Nazi Pelousy sides with the Chicoms, against the USA.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Typical position for this batshit crazy Anti-American asshat.

President Trump is looking out for American lives, and American tax dollars...............Nazi is sucking Chicom balls.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 million to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million. The money saved will go to areas that "most need it," Trump asserted.

"We have deep concerns over whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said Tuesday, accusing the WHO of failing to adequately keep the international community apprised of the threat of the coronavirus.

"The WHO failed in this duty, and must be held accountable," Trump said Tuesday. He added that the WHO had ignored "credible information" in December 2019 that the virus could be transmitted from human to human.

Typical position for this batshit crazy Anti-American asshat.

President Trump is looking out for American lives, and American tax dollars...............Nazi is sucking Chicom balls.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 million to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million. The money saved will go to areas that "most need it," Trump asserted.

"We have deep concerns over whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said Tuesday, accusing the WHO of failing to adequately keep the international community apprised of the threat of the coronavirus.

"The WHO failed in this duty, and must be held accountable," Trump said Tuesday. He added that the WHO had ignored "credible information" in December 2019 that the virus could be transmitted from human to human.

Strange since he has publicly thanked the Red Chinese for their handling of the virus.
Trump thanks Xi Jinping for ‘efforts and transparency’ in fight to contain coronavirus

by Madison Dibble

| January 24, 2020 05:16 PM (Washington Examiner)

Fact check: Trump denies saying another thing he said and makes more false claims at coronavirus briefing
Speaking Tuesday in the Rose Garden of the White House, President Donald Trump denied making a comment he did make. He criticized the World Health Organization for the same thing he has done before. He wrongly suggested he was the only national leader to impose travel restrictions on China. He claimed he was “authorizing” governors to lift coronavirus restrictions even though this power always belonged to governors. He falsely claimed, again, that “nobody ever thought” there would be a crisis like this. And he repeated some of his favorite false claims about his tariffs on China.

Here’s a rundown of Trump’s claims, and the facts around them.

Trump’s praise for China’s supposed transparency

After he criticized the World Health Organization for praising China’s supposed transparency over the coronavirus, Trump was pressed about his own previous praise of China’s supposed transparency. “I don’t talk about China’s transparency,” Trump responded. “You know, if I’m so good to China, how come I was the only person, the only leader of a country, that closed our borders tightly against China?”

Facts First: Trump did praise China, and its president, Xi Jinping, for its supposed transparency. Moreover, Trump didn’t completely shut down travel between China and the United States; nearly 40,000 people traveled from China to the United States after he announced travel restrictions, according to an April 4 New York Times analysis of data collected in both countries. And Trump was far from the only leader to impose travel restrictions from China. A Washington Post analysis found that 38 countries imposed significant travel restrictions on China “before or at the same time the U.S. restrictions were put in place.” (The Post analysis did not count 12 other countries “that took some sort of action before the United States but with measures that were not as sweeping.”)

Trump has explicitly praised China for “transparency” related to the virus. On January 24, he tweeted that “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency,” and that “In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” (On March 21, Trump defended his initial claim that China had acted with transparency by arguing that “China was transparent at that time, but when we saw what happened, they could have been transparent much earlier than they were.”)

Trump consistently overplays the severity of his travel restrictions on China. They did not constitute a complete border closure: They did not apply to American citizens, permanent residents or many of the family members of citizens and permanent residents. The New York Times reported that nearly 40,000 people have flown to the US from China since Trump’s restrictions went into effect February

But , of course, everyone knows you can't listen to President Trump. Right?
About time we stopped using our credit to Fund every other country and every little thing.
Thank god we did not have a democrat in office when this hit.
They would have seen this as the perfect chance to push through all their agendas and would never have closed off any borders. That being morally wrong and all
Typical position for this batshit crazy Anti-American asshat.

President Trump is looking out for American lives, and American tax dollars...............Nazi is sucking Chicom balls.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 million to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million. The money saved will go to areas that "most need it," Trump asserted.

"We have deep concerns over whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said Tuesday, accusing the WHO of failing to adequately keep the international community apprised of the threat of the coronavirus.

"The WHO failed in this duty, and must be held accountable," Trump said Tuesday. He added that the WHO had ignored "credible information" in December 2019 that the virus could be transmitted from human to human.

