Nazis were Catholic?

What Polish Nazis, idiot?

the anti-semitic nationalist ones like you

There is a huge difference between Judaism and Zionism.
They are inherently in conflict.
You can't be Jewish and support Zionism at the same time.


you are citing a very tiny minority sect of jews. Some people are so stupid that they claim they are the "RELIGIOUS"---nope---most religious support Zionism. Some people are so stupid they say ----"they are the chassidim"-----nope---most of the chassidim support Zionism. They are a tiny group----CLAIMING to be a billion-----more like a total of 100,000. SO? amongst Christians there are all sorts of weird sects too.. In any case those people actually DO claim zion-----but just for them------not for jews they consider NOT STRICT ENOUGH ON RITUAL ISSUE ----and they consider zion to be 1000% jewish----ie they are extremists

Since it is an essential core belief of Judaism that after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion, that Jews are supposed to in atonement in order to cause the coming of the Messiah, then it is impossible to be Jewish and Zionist at the same time.
There are no religious Zionists.
For example, Netanyahu admits to being an atheist.
Why would an atheist be able to get elected Prime Minister unless the majority of Israelis are also atheists?

From a purely historical perspective, Zionism obviously is wrong and evil.
If there was an Exodus, then clearly the Hebrew tribes were not native to the Land of Canaan, and it was evil to invade and massacre the native Canaanites, like a Jericho.

The same is true now.
Clearly European Jews are not native to the Mideast, and it is wrong and evil to displace the Palestinians by force, massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin, and stealing their homes.

I am familiar with the islamo Nazi literature-----I read it as a child----the area in which I lived was chock full of islamo-Nazis and still is. Most of it was written by Nazi german catholics who fled the Nuremburg trials and landed in Syria and in Egypt ----some in Argentina. It is amazing how one remembers the
stuff READ IN CHILDHOOD------I am also a minor expert in
SUPERBOY comics and----used to quote the poetry of edgar allen poe----also BY ROTE. It is also amazing how well present day islamo Nazis know that literature-----it is school curriculum in muslim majority countries to the same extent as is the sing song chanting of verses from the Koran-----mindlessly

Not sure what your point is?
Since you admit you are talking about propaganda written by "Nazi german catholics who fled the Nuremburg trials", the use of "islamo-" prefix is inappropriate, and appears to be an attempt at inappropriate emotional slight. Catholics can not be islamo anything.

But I don't get the point of mentioning the chanting of verses from the Quran, since they all pretty much are saying good things?

It is true that done mindlessly does not do as much good as if they instead worked to understand, but I don't see the harm either, since there is nothing harmful in the Quran I know about?

Nothing you wrote changes the fact it was wrong for the Hebrew tribes to invade the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, massacring civilians, and it was wrong for Zionists to try to invade Palestine in this last century.
In both cases, the rights of the indigenous native majority were being immorally and illegally abused.
Last edited:
PS----do you call yourself "rigby" in honor of the islamo Nazi dogs who murdered Lee Rigby for the glory of allah?

Never heard of Lee Rigby and had to look him up.
But Islam had nothing to do with it.
{... Adebolajo and Adebowale are British of Nigerian descent, were raised as Christians, and converted to Islam. ...}
They did not convert over religious beliefs, but due to the fact Christian imperialism and colonialism is so very evil.
A person who converts can't be motivated by religious beliefs they did not originally have.
The cause clearly is the immoral and illegal British imperialism and colonialism.
The British should not have been involved in the partitioning of Palestine, the invasion of Iraq, etc.

But the name Rigby actually was inspired by the Beatles, "Elinor Rigby" and has been used by me for over 50 years.

Sobie----do you have a citation for your allegation that Nazis have
been termed extreme catholics? Polacks yes----but german Nazis? that one is news to me. Saint magda of the cyanide was
a sorta pious catholic------but even her actual piety is questionable---
she did some really weird stuff. HOWEVER Isabella was so pious
a catholic that she has -----I once read----been considered for
"sainthood" --------I think Montezuma objected

What Polish Nazis, idiot?

the anti-semitic nationalist ones like you

I support Roman Dmowski who was both anti-German, and anti-Kosher.

and a nationalist fascist pig. What else is new? dog Adolf hated poles and jews and was a german nationalist. ------and dog Roman hated germans and jews and was a polish nationalist----
a fascist dog is a fascist dog

And how is Netanyahu any less of a fascist dog?
the anti-semitic nationalist ones like you

There is a huge difference between Judaism and Zionism.
They are inherently in conflict.
You can't be Jewish and support Zionism at the same time.


you are citing a very tiny minority sect of jews. Some people are so stupid that they claim they are the "RELIGIOUS"---nope---most religious support Zionism. Some people are so stupid they say ----"they are the chassidim"-----nope---most of the chassidim support Zionism. They are a tiny group----CLAIMING to be a billion-----more like a total of 100,000. SO? amongst Christians there are all sorts of weird sects too.. In any case those people actually DO claim zion-----but just for them------not for jews they consider NOT STRICT ENOUGH ON RITUAL ISSUE ----and they consider zion to be 1000% jewish----ie they are extremists

Since it is an essential core belief of Judaism that after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion, that Jews are supposed to in atonement in order to cause the coming of the Messiah, then it is impossible to be Jewish and Zionist at the same time.
There are no religious Zionists.
For example, Netanyahu admits to being an atheist.
Why would an atheist be able to get elected Prime Minister unless the majority of Israelis are also atheists?

