NBC not FOX is really racist All hells breaking loose as it should

I don't feel bad for anyone that actively tries to feel offended. In fact, I tend to make it a point to offend them.
you know NBC also had an ad with a yellow lab swimming the doggie paddle in the Olympics advertising the same show. Perhaps the US Swim Team deserves an apology too.

Shitty timing....nothing more. I don't know anything about the FOX criticism....But, unless there was a caption underneath the picture saying "see where our welfare dollars go", I don't see anything wrong with the picture.
Go ahead I do not mind punking democrats at any time.

The only thing you do is show off how you are one of the biggest idiots on the forum.

Let me get this right. I put up a thread where NBC has to apologize for putting up a monkey doing gymnastics after Gabby wins the gold and you and TM are going on about Katrina?

Every time I wonder how the hell Obama won I've got this book marked now. Are you guys for real?

:eusa_clap:It supprises me. I wonder how the lefties still have any fingers left after all the pointing they do. I bet the only one they try to save is the middle one.
The only thing you do is show off how you are one of the biggest idiots on the forum.

Let me get this right. I put up a thread where NBC has to apologize for putting up a monkey doing gymnastics after Gabby wins the gold and you and TM are going on about Katrina?

Every time I wonder how the hell Obama won I've got this book marked now. Are you guys for real?

:eusa_clap:It supprises me. I wonder how the lefties still have any fingers left after all the pointing they do. I bet the only one they try to save is the middle one.

Here is what democrats call civility......................

It was a mistake and not a big issue of course if that had been done by FOX most of the lefties on here would screaming racism at the top of their lungs.
Guess I haven't been on enough. I have no idea who she is or what's going on.

Gabby Douglas. Pride and joy of America at these games. The girl is just amazing. GOLD. The political take on this though is that boards and some pretty high up ones tried to portray FOX as racist because they put up pictures of Gabby like this.


I know. Go figure.

But it became a political talking point for the left. Well now they've screwed themselves because NBC showed a monkey doing gymnastics right after showing Gabby's win.

How the hell is that photo racist?
Guess I haven't been on enough. I have no idea who she is or what's going on.

Gabby Douglas. Pride and joy of America at these games. The girl is just amazing. GOLD. The political take on this though is that boards and some pretty high up ones tried to portray FOX as racist because they put up pictures of Gabby like this.


I know. Go figure.

But it became a political talking point for the left. Well now they've screwed themselves because NBC showed a monkey doing gymnastics right after showing Gabby's win.

How the hell is that photo racist?
It's not right after she won the gold medal NBC ran promo/commercial showing a monkey doing gymnastics that's what the uproar was about.
How is showing a commercial with a monkey in it racist, regardless of when it airs?
Guess I haven't been on enough. I have no idea who she is or what's going on.

Gabby Douglas. Pride and joy of America at these games. The girl is just amazing. GOLD. The political take on this though is that boards and some pretty high up ones tried to portray FOX as racist because they put up pictures of Gabby like this.


I know. Go figure.

But it became a political talking point for the left. Well now they've screwed themselves because NBC showed a monkey doing gymnastics right after showing Gabby's win.

How the hell is that photo racist?

Here is the "ad" (and the snippet of what preceded it by mere seconds) which NBC carelessly aired at exactly the wrong moment:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1iUSARF_v4]NBC Air An Extremely Racist Commercial After Gabby Douglas Olympics Gold Medal ?? - YouTube[/ame]
A) You didn't blow anything out of the water. B) I don't see the issue here, NBC doesn't have anything to apologize for.

I happen to agree, But I also think you are full of shit and if the Same thing had happened on FOX you would be SCREAMING racism as we speak.
The waa-waa butthurt is running strong from the right wing trolls :up:
Your avatar is well chosen.

Fox called victims trying to survive looters.

Bush and the republicans did nothing while the people suffered.
You are a worthless fucking idiot. This conversation here has to do with Olympic gold medals and alleged racism at NBC.

...and all you can come up with are your redefinition of looting and some old worn out lies about GWBush from when the State of Louisiana totally fucked up.


They are enlightened Leftists.. AND Al Sharpton says so on his program...
Al Sharpton is among the top ranking racists in the history of racism.

should I go get some old posts from you people here about the Katrina victims?
Yes. Please go and occupy yourself somewhere else. Go...is the operative word. Get the fuck out of here!
A) You didn't blow anything out of the water. B) I don't see the issue here, NBC doesn't have anything to apologize for.

How does it feel? You fool check this out you moron. You just call up the CEO of NBC and let then know Black_Label. You go girl :lol:

NBC has become the centre of a race storm after airing an ad featuring a monkey performing gymnastics, right after showing the performance of Gabby Douglas, the first African-American to win Olympic gold.