Strange since he has publicly thanked the Red Chinese for their handling of the virus.
Trump thanks Xi Jinping for ‘efforts and transparency’ in fight to contain coronavirus

by Madison Dibble

| January 24, 2020 05:16 PM (Washington Examiner)

Fact check: Trump denies saying another thing he said and makes more false claims at coronavirus briefing
Speaking Tuesday in the Rose Garden of the White House, President Donald Trump denied making a comment he did make. He criticized the World Health Organization for the same thing he has done before. He wrongly suggested he was the only national leader to impose travel restrictions on China. He claimed he was “authorizing” governors to lift coronavirus restrictions even though this power always belonged to governors. He falsely claimed, again, that “nobody ever thought” there would be a crisis like this. And he repeated some of his favorite false claims about his tariffs on China.

Here’s a rundown of Trump’s claims, and the facts around them.

Trump’s praise for China’s supposed transparency

After he criticized the World Health Organization for praising China’s supposed transparency over the coronavirus, Trump was pressed about his own previous praise of China’s supposed transparency. “I don’t talk about China’s transparency,” Trump responded. “You know, if I’m so good to China, how come I was the only person, the only leader of a country, that closed our borders tightly against China?”

Facts First: Trump did praise China, and its president, Xi Jinping, for its supposed transparency. Moreover, Trump didn’t completely shut down travel between China and the United States; nearly 40,000 people traveled from China to the United States after he announced travel restrictions, according to an April 4 New York Times analysis of data collected in both countries. And Trump was far from the only leader to impose travel restrictions from China. A Washington Post analysis found that 38 countries imposed significant travel restrictions on China “before or at the same time the U.S. restrictions were put in place.” (The Post analysis did not count 12 other countries “that took some sort of action before the United States but with measures that were not as sweeping.”)

Trump has explicitly praised China for “transparency” related to the virus. On January 24, he tweeted that “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency,” and that “In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” (On March 21, Trump defended his initial claim that China had acted with transparency by arguing that “China was transparent at that time, but when we saw what happened, they could have been transparent much earlier than they were.”)

Trump consistently overplays the severity of his travel restrictions on China. They did not constitute a complete border closure: They did not apply to American citizens, permanent residents or many of the family members of citizens and permanent residents. The New York Times reported that nearly 40,000 people have flown to the US from China since Trump’s restrictions went into effect February

But , of course, everyone knows you can't listen to President Trump. Right?
Anything on topic, Puddinhead?
Siding against the "Deadly Don" and his latest Faux inspired conspiracy theory aimed at helping him, is not synonymous with siding against the USA.

It's the patriotic duty of all Great Americans!
Typical position for this batshit crazy Anti-American asshat.

President Trump is looking out for American lives, and American tax dollars...............Nazi is sucking Chicom balls.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 million to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million. The money saved will go to areas that "most need it," Trump asserted.

"We have deep concerns over whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said Tuesday, accusing the WHO of failing to adequately keep the international community apprised of the threat of the coronavirus.

"The WHO failed in this duty, and must be held accountable," Trump said Tuesday. He added that the WHO had ignored "credible information" in December 2019 that the virus could be transmitted from human to human.

Just another right wing "opinion". Not based in any kind of reason or fact except blind partisanship and reverence for our dear leader.
And the constant need to find someone else to blame or scapegoat for Trump's failure to lead and act.
Typical position for this batshit crazy Anti-American asshat.

President Trump is looking out for American lives, and American tax dollars...............Nazi is sucking Chicom balls.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 million to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million. The money saved will go to areas that "most need it," Trump asserted.

"We have deep concerns over whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said Tuesday, accusing the WHO of failing to adequately keep the international community apprised of the threat of the coronavirus.

"The WHO failed in this duty, and must be held accountable," Trump said Tuesday. He added that the WHO had ignored "credible information" in December 2019 that the virus could be transmitted from human to human.

Strange since he has publicly thanked the Red Chinese for their handling of the virus.
Trump thanks Xi Jinping for ‘efforts and transparency’ in fight to contain coronavirus

by Madison Dibble

| January 24, 2020 05:16 PM (Washington Examiner)

Fact check: Trump denies saying another thing he said and makes more false claims at coronavirus briefing
Speaking Tuesday in the Rose Garden of the White House, President Donald Trump denied making a comment he did make. He criticized the World Health Organization for the same thing he has done before. He wrongly suggested he was the only national leader to impose travel restrictions on China. He claimed he was “authorizing” governors to lift coronavirus restrictions even though this power always belonged to governors. He falsely claimed, again, that “nobody ever thought” there would be a crisis like this. And he repeated some of his favorite false claims about his tariffs on China.

