NC says GFY to 400 jobs over LGBT law

Good. The state refused to sell out to Big Corporations. Good for them.

Good for them - tax base shrinks and they go back on the federal welfare programs to the states.

Well played conservatives, back to being "takers" and freeloaders.

Why are more red states "welfare" states, that is, they take more federal benefits than they pay in fed taxes?
Good. The state refused to sell out to Big Corporations. Good for them.

Good for them - tax base shrinks and they go back on the federal welfare programs to the states.

Well played conservatives, back to being "takers" and freeloaders.

Why are more red states "welfare" states, that is, they take more federal benefits than they pay in fed taxes?
How is the tax base shrinking because Big Business wont expand?
What a dope.

North Carolina lawmakers think it's more important to discriminate against your neighbor than it is to have a good job - Republicans/conservatives are amazingly stupid...

PayPal cancels North Carolina expansion over LGBT discrimination law

Associated Press
April 5, 2016

PayPal says it's canceling plans to bring 400 jobs to North Carolina after lawmakers passed a law that restricts protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The San Jose-based company said Tuesday it was canceling its planned expansion in Charlotte because of the law, which was signed March 23. Republican Gov. Pat McCrory was on hand to celebrate days earlier when PayPal announced plans to hire about 400 people at a new operation center in Charlotte.

The PayPal announcement is the biggest tangible economic backlash to the state law that more than 100 corporate heads have decried as unfair. They say the law makes it more difficult to attract talent to North Carolina.

How about corporations stop playing politics and just sell their products. It's liberals who need to make everybody pay for this stupid shit. Fucking lying ass-wipes.
My guess is because they have employees and advertisers that they would prefer not to offend.
Big deal never used PayPal don't have any plans to.
we should avoid using pay pal cause of that. Let's all play their game.

Not only that, call them and let them know why you're not using their service.

After boycotting PayPal, don't forget to cut up your credit cards from BofA, Wells Fargo, etc. - oops, there goes the Republicans/rightwingers families secret mail order Birth Control Pills, Viagra, etc...

I wonder where Disney will be moving ESPN-SEC?

Connecticut legislators call on Bank of America to move headquaters to CT

Updated:Apr 05 2016 06:29PM EDT

Tuesday, a bipartisan group of more than 40 Connecticut legislators wrote to Charlotte-based Bank of America inviting the corporation to relocate its corporate headquarters to Connecticut.

The letter follows passage of a new law restricting the rights of LGBT residents of North Carolina.

Bank of America has been particularly outspoken in its opposition to a law that it views as targeting its LGBT workforce and longstanding support for public policies that support nondiscrimination.

North Carolina’s House Bill 2, the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, blocks transgendered residents from accessing restrooms and prevents local governments from adopting nondiscrimination ordinances.

The bill has been deemed "the most anti-LGBT legislation in the country."

Bank of America is the biggest of many North Carolina companies to openly oppose the law.


Notice most of the people yelling "Rah Rah Rah, NC" don't live in North Carolina. I'll bet some people are rethinking the wiseness of their decision.
NC stood up for freedom and it's one more reason to not use Paypal. I guess they'll have to find another non union state.
Nope. They stood up for discrimination.
because silencing and conformity are freedom? What kind of fucked up dictionary you reading?
It's being FAIR and being polite. What kind of fucked up upbringing did you have?
Some people don't care about that, and it is their choice. Upbringing? YOu mean like me carrying about actual individual freedom? lol
Weird statements like that are explained by your way of thinking that the government should make more laws because they made the originals that instituted discrimination lol.
Guess what grandpa...times are achanging, and your side lost.
Uh-Huh and how's that been working out for the citizenry so far?
Pretty good.

Pretty damn good.
Really? Stagnant wages, persistence un/under employment, slow economic growth, grand canyon sized divisions and hatred among the citizenry, constant strife and warfare around the globe, ever widening income disparity, unprecedented rates of family dissolution, stupefying public and private debt, ever increasing rates of government dependency ...... Geez I'd hate to imagine what you folks consider bad.

Of course when the piper comes to be paid for all the "pretty damn good" the gub'mint worshiper "victory" has wrought its at least going to be VERY entertaining watching your reaction.
As far as equal rights, doof -- what we're talking about.

There's never been a better time to be

a woman
a racial / national origin minority
a Wiccan
a gay or lesbian, etc...

It's better than at any other previous time in our history. We're not going back to the days of Jim Crow institutionalized for any of the previously marginalized and maligned groups.

Too bad, so sad.

Cons = always on the wrong side of history.
NC stood up for freedom and it's one more reason to not use Paypal. I guess they'll have to find another non union state.
Nope. They stood up for discrimination.
because silencing and conformity are freedom? What kind of fucked up dictionary you reading?
It's being FAIR and being polite. What kind of fucked up upbringing did you have?
What is being fair and polite? Is it fair and polite to command someone under penalty to violate their religious beliefs? No, I dont think so. Why would a homo want to support a business that didnt like him to begin with? That's fucked up.
Big deal never used PayPal don't have any plans to.
we should avoid using pay pal cause of that. Let's all play their game.

Not only that, call them and let them know why you're not using their service.

After boycotting PayPal, don't forget to cut up your credit cards from BofA, Wells Fargo, etc. - oops, there goes the Republicans/rightwingers families secret mail order Birth Control Pills, Viagra, etc...

