Nazis were Catholic?

and a nationalist fascist pig. What else is new? dog Adolf hated poles and jews and was a german nationalist. ------and dog Roman hated germans and jews and was a polish nationalist----
a fascist dog is a fascist dog

And how is Netanyahu any less of a fascist dog?

he is in no way a FASCIST DOG----return fire is never
illegal or immoral

It is not "return fire".
Zionists started all the conflict first, deliberately.
Read your history.
The Zionists were the only one with weapons smuggled in, while the Arabs were unarmed.
Look who started the terrorist attacks, like blowing up the King David hotel, assassinating the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, the Sargents Affair of kidnapping torture, mutilation, etc., the massacres of Arab villages like Dier Yassin, etc.

your knowledge of the situation in the middle east is almost as exciting as your knowledge of the history of islam.
arabs are all dead anyway------according to you they were all
murdered by turks and moghuls and the minions of Genghis Khan--------just from where came the people who call themselves ARABS today?. Just when did the Zionists start SMUGGLING
aramaments "in" "IN-to" where?

Again, no, it was only the Arab leadership that was murdered by the invaders.
And again, Arabs are still around because Jews are Arabs.

Zionists started smuggling arms to Palestine in the 1920s.
The Jewish immigrants had gained military experience in WWI, and could easily bring illegal weapons when they themselves illegally entered Palestine.
Almost all Jews in Israel now are descendants of illegal immigrants to Palestine.

really. what are you calling "ILLEGAL" ----the filthy pig of mecca who invaded the jewish city of YATHRIB was ILLEGAL. Jews had no military experience-----bone up on the shit called SHARIAH and CANON LAW. One of my great grandfathers served in the army of FRANZ JOSEF-------but he never touched a gun------he was a TAILOR ----the little jew making uniforms for the big shot SOLDIERS------your Imam lied. Even my father----petty officer in the US navy during world war II----never touched a gun-------he was THE JEW-----that made him the SHIP'S BURSAR----the
accountant. How did you get so stupid?
True it is not just Christians who were evil imperialists and colonialists.
But the Romans were the worst, and they were the ones who corrupted and took over Christianity to cause so much harm.
So anything countering that Catholic imperialism and colonialism is good.

It is true that Islam also got corrupted and taken over, but not by Arabs.
It was Mongols, Mohguls, Turks, Moors, Mamalukes, etc., etc., who massacred Arabs and took over Islam many times.

right----your "knowledge" of the history of islam is FASCINATING------and truly idiotic--------btw---just what did
your Imam tell that the MONGOLS, TURKS, MOORS and
MARMALUKES did to the Koran? corrupted it even more than
the romans corrupted the "new testament'? -------poor arabs
EVERYONE WANTED TO KILL THEM----so what happened to them-------all gone?

No, the invading Mongols, Turks, etc., just corrupted the interpretations of the Quran.
They were the ones trying to invade Europe, not the Arabs.

The Arabs can't be all gone, because Jews are Arabs.

ROFLMAO "the interpretations of the Koran" ----I --as a JEW got news for you------the ARABS insist that every word of the Koran is as it is and WAS dictated to Muhummad by the ANGEL GIBRIL (that's Arabic for Gabriel) Are you calling the arab muslims LIARS? ok with me----I am not an arab----I am a jew. BTW -----there is a difference between ARABS and JEWS----actually detailed in ANCIENT literature (unlike your ancestors-----jews have been literate for a LONG TIME---whereas the language Arabic was not a written language until about 300 AD. WAY BACK in the times that the BIBLE was written------"arabs were called "ARABS" and Jews were ----well--early on "the children of Israel (aka JACOB) and later on----being of the "kingdom of Judah" called yehudim----ie JEWS Did your Imam tell you that Jews are REALLY A KIND OF "ARAB" -----nope----that is the revisionist history created by the BAATHISTS-----the ARAB NATIONALIST SOCIALISTS--------ie------arab Nazis. So now you know WHAT YOU ARE

Completely wrong.
The Quran does NOT claim to be infallible, and in fact says that newer is intended to supersede older, in the Quran itself.
It is admitted to be imperfect.
It is not directly from God, but through intermediaries like Gabriel and the prophet Mohammad.

And you are totally wrong about Hebrew being literate.
They were not at all.
Some learned Arab languages like Aramaic, but they did not develop a written Hebrew script until around 100 BC.
And even that is being generous.

Arab have always been literate, and in fact developed almost all the early written languages, like Aramaic, Phoenician, etc.
The only written language to precede the Arabs were the Indians, with Sanskrit.