Here’s a rundown of Trump’s claims, and the facts around them.

Trump’s praise for China’s supposed transparency

After he criticized the World Health Organization for praising China’s supposed transparency over the coronavirus, Trump was pressed about his own previous praise of China’s supposed transparency. “I don’t talk about China’s transparency,” Trump responded. “You know, if I’m so good to China, how come I was the only person, the only leader of a country, that closed our borders tightly against China?”

Facts First: Trump did praise China, and its president, Xi Jinping, for its supposed transparency. Moreover, Trump didn’t completely shut down travel between China and the United States; nearly 40,000 people traveled from China to the United States after he announced travel restrictions, according to an April 4 New York Times analysis of data collected in both countries. And Trump was far from the only leader to impose travel restrictions from China. A Washington Post analysis found that 38 countries imposed significant travel restrictions on China “before or at the same time the U.S. restrictions were put in place.” (The Post analysis did not count 12 other countries “that took some sort of action before the United States but with measures that were not as sweeping.”)

Trump has explicitly praised China for “transparency” related to the virus. On January 24, he tweeted that “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency,” and that “In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” (On March 21, Trump defended his initial claim that China had acted with transparency by arguing that “China was transparent at that time, but when we saw what happened, they could have been transparent much earlier than they were.”)

Trump consistently overplays the severity of his travel restrictions on China. They did not constitute a complete border closure: They did not apply to American citizens, permanent residents or many of the family members of citizens and permanent residents. The New York Times reported that nearly 40,000 people have flown to the US from China since Trump’s restrictions went into effect February

But , of course, everyone knows you can't listen to President Trump. Right?
he wants the meds and other medical equipment. you're too stupid to really understand so step aside and let adults discuss.
Siding against the "Deadly Don" and his latest Faux inspired conspiracy theory aimed at helping him, is not synonymous with siding against the USA.

It's the patriotic duty of all Great Americans!
so fk america huh? nice going. BTW, thanks for finally admitting it.
Typical position for this batshit crazy Anti-American asshat.

President Trump is looking out for American lives, and American tax dollars...............Nazi is sucking Chicom balls.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 million to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million. The money saved will go to areas that "most need it," Trump asserted.

"We have deep concerns over whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said Tuesday, accusing the WHO of failing to adequately keep the international community apprised of the threat of the coronavirus.

"The WHO failed in this duty, and must be held accountable," Trump said Tuesday. He added that the WHO had ignored "credible information" in December 2019 that the virus could be transmitted from human to human.

Just another right wing "opinion". Not based in any kind of reason or fact except blind partisanship and reverence for our dear leader.
And the constant need to find someone else to blame or scapegoat for Trump's failure to lead and act.
Your dear leader is Pelosi how many times a day do ewe dream of doing her?
The democrat party will be on the losing end until they replace her with someone that loves the USA.....
Typical position for this batshit crazy Anti-American asshat.

President Trump is looking out for American lives, and American tax dollars...............Nazi is sucking Chicom balls.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 million to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million. The money saved will go to areas that "most need it," Trump asserted.

"We have deep concerns over whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said Tuesday, accusing the WHO of failing to adequately keep the international community apprised of the threat of the coronavirus.

"The WHO failed in this duty, and must be held accountable," Trump said Tuesday. He added that the WHO had ignored "credible information" in December 2019 that the virus could be transmitted from human to human.

Just another right wing "opinion". Not based in any kind of reason or fact except blind partisanship and reverence for our dear leader.
And the constant need to find someone else to blame or scapegoat for Trump's failure to lead and act.
The misinformation coming from WHO is well documented. They are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

You and Nazi have more allegiance to the Chicoms than you do America.
She has shut the government down and even tried to starve servicemen into submission twice now for foreign citizens. Her every move is for foreigners and opposed to Americans.
Typical position for this batshit crazy Anti-American asshat.

President Trump is looking out for American lives, and American tax dollars...............Nazi is sucking Chicom balls.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 million to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million. The money saved will go to areas that "most need it," Trump asserted.

"We have deep concerns over whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said Tuesday, accusing the WHO of failing to adequately keep the international community apprised of the threat of the coronavirus.

"The WHO failed in this duty, and must be held accountable," Trump said Tuesday. He added that the WHO had ignored "credible information" in December 2019 that the virus could be transmitted from human to human.