From a purely historical perspective, Zionism obviously is wrong and evil.
If there was an Exodus, then clearly the Hebrew tribes were not native to the Land of Canaan, and it was evil to invade and massacre the native Canaanites, like a Jericho.

The same is true now.
Clearly European Jews are not native to the Mideast, and it is wrong and evil to displace the Palestinians by force, massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin, and stealing their homes.

I am familiar with the islamo Nazi literature-----I read it as a child----the area in which I lived was chock full of islamo-Nazis and still is. Most of it was written by Nazi german catholics who fled the Nuremburg trials and landed in Syria and in Egypt ----some in Argentina. It is amazing how one remembers the
stuff READ IN CHILDHOOD------I am also a minor expert in
SUPERBOY comics and----used to quote the poetry of edgar allen poe----also BY ROTE. It is also amazing how well present day islamo Nazis know that literature-----it is school curriculum in muslim majority countries to the same extent as is the sing song chanting of verses from the Koran-----mindlessly

Not sure what your point is?
Since you admit you are talking about propaganda written by "Nazi german catholics who fled the Nuremburg trials", the use of "islamo-" prefix is inappropriate, and appears to be an attempt at inappropriate emotional slight. Catholics can be islamo anything.

But I don't get the point of mentioning the chanting of verses from the Quran, since they all pretty much are saying good things?

It is true that done mindlessly does not do as much good as if they instead worked to understand, but I don't see the harm either, since there is nothing harmful in the Quran I know about?

Nothing you wrote changes the fact it was wrong for the Hebrew tribes to invade the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, massacring civilians, and it was wrong for Zionists to try to invade Palestine in this last century.
In both cases, the rights of the indigenous native majority were being immorally and illegally abused.

try again----but first read the bible and the Koran. As to the islamo Nazi propaganda---it is a lot to read----but you can do it------then you will know why I refer to it as "islamo Nazi".
As for your "history" ---try again-----the Hebrew tribes were NATIVE to the land called CANAAN------the founding daddy----
ABRAHAM was an ancestor who migrated to the land called
CANAAN before the tribes were founded------in the land called
Canaan. The wars and battles had been ongoing for some
time, between the various tribes of Canaan. and they continued for some time. Part of that time includes the window of time covered in early several books of the bible.
Also read the Odyssey and the Iliad-----for perspective.
also ----try learning a bit about the history of the middle east
before you comment on what is "INDIGENOUS" to what
You could try the Bhagavad Gita too-----
PS----do you call yourself "rigby" in honor of the islamo Nazi dogs who murdered Lee Rigby for the glory of allah?

Never heard of Lee Rigby and had to look him up.
But Islam had nothing to do with it.
{... Adebolajo and Adebowale are British of Nigerian descent, were raised as Christians, and converted to Islam. ...}
They did not convert over religious beliefs, but due to the fact Christian imperialism and colonialism is so very evil.
A person who converts can't be motivated by religious beliefs they did not originally have.
The cause clearly is the immoral and illegal British imperialism and colonialism.
The British should not have been involved in the partitioning of Palestine, the invasion of Iraq, etc.

But the name Rigby actually was inspired by the Beatles, "Elinor Rigby" and has been used by me for over 50 years.

more ignorance----there were CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA before there were muslim there. England did not convert
muslims in Nigeria to Christianity as an issue of IMPERIALISM Muslims were murdering Christians before the brits got there and still do. Another interesting factoid----
germane to the bitch Ilhan Omar. There were Christians and Jews in Somalia (ie the land now called Somalia) Long before arab muslims INVADED. ----try to cope----Human history does not consist of DA WICKED WEST---invasions of the noble east, or noble sub-Saharan Africa ----it is a lot more complex. and COLONIALISM did not begin with the British Empire----or even the "HOLY" roman empire
Sobie----do you have a citation for your allegation that Nazis have
been termed extreme catholics? Polacks yes----but german Nazis? that one is news to me. Saint magda of the cyanide was
a sorta pious catholic------but even her actual piety is questionable---
she did some really weird stuff. HOWEVER Isabella was so pious
a catholic that she has -----I once read----been considered for
"sainthood" --------I think Montezuma objected