And NO, there is no difference between Arabs and Jews.
Jews are just an offshoot, a sub group of a type of Arab.
And no, Arabs were not called Arabs originally.
They were called Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabatians, Akkadian (Babylonian), etc.
The word Arab is modern, and refers to the Arabian Peninsula.
These earlier Arab groups, like Hebrew, were from before the presence in the Arabian Peninsula.
Arabs came from the Levant and traveled to the Arabian Peninsula.
So they were not originally called Arab.
But now they are.

are you a Baathist dog? ------btw what do you call "originally" ? Arabic was not
a written language until about 300 AD----and even then the Arabic script was CREATED by ZOROASTRIANS -----The word ARAB is English------so, of course it is modern. The word MUHUMMAD is also English----so it is MODERN------you are very confused Hebrew script is more than 4000 years old------sorry Charlie----your Imam lied--------but your idiocy is amusing

We are NOT talking about a modern language like Arabic.
We are talking about ancient Arab languages, like Aramaic.

And it is silly to claim Zoroastrians created Arab languages since they only are significant about 2000 BC.
The Arab languages, like those used by Canaanites, Akkadians, Urites, etc. go back 6,000 year earlier.
When we talk about any modern language that is not pictograms, it is phonetic, which means it is using a system of symbols for sounds, developed by the Arab Phoenicians.

There is ZERO Hebrew script before 100 BC.
There is Aramaic or Phoenician script that some confused or deliberately lying scholars are claiming is Hebrew script.
And clearly the Hebrew script started around 100 BC and used today, is nothing like the Aramaic or Phoenician script used before 100 BC.
And how is Netanyahu any less of a fascist dog?

he is in no way a FASCIST DOG----return fire is never
illegal or immoral

It is not "return fire".
Zionists started all the conflict first, deliberately.
Read your history.
The Zionists were the only one with weapons smuggled in, while the Arabs were unarmed.
Look who started the terrorist attacks, like blowing up the King David hotel, assassinating the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, the Sargents Affair of kidnapping torture, mutilation, etc., the massacres of Arab villages like Dier Yassin, etc.

your knowledge of the situation in the middle east is almost as exciting as your knowledge of the history of islam.
arabs are all dead anyway------according to you they were all
murdered by turks and moghuls and the minions of Genghis Khan--------just from where came the people who call themselves ARABS today?. Just when did the Zionists start SMUGGLING
aramaments "in" "IN-to" where?

Again, no, it was only the Arab leadership that was murdered by the invaders.
And again, Arabs are still around because Jews are Arabs.

Zionists started smuggling arms to Palestine in the 1920s.
The Jewish immigrants had gained military experience in WWI, and could easily bring illegal weapons when they themselves illegally entered Palestine.
Almost all Jews in Israel now are descendants of illegal immigrants to Palestine.

really. what are you calling "ILLEGAL" ----the filthy pig of mecca who invaded the jewish city of YATHRIB was ILLEGAL. Jews had no military experience-----bone up on the shit called SHARIAH and CANON LAW. One of my great grandfathers served in the army of FRANZ JOSEF-------but he never touched a gun------he was a TAILOR ----the little jew making uniforms for the big shot SOLDIERS------your Imam lied. Even my father----petty officer in the US navy during world war II----never touched a gun-------he was THE JEW-----that made him the SHIP'S BURSAR----the
accountant. How did you get so stupid?

There were no Jewish cities in the Mideast since the Roman Diaspora decree.
Jews got plenty of military experience in WWI and WWII, by enlisting in British, French, and Russian forces.
The fact your relatives did not, does not at all show that no one else did.

These “Jewish?” colonial settlers many of the early ones coming from Communist Bolsheviks revolution came to Palestine and set up communist communes, consistent with Marxist theory; but as colonialists they did not settle to be part of the local community; they choose to ethnically cleanse Palestine from its indigenous inhabitants, with the support of so many of these predominantly Anti-Semitic countries that provided arms and material support to the armed militia and Jewish terrorist groups.

The Palestinians were simply no match for these well-educated “westerners”, lacking not only education but also material support that these colonial settlers were getting from Europe and the US.

Toward the end of the Second World War, many of the “Jews serving in the European and American military chose to immigrate to Palestine and organize well-armed and well-organized militias engaging in terrorist acts, with the Haganah and the Irgun leading the charge, but to name a few.

These colonial settlers came to Palestine not to escape death and share the land with the local people, they came with the full intention to ethnically cleanse Palestine from its own indigenous people by using outright terrorism to achieve their goals and using financial resources available to entice many countries to support their aims of establishing a “homeland”.

It was these Jewish Zionist colonizers who first introduced terrorism in the Middle East by bombing public markets and blowing up hotels and massacring entire villages. Many of its leading terrorists went on to become prime ministers and winners of Noble Peace Prizes.