Just another right wing "opinion". Not based in any kind of reason or fact except blind partisanship and reverence for our dear leader.
And the constant need to find someone else to blame or scapegoat for Trump's failure to lead and act.
Your dear leader is Pelosi how many times a day do ewe dream of doing her?

She isn't anyone's dear leader. She's the Speaker of the House. A representative from California.
Typical position for this batshit crazy Anti-American asshat.

President Trump is looking out for American lives, and American tax dollars...............Nazi is sucking Chicom balls.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 million to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million. The money saved will go to areas that "most need it," Trump asserted.

"We have deep concerns over whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said Tuesday, accusing the WHO of failing to adequately keep the international community apprised of the threat of the coronavirus.

"The WHO failed in this duty, and must be held accountable," Trump said Tuesday. He added that the WHO had ignored "credible information" in December 2019 that the virus could be transmitted from human to human.

Just another right wing "opinion". Not based in any kind of reason or fact except blind partisanship and reverence for our dear leader.
And the constant need to find someone else to blame or scapegoat for Trump's failure to lead and act.
The misinformation coming from WHO is well documented. They are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Chicoms.

You and Nazi have more allegiance to the Chicoms than you do America.

Typical position for this batshit crazy Anti-American asshat.

President Trump is looking out for American lives, and American tax dollars...............Nazi is sucking Chicom balls.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

The United States is the WHO's largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 million to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million. The money saved will go to areas that "most need it," Trump asserted.

"We have deep concerns over whether America's generosity has been put to the best use possible," Trump said Tuesday, accusing the WHO of failing to adequately keep the international community apprised of the threat of the coronavirus.

"The WHO failed in this duty, and must be held accountable," Trump said Tuesday. He added that the WHO had ignored "credible information" in December 2019 that the virus could be transmitted from human to human.

Strange since he has publicly thanked the Red Chinese for their handling of the virus.
Trump thanks Xi Jinping for ‘efforts and transparency’ in fight to contain coronavirus

by Madison Dibble

| January 24, 2020 05:16 PM (Washington Examiner)

Fact check: Trump denies saying another thing he said and makes more false claims at coronavirus briefing
Speaking Tuesday in the Rose Garden of the White House, President Donald Trump denied making a comment he did make. He criticized the World Health Organization for the same thing he has done before. He wrongly suggested he was the only national leader to impose travel restrictions on China. He claimed he was “authorizing” governors to lift coronavirus restrictions even though this power always belonged to governors. He falsely claimed, again, that “nobody ever thought” there would be a crisis like this. And he repeated some of his favorite false claims about his tariffs on China.

Here’s a rundown of Trump’s claims, and the facts around them.

Trump’s praise for China’s supposed transparency

After he criticized the World Health Organization for praising China’s supposed transparency over the coronavirus, Trump was pressed about his own previous praise of China’s supposed transparency. “I don’t talk about China’s transparency,” Trump responded. “You know, if I’m so good to China, how come I was the only person, the only leader of a country, that closed our borders tightly against China?”

Facts First: Trump did praise China, and its president, Xi Jinping, for its supposed transparency. Moreover, Trump didn’t completely shut down travel between China and the United States; nearly 40,000 people traveled from China to the United States after he announced travel restrictions, according to an April 4 New York Times analysis of data collected in both countries. And Trump was far from the only leader to impose travel restrictions from China. A Washington Post analysis found that 38 countries imposed significant travel restrictions on China “before or at the same time the U.S. restrictions were put in place.” (The Post analysis did not count 12 other countries “that took some sort of action before the United States but with measures that were not as sweeping.”)

Trump has explicitly praised China for “transparency” related to the virus. On January 24, he tweeted that “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency,” and that “In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” (On March 21, Trump defended his initial claim that China had acted with transparency by arguing that “China was transparent at that time, but when we saw what happened, they could have been transparent much earlier than they were.”)

Trump consistently overplays the severity of his travel restrictions on China. They did not constitute a complete border closure: They did not apply to American citizens, permanent residents or many of the family members of citizens and permanent residents. The New York Times reported that nearly 40,000 people have flown to the US from China since Trump’s restrictions went into effect February

But , of course, everyone knows you can't listen to President Trump. Right?
Anything on topic, Puddinhead?
Just that I learned from you editorial and link that the United States is the largest supporter of the WHO and I did not realized we were largest supporter of an organization that was "China-centric" if it is. If that is true, why has he supported them up to now and openly praised the Red Chinese government for their handling of the pandemic, OP?

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