What Polish Nazis, idiot?

the anti-semitic nationalist ones like you

I support Roman Dmowski who was both anti-German, and anti-Kosher.

and a nationalist fascist pig. What else is new? dog Adolf hated poles and jews and was a german nationalist. ------and dog Roman hated germans and jews and was a polish nationalist----
a fascist dog is a fascist dog

And how is Netanyahu any less of a fascist dog?

he is in no way a FASCIST DOG----return fire is never
illegal or immoral
There is a huge difference between Judaism and Zionism.
They are inherently in conflict.
You can't be Jewish and support Zionism at the same time.


you are citing a very tiny minority sect of jews. Some people are so stupid that they claim they are the "RELIGIOUS"---nope---most religious support Zionism. Some people are so stupid they say ----"they are the chassidim"-----nope---most of the chassidim support Zionism. They are a tiny group----CLAIMING to be a billion-----more like a total of 100,000. SO? amongst Christians there are all sorts of weird sects too.. In any case those people actually DO claim zion-----but just for them------not for jews they consider NOT STRICT ENOUGH ON RITUAL ISSUE ----and they consider zion to be 1000% jewish----ie they are extremists

Since it is an essential core belief of Judaism that after the Roman defeat of the Jewish rebellion, that Jews are supposed to in atonement in order to cause the coming of the Messiah, then it is impossible to be Jewish and Zionist at the same time.
There are no religious Zionists.
For example, Netanyahu admits to being an atheist.
Why would an atheist be able to get elected Prime Minister unless the majority of Israelis are also atheists?

From a purely historical perspective, Zionism obviously is wrong and evil.
If there was an Exodus, then clearly the Hebrew tribes were not native to the Land of Canaan, and it was evil to invade and massacre the native Canaanites, like a Jericho.

The same is true now.
Clearly European Jews are not native to the Mideast, and it is wrong and evil to displace the Palestinians by force, massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin, and stealing their homes.

I am familiar with the islamo Nazi literature-----I read it as a child----the area in which I lived was chock full of islamo-Nazis and still is. Most of it was written by Nazi german catholics who fled the Nuremburg trials and landed in Syria and in Egypt ----some in Argentina. It is amazing how one remembers the
stuff READ IN CHILDHOOD------I am also a minor expert in
SUPERBOY comics and----used to quote the poetry of edgar allen poe----also BY ROTE. It is also amazing how well present day islamo Nazis know that literature-----it is school curriculum in muslim majority countries to the same extent as is the sing song chanting of verses from the Koran-----mindlessly

Not sure what your point is?
Since you admit you are talking about propaganda written by "Nazi german catholics who fled the Nuremburg trials", the use of "islamo-" prefix is inappropriate, and appears to be an attempt at inappropriate emotional slight. Catholics can be islamo anything.

But I don't get the point of mentioning the chanting of verses from the Quran, since they all pretty much are saying good things?

It is true that done mindlessly does not do as much good as if they instead worked to understand, but I don't see the harm either, since there is nothing harmful in the Quran I know about?

Nothing you wrote changes the fact it was wrong for the Hebrew tribes to invade the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, massacring civilians, and it was wrong for Zionists to try to invade Palestine in this last century.
In both cases, the rights of the indigenous native majority were being immorally and illegally abused.

try again----but first read the bible and the Koran. As to the islamo Nazi propaganda---it is a lot to read----but you can do it------then you will know why I refer to it as "islamo Nazi".
As for your "history" ---try again-----the Hebrew tribes were NATIVE to the land called CANAAN------the founding daddy----
ABRAHAM was an ancestor who migrated to the land called
CANAAN before the tribes were founded------in the land called
Canaan. The wars and battles had been ongoing for some
time, between the various tribes of Canaan. and they continued for some time. Part of that time includes the window of time covered in early several books of the bible.
Also read the Odyssey and the Iliad-----for perspective.
also ----try learning a bit about the history of the middle east
before you comment on what is "INDIGENOUS" to what
You could try the Bhagavad Gita too-----

I have read both the Bible and the Quran.
But I have also read how the Bible was oral tradition until hundreds of years after the death of Christ.
So it is mostly fake or badly exaggerated.
The Bible can not be used as an accurate reference.
The Quran is much better documented, but is also misunderstood.

It is absolutely historical fact that the Hebrew tribes were NOT at all native to the Land of Canaan.
There is not one shred of historic evidence for Hebrew presences before about 1200 BC in the Land of Canaan.
Why else would it be called the Land of Canaan?
And we do have lots of evidence of Canaanites going back to large cities to 8000 BC.
For Hebrew, we have nothing before 1000 BC.

Abraham left no evidence.
He likely is more myth than anything else.
And as the supposed father of Arabs as well, Abraham can not be considered Hebrew.
He is above and before the split between Hebrew and their native Arab origins.
PS----do you call yourself "rigby" in honor of the islamo Nazi dogs who murdered Lee Rigby for the glory of allah?