As the world leaders celebrate the rise of Israel as a major colonial settler state, they, certainly afraid of political and financial retaliation, choose to totally ignore the millions of Palestinians forced into exile and the disposition and confiscation of property and total destruction of over 500 villages, which have been completely wiped out.

Since its military occupation of what remained of Palestine, Israel was able to set new international records for a Draconian occupation:

  • the number of Palestinians it jailed (over one million),
  • the number of Olive Trees it uprooted and burned (over a million)
  • the number of illegal settlements over public and private Palestinian lands (some properties are sold through synagogues in the US, acting as brokers), and
  • the number of Palestinians (over 2.5 million) who must go through over 500 “security checkpoints“ every day.
Of course, not to mention the ethnic cleansing of over 80,000 Palestinians from East Jerusalem, and the thousands of Palestinian homes stolen by these criminal settlers with major funding from US Jewish, tax-exempt charities.
Israel, Palestine; the Tragedy – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services
right----your "knowledge" of the history of islam is FASCINATING------and truly idiotic--------btw---just what did
your Imam tell that the MONGOLS, TURKS, MOORS and
MARMALUKES did to the Koran? corrupted it even more than
the romans corrupted the "new testament'? -------poor arabs
EVERYONE WANTED TO KILL THEM----so what happened to them-------all gone?

No, the invading Mongols, Turks, etc., just corrupted the interpretations of the Quran.
They were the ones trying to invade Europe, not the Arabs.

The Arabs can't be all gone, because Jews are Arabs.

ROFLMAO "the interpretations of the Koran" ----I --as a JEW got news for you------the ARABS insist that every word of the Koran is as it is and WAS dictated to Muhummad by the ANGEL GIBRIL (that's Arabic for Gabriel) Are you calling the arab muslims LIARS? ok with me----I am not an arab----I am a jew. BTW -----there is a difference between ARABS and JEWS----actually detailed in ANCIENT literature (unlike your ancestors-----jews have been literate for a LONG TIME---whereas the language Arabic was not a written language until about 300 AD. WAY BACK in the times that the BIBLE was written------"arabs were called "ARABS" and Jews were ----well--early on "the children of Israel (aka JACOB) and later on----being of the "kingdom of Judah" called yehudim----ie JEWS Did your Imam tell you that Jews are REALLY A KIND OF "ARAB" -----nope----that is the revisionist history created by the BAATHISTS-----the ARAB NATIONALIST SOCIALISTS--------ie------arab Nazis. So now you know WHAT YOU ARE

Completely wrong.
The Quran does NOT claim to be infallible, and in fact says that newer is intended to supersede older, in the Quran itself.
It is admitted to be imperfect.
It is not directly from God, but through intermediaries like Gabriel and the prophet Mohammad.

And you are totally wrong about Hebrew being literate.
They were not at all.
Some learned Arab languages like Aramaic, but they did not develop a written Hebrew script until around 100 BC.
And even that is being generous.

Arab have always been literate, and in fact developed almost all the early written languages, like Aramaic, Phoenician, etc.
The only written language to precede the Arabs were the Indians, with Sanskrit.

And NO, there is no difference between Arabs and Jews.
Jews are just an offshoot, a sub group of a type of Arab.
And no, Arabs were not called Arabs originally.
They were called Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabatians, Akkadian (Babylonian), etc.
The word Arab is modern, and refers to the Arabian Peninsula.
These earlier Arab groups, like Hebrew, were from before the presence in the Arabian Peninsula.
Arabs came from the Levant and traveled to the Arabian Peninsula.
So they were not originally called Arab.
But now they are.

are you a Baathist dog? ------btw what do you call "originally" ? Arabic was not
a written language until about 300 AD----and even then the Arabic script was CREATED by ZOROASTRIANS -----The word ARAB is English------so, of course it is modern. The word MUHUMMAD is also English----so it is MODERN------you are very confused Hebrew script is more than 4000 years old------sorry Charlie----your Imam lied--------but your idiocy is amusing

We are NOT talking about a modern language like Arabic.
We are talking about ancient Arab languages, like Aramaic.

And it is silly to claim Zoroastrians created Arab languages since they only are significant about 2000 BC.
The Arab languages, like those used by Canaanites, Akkadians, Urites, etc. go back 6,000 year earlier.
When we talk about any modern language that is not pictograms, it is phonetic, which means it is using a system of symbols for sounds, developed by the Arab Phoenicians.

