NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends suspending congressional elections for the next couple of years.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Perdue said she thinks that temporarily halting elections would allow members of Congress to focus on the economy. “You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said.

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

Yes, they have done such a steller job they should be allowed to continue doing their wonderful job without having to worry about someone trying to take their jobs away from them.

The woman is a damned loon. How unsurprising.
There is no evidence she meant it as a joke.

Nor any evidence that she didn't.

If I told you that "I was seeing this girl for 6 months. Then someone stole my binoculars" I would hope that I wouldn't have to explain that it was a joke.

Governors are usually pretty seasoned politically speaking and know better than to suggest something blatently un-constitutional (well, except maybe Perry and his idiotic secession gaffe).

So what little "evidence" exists would be on the side of it being nothing more than a joke. Nothing to see here folks. Time to move on.....


Why is that when a republican says something Jokely the left jumps all over it but when one of their own says something they defend them?

Secretly, they know the party's over come 11/2012... what this woman said, in their minds, isn't a bad idea.
Who cares if the comment was made as a joke? We hold politicans accountable for what they say, because then next time it might not be part of a comment made as a joke.

There is no evidence she meant it as a joke.

Nor any evidence that she didn't.

If I told you that "I was seeing this girl for 6 months. Then someone stole my binoculars" I would hope that I wouldn't have to explain that it was a joke.

Governors are usually pretty seasoned politically speaking and know better than to suggest something blatently un-constitutional (well, except maybe Perry and his idiotic secession gaffe).

So what little "evidence" exists would be on the side of it being nothing more than a joke. Nothing to see here folks. Time to move on.....


:lol::lol::lol: Sure thing kool aid drinker. Here's the audio, please let us know where the punchline is. Please show us poor believers in the Constitution where she giggled, or laughed, or did anything but make a baldfaced statement that she thinks a dictatorship is "the way to go" now that she and her fellow travellers are going to get their asses handed to them in the next elections.

You are such a fraud.

Suspend Elections | Beverly Perdue | Audio | The Daily Caller
There is no evidence she meant it as a joke.

Nor any evidence that she didn't.

If I told you that "I was seeing this girl for 6 months. Then someone stole my binoculars" I would hope that I wouldn't have to explain that it was a joke.

Governors are usually pretty seasoned politically speaking and know better than to suggest something blatently un-constitutional (well, except maybe Perry and his idiotic secession gaffe).

So what little "evidence" exists would be on the side of it being nothing more than a joke. Nothing to see here folks. Time to move on.....


:lol::lol::lol: Sure thing kool aid drinker. Here's the audio, please let us know where the punchline is. Please show us poor believers in the Constitution where she giggled, or laughed, or did anything but make a baldfaced statement that she thinks a dictatorship is "the way to go" now that she and her fellow travellers are going to get their asses handed to them in the next elections.

You are such a fraud.

Suspend Elections | Beverly Perdue | Audio | The Daily Caller

I had been looking for the audio thank you!!!
Exactly. And the fact that these morons took her seriously is very telling.

But let's assume for a minute that she was serious.

To translate her statement to "ALL democrats want to suspend elections" from one goofy statement is akin to saying that ALL republicans like to send secret signals to the guy in the next stall while sitting in public restrooms like Larry Craig did.


Who cares if the comment was made as a joke? We hold politicans accountable for what they say, because then next time it might not be part of a comment made as a joke.

There is no evidence she meant it as a joke.

I am sure that you are not saying I am defending her. What I am saying it does not matter if she said it jokingly or not. She is a governor, and excuetor of the old north state. She should be held accountable for her words. I have called my state reps to see what they will be doing about this issue.
Nor any evidence that she didn't.

If I told you that "I was seeing this girl for 6 months. Then someone stole my binoculars" I would hope that I wouldn't have to explain that it was a joke.

Please, did you even listen to it. She clearly did mean it, It was not a joke. More like a trail balloon.

You guys are shameless how far you will go to defend your sides BS.
Would someone find out where the defender of voters right is at? Truthmatters where are you?
Remember Back when Bush was in Office, and the Libs were saying the Economy sucked even though Unemployment was half what it is now? And the Democrats were Filibustering everything Bush wanted? So you think this Wanna be Dictator, Liberal Bitch felt the same way she does now then?

She should be impeached as an example to anyone who would ever think of even suggesting something like this again.
Remember Back when Bush was in Office, and the Libs were saying the Economy sucked even though Unemployment was half what it is now? And the Democrats were Filibustering everything Bush wanted? So you think this Wanna be Dictator, Liberal Bitch felt the same way she does now then?

She should be impeached as an example to anyone who would ever think of even suggesting something like this again.

no she didn't she's in love with everything obama touched, now that it's failing she wants more.
Stupid is as stupid does.

Bev Perdue’s open-mic night a total bust « Hot Air

We don’t put aside democracy in tough times. In fact, the tougher the times, the more accountability we need from our government, not less. As my friend and radio partner Mitch Berg wrote, “The dumb part? That a bunch of politicians, relieved of the pressure of having to justify their political existences to voters, would “solve” anything.” Any politician arguing that our government needs less or no accountability to its constituents and citizens is a politician whose constituents should send into ignominious retirement at the first possible moment.