Never heard of Lee Rigby and had to look him up.
But Islam had nothing to do with it.
{... Adebolajo and Adebowale are British of Nigerian descent, were raised as Christians, and converted to Islam. ...}
They did not convert over religious beliefs, but due to the fact Christian imperialism and colonialism is so very evil.
A person who converts can't be motivated by religious beliefs they did not originally have.
The cause clearly is the immoral and illegal British imperialism and colonialism.
The British should not have been involved in the partitioning of Palestine, the invasion of Iraq, etc.

But the name Rigby actually was inspired by the Beatles, "Elinor Rigby" and has been used by me for over 50 years.

more ignorance----there were CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA before there were muslim there. England did not convert
muslims in Nigeria to Christianity as an issue of IMPERIALISM Muslims were murdering Christians before the brits got there and still do. Another interesting factoid----
germane to the bitch Ilhan Omar. There were Christians and Jews in Somalia (ie the land now called Somalia) Long before arab muslims INVADED. ----try to cope----Human history does not consist of DA WICKED WEST---invasions of the noble east, or noble sub-Saharan Africa ----it is a lot more complex. and COLONIALISM did not begin with the British Empire----or even the "HOLY" roman empire

True it is not just Christians who were evil imperialists and colonialists.
But the Romans were the worst, and they were the ones who corrupted and took over Christianity to cause so much harm.
So anything countering that Catholic imperialism and colonialism is good.

It is true that Islam also got corrupted and taken over, but not by Arabs.
It was Mongols, Mohguls, Turks, Moors, Mamalukes, etc., etc., who massacred Arabs and took over Islam many times.
What Polish Nazis, idiot?

the anti-semitic nationalist ones like you

I support Roman Dmowski who was both anti-German, and anti-Kosher.

and a nationalist fascist pig. What else is new? dog Adolf hated poles and jews and was a german nationalist. ------and dog Roman hated germans and jews and was a polish nationalist----
a fascist dog is a fascist dog

And how is Netanyahu any less of a fascist dog?

he is in no way a FASCIST DOG----return fire is never
illegal or immoral

It is not "return fire".
Zionists started all the conflict first, deliberately.
Read your history.
The Zionists were the only one with weapons smuggled in, while the Arabs were unarmed.
Look who started the terrorist attacks, like blowing up the King David hotel, assassinating the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, the Sargents Affair of kidnapping torture, mutilation, etc., the massacres of Arab villages like Dier Yassin, etc.
PS----do you call yourself "rigby" in honor of the islamo Nazi dogs who murdered Lee Rigby for the glory of allah?

Never heard of Lee Rigby and had to look him up.
But Islam had nothing to do with it.
{... Adebolajo and Adebowale are British of Nigerian descent, were raised as Christians, and converted to Islam. ...}
They did not convert over religious beliefs, but due to the fact Christian imperialism and colonialism is so very evil.
A person who converts can't be motivated by religious beliefs they did not originally have.
The cause clearly is the immoral and illegal British imperialism and colonialism.
The British should not have been involved in the partitioning of Palestine, the invasion of Iraq, etc.

But the name Rigby actually was inspired by the Beatles, "Elinor Rigby" and has been used by me for over 50 years.

more ignorance----there were CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA before there were muslim there. England did not convert
muslims in Nigeria to Christianity as an issue of IMPERIALISM Muslims were murdering Christians before the brits got there and still do. Another interesting factoid----
germane to the bitch Ilhan Omar. There were Christians and Jews in Somalia (ie the land now called Somalia) Long before arab muslims INVADED. ----try to cope----Human history does not consist of DA WICKED WEST---invasions of the noble east, or noble sub-Saharan Africa ----it is a lot more complex. and COLONIALISM did not begin with the British Empire----or even the "HOLY" roman empire

True it is not just Christians who were evil imperialists and colonialists.
But the Romans were the worst, and they were the ones who corrupted and took over Christianity to cause so much harm.
So anything countering that Catholic imperialism and colonialism is good.