There is ZERO Hebrew script before 100 BC.
There is Aramaic or Phoenician script that some confused or deliberately lying scholars are claiming is Hebrew script.
And clearly the Hebrew script started around 100 BC and used today, is nothing like the Aramaic or Phoenician script used before 100 BC.

is "arab Phoenicians" another mosque invented term like "people of color"?
Are you familiar with ANY language other than English? Your concept of language
is really confused. Do you know Aramaic? ----btw ---is Arabic script like ancient Aramaic? are you a Baathist moron?
you throw the word "millions" around quite a lot. ---------I am a little busy today---
I have to visit ARABIAN ALABAMA
No, the invading Mongols, Turks, etc., just corrupted the interpretations of the Quran.
They were the ones trying to invade Europe, not the Arabs.

The Arabs can't be all gone, because Jews are Arabs.

ROFLMAO "the interpretations of the Koran" ----I --as a JEW got news for you------the ARABS insist that every word of the Koran is as it is and WAS dictated to Muhummad by the ANGEL GIBRIL (that's Arabic for Gabriel) Are you calling the arab muslims LIARS? ok with me----I am not an arab----I am a jew. BTW -----there is a difference between ARABS and JEWS----actually detailed in ANCIENT literature (unlike your ancestors-----jews have been literate for a LONG TIME---whereas the language Arabic was not a written language until about 300 AD. WAY BACK in the times that the BIBLE was written------"arabs were called "ARABS" and Jews were ----well--early on "the children of Israel (aka JACOB) and later on----being of the "kingdom of Judah" called yehudim----ie JEWS Did your Imam tell you that Jews are REALLY A KIND OF "ARAB" -----nope----that is the revisionist history created by the BAATHISTS-----the ARAB NATIONALIST SOCIALISTS--------ie------arab Nazis. So now you know WHAT YOU ARE

Completely wrong.
The Quran does NOT claim to be infallible, and in fact says that newer is intended to supersede older, in the Quran itself.
It is admitted to be imperfect.
It is not directly from God, but through intermediaries like Gabriel and the prophet Mohammad.

And you are totally wrong about Hebrew being literate.
They were not at all.
Some learned Arab languages like Aramaic, but they did not develop a written Hebrew script until around 100 BC.
And even that is being generous.

Arab have always been literate, and in fact developed almost all the early written languages, like Aramaic, Phoenician, etc.
The only written language to precede the Arabs were the Indians, with Sanskrit.

And NO, there is no difference between Arabs and Jews.
Jews are just an offshoot, a sub group of a type of Arab.
And no, Arabs were not called Arabs originally.
They were called Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabatians, Akkadian (Babylonian), etc.
The word Arab is modern, and refers to the Arabian Peninsula.
These earlier Arab groups, like Hebrew, were from before the presence in the Arabian Peninsula.
Arabs came from the Levant and traveled to the Arabian Peninsula.
So they were not originally called Arab.
But now they are.

are you a Baathist dog? ------btw what do you call "originally" ? Arabic was not
a written language until about 300 AD----and even then the Arabic script was CREATED by ZOROASTRIANS -----The word ARAB is English------so, of course it is modern. The word MUHUMMAD is also English----so it is MODERN------you are very confused Hebrew script is more than 4000 years old------sorry Charlie----your Imam lied--------but your idiocy is amusing

We are NOT talking about a modern language like Arabic.
We are talking about ancient Arab languages, like Aramaic.

And it is silly to claim Zoroastrians created Arab languages since they only are significant about 2000 BC.
The Arab languages, like those used by Canaanites, Akkadians, Urites, etc. go back 6,000 year earlier.
When we talk about any modern language that is not pictograms, it is phonetic, which means it is using a system of symbols for sounds, developed by the Arab Phoenicians.

There is ZERO Hebrew script before 100 BC.
There is Aramaic or Phoenician script that some confused or deliberately lying scholars are claiming is Hebrew script.
And clearly the Hebrew script started around 100 BC and used today, is nothing like the Aramaic or Phoenician script used before 100 BC.

is "arab Phoenicians" another mosque invented term like "people of color"?
Are you familiar with ANY language other than English? Your concept of language
is really confused. Do you know Aramaic? ----btw ---is Arabic script like ancient Aramaic? are you a Baathist moron?

