NBC Purged Jay Leno Because He Dared Criticize Obama

I thought you all were whining because Obama is so weak, now he's powerful enough to boss NBC around?

You are trying to distract everyone from what congress has been doing and still does to this day and that is, they have done nothing. It's about congress and their midterms now. Obama was reelected already and he will be there until 2016.

Shallow thinking much? Me thinks so.

You need to understand Obama is not his own man.....he is a puppet...and Jay Leno pissed off obamas masters....case closed.
lol...NBC purged Leno because he was irrelevant.

Proof that the far left wanted Leno gone from TV.

Even though he had the highest ratings, but I guess having the highest ratings makes one irrelevant in the far left mindset.
That is rather obvious and also very obvious how the Democrats are rallying around his successor.

Was Jay Leno Canned by NBC For Criticizing Obama? - Conservative Byte
Conservative Byte is an ultra right wing sewer site. Anyone who takes anything they post seriously should probably be sent to an asylum of some sort.

You mean like those that take CNN, MSNBC, Rawstory, Daily Kos, NYtimes, LaTimes, Mother Jones, ABC, CBS, Jon Stewart, etc. seriously?
My Dad watched the Tonight Show religiously.

Guys like him will abandon the show.

They're the folks that come back and stick to the show like glue.

Kids are fickled and will stop watching the show when they find something better to do.
What the politially naive fail to understand is that nothing damages a politician like when everyone starts laughing at him....most comedians being liberals fell in step with obama...went along to get along....understanding that it would not be good for their careers to joke about the inept obama aka....'the emperor has no clothes'....kinda reverse though in obama's case...he has a lot of good clothes...he is just missing his headgear.

Jay Leno however....to his everlasting credit stood up and told the truth about obama....anyone that cannot understand how that caused repercussions aka getting the boot by NBC does not understand political reality, nbc and most likely have difficulty with analytical thinking and or tying their shoelaces properly.
Leno jumped the shark 20 years ago

I still think he's funny but there is a certain lack of cadence in his delivery. I think I heard him say, "Oh, here's something...." a dozen times when I went to the taping. Like they wrote the joke 4 months ago and it was added to the inventory for that evening because it was a slow news week.
That is rather obvious and also very obvious how the Democrats are rallying around his successor.

Was Jay Leno Canned by NBC For Criticizing Obama? - Conservative Byte

You are unspeakably gullible to believe this comic-book shit.

NBC is a commercial, for-profit corporation. Like any for-profit TV network, there are exactly three reasons they would drop a show or a host:

1. Ratings and money
2. Money and ratings
3. Both 1 and 2


The objective of everything you see on commercial TV is to make money, by snagging enough audience to charge big ad rates. That's IT. Ideologies don't pay the bills. Even Fox Noise knows that.

Perhaps this post put it most obviously:

Are you fucking kidding me? :lol:

Jay Leno read jokes off a teleprompter. If NBC had any issue with Obama jabs, those jokes wouldn't have made it on there in the first place.

Jesus child-molesting Christ some people will believe anything.

Sheesh. Gullible's Travels.
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I never liked Leno. He was never as good as Carson. Carson was not easily controlled. I'd take Letterman over Leno any day and I'm not a real big Letterman fan. Night time tv hosts regularly criticize presidents, congress etc. It has more to do with trying to target a younger audience and they will probably fail here.
That is rather obvious and also very obvious how the Democrats are rallying around his successor.

Was Jay Leno Canned by NBC For Criticizing Obama? - Conservative Byte

You are unspeakably gullible to believe this comic-book shit.

NBC is a commercial, for-profit corporation. Like any for-profit TV network, there are exactly three reasons they would drop a show or a host:

1. Ratings and money
2. Money and ratings
3. Both 1 and 2


The objective of everything you see on commercial TV is to make money, by snagging enough audience to charge big ad rates. That's IT. Ideologies don't pay the bills. Even Fox Noise knows that.

Perhaps this post put it most obviously:

Are you fucking kidding me? :lol:

Jay Leno read jokes off a teleprompter. If NBC had any issue with Obama jabs, those jokes wouldn't have made it on there in the first place.

Jesus child-molesting Christ some people will believe anything.

Sheesh. Gullible's Travels.