It is true that Islam also got corrupted and taken over, but not by Arabs.
It was Mongols, Mohguls, Turks, Moors, Mamalukes, etc., etc., who massacred Arabs and took over Islam many times.

right----your "knowledge" of the history of islam is FASCINATING------and truly idiotic--------btw---just what did
your Imam tell that the MONGOLS, TURKS, MOORS and
MARMALUKES did to the Koran? corrupted it even more than
the romans corrupted the "new testament'? -------poor arabs
EVERYONE WANTED TO KILL THEM----so what happened to them-------all gone?
the anti-semitic nationalist ones like you

I support Roman Dmowski who was both anti-German, and anti-Kosher.

and a nationalist fascist pig. What else is new? dog Adolf hated poles and jews and was a german nationalist. ------and dog Roman hated germans and jews and was a polish nationalist----
a fascist dog is a fascist dog

And how is Netanyahu any less of a fascist dog?

he is in no way a FASCIST DOG----return fire is never
illegal or immoral

It is not "return fire".
Zionists started all the conflict first, deliberately.
Read your history.
The Zionists were the only one with weapons smuggled in, while the Arabs were unarmed.
Look who started the terrorist attacks, like blowing up the King David hotel, assassinating the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, the Sargents Affair of kidnapping torture, mutilation, etc., the massacres of Arab villages like Dier Yassin, etc.

your knowledge of the situation in the middle east is almost as exciting as your knowledge of the history of islam.
arabs are all dead anyway------according to you they were all
murdered by turks and moghuls and the minions of Genghis Khan--------just from where came the people who call themselves ARABS today?. Just when did the Zionists start SMUGGLING
aramaments "in" "IN-to" where?
Last edited:
the anti-semitic nationalist ones like you

I support Roman Dmowski who was both anti-German, and anti-Kosher.

and a nationalist fascist pig. What else is new? dog Adolf hated poles and jews and was a german nationalist. ------and dog Roman hated germans and jews and was a polish nationalist----
a fascist dog is a fascist dog

And how is Netanyahu any less of a fascist dog?

he is in no way a FASCIST DOG----return fire is never
illegal or immoral

It is not "return fire".
Zionists started all the conflict first, deliberately.
Read your history.
The Zionists were the only one with weapons smuggled in, while the Arabs were unarmed.
Look who started the terrorist attacks, like blowing up the King David hotel, assassinating the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, the Sargents Affair of kidnapping torture, mutilation, etc., the massacres of Arab villages like Dier Yassin, etc.

"rigby" ibn kharah will not cite documentation of massive
armaments smuggled by DA JOOOOOS into British Mandate
Palestine. For those who do not know-----the KING DAVID HOTEL was not a hotel at the time that the Irgun attacked it.
It was the British army headquarters that forced jews fleeing
Nazis and violence in shariah shit holes floating in the sea---to
PS----do you call yourself "rigby" in honor of the islamo Nazi dogs who murdered Lee Rigby for the glory of allah?

Never heard of Lee Rigby and had to look him up.
But Islam had nothing to do with it.
{... Adebolajo and Adebowale are British of Nigerian descent, were raised as Christians, and converted to Islam. ...}
They did not convert over religious beliefs, but due to the fact Christian imperialism and colonialism is so very evil.
A person who converts can't be motivated by religious beliefs they did not originally have.
The cause clearly is the immoral and illegal British imperialism and colonialism.
The British should not have been involved in the partitioning of Palestine, the invasion of Iraq, etc.

But the name Rigby actually was inspired by the Beatles, "Elinor Rigby" and has been used by me for over 50 years.

more ignorance----there were CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA before there were muslim there. England did not convert
muslims in Nigeria to Christianity as an issue of IMPERIALISM Muslims were murdering Christians before the brits got there and still do. Another interesting factoid----
germane to the bitch Ilhan Omar. There were Christians and Jews in Somalia (ie the land now called Somalia) Long before arab muslims INVADED. ----try to cope----Human history does not consist of DA WICKED WEST---invasions of the noble east, or noble sub-Saharan Africa ----it is a lot more complex. and COLONIALISM did not begin with the British Empire----or even the "HOLY" roman empire

True it is not just Christians who were evil imperialists and colonialists.
But the Romans were the worst, and they were the ones who corrupted and took over Christianity to cause so much harm.
So anything countering that Catholic imperialism and colonialism is good.

It is true that Islam also got corrupted and taken over, but not by Arabs.
It was Mongols, Mohguls, Turks, Moors, Mamalukes, etc., etc., who massacred Arabs and took over Islam many times.

right----your "knowledge" of the history of islam is FASCINATING------and truly idiotic--------btw---just what did
your Imam tell that the MONGOLS, TURKS, MOORS and
MARMALUKES did to the Koran? corrupted it even more than
the romans corrupted the "new testament'? -------poor arabs
EVERYONE WANTED TO KILL THEM----so what happened to them-------all gone?

No, the invading Mongols, Turks, etc., just corrupted the interpretations of the Quran.
They were the ones trying to invade Europe, not the Arabs.