You do not seem to know human history.
Arabs did not just pop up on the Arabian Peninsula.
They came from the Levant, and have a well established history there.
That is where the word Semitic came from and refers to.
Since those in that culture in the Arabian Peninsula are now called Arab, and the Levant cultures were where that culture started, those Levant cultures are now all also called Arab as well.
That includes the Phoenicians, Akkadians, Urites, Amorites, Nabatians, Philistines, Canaanites, etc.
That also includes Hebrew, because the Hebrew tribes clearly had the same language origins as all other Arabs.
And yes I know many other languages.
And I can read some Aramaic, as well as some Hebrew.
And I can tell you for certain, that now Jews could write any Hebrew until around 100 BC.
Ancient Aramaic IS an Arab script.
Modern Arabic came from Aramaic.
you throw the word "millions" around quite a lot. ---------I am a little busy today---
I have to visit ARABIAN ALABAMA

That was not me.
I was quoting a section of "Veterans Today" magazine article that I linked.
And I looked up the details, and verified that it really was millions of Palestinians, just like the article said.
Israel is 6 million descendants of illegal European immigrants, abusing 12 million Arab indigenous natives.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Most were Evangelical Lutherans or held Esoteric Beliefs, or a combination thereof.
ROFLMAO "the interpretations of the Koran" ----I --as a JEW got news for you------the ARABS insist that every word of the Koran is as it is and WAS dictated to Muhummad by the ANGEL GIBRIL (that's Arabic for Gabriel) Are you calling the arab muslims LIARS? ok with me----I am not an arab----I am a jew. BTW -----there is a difference between ARABS and JEWS----actually detailed in ANCIENT literature (unlike your ancestors-----jews have been literate for a LONG TIME---whereas the language Arabic was not a written language until about 300 AD. WAY BACK in the times that the BIBLE was written------"arabs were called "ARABS" and Jews were ----well--early on "the children of Israel (aka JACOB) and later on----being of the "kingdom of Judah" called yehudim----ie JEWS Did your Imam tell you that Jews are REALLY A KIND OF "ARAB" -----nope----that is the revisionist history created by the BAATHISTS-----the ARAB NATIONALIST SOCIALISTS--------ie------arab Nazis. So now you know WHAT YOU ARE

Completely wrong.
The Quran does NOT claim to be infallible, and in fact says that newer is intended to supersede older, in the Quran itself.
It is admitted to be imperfect.
It is not directly from God, but through intermediaries like Gabriel and the prophet Mohammad.

And you are totally wrong about Hebrew being literate.
They were not at all.
Some learned Arab languages like Aramaic, but they did not develop a written Hebrew script until around 100 BC.
And even that is being generous.

Arab have always been literate, and in fact developed almost all the early written languages, like Aramaic, Phoenician, etc.
The only written language to precede the Arabs were the Indians, with Sanskrit.

And NO, there is no difference between Arabs and Jews.
Jews are just an offshoot, a sub group of a type of Arab.
And no, Arabs were not called Arabs originally.
They were called Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabatians, Akkadian (Babylonian), etc.
The word Arab is modern, and refers to the Arabian Peninsula.
These earlier Arab groups, like Hebrew, were from before the presence in the Arabian Peninsula.
Arabs came from the Levant and traveled to the Arabian Peninsula.
So they were not originally called Arab.
But now they are.

are you a Baathist dog? ------btw what do you call "originally" ? Arabic was not
a written language until about 300 AD----and even then the Arabic script was CREATED by ZOROASTRIANS -----The word ARAB is English------so, of course it is modern. The word MUHUMMAD is also English----so it is MODERN------you are very confused Hebrew script is more than 4000 years old------sorry Charlie----your Imam lied--------but your idiocy is amusing

We are NOT talking about a modern language like Arabic.
We are talking about ancient Arab languages, like Aramaic.

And it is silly to claim Zoroastrians created Arab languages since they only are significant about 2000 BC.
The Arab languages, like those used by Canaanites, Akkadians, Urites, etc. go back 6,000 year earlier.
When we talk about any modern language that is not pictograms, it is phonetic, which means it is using a system of symbols for sounds, developed by the Arab Phoenicians.

There is ZERO Hebrew script before 100 BC.
There is Aramaic or Phoenician script that some confused or deliberately lying scholars are claiming is Hebrew script.
And clearly the Hebrew script started around 100 BC and used today, is nothing like the Aramaic or Phoenician script used before 100 BC.

is "arab Phoenicians" another mosque invented term like "people of color"?
Are you familiar with ANY language other than English? Your concept of language
is really confused. Do you know Aramaic? ----btw ---is Arabic script like ancient Aramaic? are you a Baathist moron?

You do not seem to know human history.
Arabs did not just pop up on the Arabian Peninsula.
They came from the Levant, and have a well established history there.
That is where the word Semitic came from and refers to.
Since those in that culture in the Arabian Peninsula are now called Arab, and the Levant cultures were where that culture started, those Levant cultures are now all also called Arab as well.
That includes the Phoenicians, Akkadians, Urites, Amorites, Nabatians, Philistines, Canaanites, etc.
That also includes Hebrew, because the Hebrew tribes clearly had the same language origins as all other Arabs.
And yes I know many other languages.
And I can read some Aramaic, as well as some Hebrew.
And I can tell you for certain, that now Jews could write any Hebrew until around 100 BC.
Ancient Aramaic IS an Arab script.
Modern Arabic came from Aramaic.

