NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

So if you actually read the links you see this headline:

Perdue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years

I don't give a god damn what the head lines read she's a fucking govenor and will be heald accountable for her comment. You can bet the farm I will see to that since she is my employee. Shje will be looking for a new job if not 2012 sooner.

Will the Republican majority in the North Carolina legislature also be held accountable for North Carolina's

10.4% unemployment rate?
If the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights doesn't have something to say about such a suggestion, it should. That's right up there with the Bush/Cheney attempt to deny Habeas Corpus to People They Thought Were of Interest - even the ultra-ultra-conservative Supreme Court balked at that.

Bush and cheney where correct, Habeas Corpus is for United States citizens, not for enemy combatants. Enemy combatants face Military tribunals. There is no comparison. If you have an issue with Habeas Corpus it would have to be that the radical left will eventually kick around the idea of using the terrorist tag to deny Constitutional loving Americans from exorcising that right if they have there way, I have a feeling the suspension of elections would be the starting point of denying habeas corpus and usher in another revolution in America which will in turn bring the UN and a total police state to our country.
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So if you actually read the links you see this headline:

Perdue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years

Yes, and because it says "Jokes" she obviously meant it as a joke and there is no way possible that the media is trying to cover for her or that she is back tracking and trying to cover her ass.
CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends suspending congressional elections for the next couple of years.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Perdue said she thinks that temporarily halting elections would allow members of Congress to focus on the economy. “You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said.

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

It's a patently bad idea. I hope this governor is recalled over this.
So if you actually read the links you see this headline:

Perdue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years

I don't give a god damn what the head lines read she's a fucking govenor and will be heald accountable for her comment. You can bet the farm I will see to that since she is my employee. Shje will be looking for a new job if not 2012 sooner.

Will the Republican majority in the North Carolina legislature also be held accountable for North Carolina's

10.4% unemployment rate?

They are working on the jobs here perdue veto a jobs bill she also raised corprate taxes, before the republicans took control.
CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends suspending congressional elections for the next couple of years.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Perdue said she thinks that temporarily halting elections would allow members of Congress to focus on the economy. “You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said.

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

Its a really stupid Idea.

Let the people vote out the ones holding the country back from solving our problems.

This should be held against her in the next election.
So the REPUBLICANS currently hold the House, which is what she is talking about, and she jokes about suspending the election,

which would keep the Republicans in power in the House, and that's what you tards call a Democratic ploy?


She was talking about suspending elections because she knows the Democrats are going to get there asses handed to them in 2012, she is not concerned about the GOP controlled house, she is concerned about the Democrat held senate and white house.
Its a really stupid Idea.

Let the people vote out the ones holding the country back from solving our problems.

This should be held against her in the next election.

The New york times was pushing her to run for president in the future. So why do democrats want to suppress voters rights?

Noww you need to go back to all those threads where you accused me of backing her and apologise huh?

Can you be that honest or is it beyond you?

Its a really stupid Idea.

Let the people vote out the ones holding the country back from solving our problems.

This should be held against her in the next election.

I don't think your comment was really going after her like you go after any Republican. You even took a swing at the republicans in your post. I am not as stupid as you are to think your reply was an comdemnation of her comment.

No fucking sale. try again
So if you actually read the links you see this headline:

Perdue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years

Yes, and because it says "Jokes" she obviously meant it as a joke and there is no way possible that the media is trying to cover for her or that she is back tracking and trying to cover her ass.

So if a news organization and the person herself calls it a joke, and then some haters on the internet say it was not a joke,

we are supposed to believe the haters?
Its a really stupid Idea.

Let the people vote out the ones holding the country back from solving our problems.

This should be held against her in the next election.

The New york times was pushing her to run for president in the future. So why do democrats want to suppress voters rights?

Noww you need to go back to all those threads where you accused me of backing her and apologise huh?

Can you be that honest or is it beyond you?

You?....speaking of being honest?........Nonsense! :lol:
I don't give a god damn what the head lines read she's a fucking govenor and will be heald accountable for her comment. You can bet the farm I will see to that since she is my employee. Shje will be looking for a new job if not 2012 sooner.

Will the Republican majority in the North Carolina legislature also be held accountable for North Carolina's

10.4% unemployment rate?

They are working on the jobs here perdue veto a jobs bill she also raised corprate taxes, before the republicans took control.

Of course. It's always the Democrats' fault in a divided government.

Do you have NO desire to be taken seriously??
So the REPUBLICANS currently hold the House, which is what she is talking about, and she jokes about suspending the election,

which would keep the Republicans in power in the House, and that's what you tards call a Democratic ploy?


Attempting to curb additional loses.

It isnt rocket science.

The GOP is polling lower than the Democrats.

Even if that where true, the voters would replace the GOP with even more conservative GOP members, and the democrats will still lose there ass in 2012. Doesn't matter.
Will the Republican majority in the North Carolina legislature also be held accountable for North Carolina's

10.4% unemployment rate?

They are working on the jobs here perdue veto a jobs bill she also raised corprate taxes, before the republicans took control.

Of course. It's always the Democrats' fault in a divided government.

Do you have NO desire to be taken seriously??

what divided governemnt in North Carolina are you talking about?
CaféAuLait;4198315 said:
NC governor recommends suspending elections for years to focus on jobs

As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends suspending congressional elections for the next couple of years.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Perdue said she thinks that temporarily halting elections would allow members of Congress to focus on the economy. “You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said.

Read more: Bev Perdue | NC Governor | Suspend Elections | Jobs | The Daily Caller

What a novel idea... :eusa_eh:

It's a patently bad idea. I hope this governor is recalled over this.

She needs to be. Some say she was joking, but I find it hard to believe a career politician would even float this idea out there for the media to take off with unless they meant it.
So if you actually read the links you see this headline:

Perdue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years

Yes, and because it says "Jokes" she obviously meant it as a joke and there is no way possible that the media is trying to cover for her or that she is back tracking and trying to cover her ass.

So if a news organization and the person herself calls it a joke, and then some haters on the internet say it was not a joke,

we are supposed to believe the haters?

If the majority of Americans who viewed the video and heard the audio do not believe it was a joke, it wasn't a joke. Common sense would tell you she was putting the feelers out there, it back fired on her and now she will have to pay for it.
Did this thread all of a sudden stop? I have been gone for like 20 minutes and noon has posted on it again. :D
So if you actually read the links you see this headline:

Perdue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years

Yes, and because it says "Jokes" she obviously meant it as a joke and there is no way possible that the media is trying to cover for her or that she is back tracking and trying to cover her ass.

So if a news organization and the person herself calls it a joke, and then some haters on the internet say it was not a joke,

we are supposed to believe the haters?

Did you listen to the audio? She was not joking. Nor did she say she was joking until the obvious ignorance of her comment caught her.
She was not jokeing.
She had no business saying that.
This is what is wrong with most of our elected officials, they don't know our Constitution.
Those from right to left condemning her are correct: it was not a joke, she meant it.

That does not make her Attila the Hun. If it were to leave her in office in NC or put in bigrebnc, well, bigrebnc loses as usual, but he understands of course: he is a loser after all.

She has to resign or be impeached.

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