The Arabs can't be all gone, because Jews are Arabs.
I support Roman Dmowski who was both anti-German, and anti-Kosher.

and a nationalist fascist pig. What else is new? dog Adolf hated poles and jews and was a german nationalist. ------and dog Roman hated germans and jews and was a polish nationalist----
a fascist dog is a fascist dog

And how is Netanyahu any less of a fascist dog?

he is in no way a FASCIST DOG----return fire is never
illegal or immoral

It is not "return fire".
Zionists started all the conflict first, deliberately.
Read your history.
The Zionists were the only one with weapons smuggled in, while the Arabs were unarmed.
Look who started the terrorist attacks, like blowing up the King David hotel, assassinating the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, the Sargents Affair of kidnapping torture, mutilation, etc., the massacres of Arab villages like Dier Yassin, etc.

your knowledge of the situation in the middle east is almost as exciting as your knowledge of the history of islam.
arabs are all dead anyway------according to you they were all
murdered by turks and moghuls and the minions of Genghis Khan--------just from where came the people who call themselves ARABS today?. Just when did the Zionists start SMUGGLING
aramaments "in" "IN-to" where?

Again, no, it was only the Arab leadership that was murdered by the invaders.
And again, Arabs are still around because Jews are Arabs.

Zionists started smuggling arms to Palestine in the 1920s.
The Jewish immigrants had gained military experience in WWI, and could easily bring illegal weapons when they themselves illegally entered Palestine.
Almost all Jews in Israel now are descendants of illegal immigrants to Palestine.
I support Roman Dmowski who was both anti-German, and anti-Kosher.

and a nationalist fascist pig. What else is new? dog Adolf hated poles and jews and was a german nationalist. ------and dog Roman hated germans and jews and was a polish nationalist----
a fascist dog is a fascist dog

And how is Netanyahu any less of a fascist dog?

he is in no way a FASCIST DOG----return fire is never
illegal or immoral

It is not "return fire".
Zionists started all the conflict first, deliberately.
Read your history.
The Zionists were the only one with weapons smuggled in, while the Arabs were unarmed.
Look who started the terrorist attacks, like blowing up the King David hotel, assassinating the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, the Sargents Affair of kidnapping torture, mutilation, etc., the massacres of Arab villages like Dier Yassin, etc.

"rigby" ibn kharah will not cite documentation of massive
armaments smuggled by DA JOOOOOS into British Mandate
Palestine. For those who do not know-----the KING DAVID HOTEL was not a hotel at the time that the Irgun attacked it.
It was the British army headquarters that forced jews fleeing
Nazis and violence in shariah shit holes floating in the sea---to

The British only used half of one floor of the King David hotel as their headquarters.
Irgun had no reason to attack the British.
The British never made any Jews flee anywhere.
Are you also going to claim that Count Folke Bernadotte was anti-Jew, considering that he was famous for saving Jews in Denmark, getting them to safety in Sweden?
PS----do you call yourself "rigby" in honor of the islamo Nazi dogs who murdered Lee Rigby for the glory of allah?

Never heard of Lee Rigby and had to look him up.
But Islam had nothing to do with it.
{... Adebolajo and Adebowale are British of Nigerian descent, were raised as Christians, and converted to Islam. ...}
They did not convert over religious beliefs, but due to the fact Christian imperialism and colonialism is so very evil.
A person who converts can't be motivated by religious beliefs they did not originally have.
The cause clearly is the immoral and illegal British imperialism and colonialism.
The British should not have been involved in the partitioning of Palestine, the invasion of Iraq, etc.

But the name Rigby actually was inspired by the Beatles, "Elinor Rigby" and has been used by me for over 50 years.

more ignorance----there were CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA before there were muslim there. England did not convert
muslims in Nigeria to Christianity as an issue of IMPERIALISM Muslims were murdering Christians before the brits got there and still do. Another interesting factoid----
germane to the bitch Ilhan Omar. There were Christians and Jews in Somalia (ie the land now called Somalia) Long before arab muslims INVADED. ----try to cope----Human history does not consist of DA WICKED WEST---invasions of the noble east, or noble sub-Saharan Africa ----it is a lot more complex. and COLONIALISM did not begin with the British Empire----or even the "HOLY" roman empire

True it is not just Christians who were evil imperialists and colonialists.
But the Romans were the worst, and they were the ones who corrupted and took over Christianity to cause so much harm.
So anything countering that Catholic imperialism and colonialism is good.

It is true that Islam also got corrupted and taken over, but not by Arabs.
It was Mongols, Mohguls, Turks, Moors, Mamalukes, etc., etc., who massacred Arabs and took over Islam many times.

right----your "knowledge" of the history of islam is FASCINATING------and truly idiotic--------btw---just what did
your Imam tell that the MONGOLS, TURKS, MOORS and
MARMALUKES did to the Koran? corrupted it even more than
the romans corrupted the "new testament'? -------poor arabs
EVERYONE WANTED TO KILL THEM----so what happened to them-------all gone?

No, the invading Mongols, Turks, etc., just corrupted the interpretations of the Quran.
They were the ones trying to invade Europe, not the Arabs.

The Arabs can't be all gone, because Jews are Arabs.