Your entire writing is sheer BS-----You are reading ISLAMO NAZI propaganda----I know it well----I began reading it about 60 years ago----You "know" many languages? How about naming a few of the "MANY" -------Hebrew was a written language more the 2500 BC ----and Arabic was not. Aramaic is NOT Arabic nor is Aramaic "an Arabic script" Clearly, it if were, YOU COULD READ AND WRITE
IN ARABIC (I doubt it) You are confused about Hebrew---because around 300 BC----there were some CHANGES IN THE SCRIPT-----just like there have been changes in English script over just the past 300 years. But the language remained ---all things considered REMARKABLY STABLE-----and the script "stabilized" so that over the past 2500 years it is so stable that reading the dead sea scrolls is something like reading a modern day Hebrew newspaper. If you knew 1/2 as much as YOU CLAIM to know-----you would know that. As to your sources VETERANS TODAY? you might just as well cite NATIONAL ENQUIRER or---THE ONION.
There does exist a VERY DESPERATE arab nationalist revisionist history-----which is kind of comical---------and you are an example----for more BS----follow BAATHIST
propaganda. As to Arabic------its script is based on FARSI script------and was "INVENTED" around 300 AD ----muslims try to convinced themselves that ADAM
in the gardern both wrote and read Arabic---------you are entitled to your religion
you throw the word "millions" around quite a lot. ---------I am a little busy today---
I have to visit ARABIAN ALABAMA

That was not me.
I was quoting a section of "Veterans Today" magazine article that I linked.
And I looked up the details, and verified that it really was millions of Palestinians, just like the article said.
Israel is 6 million descendants of illegal European immigrants, abusing 12 million Arab indigenous natives.

the only jews who migrated to Palestine were "Europeans"? -------is that what your Imam told you. "indigenous arabs" ------non came from anywhere else?-----their ancestors were there for 5000 years?
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Most were Evangelical Lutherans or held Esoteric Beliefs, or a combination thereof.

Adolf Hitler, Josef and Magda Goebbels, Himmler, Mengele ---etc----the only protestant in the group that I know of was Adolf Eichmann. I see no reason to suggest that Nazis were "in general, catholic supremacists" they hated very catholic
polacks. To suggest that Nazi support was a LUTHERAN THING-----is a silly presumption
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Most were Evangelical Lutherans or held Esoteric Beliefs, or a combination thereof.

Adolf Hitler, Josef and Magda Goebbels, Himmler, Mengele ---etc----the only protestant in the group that I know of was Adolf Eichmann. I see no reason to suggest that Nazis were "in general, catholic supremacists" they hated very catholic
polacks. To suggest that Nazi support was a LUTHERAN THING-----is a silly presumption

Newsflash most of the ones you listed were Pagans.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Most were Evangelical Lutherans or held Esoteric Beliefs, or a combination thereof.

Adolf Hitler, Josef and Magda Goebbels, Himmler, Mengele ---etc----the only protestant in the group that I know of was Adolf Eichmann. I see no reason to suggest that Nazis were "in general, catholic supremacists" they hated very catholic
polacks. To suggest that Nazi support was a LUTHERAN THING-----is a silly presumption

Newsflash most of the ones you listed were Pagans.

really? which ones converted to "PAGAN" ----did the pope or the local priests know? In my town if a girl used BIRTH CONTROL PILLS-----she got "excommunicated" and was banned from "taking communion. Saint Magda Goebbels married in a catholic church
wearing an ANGELIC WHITE VEIL------If a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON converts to
PAGAN in Poland------back in the 1930s----did the CHURCH comment? Newsflash!!!!!!!! they never renounced the Catholic faith and Pope Pius never excommunicated them or any of their colleagues
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Most were Evangelical Lutherans or held Esoteric Beliefs, or a combination thereof.