The network has since apologised for the advert's poor timing, explaining: 'No offense was intended.'

The controversy ignited as sportscaster Bob Costas wrapped his analysis of her incredible routine during the all-around competition last night.

Costas said: 'There are some African American girls out there who tonight are saying to themselves: "Hey, I’d like to try that too." More from London in a moment.'

Read more: Gabby Douglas: NBC forced to apologise after ad features a monkey doing gymnastics right AFTER victory | Mail Online

It's a little creepy to see so many liberals praise Gabby Douglas and follow it with "And, she's BLACK". As if this were some spectacular and unexpected thing. She did well, she trained (even though obama said she didn't get there on her own) and trained hard. She deserves her gold medal (even if she has to pay tax on it). It has nothing to do with her being black.

I like Bob, but making a point that: 'There are some African American girls out there who tonight are saying to themselves: "Hey, I’d like to try that too." More from London in a moment.'...is bullshit. Why include "African"? If it had been a white gymnast, would he say, "There are some white American girls..." Hell no, and making an issue out of her race is insulting to the young woman as well.
NBC apologizes for the monkey commercial, as if normal people instantly think of blacks when they see monkeys yet remain silent on the truly offensive statements from Costas implying that THIS particular young lady should be an inspiration to only "some young African American girls".

It seems when someone finds offense in "racist speech" from the right one is forced to compromise their own intellect in finding it while blatantly racist implications from the left are ignored as if there should be no question as to THEIR racial tolerance.
Seems kind of like the disingenuous claims that "blacks cannot be racists".
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1iUSARF_v4]NBC Air An Extremely Racist Commercial After Gabby Douglas Olympics Gold Medal ?? - YouTube[/ame]
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A) You didn't blow anything out of the water. B) I don't see the issue here, NBC doesn't have anything to apologize for.

How does it feel? You fool check this out you moron. You just call up the CEO of NBC and let then know Black_Label. You go girl :lol:

NBC has become the centre of a race storm after airing an ad featuring a monkey performing gymnastics, right after showing the performance of Gabby Douglas, the first African-American to win Olympic gold.

The network has since apologised for the advert's poor timing, explaining: 'No offense was intended.'

The controversy ignited as sportscaster Bob Costas wrapped his analysis of her incredible routine during the all-around competition last night.

Costas said: 'There are some African American girls out there who tonight are saying to themselves: "Hey, I’d like to try that too." More from London in a moment.'

Read more: Gabby Douglas: NBC forced to apologise after ad features a monkey doing gymnastics right AFTER victory | Mail Online

It's a little creepy to see so many liberals praise Gabby Douglas and follow it with "And, she's BLACK". As if this were some spectacular and unexpected thing. She did well, she trained (even though obama said she didn't get there on her own) and trained hard. She deserves her gold medal (even if she has to pay tax on it). It has nothing to do with her being black.

I like Bob, but making a point that: 'There are some African American girls out there who tonight are saying to themselves: "Hey, I’d like to try that too." More from London in a moment.'...is bullshit. Why include "African"? If it had been a white gymnast, would he say, "There are some white American girls..." Hell no, and making an issue out of her race is insulting to the young woman as well.

so....you want to make that a racist statement? How many African American girl do you see in gymnastics? I'he been watching th Olympics for a long ass time and I don't recall a whole hell of a lot. I remember sportscasters saying the same thing when Tiger Woods came on the scene in Golf. An interest in a Sport where there wasn't from a specific demographic.

You guys are just as bad as the worst of the race baiters on the left. Worse, because the only reason you are doing it is spite. You defend your own when they say shit like "Obamma's going to gib me free Gubmint stuffs".....I've seen it hundreds of times on here and NONE of you say jack shit.

so spare me your false comparisons and outrage....your all a bunch of bitter fucking hacks.
A) You didn't blow anything out of the water. B) I don't see the issue here, NBC doesn't have anything to apologize for.

They don't but they should. Most people probably do not understand that the advertising clips are preset way ahead of time. Commercial A runs in slot 1, commercial B in slot 2, and so on. There wasn't someone at NBC who said "oh, Gabby Douglas just won the gold, so now let's be racist and show the funny monkey commerical." When the commercial was given it's slots to be run, nobody even knew how Gabby was going to do. The commercial would have run in that slot no matter who won.

So NBC should come out and say exactly that but still apologize understanding that many people may have taken it as a negative portrayal of Gabby Douglas, even though it was not.

That would require class, which is something OWS parasites know nothing about.
I think it kind of speaks for itself when the apparent race police who "lashed out at the network" voicing their outrage over an add with a monkey being shown after this young woman won.

Sane people don't make the association between an ad for a new NBC series, "Animal Practice" and an Olympic athlete that our hyper-sensitive, racial heroes incessantly make.

