NBC News Panel: Obama Sees Democracy As 'Stumbling Block' To His Greatness'


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Do people still get their News information from GE/NBC? Man,now i truly understand why our country is in such trouble. These people have lost it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZaBNGoVxwA]NBC News Panel Obama Sees Democracy As 'Stumbling Block To His Greatness' - YouTube[/ame]
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He's not the only one. The entire left hates democracy. They only support it when they win.
This is what happens when a Corporation like GE controls a 'News' Network and a President. You get insane boot-licking madness like this.
wow... that fucking socialist channel... all they do is suck obama's dick.

Hey...they referred to "his gifts"...

I mean...no offense or anything...but right out of law school he was hired by a law frim....4years later he was still an associate...and he was doing nothing more than boiler plate contract review...something many firms have paralegals do.

The man may be briight....articulate....charismatic....but gifts?

What gifts does he have?

And if he has such gifts, then why cant he use them to get "this democracy" to allow him to apply his greatness?
wow... that fucking socialist channel... all they do is suck obama's dick.

Hey...they referred to "his gifts"...

I mean...no offense or anything...but right out of law school he was hired by a law frim....4years later he was still an associate...and he was doing nothing more than boiler plate contract review...something many firms have paralegals do.

The man may be briight....articulate....charismatic....but gifts?

What gifts does he have?

And if he has such gifts, then why cant he use them to get "this democracy" to allow him to apply his greatness?

GE is his biggest gift. 24/7 White House propaganda.
Guess you guys didn't notice the smirks while they were talking.... they were being facetious.
Guess you guys didn't notice the smirks while they were talking.... they were being facetious.

lol.....please say you arent being serious with that explanation...

No smirks....except for Joe.....and that is becuase he is pretty open about his sentiments about Obama.
GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt owns them all. And that includes this President. His "Jobs Czar?" Yea ok. Whatever.
Guess you guys didn't notice the smirks while they were talking.... they were being facetious.

I find this all very confusing.

When a right wing commentator makes a facetious comment, the left are all over, screaming like banshees, starting thread after thread and howling for blood.

When a left winger makes a facetious remark, we're all supposed to be fine with that.

Again... if it wasn't for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.
GE: One of the top Military Contractors in the World,Doesn't pay Taxes,and Outsources Thousands & Thousands of American Jobs. You still so sure you should be getting your 'News' information from them?
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GE Defense Contracting Fraud...

On July 23, 1992, GE pled guilty in federal court to civil and criminal charges of defrauding the Pentagon and agreed to pay $69 million to the U.S. government in fines — one of the largest defense contracting fines ever. The company said in a statement that it took responsibility for the actions of a former marketing employee who, along with an Israeli Air Force General, diverted Pentagon funds to their own bank accounts and to fund Israeli military programs not authorized by the United States. Under the settlement with the Justice Department over violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, GE paid $59.5 million in civil fraud claims and $9.5 million in criminal fines.

GE’s civil and criminal transgressions stemming from the Israeli military program are by no means isolated. GE is a repeat offender when it comes to Defense Department fraud. The company has repeatedly violated the False Claims Act — a measure originally proposed by Lincoln to protect federal coffers. When the Project on Government Oversight surveyed defense contractors, it found that General Electric was responsible for 15 instances of fraudulent activity in just a four year period (1990-1994) — more than any other defense contractor.

On August 10, 1995 the U.S. Department of Justice announced (# 95-438) that GE would pay $7.1 million to settle a contract fraud suit initiated by Ian Johnson, an engineer at GE's Aircraft Engines plant in Evendale, Ohio in 1993. Johnson had alleged that GE "sold several thousand jet engines to the military that did not comply with military electrical bonding and electromagnetic interference testing requirements," according to DoJ. (Subsequently, the Air Force tested the engines and found them to be safe.) Johnson filed the suit on behalf of the United States under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act.

On January 10, 1997, the U.S. Department of Justice announced (# 97-012) that GE would pay $950,000to settle allegations that it fraudulently misrepresented that it had conducted certain test procedures on circuit boards for hundreds of aircraft engine controls when in fact the tests were not conducted.

Read More:
CorpWatch : General Electric
listen to what they're saying, they're describing a Hugo Chavez.. makes me shiver.
listen to what they're saying, they're describing a Hugo Chavez.. makes me shiver.

Yea it's very sad. GE/NBC have become deranged bobbleheads. I would just laught at them but it's not so funny realizing so many actually believe they're reporting actual News. It's pretty scary.
Horrifying Wingnuttery for sure. I have to give Scarborough a little credit though. He was sort of chuckling at the deranged bobbleheads. A tiny tiny bit of sanity does still exist there i guess.
The direction is country is going, which is towards plutocracy, also threatens democracy.With money/wealth concentrated, who does our government (Prez & Congress) listen to? In a true democracy, all voices are heard, but in a plutocracy the voices listened to are just the few.

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