Adolf Hitler, Josef and Magda Goebbels, Himmler, Mengele ---etc----the only protestant in the group that I know of was Adolf Eichmann. I see no reason to suggest that Nazis were "in general, catholic supremacists" they hated very catholic
polacks. To suggest that Nazi support was a LUTHERAN THING-----is a silly presumption

Newsflash most of the ones you listed were Pagans.

really? which ones converted to "PAGAN" ----did the pope or the local priests know? In my town if a girl used BIRTH CONTROL PILLS-----she got "excommunicated" and was banned from "taking communion. Saint Magda Goebbels married in a catholic church
wearing an ANGELIC WHITE VEIL------If a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON converts to
PAGAN in Poland------back in the 1930s----did the CHURCH comment? Newsflash!!!!!!!! they never renounced the Catholic faith and Pope Pius never excommunicated them or any of their colleagues

From the mid-1930s, his government was increasingly dominated by militant anti-church proponents like Goebbels, Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg and Heydrich whom Hitler appointed to key posts.[49] These anti-church radicals were generally permitted or encouraged to perpetrate the Nazi persecutions of the churches.[50] The regime launched an effort toward coordination of German Protestants under a unified Protestant Reich Church (but this was resisted by the Confessing Church), and moved early to eliminate political Catholicism.[51] Hitler agreed to the Reich concordat with the Vatican, but then routinely ignored it, and permitted persecutions of the Catholic Church

Religious aspects of Nazism - Wikipedia
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
Do you own any weapons
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Most were Evangelical Lutherans or held Esoteric Beliefs, or a combination thereof.

Adolf Hitler, Josef and Magda Goebbels, Himmler, Mengele ---etc----the only protestant in the group that I know of was Adolf Eichmann. I see no reason to suggest that Nazis were "in general, catholic supremacists" they hated very catholic
polacks. To suggest that Nazi support was a LUTHERAN THING-----is a silly presumption

Newsflash most of the ones you listed were Pagans.

really? which ones converted to "PAGAN" ----did the pope or the local priests know? In my town if a girl used BIRTH CONTROL PILLS-----she got "excommunicated" and was banned from "taking communion. Saint Magda Goebbels married in a catholic church
wearing an ANGELIC WHITE VEIL------If a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON converts to
PAGAN in Poland------back in the 1930s----did the CHURCH comment? Newsflash!!!!!!!! they never renounced the Catholic faith and Pope Pius never excommunicated them or any of their colleagues

From the mid-1930s, his government was increasingly dominated by militant anti-church proponents like Goebbels, Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg and Heydrich whom Hitler appointed to key posts.[49] These anti-church radicals were generally permitted or encouraged to perpetrate the Nazi persecutions of the churches.[50] The regime launched an effort toward coordination of German Protestants under a unified Protestant Reich Church (but this was resisted by the Confessing Church), and moved early to eliminate political Catholicism.[51] Hitler agreed to the Reich concordat with the Vatican, but then routinely ignored it, and permitted persecutions of the Catholic Church

Religious aspects of Nazism - Wikipedia

try again----IN FACT----the Goebbels and their huge gaggle of tykes
remained CATHOLICS IN GOOD STANDING. Its news to me that there was a
UNIFIED stance amongst protestants to DESTROY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH----
lay off the wodka------Pro adolf Father Charles Coughlin remained FAITHFUL to Adolf and continued to administer HOLY COMMUNION with the blessing of
Pope Pius and to preach his LOVE FOR ADOLF to more than a million catholics
in the USA
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Most were Evangelical Lutherans or held Esoteric Beliefs, or a combination thereof.

Adolf Hitler, Josef and Magda Goebbels, Himmler, Mengele ---etc----the only protestant in the group that I know of was Adolf Eichmann. I see no reason to suggest that Nazis were "in general, catholic supremacists" they hated very catholic
polacks. To suggest that Nazi support was a LUTHERAN THING-----is a silly presumption

Ludwig Müller - Wikipedia
Most were Evangelical Lutherans or held Esoteric Beliefs, or a combination thereof.

Adolf Hitler, Josef and Magda Goebbels, Himmler, Mengele ---etc----the only protestant in the group that I know of was Adolf Eichmann. I see no reason to suggest that Nazis were "in general, catholic supremacists" they hated very catholic
polacks. To suggest that Nazi support was a LUTHERAN THING-----is a silly presumption

Newsflash most of the ones you listed were Pagans.

really? which ones converted to "PAGAN" ----did the pope or the local priests know? In my town if a girl used BIRTH CONTROL PILLS-----she got "excommunicated" and was banned from "taking communion. Saint Magda Goebbels married in a catholic church
wearing an ANGELIC WHITE VEIL------If a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON converts to
PAGAN in Poland------back in the 1930s----did the CHURCH comment? Newsflash!!!!!!!! they never renounced the Catholic faith and Pope Pius never excommunicated them or any of their colleagues