NBC called themselves the Green Channel at one time. Funny how it happened around the time that Obama was trying to push shutting down deep-water drilling.

They're trying to conceal what they're up to by saying they want to appeal to young people. In fact, they are the top network answering to the White House. ESPN has been talking about Gays coming out in sports non-stop for weeks, so my guess is they are the White House's sports network.

It's not a coincidence that whatever topic the White House wants to focus on these stations do as well, as if on cue.

It's not about money in a commercial sense. Obama has promised these folks a bailout if they go broke anyway, just like he promised insurance companies if they went along with him on Obamacare.
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First of all...he made it very clear he did not want to leave....so there goes the claim he wanted to retire.

Now for the evidence>>>>>>» Was Jay Leno Canned by NBC For Criticizing Obama? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Jimmy Fallon is so much better than Leno. I rarely watched Leno ever and there was a reason for that, he isn't funny. I still watch Letterman and he's old, difference is, he's still very funny.

Jimmy Fallon appeals to you. Leno appealed to the previous audience. Now NBC is moving on from that audience. That audience is moving away from NBC. Leno was the only thing keeping them there. Fallon is in with the popular people on the left. He tells jokes they like, at the expense of the GOP. Leno made fun of everyone. Leno is basically the middle while Fallon is the left. An era in television has come to a close. NBC is officially in with the radicals on the left and that's what they want to stake their claim to. They just hope that you folks don't get bored with them. Maybe all they need to do is say rotten things about Republicans to keep you watching.
First of all...he made it very clear he did not want to leave....so there goes the claim he wanted to retire.

Now for the evidence>>>>>>» Was Jay Leno Canned by NBC For Criticizing Obama? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Jimmy Fallon is so much better than Leno. I rarely watched Leno ever and there was a reason for that, he isn't funny. I still watch Letterman and he's old, difference is, he's still very funny.

You're half right.

But Letterman hasn't been funny since he left NBC in a snit.
lol...NBC purged Leno because he was irrelevant.

Ridiculous he was at the top in the ratings. For all you chumps who cannot comprehend reality>>>>>[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ELvNh0LZ4w]THE REAL REASON JAY LENO WAS FIRED! OBAMA DIDN'T LIKE WHAT HE WAS SAYING! DICTATOR STRIKES AGAIN! - YouTube[/ame]

You seemed to have eliminated the fear of loss.

True, they were on top of the ratings with Leno, but they believed that if they did not snatch up Fallon, someone else would and that would result in a large loss of market share with no one out there to replace Leno with.

I highly doubt network NBC makes major programming decisions based on who is in the WH.

Well, there is no doubt that NBC is in the bag for the democrats. I hope there is no denial of this.

No matter who is in that seat, it will draw ratings. Jay Leno really showed no signs of slowing down as far as ratings go.

Jimmy Fallon is annoying as hell to me. He is an over the top comedian and tries to hard for laughs in my opinion.

Anyway, this is a crucial election year. It just so happens that Leno over the last few years has been mocking the democrats.

Yes, it is all about ratings and Leno has always had the ratings.
First of all...he made it very clear he did not want to leave....so there goes the claim he wanted to retire.

Now for the evidence>>>>>>» Was Jay Leno Canned by NBC For Criticizing Obama? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Jimmy Fallon is so much better than Leno. I rarely watched Leno ever and there was a reason for that, he isn't funny. I still watch Letterman and he's old, difference is, he's still very funny.

Jimmy Fallon appeals to you. Leno appealed to the previous audience. Now NBC is moving on from that audience. That audience is moving away from NBC. Leno was the only thing keeping them there. Fallon is in with the popular people on the left. He tells jokes they like, at the expense of the GOP. Leno made fun of everyone. Leno is basically the middle while Fallon is the left. An era in television has come to a close. NBC is officially in with the radicals on the left and that's what they want to stake their claim to. They just hope that you folks don't get bored with them. Maybe all they need to do is say rotten things about Republicans to keep you watching.

I think it had something to do with Jimmy bringing the Tonight Show back to New York. Johnny Carson made a mistake taking it to Burbank or wherever it was. Leno's voice is weird, he doesn't have good timing and he isn't fun to look at with that huge jaw.

Letterman and Fallon are naturals. I love Fallon more everytime I see him.

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