NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

Funny that you say that, Projector Frank.
What's the problem? Keeping Dear Reader to one term would be best for the nation.

The problem is the people who hear a statement like that and say shit like "Keeping Dear Reader to one term would be best for the nation" when in order for that to happen the economy would have to stay in the shitter and when you have no idea who he would be replaced with.

You are cheerleading people who are doing everything they can to keep the economy down so you can have "anybody but Obama."

It's pathetic.

Party over country.
Party over country is what put the economy in the shitter to begin with, and Obama's utterly failed policies are keeping it there.

Nothing he's done or wants to do has had a positive effect. Really. The GOP is doing nothing to keep the economy down. Obama and the Democrats are doing it all themselves.

Let's limit the damage they can do by removing them from office with the next elections.
We held Election during the Civil War, We held Election during the Great Depression and WWII. Anyone who thinks the current crisis Merits suspending Elections is out of their ever loving minds.
Apparently, those are trivial compared to Democrats getting trounced at the polls. :cool:

They may be,when people don't have money to buy food they will do stupid things. People back then could adapt back easlier to live off the land today not so much.

No, not so much. Now there would be massive riots -- as if burning down your own city will get you fed.
Apparently, those are trivial compared to Democrats getting trounced at the polls. :cool:

They may be,when people don't have money to buy food they will do stupid things. People back then could adapt back easlier to live off the land today not so much.

No, not so much. Now there would be massive riots -- as if burning down your own city will get you fed.

When people cause damage because their football team lost can you imagine what they will do when they can't get access to food?
I am sure that you are not saying I am defending her. What I am saying it does not matter if she said it jokingly or not. She is a governor, and excuetor of the old north state. She should be held accountable for her words. I have called my state reps to see what they will be doing about this issue.

What issue??? :confused:

And please let me know what they said they DID or CAN DO about it. I'd love to know what their plan of action is......:cuckoo:


Oh Please.......... Just as mission accomplished is still hung out there today. If this had been the right you guys would cry for years to come.

Where are you drawing credibility from?

and truthmatters would be leading the charge.
They may be,when people don't have money to buy food they will do stupid things. People back then could adapt back easlier to live off the land today not so much.

No, not so much. Now there would be massive riots -- as if burning down your own city will get you fed.

When people cause damage because their football team lost can you imagine what they will do when they can't get access to food?
It'll be ugly.
CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends suspending congressional elections for the next couple of years.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Perdue said she thinks that temporarily halting elections would allow members of Congress to focus on the economy. “You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said.

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

I guess the US Constitution means nothing to that idiot.
What a dumb fuck.
Gee Beverly, let's just suspend elections so that agendas of the party in power can take care of business.
Hey knucklehead, that's why we have the democratic process and elections in the first place.
For a supposedly educated person, Beverly E Perdue sure is a dumbass
The previous bunch was pretty ineffective in their own right also. The most effective congress would be a bunch that runs on repealing 90 percent of our worthless legislation.

We need to vote straight tea party members in that take an oath to amend the constitution to implement term limits for congress and the senate. Term limits for senators and congressman should be 4 years, Governor 4 years as well, nothing more.

And Perry of TX?

Of course not, he is not a tea party candidate. Herman Cain falls more in line with tea party values than perry does. I was not only talking about the president, I meant everyone of them.
Who cares if the comment was made as a joke? We hold politicans accountable for what they say, because then next time it might not be part of a comment made as a joke.

There is no evidence she meant it as a joke.

Nor any evidence that she didn't.

If I told you that "I was seeing this girl for 6 months. Then someone stole my binoculars" I would hope that I wouldn't have to explain that it was a joke.

Governors are usually pretty seasoned politically speaking and know better than to suggest something blatently un-constitutional (well, except maybe Perry and his idiotic secession gaffe).

So what little "evidence" exists would be on the side of it being nothing more than a joke. Nothing to see here folks. Time to move on.....


Making a joke about being a peeping tom and making a suggestion to suspend elections is two hugely different things. One is just a joke, the other is cause for impeachment, it wasn't a joke, and she was floating the idea out there testing the feelers.
I suggest the people of her state find a way to move up her election.
She rode in on Obama's coat tails. And she just happened to be part of the Eastern NC political power structure.
Those two factors were enough to put her in Raleigh.
I believe, although he has not declared yet, Pat Mc Crory, the GOP candidate for NC Governor, will run again. And this time he will beat Perdue handily.
If the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights doesn't have something to say about such a suggestion, it should. That's right up there with the Bush/Cheney attempt to deny Habeas Corpus to People They Thought Were of Interest - even the ultra-ultra-conservative Supreme Court balked at that.
If the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights doesn't have something to say about such a suggestion, it should.
No, it shouldn't. This is just more leftist bullshit whining.

Time to grow up and realize you don't get to have your way all the time.
So if you actually read the links you see this headline:

Perdue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years
I guess some of you have forgotten that in the debt ceiling deal, where Boehner said the GOP got 98% of what it wanted,

Congress effectively suspended itself from the budget cutting process.
So if you actually read the links you see this headline:

Perdue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years

I don't give a god damn what the head lines read she's a fucking govenor and will be heald accountable for her comment. You can bet the farm I will see to that since she is my employee. Shje will be looking for a new job if not 2012 sooner.
There is no evidence she meant it as a joke.

Nor any evidence that she didn't.

If I told you that "I was seeing this girl for 6 months. Then someone stole my binoculars" I would hope that I wouldn't have to explain that it was a joke.

Governors are usually pretty seasoned politically speaking and know better than to suggest something blatently un-constitutional (well, except maybe Perry and his idiotic secession gaffe).

So what little "evidence" exists would be on the side of it being nothing more than a joke. Nothing to see here folks. Time to move on.....


Why is that when a republican says something Jokely the left jumps all over it but when one of their own says something they defend them?

I tell you what. Since I am not a lefitist, I can't address that. But since I am a Republican, and you are only one in name only, I can point out that I wrote she should be impeached.

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