From the mid-1930s, his government was increasingly dominated by militant anti-church proponents like Goebbels, Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg and Heydrich whom Hitler appointed to key posts.[49] These anti-church radicals were generally permitted or encouraged to perpetrate the Nazi persecutions of the churches.[50] The regime launched an effort toward coordination of German Protestants under a unified Protestant Reich Church (but this was resisted by the Confessing Church), and moved early to eliminate political Catholicism.[51] Hitler agreed to the Reich concordat with the Vatican, but then routinely ignored it, and permitted persecutions of the Catholic Church

Religious aspects of Nazism - Wikipedia

try again----IN FACT----the Goebbels and their huge gaggle of tykes
remained CATHOLICS IN GOOD STANDING. Its news to me that there was a
UNIFIED stance amongst protestants to DESTROY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH----
lay off the wodka------Pro adolf Father Charles Coughlin remained FAITHFUL to Adolf and continued to administer HOLY COMMUNION with the blessing of
Pope Pius and to preach his LOVE FOR ADOLF to more than a million catholics
in the USA

Everybody's wrong except Irosie the resident retard.
Adolf Hitler, Josef and Magda Goebbels, Himmler, Mengele ---etc----the only protestant in the group that I know of was Adolf Eichmann. I see no reason to suggest that Nazis were "in general, catholic supremacists" they hated very catholic
polacks. To suggest that Nazi support was a LUTHERAN THING-----is a silly presumption

Newsflash most of the ones you listed were Pagans.

really? which ones converted to "PAGAN" ----did the pope or the local priests know? In my town if a girl used BIRTH CONTROL PILLS-----she got "excommunicated" and was banned from "taking communion. Saint Magda Goebbels married in a catholic church
wearing an ANGELIC WHITE VEIL------If a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON converts to
PAGAN in Poland------back in the 1930s----did the CHURCH comment? Newsflash!!!!!!!! they never renounced the Catholic faith and Pope Pius never excommunicated them or any of their colleagues

From the mid-1930s, his government was increasingly dominated by militant anti-church proponents like Goebbels, Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg and Heydrich whom Hitler appointed to key posts.[49] These anti-church radicals were generally permitted or encouraged to perpetrate the Nazi persecutions of the churches.[50] The regime launched an effort toward coordination of German Protestants under a unified Protestant Reich Church (but this was resisted by the Confessing Church), and moved early to eliminate political Catholicism.[51] Hitler agreed to the Reich concordat with the Vatican, but then routinely ignored it, and permitted persecutions of the Catholic Church

Religious aspects of Nazism - Wikipedia

try again----IN FACT----the Goebbels and their huge gaggle of tykes
remained CATHOLICS IN GOOD STANDING. Its news to me that there was a
UNIFIED stance amongst protestants to DESTROY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH----
lay off the wodka------Pro adolf Father Charles Coughlin remained FAITHFUL to Adolf and continued to administer HOLY COMMUNION with the blessing of
Pope Pius and to preach his LOVE FOR ADOLF to more than a million catholics
in the USA

Everybody's wrong except Irosie the resident retard.

not EVERYONE----there are people just as smart as am I
Newsflash most of the ones you listed were Pagans.

really? which ones converted to "PAGAN" ----did the pope or the local priests know? In my town if a girl used BIRTH CONTROL PILLS-----she got "excommunicated" and was banned from "taking communion. Saint Magda Goebbels married in a catholic church
wearing an ANGELIC WHITE VEIL------If a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON converts to
PAGAN in Poland------back in the 1930s----did the CHURCH comment? Newsflash!!!!!!!! they never renounced the Catholic faith and Pope Pius never excommunicated them or any of their colleagues

From the mid-1930s, his government was increasingly dominated by militant anti-church proponents like Goebbels, Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg and Heydrich whom Hitler appointed to key posts.[49] These anti-church radicals were generally permitted or encouraged to perpetrate the Nazi persecutions of the churches.[50] The regime launched an effort toward coordination of German Protestants under a unified Protestant Reich Church (but this was resisted by the Confessing Church), and moved early to eliminate political Catholicism.[51] Hitler agreed to the Reich concordat with the Vatican, but then routinely ignored it, and permitted persecutions of the Catholic Church

Religious aspects of Nazism - Wikipedia

try again----IN FACT----the Goebbels and their huge gaggle of tykes
remained CATHOLICS IN GOOD STANDING. Its news to me that there was a
UNIFIED stance amongst protestants to DESTROY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH----
lay off the wodka------Pro adolf Father Charles Coughlin remained FAITHFUL to Adolf and continued to administer HOLY COMMUNION with the blessing of
Pope Pius and to preach his LOVE FOR ADOLF to more than a million catholics
in the USA

Everybody's wrong except Irosie the resident retard.

not EVERYONE----there are people just as smart as am I

You can't even figure out who did the Holocaust.

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