Am I the only one who is sickened over hearing how utterly racist everything and having to FORCE myself to get it? I don't even want to think like that and being forced to do so by those who claim to be on the right side of the issue is the real offense.
How does it feel? You fool check this out you moron. You just call up the CEO of NBC and let then know Black_Label. You go girl :lol:

NBC has become the centre of a race storm after airing an ad featuring a monkey performing gymnastics, right after showing the performance of Gabby Douglas, the first African-American to win Olympic gold.

The network has since apologised for the advert's poor timing, explaining: 'No offense was intended.'

The controversy ignited as sportscaster Bob Costas wrapped his analysis of her incredible routine during the all-around competition last night.

Costas said: 'There are some African American girls out there who tonight are saying to themselves: "Hey, I’d like to try that too." More from London in a moment.'

Read more: Gabby Douglas: NBC forced to apologise after ad features a monkey doing gymnastics right AFTER victory | Mail Online

It's a little creepy to see so many liberals praise Gabby Douglas and follow it with "And, she's BLACK". As if this were some spectacular and unexpected thing. She did well, she trained (even though obama said she didn't get there on her own) and trained hard. She deserves her gold medal (even if she has to pay tax on it). It has nothing to do with her being black.

I like Bob, but making a point that: 'There are some African American girls out there who tonight are saying to themselves: "Hey, I’d like to try that too." More from London in a moment.'...is bullshit. Why include "African"? If it had been a white gymnast, would he say, "There are some white American girls..." Hell no, and making an issue out of her race is insulting to the young woman as well.

so....you want to make that a racist statement? How many African American girl do you see in gymnastics? I'he been watching th Olympics for a long ass time and I don't recall a whole hell of a lot. I remember sportscasters saying the same thing when Tiger Woods came on the scene in Golf. An interest in a Sport where there wasn't from a specific demographic.

You guys are just as bad as the worst of the race baiters on the left. Worse, because the only reason you are doing it is spite. You defend your own when they say shit like "Obamma's going to gib me free Gubmint stuffs".....I've seen it hundreds of times on here and NONE of you say jack shit.

so spare me your false comparisons and outrage....your all a bunch of bitter fucking hacks.

Where the fuck did I say it was a racist statement, dick licker?? Bob felt compelled to bring the young lady's race into the conversation, and that is some fucked up commentary. Now shove your fucking brush up your ass, unless you can find posts of mine where I defend others shit, jackass.
I like Bob, but making a point that: 'There are some African American girls out there who tonight are saying to themselves: "Hey, I’d like to try that too." More from London in a moment.'...is bullshit. Why include "African"? If it had been a white gymnast, would he say, "There are some white American girls..." Hell no, and making an issue out of her race is insulting to the young woman as well.

so....you want to make that a racist statement? How many African American girl do you see in gymnastics? I'he been watching th Olympics for a long ass time and I don't recall a whole hell of a lot. I remember sportscasters saying the same thing when Tiger Woods came on the scene in Golf. An interest in a Sport where there wasn't from a specific demographic.

You guys are just as bad as the worst of the race baiters on the left. Worse, because the only reason you are doing it is spite. You defend your own when they say shit like "Obamma's going to gib me free Gubmint stuffs".....I've seen it hundreds of times on here and NONE of you say jack shit.

so spare me your false comparisons and outrage....your all a bunch of bitter fucking hacks.

Where the fuck did I say it was a racist statement, dick licker?? Bob felt compelled to bring the young lady's race into the conversation, and that is some fucked up commentary. Now shove your fucking brush up your ass, unless you can find posts of mine where I defend others shit, jackass.

read your own words carpetmuncher.

Edit: btw, why is it fucked up commentary? Btw...as far as "defending others shit"? Silence is the next thing to defending it. Guilt by association, you ever hear of it?....

What the hell, might as well play the same fucking game that the right has MASTERED these past four years....you know, anyone who doesn't fall within your narrow view of the world are Marxist freaks who shit in the street. Anyone with a D behind their name doesn't work for a living and just wants to live off of someone else.

so, in short? go fuck yourself....I'd use the "c" word, but A. I'm more civil that that generally speaking....and B. The ONE other time I did use that word, I was not so kindly reminded that it's a no-no to use it...which I have complied....but believe me Your ridiculous response and unprovoked name calling has me tempted for the first time since.

If you NOTICE, in my original response I used the phrase...."you guys", not YOU specifically....That was referring to the recently crazed right wing phenomena of normally decent people turning into hate filled assholes to everyone except their own kind....even if SOME of their own kind truly are racists of the worst kind. When I see people on here saying almost word for word the quote in my original response and no one from the right says a word.....Not only that, but oft times those types of posts illicit the most thanks from fellow right wingers, I tend to think that's the accepted way of thinking with you guys.
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