ROFLMAO "the interpretations of the Koran" ----I --as a JEW got news for you------the ARABS insist that every word of the Koran is as it is and WAS dictated to Muhummad by the ANGEL GIBRIL (that's Arabic for Gabriel) Are you calling the arab muslims LIARS? ok with me----I am not an arab----I am a jew. BTW -----there is a difference between ARABS and JEWS----actually detailed in ANCIENT literature (unlike your ancestors-----jews have been literate for a LONG TIME---whereas the language Arabic was not a written language until about 300 AD. WAY BACK in the times that the BIBLE was written------"arabs were called "ARABS" and Jews were ----well--early on "the children of Israel (aka JACOB) and later on----being of the "kingdom of Judah" called yehudim----ie JEWS Did your Imam tell you that Jews are REALLY A KIND OF "ARAB" -----nope----that is the revisionist history created by the BAATHISTS-----the ARAB NATIONALIST SOCIALISTS--------ie------arab Nazis. So now you know WHAT YOU ARE
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

There is a mountain of research on this issue. The short version is this: Initially, Hitler pretended to be a friend of Catholicism, and so for a short time Catholic officials were willing meet with Hitler and were keeping an open mind about him. But, before very long, the Catholic Church realized what Hitler was all about and became one of his strongest opponents. Hitler, in turn, began to wage war on Catholics, murdering and imprisoning thousands of nuns and priests, shutting down Catholic schools that would not go along with the Nazi education agenda (which was most of them), etc., etc.
Never heard of Lee Rigby and had to look him up.
But Islam had nothing to do with it.
{... Adebolajo and Adebowale are British of Nigerian descent, were raised as Christians, and converted to Islam. ...}
They did not convert over religious beliefs, but due to the fact Christian imperialism and colonialism is so very evil.
A person who converts can't be motivated by religious beliefs they did not originally have.
The cause clearly is the immoral and illegal British imperialism and colonialism.
The British should not have been involved in the partitioning of Palestine, the invasion of Iraq, etc.

But the name Rigby actually was inspired by the Beatles, "Elinor Rigby" and has been used by me for over 50 years.

more ignorance----there were CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA before there were muslim there. England did not convert
muslims in Nigeria to Christianity as an issue of IMPERIALISM Muslims were murdering Christians before the brits got there and still do. Another interesting factoid----
germane to the bitch Ilhan Omar. There were Christians and Jews in Somalia (ie the land now called Somalia) Long before arab muslims INVADED. ----try to cope----Human history does not consist of DA WICKED WEST---invasions of the noble east, or noble sub-Saharan Africa ----it is a lot more complex. and COLONIALISM did not begin with the British Empire----or even the "HOLY" roman empire

True it is not just Christians who were evil imperialists and colonialists.
But the Romans were the worst, and they were the ones who corrupted and took over Christianity to cause so much harm.
So anything countering that Catholic imperialism and colonialism is good.

It is true that Islam also got corrupted and taken over, but not by Arabs.
It was Mongols, Mohguls, Turks, Moors, Mamalukes, etc., etc., who massacred Arabs and took over Islam many times.

right----your "knowledge" of the history of islam is FASCINATING------and truly idiotic--------btw---just what did
your Imam tell that the MONGOLS, TURKS, MOORS and
MARMALUKES did to the Koran? corrupted it even more than
the romans corrupted the "new testament'? -------poor arabs
EVERYONE WANTED TO KILL THEM----so what happened to them-------all gone?

No, the invading Mongols, Turks, etc., just corrupted the interpretations of the Quran.
They were the ones trying to invade Europe, not the Arabs.

The Arabs can't be all gone, because Jews are Arabs.

ROFLMAO "the interpretations of the Koran" ----I --as a JEW got news for you------the ARABS insist that every word of the Koran is as it is and WAS dictated to Muhummad by the ANGEL GIBRIL (that's Arabic for Gabriel) Are you calling the arab muslims LIARS? ok with me----I am not an arab----I am a jew. BTW -----there is a difference between ARABS and JEWS----actually detailed in ANCIENT literature (unlike your ancestors-----jews have been literate for a LONG TIME---whereas the language Arabic was not a written language until about 300 AD. WAY BACK in the times that the BIBLE was written------"arabs were called "ARABS" and Jews were ----well--early on "the children of Israel (aka JACOB) and later on----being of the "kingdom of Judah" called yehudim----ie JEWS Did your Imam tell you that Jews are REALLY A KIND OF "ARAB" -----nope----that is the revisionist history created by the BAATHISTS-----the ARAB NATIONALIST SOCIALISTS--------ie------arab Nazis. So now you know WHAT YOU ARE

Completely wrong.
The Quran does NOT claim to be infallible, and in fact says that newer is intended to supersede older, in the Quran itself.
It is admitted to be imperfect.
It is not directly from God, but through intermediaries like Gabriel and the prophet Mohammad.

