NBC, MSNBC Sink To Bottom Of Who The Public Trusts...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
I've always said GE is the most evil corporation on Earth. Looks like the People have had enough of its Media mutants. Even many loyal fellow Communists have. This is a Democratic Polling firm's findings.

NBC News and sister cable network MSNBC rank at the bottom of media outlets Americans trust most for news, with Fox News leading the way, according to a new poll from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling.

In its fifth trust poll, 35 percent said they trusted Fox news more than any other outlet, followed by PBS at 14 percent, ABC at 11 percent, CNN at 10 percent, CBS at 9 percent, 6 percent for MSNBC and Comedy Central, and just 3 percent for NBC.

The pollster said Fox won because Republicans are devoted to it. “It leads the way because of its continuing near total support among Republicans as the place to go for news- 69 percent of Republicans say it's their most trusted source with nothing else polling above 7 percent,” said PPP.

The pollster also tested voter attitudes on Fox star Bill O'Reilly, who is set to conduct the annual Super Bowl interview with President Obama, and Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert. PPP said that in a presidential match, O'Reilly would beat Colbert 38 percent to 35 percent.

What's more, O'Reilly had a better favorability rating than any of the potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates...

NBC, MSNBC sink to bottom of who the public trusts | WashingtonExaminer.com
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The Washington Examiner? The paper that said Obama is moving the Ohio Chrysler plant to China?
The Washington Examiner? The paper that said Obama is moving the Ohio Chrysler plant to China?

The Poll was not conducted by the Washington Examiner.

I'm not sure who is speaking for the "public" but they would have to be very ignorant.

I was talking to a group young people about American imperialism and they didn't know we still had conquered territory of Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines....let alone the conquered land we call the the southwest.

But who is there to fill that void in education?

Listen: Rush Limbaugh's New Kids Book Features Pilgrims, Horse Snot | Mother Jones
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The Washington Examiner? The paper that said Obama is moving the Ohio Chrysler plant to China?

The Poll was not conducted by the Washington Examiner.

I'm not sure who is speaking for the "public" but they would have to be very ignorant.

I was talking to a group young people about American imperialism and they didn't know we still had conquered territory of Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines.

But who is there to fill that void in education?

Listen: Rush Limbaugh's New Kids Book Features Pilgrims, Horse Snot | Mother Jones

Your fellow Communist Democrats did the speaking on this one. It was a Poll conducted by them. It is what it is.
Why are Republicans so concerned lately about MSNBC? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Rachel Maddow, others at NBC, etc... Seems like Republicans are worried for some reason.

Could be MSNBC is doing something right to cause this.
Why are Republicans so concerned lately about MSNBC? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Rachel Maddow, others at NBC, etc... Seems like Republicans are worried for some reason.

Could be MSNBC is doing something right to cause this.

Well yeah, we despise Communist arseholes. We don't mind expressing that. But it looks like there is a bit of agreement on this one. NBC/MNBC cannot be trusted for News & Information.
Why are Republicans so concerned lately about MSNBC? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Rachel Maddow, others at NBC, etc... Seems like Republicans are worried for some reason.

Could be MSNBC is doing something right to cause this.

Why are so many Democrats so concerned about FOX News? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and others at FOX... Seems like Democrats are worried for some reason.

Could be FOX is doing something right to cause this...

See how easy that is?
Fox News once again most and least trusted name in news

PPP's 5th annual poll about trust in TV news continues to find what it does every year: Fox News is both the most trusted and least trusted name in news.

35% of Americans say they trust Fox News more than any other TV news outlet, followed by 14% for PBS, 11% for ABC, 10% for CNN, 9% for CBS, 6% each for Comedy Central and MSNBC, and 3% for NBC. It leads the way because of its continuing near total support among Republicans as the place to go for news- 69% of Republicans say it's their most trusted source with nothing else polling above 7%. Meanwhile Democrats are split between a lot of different outlets when it comes to who they have the most faith in- PBS at 21%, CNN and ABC at 18%, and CBS and MSNBC at 12% all poll in double digits. It's interesting that while Fox News and MSNBC are often thought of as equivalent, Fox News is by far and away the most trusted source of GOP voters while MSNBC is only tied for 4th among Democrats.

Fox News also leads the 'least trusted' list in our annual poll. 33% give it that designation to 19% for MSNBC, 14% for Comedy Central, 11% for CNN, 5% for ABC, 4% for CBS, and 2% each for NBC and PBS. That's largely because 57% of Democrats give it their least trusted designation, with only Comedy Central at 18% also hitting double digits with them. MSNBC leads the way among Republicans at 38%, but CNN at 17% and Comedy Central at 13% both hit double digits as well. It's interesting to note that Republicans seem to hate MSNBC more than Democrats like it.

When you look at the 8 outlets we tested individually, only one is clearly trusted by a majority of Americans. That's PBS, which 57% say they trust to 24% who don't. Most Democrats (80/6) and independents (49/31) trust it and it at least gets an even split with Republicans at 38%.