I wonder where Disney will be moving ESPN-SEC?

Connecticut legislators call on Bank of America to move headquaters to CT

Updated:Apr 05 2016 06:29PM EDT

Tuesday, a bipartisan group of more than 40 Connecticut legislators wrote to Charlotte-based Bank of America inviting the corporation to relocate its corporate headquarters to Connecticut.

The letter follows passage of a new law restricting the rights of LGBT residents of North Carolina.

Bank of America has been particularly outspoken in its opposition to a law that it views as targeting its LGBT workforce and longstanding support for public policies that support nondiscrimination.

North Carolina’s House Bill 2, the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, blocks transgendered residents from accessing restrooms and prevents local governments from adopting nondiscrimination ordinances.

The bill has been deemed "the most anti-LGBT legislation in the country."

Bank of America is the biggest of many North Carolina companies to openly oppose the law.


Notice most of the people yelling "Rah Rah Rah, NC" don't live in North Carolina. I'll bet some people are rethinking the wiseness of their decision.
I'll bet you're wrong.
So refusing to allow men to use women's facilities is discriminatory and hurts gays lesbians and Bisexual people? Perhaps you can explain how that works?

Hey the RetardedGaySergeant,

This is about trans people. Faggots like you get to use the men's room. I'd like to see a trans man beat the fucking shit out of you.
Lol, you show your stupidity on here daily. Keep it up, it's amusing.

Another lying CON who can't stay on topic. I bet you are a closet cross dresser and hang out at truck stops.
NC stood up for freedom and it's one more reason to not use Paypal. I guess they'll have to find another non union state.
Nope. They stood up for discrimination.
because silencing and conformity are freedom? What kind of fucked up dictionary you reading?
It's being FAIR and being polite. What kind of fucked up upbringing did you have?
What is being fair and polite? Is it fair and polite to command someone under penalty to violate their religious beliefs? No, I dont think so. Why would a homo want to support a business that didnt like him to begin with? That's fucked up.

It is against the law for a business to discriminate based on age, race, gender and sexual orientation. Governor McCrory's law is unconstitutional. McCrory is also a Koch whore.
Paypal has offices in Islamic countries which execute gays...but has no plans to move. I wonder if PayPal knows that bakers in such countries probably won't bake gay wedding cakes either.
When it comes to minorities having their equal rights acknowledged and codified in law and upheld via SCOTUS rulings in this great U.S. of A, the pendulum usually remains relatively fixed. Because: Equality.

So when did SCOTUS rule that men could use women's bathrooms, locker rooms and showers?
You probably think government should be all up in that.
Paypal has offices in Islamic countries which execute gays...but has no plans to move. I wonder if PayPal knows that bakers in such countries probably won't bake gay wedding cakes either.
We can sure tell the talking point e-mail for today. What offices does PayPal have in Islamic countries. Tell us the location of said offices.
Paypal want to work in an environment where all of their staff are treated equally.It probably wasnt a difficult decision.
Maybe the bigot politicians can find 400 jobs from companies that support bigotry ?

Chik Fil A sucks. Even most corporations are against discrimination.
NC stood up for freedom and it's one more reason to not use Paypal. I guess they'll have to find another non union state.
Nope. They stood up for discrimination.
because silencing and conformity are freedom? What kind of fucked up dictionary you reading?
It's being FAIR and being polite. What kind of fucked up upbringing did you have?
What is being fair and polite? Is it fair and polite to command someone under penalty to violate their religious beliefs? No, I dont think so. Why would a homo want to support a business that didnt like him to begin with? That's fucked up.

It is against the law for a business to discriminate based on age, race, gender and sexual orientation. Governor McCrory's law is unconstitutional. McCrory is also a Koch whore.
Please cite which law makes discriminaytion on the basis of sexual perversion illegal.
As far as equal rights, doof -- what we're talking about.

There's never been a better time to be

a woman
a racial / national origin minority
a Wiccan
a gay or lesbian, etc...

It's better than at any other previous time in our history. We're not going back to the days of Jim Crow institutionalized for any of the previously marginalized and maligned groups.

And if you are a female, minority, Wiccan, lesbian?


Time to rock!


Guess what grandpa...times are achanging, and your side lost.
Uh-Huh and how's that been working out for the citizenry so far?
Pretty good.

Pretty damn good.
Really? Stagnant wages, persistence un/under employment, slow economic growth, grand canyon sized divisions and hatred among the citizenry, constant strife and warfare around the globe, ever widening income disparity, unprecedented rates of family dissolution, stupefying public and private debt, ever increasing rates of government dependency ...... Geez I'd hate to imagine what you folks consider bad.

Of course when the piper comes to be paid for all the "pretty damn good" the gub'mint worshiper "victory" has wrought its at least going to be VERY entertaining watching your reaction.
As far as equal rights, doof -- what we're talking about.

There's never been a better time to be

a woman
a racial / national origin minority
a Wiccan
a gay or lesbian, etc...

It's better than at any other previous time in our history. We're not going back to the days of Jim Crow institutionalized for any of the previously marginalized and maligned groups.

Too bad, so sad.

Cons = always on the wrong side of history.

So when are you going to join the fight to make the whole country clothing optional, after all everyone is born naked?

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