And you are totally wrong about Hebrew being literate.
They were not at all.
Some learned Arab languages like Aramaic, but they did not develop a written Hebrew script until around 100 BC.
And even that is being generous.

Arab have always been literate, and in fact developed almost all the early written languages, like Aramaic, Phoenician, etc.
The only written language to precede the Arabs were the Indians, with Sanskrit.

And NO, there is no difference between Arabs and Jews.
Jews are just an offshoot, a sub group of a type of Arab.
And no, Arabs were not called Arabs originally.
They were called Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabatians, Akkadian (Babylonian), etc.
The word Arab is modern, and refers to the Arabian Peninsula.
These earlier Arab groups, like Hebrew, were from before the presence in the Arabian Peninsula.
Arabs came from the Levant and traveled to the Arabian Peninsula.
So they were not originally called Arab.
But now they are.
more ignorance----there were CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA before there were muslim there. England did not convert
muslims in Nigeria to Christianity as an issue of IMPERIALISM Muslims were murdering Christians before the brits got there and still do. Another interesting factoid----
germane to the bitch Ilhan Omar. There were Christians and Jews in Somalia (ie the land now called Somalia) Long before arab muslims INVADED. ----try to cope----Human history does not consist of DA WICKED WEST---invasions of the noble east, or noble sub-Saharan Africa ----it is a lot more complex. and COLONIALISM did not begin with the British Empire----or even the "HOLY" roman empire

True it is not just Christians who were evil imperialists and colonialists.
But the Romans were the worst, and they were the ones who corrupted and took over Christianity to cause so much harm.
So anything countering that Catholic imperialism and colonialism is good.

It is true that Islam also got corrupted and taken over, but not by Arabs.
It was Mongols, Mohguls, Turks, Moors, Mamalukes, etc., etc., who massacred Arabs and took over Islam many times.

right----your "knowledge" of the history of islam is FASCINATING------and truly idiotic--------btw---just what did
your Imam tell that the MONGOLS, TURKS, MOORS and
MARMALUKES did to the Koran? corrupted it even more than
the romans corrupted the "new testament'? -------poor arabs
EVERYONE WANTED TO KILL THEM----so what happened to them-------all gone?

No, the invading Mongols, Turks, etc., just corrupted the interpretations of the Quran.
They were the ones trying to invade Europe, not the Arabs.

The Arabs can't be all gone, because Jews are Arabs.

ROFLMAO "the interpretations of the Koran" ----I --as a JEW got news for you------the ARABS insist that every word of the Koran is as it is and WAS dictated to Muhummad by the ANGEL GIBRIL (that's Arabic for Gabriel) Are you calling the arab muslims LIARS? ok with me----I am not an arab----I am a jew. BTW -----there is a difference between ARABS and JEWS----actually detailed in ANCIENT literature (unlike your ancestors-----jews have been literate for a LONG TIME---whereas the language Arabic was not a written language until about 300 AD. WAY BACK in the times that the BIBLE was written------"arabs were called "ARABS" and Jews were ----well--early on "the children of Israel (aka JACOB) and later on----being of the "kingdom of Judah" called yehudim----ie JEWS Did your Imam tell you that Jews are REALLY A KIND OF "ARAB" -----nope----that is the revisionist history created by the BAATHISTS-----the ARAB NATIONALIST SOCIALISTS--------ie------arab Nazis. So now you know WHAT YOU ARE

Completely wrong.
The Quran does NOT claim to be infallible, and in fact says that newer is intended to supersede older, in the Quran itself.
It is admitted to be imperfect.
It is not directly from God, but through intermediaries like Gabriel and the prophet Mohammad.

And you are totally wrong about Hebrew being literate.
They were not at all.
Some learned Arab languages like Aramaic, but they did not develop a written Hebrew script until around 100 BC.
And even that is being generous.

Arab have always been literate, and in fact developed almost all the early written languages, like Aramaic, Phoenician, etc.
The only written language to precede the Arabs were the Indians, with Sanskrit.

And NO, there is no difference between Arabs and Jews.
Jews are just an offshoot, a sub group of a type of Arab.
And no, Arabs were not called Arabs originally.
They were called Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabatians, Akkadian (Babylonian), etc.
The word Arab is modern, and refers to the Arabian Peninsula.
These earlier Arab groups, like Hebrew, were from before the presence in the Arabian Peninsula.
Arabs came from the Levant and traveled to the Arabian Peninsula.
So they were not originally called Arab.
But now they are.

are you a Baathist dog? ------btw what do you call "originally" ? Arabic was not
a written language until about 300 AD----and even then the Arabic script was CREATED by ZOROASTRIANS -----The word ARAB is English------so, of course it is modern. The word MUHUMMAD is also English----so it is MODERN------you are very confused Hebrew script is more than 4000 years old------sorry Charlie----your Imam lied--------but your idiocy is amusing

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