Voters are closely divided about most of the rest of the outlets- Fox News comes in at 44/42, CBS at 39/37, CNN at 40/40, NBC at 39/39, and ABC News at 37/38. In Fox's case 75% of Republicans trust it while only 20% of Democrats do. For all the rest of them around 60-70% of Democrats trust them, but only around 20% of Republicans do.

The two outlets that poll the lowest on trust are Comedy Central (29/38) and MSNBC (34/44). In both of their cases the share of Republicans trusting them drops down to about 10%, even as a majority of Democrats still express faith in them.
Finally for fun we did some more specific testing of voter attitudes about Bill O'Reilly and Stephen Colbert. O'Reilly has a 41/37 favorability rating, which is actually better than we found for every potential Republican Presidential candidate in the results we released yesterday. Colbert is not as well known as O'Reilly, with 58% name recognition, but has a better net favorability with those who are familiar with him at +16. 37% see him positively to 21% negatively, with 43% not having an opinion either way.

A hypothetical Presidential contest between the pair would be a toss up, with O'Reilly getting 38% to Colbert's 35%. Colbert has a lot more room to grow though since 31% of Democrats would be undecided compared to just 20% of Republicans. Colbert does win one contest with O'Reilly though- by a 38/13 margin voters say he has better hair and there's a bipartisan consensus on that with even Republicans narrowly saying that Colbert wins the hair wars

.Fox News once again most and least trusted name in news - Public Policy Polling

I think the Washington Examiner was twisting words and facts.
Why are Republicans so concerned lately about MSNBC? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Rachel Maddow, others at NBC, etc... Seems like Republicans are worried for some reason.

Could be MSNBC is doing something right to cause this.

Why are so many Democrats so concerned about FOX News? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and others at FOX... Seems like Democrats are worried for some reason.

Could be FOX is doing something right to cause this...

See how easy that is?

Holy shite! You crashed the Obamabots. They're all frantically rebooting. :)
Why are Republicans so concerned lately about MSNBC? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Rachel Maddow, others at NBC, etc... Seems like Republicans are worried for some reason.

Could be MSNBC is doing something right to cause this.

Why are so many Democrats so concerned about FOX News? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and others at FOX... Seems like Democrats are worried for some reason.

Could be FOX is doing something right to cause this...

See how easy that is?

When you copy questions from your opposition word for word, only changing the names, it makes you look like you can't really think for yourself. Templar always uses this dumb strategy...


Sure, we know you always like things easy enough for you to bother with.
Why are Republicans so concerned lately about MSNBC? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Rachel Maddow, others at NBC, etc... Seems like Republicans are worried for some reason.

Could be MSNBC is doing something right to cause this.

Why are so many Democrats so concerned about FOX News? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and others at FOX... Seems like Democrats are worried for some reason.

Could be FOX is doing something right to cause this...

See how easy that is?

Holy shite! You crashed the Obamabots. They're all frantically rebooting. :)

Riiight. Could be everyone is bored with you two already. :eusa_shhh:
Why are so many Democrats so concerned about FOX News? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and others at FOX... Seems like Democrats are worried for some reason.

Could be FOX is doing something right to cause this...

See how easy that is?

Holy shite! You crashed the Obamabots. They're all frantically rebooting. :)

Riiight. Could be everyone is bored with you two already. :eusa_shhh:

Full Reboot, and all you came up with was that? Kinda sad. :)
Why are Republicans so concerned lately about MSNBC? Many threads seem to be dedicated to them, Rachel Maddow, others at NBC, etc... Seems like Republicans are worried for some reason.

Could be MSNBC is doing something right to cause this.

Why are the Libs so obsessed with FOX News.
They have all the other media outlets in Obama's back pocket.
The Republicans have FOX...

Comedy Central 6%
NBC 3%

Holy crap



Yeah, ridiculously pathetic. GE has destroyed NBC. It used to be one of the more credible Media Outlets for News. Them and CNN are embarrassments at this point.
Are people waking up to the fact that Obama screwed us on health care.
And that the liberal run media backed him up on it?
I've always said GE is the most evil corporation on Earth. Looks like the People have had enough of its Media mutants. Even many loyal fellow Communists have. This is a Democratic Polling firm's findings.

NBC News and sister cable network MSNBC rank at the bottom of media outlets Americans trust most for news, with Fox News leading the way, according to a new poll from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling.

In its fifth trust poll, 35 percent said they trusted Fox news more than any other outlet, followed by PBS at 14 percent, ABC at 11 percent, CNN at 10 percent, CBS at 9 percent, 6 percent for MSNBC and Comedy Central, and just 3 percent for NBC.

The pollster said Fox won because Republicans are devoted to it. “It leads the way because of its continuing near total support among Republicans as the place to go for news- 69 percent of Republicans say it's their most trusted source with nothing else polling above 7 percent,” said PPP.

The pollster also tested voter attitudes on Fox star Bill O'Reilly, who is set to conduct the annual Super Bowl interview with President Obama, and Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert. PPP said that in a presidential match, O'Reilly would beat Colbert 38 percent to 35 percent.

What's more, O'Reilly had a better favorability rating than any of the potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates...

NBC, MSNBC sink to bottom of who the public trusts | WashingtonExaminer.com
GE now longer owns NBC & MSNBC. Comcast does.

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