NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

There is no evidence she meant it as a joke.

Nor any evidence that she didn't.

If I told you that "I was seeing this girl for 6 months. Then someone stole my binoculars" I would hope that I wouldn't have to explain that it was a joke.

Governors are usually pretty seasoned politically speaking and know better than to suggest something blatently un-constitutional (well, except maybe Perry and his idiotic secession gaffe).

So what little "evidence" exists would be on the side of it being nothing more than a joke. Nothing to see here folks. Time to move on.....


Why is that when a republican says something Jokely the left jumps all over it but when one of their own says something they defend them?

Here's proof that jake is a rino that hates America

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Because you don\'t care about America.


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He negged me for making this comment.:clap2::lol::lol::lol:
Nor any evidence that she didn't.

If I told you that "I was seeing this girl for 6 months. Then someone stole my binoculars" I would hope that I wouldn't have to explain that it was a joke.

Governors are usually pretty seasoned politically speaking and know better than to suggest something blatently un-constitutional (well, except maybe Perry and his idiotic secession gaffe).

So what little "evidence" exists would be on the side of it being nothing more than a joke. Nothing to see here folks. Time to move on.....


Why is that when a republican says something Jokely the left jumps all over it but when one of their own says something they defend them?

I tell you what. Since I am not a lefitist, I can't address that. But since I am a Republican, and you are only one in name only, I can point out that I wrote she should be impeached.

stop fucking lying and I will stop negging you.
bigrebnc is a name only GOPer. A far Hard Right militia wack crazy racist like bigrebnc is not a true Republican.
CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends suspending congressional elections for the next couple of years.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Perdue said she thinks that temporarily halting elections would allow members of Congress to focus on the economy. “You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said.

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

Its a really stupid Idea.

Let the people vote out the ones holding the country back from solving our problems.

This should be held against her in the next election.
She wasn't joking. Even if she were, you don't joke about suspending elections when you are an elected official in the US. That's in direct violation of the constitution.
CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends suspending congressional elections for the next couple of years.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Perdue said she thinks that temporarily halting elections would allow members of Congress to focus on the economy. “You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said.

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

Its a really stupid Idea.

Let the people vote out the ones holding the country back from solving our problems.

This should be held against her in the next election.

The New york times was pushing her to run for president in the future. So why do democrats want to suppress voters rights?
So the REPUBLICANS currently hold the House, which is what she is talking about, and she jokes about suspending the election,

which would keep the Republicans in power in the House, and that's what you tards call a Democratic ploy?

CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

Its a really stupid Idea.

Let the people vote out the ones holding the country back from solving our problems.

This should be held against her in the next election.

The New york times was pushing her to run for president in the future. So why do democrats want to suppress voters rights?

Noww you need to go back to all those threads where you accused me of backing her and apologise huh?

Can you be that honest or is it beyond you?
So the REPUBLICANS currently hold the House, which is what she is talking about, and she jokes about suspending the election,

which would keep the Republicans in power in the House, and that's what you tards call a Democratic ploy?


Attempting to curb additional loses.

It isnt rocket science.
Stupid is as stupid does.

Bev Perdue’s open-mic night a total bust « Hot Air

We don’t put aside democracy in tough times. In fact, the tougher the times, the more accountability we need from our government, not less. As my friend and radio partner Mitch Berg wrote, “The dumb part? That a bunch of politicians, relieved of the pressure of having to justify their political existences to voters, would “solve” anything.” Any politician arguing that our government needs less or no accountability to its constituents and citizens is a politician whose constituents should send into ignominious retirement at the first possible moment.

Hot Air has the audio as well. (in case you missed any of the above postings of the "joke")

The good news? Well the Republicans are set to make modest gains in the House, easily take control of the Senate, possibly the POTUS and defiantly the Governorship of NC. Thanks Bev, and fwiw, the election will be televised.


Don't you bet on it........

CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Congress: Republicans


Polls dont matter when you look at the actual approval ratings of POTUS and the senate and congress. Yes, the people are also dissatisfied with the GOP, but they are twice as upset with the Democrats. The Democrats "And some Rinos" will be taking an ass whooping come 2012, you can count on that.
What issue??? :confused:

And please let me know what they said they DID or CAN DO about it. I'd love to know what their plan of action is......:cuckoo:


The issue that made the news the issue of her asking to suspend the election of 2012.

And just what are your State Reps' "plan of action" to deal with this supposed dastardly issue?


Doesn't matter what the state reps do or dont do. The people will vote her out, and any state reps that dont do the right thing and impeach her will be voted out also. The will of the people will be done, one way or another.
Apparently, those are trivial compared to Democrats getting trounced at the polls. :cool:

They may be,when people don't have money to buy food they will do stupid things. People back then could adapt back easlier to live off the land today not so much.

No, not so much. Now there would be massive riots -- as if burning down your own city will get you fed.

Obama needs riots, the Democrats need riots. It's the only actual way they could suspend elections. Dont give it to them. Be patient and wait it out, and go to the polls.
What they are doing right now is nudging us, they cannot outright just suspend elections, but they can nudge us and agitate us into doing something that will give them an excuse to suspend them, dont fall for it.
They may be,when people don't have money to buy food they will do stupid things. People back then could adapt back easlier to live off the land today not so much.

No, not so much. Now there would be massive riots -- as if burning down your own city will get you fed.

When people cause damage because their football team lost can you imagine what they will do when they can't get access to food?

Which is why the communist in chief signed this by executive order in June. They will control the food, and if they cannot control it, they will make sure that the farmers who create it cannot have it.
Obama Signs Agenda 21-Related Executive Order
So the REPUBLICANS currently hold the House, which is what she is talking about, and she jokes about suspending the election,

which would keep the Republicans in power in the House, and that's what you tards call a Democratic ploy?


Aside from her not joking, I wouldn't want elections suspended regardless of who's in power and that includes the two incompetent parties running the country right now.

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