yet.

Back to the subject. The article in the OP makes it rather clear that the mother was at fault. Her first child was removed as well. Mr. Nazi is just a freak in the sideshow of this circus, and he wants to be a headliner.
Hopefully all of them where there is evidence of abuse. Children deserve better than to be raised by abusive parents irrespective of their beliefs. And yes, that does for children who parent's are not on welfare and disability too.

unfortunately it doesn't work that way though. because the problem is bigger than they can handle. and there are communities where they just don't go.

True, but that is because of a lack of funding and a failure to prioritize by We the People. Children deserve better and we make far too many assumptions about parenting skills. Some people just aren't fit to be parents and as a result their children suffer and it is passed down the generations.

it goes way beyond a lack of funding. it encompasses what people feel to be a sense of futility. futility and frustration with the system. let me explain. we have two friends who work for child protection. and over their careers they have worked in various capacities. they feel a sense of frustration being handicapped by the system. we have a very large Hasidic community in the county. I believe it is close to 20,000 people. considering the average town around here is 4000 to maybe 8000, it will give you an idea of its size. these guys block vote, own politicians, the whole deal. but they are also brutal with their kids. especially the girls, who have no status. there are constant complaints filed with CPS by people who work in their community and see first hand some of the abuse. but no case ever goes anywhere. for one, they simply ignore them, because they know they won't be touched. investigators get frustrated because they show up at addresses and if they are lucky enough to get someone to answer, they get told, no one lives here by that name, I don't know them or some bullshit excuse. so eventually they just stop bothering. they go through the motions so they don't get dinged on their job performance. but no case will ever be addressed. it holds the same in some of the poorer areas. the people don't have political influence but they are totally non responsive. and they know how to play the game. they know how to beat a system that has no teeth.

the other thing that happens is it gets used as a revenge tool. people know their complaint will remain anonymous. so when a neighbor pisses them off they file an abuse complaint against them. now the neighbor has to go through the ropes to get themselves cleared.

its a typical bureaucratic mess.
unfortunately it doesn't work that way though. because the problem is bigger than they can handle. and there are communities where they just don't go.

True, but that is because of a lack of funding and a failure to prioritize by We the People. Children deserve better and we make far too many assumptions about parenting skills. Some people just aren't fit to be parents and as a result their children suffer and it is passed down the generations.

it goes way beyond a lack of funding. it encompasses what people feel to be a sense of futility. futility and frustration with the system. let me explain. we have two friends who work for child protection. and over their careers they have worked in various capacities. they feel a sense of frustration being handicapped by the system. we have a very large Hasidic community in the county. I believe it is close to 20,000 people. considering the average town around here is 4000 to maybe 8000, it will give you an idea of its size. these guys block vote, own politicians, the whole deal. but they are also brutal with their kids. especially the girls, who have no status. there are constant complaints filed with CPS by people who work in their community and see first hand some of the abuse. but no case ever goes anywhere. for one, they simply ignore them, because they know they won't be touched. investigators get frustrated because they show up at addresses and if they are lucky enough to get someone to answer, they get told, no one lives here by that name, I don't know them or some bullshit excuse. so eventually they just stop bothering. they go through the motions so they don't get dinged on their job performance. but no case will ever be addressed. it holds the same in some of the poorer areas. the people don't have political influence but they are totally non responsive. and they know how to play the game. they know how to beat a system that has no teeth.

the other thing that happens is it gets used as a revenge tool. people know their complaint will remain anonymous. so when a neighbor pisses them off they file an abuse complaint against them. now the neighbor has to go through the ropes to get themselves cleared.

its a typical bureaucratic mess.

With all due respect the blame is misplaced in my opinion. Granted CPS is not doing it's job but the reason for that is outside of the control of the people at CPS themselves. The community leaders who are enabling this behavior are culpable as are the politicians.

But I suspect that it won't continue forever either. Smart phones can take pictures and video. That will show both the abuser and the victims. It is hard evidence that the police can use to arrest someone, conduct searches and the court can use it to obtain convictions. Once the videos go viral the politicians will cave too because it is really difficult to get elected if you are openly supporting child abuse.

