NBC Dumps Leno For Fallen. Leno Says NBC Is Becoming Extinct

Jay Leno sucks. He is not the least bit funny. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. Oh, and he is by no means a "liberal".
Leno grabbed the old Johnny Carson audience but they are dying out. The Tonight show format with the increasingly flat monologue looks staged and old fashioned as a klunky Vagas costume show to the pop-orientated kids who grew up on hair bands and violent video games.

When was the last time that anyone said.....Did you hear what Leno said last night?
Mostly because if a show doesn't blow it out of the park on these stations it gets dumped! Shows on HBO, F/X, AMC, Showtime get dumped less quickly and doesn't require knock it out of the park ratings.
Leno was the last funny guy on late night television. I didn't always agree with him but he often made me laugh. Letterman is just a sad angry old man, that british imbicile couldnt be funny if he channelled Bill Hicks every night, and Jimmi Fallon is the only one laughing at his jokes.
NBC is dying as a network. It's behind UNIVISION!

The only programs on NBC I've watched is Grimm and Leno. Otherwise it is an insipid combination of forced variety shows and leftist "news" shows. Jimmy Fallon isn't going to help any more than Conan O'Brien helped.

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