Hot Air has the audio as well. (in case you missed any of the above postings of the "joke")

The good news? Well the Republicans are set to make modest gains in the House, easily take control of the Senate, possibly the POTUS and defiantly the Governorship of NC. Thanks Bev, and fwiw, the election will be televised.

Who cares if the comment was made as a joke? We hold politicans accountable for what they say, because then next time it might not be part of a comment made as a joke.

There is no evidence she meant it as a joke.

I am sure that you are not saying I am defending her. What I am saying it does not matter if she said it jokingly or not. She is a governor, and excuetor of the old north state. She should be held accountable for her words. I have called my state reps to see what they will be doing about this issue.

What issue??? :confused:

And please let me know what they said they DID or CAN DO about it. I'd love to know what their plan of action is......:cuckoo:

Stupid is as stupid does.

Bev Perdue’s open-mic night a total bust « Hot Air

We don’t put aside democracy in tough times. In fact, the tougher the times, the more accountability we need from our government, not less. As my friend and radio partner Mitch Berg wrote, “The dumb part? That a bunch of politicians, relieved of the pressure of having to justify their political existences to voters, would “solve” anything.” Any politician arguing that our government needs less or no accountability to its constituents and citizens is a politician whose constituents should send into ignominious retirement at the first possible moment.

Hot Air has the audio as well. (in case you missed any of the above postings of the "joke")

The good news? Well the Republicans are set to make modest gains in the House, easily take control of the Senate, possibly the POTUS and defiantly the Governorship of NC. Thanks Bev, and fwiw, the election will be televised.


Don't you bet on it........

CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Congress: Republicans

Stupid is as stupid does.

Bev Perdue’s open-mic night a total bust « Hot Air

We don’t put aside democracy in tough times. In fact, the tougher the times, the more accountability we need from our government, not less. As my friend and radio partner Mitch Berg wrote, “The dumb part? That a bunch of politicians, relieved of the pressure of having to justify their political existences to voters, would “solve” anything.” Any politician arguing that our government needs less or no accountability to its constituents and citizens is a politician whose constituents should send into ignominious retirement at the first possible moment.

Hot Air has the audio as well. (in case you missed any of the above postings of the "joke")

The good news? Well the Republicans are set to make modest gains in the House, easily take control of the Senate, possibly the POTUS and defiantly the Governorship of NC. Thanks Bev, and fwiw, the election will be televised.


Don't you bet on it........

CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Congress: Republicans


You haven't seen the polls have you? obama is down to 40 poercent approval.
There is no evidence she meant it as a joke.

I am sure that you are not saying I am defending her. What I am saying it does not matter if she said it jokingly or not. She is a governor, and excuetor of the old north state. She should be held accountable for her words. I have called my state reps to see what they will be doing about this issue.

What issue??? :confused:

And please let me know what they said they DID or CAN DO about it. I'd love to know what their plan of action is......:cuckoo:


The issue that made the news the issue of her asking to suspend the election of 2012.
I think it would be better if we put a term limits on both Houses of Congress. One term for the Senate and two for the House.
I am sure that you are not saying I am defending her. What I am saying it does not matter if she said it jokingly or not. She is a governor, and excuetor of the old north state. She should be held accountable for her words. I have called my state reps to see what they will be doing about this issue.

What issue??? :confused:

And please let me know what they said they DID or CAN DO about it. I'd love to know what their plan of action is......:cuckoo:


The issue that made the news the issue of her asking to suspend the election of 2012.

And just what are your State Reps' "plan of action" to deal with this supposed dastardly issue?

Where's truth don't matter and her "The gop is wanting to keep the poor from voting bullshit?"

That's different. Somehow. It just is.

She has got a lot of splianing to do here doesn't she.

Like why do democrats want to take the votes away from all citizens vs. Republicans asking to see an ID.
The left won't ask her to explain anything. Quite a sizable number of them agree with her, I expect.
Stupid is as stupid does.

Bev Perdue’s open-mic night a total bust « Hot Air

Hot Air has the audio as well. (in case you missed any of the above postings of the "joke")

The good news? Well the Republicans are set to make modest gains in the House, easily take control of the Senate, possibly the POTUS and defiantly the Governorship of NC. Thanks Bev, and fwiw, the election will be televised.


Don't you bet on it........

CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Congress: Republicans


You haven't seen the polls have you? obama is down to 40 poercent approval.

No matter what his rating is it's still higher than the republicans in congress....:lol:

From my link......

President Obama’s disapproval ratings may be at an all-time high, but in a new CNN/ORC International poll, more Americans say they trust him on economic matters more than they do Republicans in Congress.

There is no evidence she meant it as a joke.

I am sure that you are not saying I am defending her. What I am saying it does not matter if she said it jokingly or not. She is a governor, and excuetor of the old north state. She should be held accountable for her words. I have called my state reps to see what they will be doing about this issue.

What issue??? :confused:

And please let me know what they said they DID or CAN DO about it. I'd love to know what their plan of action is......:cuckoo:


Oh Please.......... Just as mission accomplished is still hung out there today. If this had been the right you guys would cry for years to come.

Where are you drawing credibility from?

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