What is happening is wrong but it will end once enough evidence ends up on the internet.
True, but that is because of a lack of funding and a failure to prioritize by We the People. Children deserve better and we make far too many assumptions about parenting skills. Some people just aren't fit to be parents and as a result their children suffer and it is passed down the generations.

it goes way beyond a lack of funding. it encompasses what people feel to be a sense of futility. futility and frustration with the system. let me explain. we have two friends who work for child protection. and over their careers they have worked in various capacities. they feel a sense of frustration being handicapped by the system. we have a very large Hasidic community in the county. I believe it is close to 20,000 people. considering the average town around here is 4000 to maybe 8000, it will give you an idea of its size. these guys block vote, own politicians, the whole deal. but they are also brutal with their kids. especially the girls, who have no status. there are constant complaints filed with CPS by people who work in their community and see first hand some of the abuse. but no case ever goes anywhere. for one, they simply ignore them, because they know they won't be touched. investigators get frustrated because they show up at addresses and if they are lucky enough to get someone to answer, they get told, no one lives here by that name, I don't know them or some bullshit excuse. so eventually they just stop bothering. they go through the motions so they don't get dinged on their job performance. but no case will ever be addressed. it holds the same in some of the poorer areas. the people don't have political influence but they are totally non responsive. and they know how to play the game. they know how to beat a system that has no teeth.

the other thing that happens is it gets used as a revenge tool. people know their complaint will remain anonymous. so when a neighbor pisses them off they file an abuse complaint against them. now the neighbor has to go through the ropes to get themselves cleared.

its a typical bureaucratic mess.

With all due respect the blame is misplaced in my opinion. Granted CPS is not doing it's job but the reason for that is outside of the control of the people at CPS themselves. The community leaders who are enabling this behavior are culpable as are the politicians.

But I suspect that it won't continue forever either. Smart phones can take pictures and video. That will show both the abuser and the victims. It is hard evidence that the police can use to arrest someone, conduct searches and the court can use it to obtain convictions. Once the videos go viral the politicians will cave too because it is really difficult to get elected if you are openly supporting child abuse.

What is happening is wrong but it will end once enough evidence ends up on the internet.

that’s what I said. They are frustrated because in the areas where they need to do the most they do not have the tools or support to do it. And the attitude develops, fuck it. And those communities know it too. They learn how to beat the system through its own inability to get done what needs to be done
Neo-Nazi demands child welfare workers return his baby girl named Eva Braun - NY Daily News

An Adolf Hitler-obsessed New Jersey man is up in arms because child welfare workers took away his baby girl — named after the evil dictator’s mistress, Eva Braun — two days after she was born.

“I’m not allowed to have children because I’m a Nazi,” Heath Campbell, 40, told the Daily News. “That’s what they’re saying. Well, I’ll stop making them when they stop taking them.”


“They kidnapped her,” said Campbell, who wore a full Third Reich uniform to a June court hearing while he was fighting to see a toddler son named Heinrich Hons.

“Because I’m not going to mix with the opposite races and I’m not going to let my children mix, that gives them the right to steal my child?”

First off, what kind of deranged lunatic gets impregnated by such a loser? Also, it sounds more like this most recent child (youngest of nine, none of whom he has custody of) was taken because her older half-sibling was already in the system.

What a mess.

It's a sad sign when it's against the law to name your own child whatever you want.

oh wait, it's not
Neo-Nazi demands child welfare workers return his baby girl named Eva Braun - NY Daily News

An Adolf Hitler-obsessed New Jersey man is up in arms because child welfare workers took away his baby girl — named after the evil dictator’s mistress, Eva Braun — two days after she was born.

“I’m not allowed to have children because I’m a Nazi,” Heath Campbell, 40, told the Daily News. “That’s what they’re saying. Well, I’ll stop making them when they stop taking them.”


“They kidnapped her,” said Campbell, who wore a full Third Reich uniform to a June court hearing while he was fighting to see a toddler son named Heinrich Hons.

“Because I’m not going to mix with the opposite races and I’m not going to let my children mix, that gives them the right to steal my child?”

First off, what kind of deranged lunatic gets impregnated by such a loser? Also, it sounds more like this most recent child (youngest of nine, none of whom he has custody of) was taken because her older half-sibling was already in the system.

What a mess.

It's a sad sign when it's against the law to name your own child whatever you want.

oh wait, it's not

Yet another who doesn't understand that this is about evidence of child abuse!

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